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"At 6:30 a.m., Nov. 19th, I heard a nasty pounding at the
door. I went to the door to find machine guns at the front window. Then the
door came loose, and fell down." Agents then stormed into the house, entering
without showing a warrant, pinning his girlfriend to the wall with fully automatic
weapons to her head. They then proceeded to handcuff Doug Brewer face down on
the floor for nearly two hours, leaving his wrists swollen and bruised, as they
began to loot his suburban Temple Terrace home. Never once was he read his rights.
"They even pointed full auto weapons with laser sights at the pet cats,
screaming at them not to move or they'll shoot."
Fully armed, jack-booted thugs from the U.S. MARSHALS, U.S. CUSTOMS, FLORIDA
a clearly unhappy to be there TEMPLE TERRACE POLICE DEPT., a man that would
only identify himself as CIA, and of course FCC agents from all over the U.S.
took part in the early dawn raid.
"They're above the law and can do anything they like"
"It was like something out of Communist Russia" one neighbor said
"I can't believe that this could happen here in the United States".
With fire power usually reserved for Saddam Hussan the street was sealed and
neighbors where not allowed to leave their homes to go work or children allowed
to go to school until about 9:30 a.m. Agents even falsely arrested an innocent
bystander that was not even on the property. Handcuffing him and taking him
into the scene of the raid, where, had there been anything dangerous going on,
his life would have been needlessly endangered. One concerned individual that
called the state police to try to do something was told on the phone that "they're
above the law and can do anything they like"
What was it that was done to necessitate such drastic actions? A drug bust?
Another unabomber? A child rapist or murderer? No, none of these. What Doug
Brewer did was run his own low power "micro-broadcasting" radio station
on a frequency that was open to being licensed. And although he had applied
numerous times to the FCC, he was not part of the "good ol' boy network"
that pays bribes to FCC officials insuring they are the only ones to receive
a license these days. Micro-broadcasters contend that licenses are only granted
in exchange for large bribes, much in the same way that trade between China
and the White House is conducted. Just last week Federal Judge Claudia Wilken
refused to grant the FCC a permanent injunction to shut down Free Radio Berkeley
and ordered the FCC to explain why they thought they weren't violating the U.S.
Constitution. The response came not in the form of a legal brief as requested
by the judge but in the form of a heavy handed terrorist raid. This would appear
to show that this agency, like others has no regard for the law or anything.
For more information on micro broadcasting see these links.
"Are these the type of people we're supposed to have our
children look up to and respect?"
Initially the station had been run for years. Broadcasting such things as Christmas
music to accompany his annual light displays where he would decorate his 150
foot HAM and commercial radio tower as a giant Christmas tree. Mr. Brewer has
a wall full of numerous letters from Temple Terrace Mayor Bob Wooder and others
commending him on a job well done regarding the station and his Christmas light
display. A small child was heard asking her mother how Santa was going to find
their house this year. Neighbors said that a collection is going to be taken
to put the station back on the air.
What brought the FCC down on Mr. Brewer was Drew Rashbaum, vice president and
general manager of five radio stations, including WHPT, 102.5 FM, The Point.
They became upset when The Party Pirate showed up on the local Arbitron Ratings
and some would say that they have acted behind the scenes with the FCC to prevent
Mr. Brewer from getting a station license. Others say that it goes back to a
personal dispute between Ralph Barlow of the local FCC office and Mr. Brewer.
And still others say that Mr. Barlow is just jealous of Mr. Brewer having a
bigger, ah, stick then him and getting all the girls. The final straw seems
to have been a Wall Street Journal article last month featuring Mr. Brewer on
the front page. Whatever the case, Mr. Barlow certainly did his best to put
Mr. Brewers stick in the dirt as the whole tower was stolen right off of his
Although agents only had warrants to take transmitting equipment for the frequencies
between 87.9 and 107.9 FM, Mr. Brewer said "they took everything, even
Christmas presents" and "ransacked the whole house, it'll be days
trying to access the damage." This is in clear violation of the Fourth
Amendment, U.S. Constitution that reads "describing the place to be searched,
and the persons or things to be seized."
Items seized that where not on the warrant include Mr. Brewers commercial radio
services that he is fully licensed for including but not limited to: The Yellow
Cab Cab-u-lance repeater. A non-emergency transport service providing transportation
to the poor and elderly in the county. The Temple Terrace Crime Watch repeater.
A highly successful joint community service venture between Mr. Brewer and the
Temple Terrace Police Dept. to curb crime in the area. The Temple Terrace Golf
and Country Club. The Hillsborough County Emergency Management Radio Service.
This is the local HAM radio service that Mr. Brewer, an avid HAM radio operator,
has provided for years free of charge to the community. It would provide crucial
communications to the whole county in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.
Action Links
If you would like to help out Doug Brewer and The Party Pirate, 102.1 FM, you
can contact the station at:
POB 16456
Tampa, FL, 33687
or visit the website at
A spokesperson at Senator Bob Graham's office said they have received numerous
calls about the abusive federal power and are looking into it. Help spur this
along by contacting the Senator by phone at,
813-228-2476 or via E-mail at:
You can call Ralph Barlow at the FCC to share your thoughts on the matter at:
813-348-1595. Try to be nice to his secretary, she's in tears over it all, says
she's terribly sorry about it but she is just doing what she's forced to do.
She may however know something about the bigger stick issue.
And of course you can call the initiator of the FCC action, Drew Rashbaum at
102.5 and let him know that there will be no mistake when your radio dial no
longer stops there. He can be reached at:
813-577-7131, Office
579-1025, Request line
or call him up at home at:
4216 Water Oaks Ln,
Tampa,FL 33624-4634
Or even better yet call up their new owners, Clear Channel Communications. Ask
for David Manning at:
813-287-1047 and let him know how much you think they should keep Drew Rashbaum.
Or cantact their corporate offices at:
Clear Channel Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 659512
San Antonio, TX, 78265-9512
Mark P. Mays, President
Randall T. Mays Vice President
Background material on the legal case and micropower broadcasting
is available on the following WEB sites:
Free Radio Network
We're not sure who summed it up best, a local program director that said, "If
they don't like what we play they can go buy some god dam CD's." Or a local
DJ who said that "He wasn't allowed to have any thoughts or opinions of
his own"
Stay tuned!
Readers E-mail
Please answer me this question.
How can the government come into your home, in the wee hors of the morning,
and steal your music at gunpoint and get away with it? Up until 6:30 A.M. on
November 19th, I thought we lived in the greatest country in the world.
From what I can tell, running a Community Radio Station must be the ultimate
crime. There were more police here than at O.J. Simpson's house on the day of
his arrest. How did we become such criminals?
How safe do you feel in your home today? When will they come knocking at your
door? I, for one, know the community can sleep better tonight knowing those
dangerous CD players and record albums are out of the hands of Pirate Radio
Activists. I'm also sure our taxpaying citizens at large are delighted their
money went to such a worthy cause on Wednesday.
To the FCC, the Federal Marshals, the FDLE, the Customs agents, the Parole &
Probation people, and even our own locale Police, I say thank you for opening
my eyes to what a great country we live in. I'm eternally grateful that you
only destroyed our home and did not shoot us in the midst of your early morning
raid. We were able to walk away, although our world is a lot quieter now that
you have stolen our music.
Karen Walsh-Brewer
AKA "Fear"
Program director for
102.1 FM, The Party Pirate
(The following was sent to Mr. Brewer by his former high school
shop teacher by snail mail.
He thought he would share it with us. We've seen the original he has on file,
it's for real.)
Dear L.D.,
I told you 26 years ago,
I guess you didn't listen to me.
Good Luck