Below is the letter I sent to the Security and Intelligence Committee. I have been singled out due to my research into this highly secret area WHICH IS COVERTLY USED AGAINST YOU. Our planet's natural electromagnetic field isbeing manipulated for mass control; the field can be manipulated to interfere with our brain's natural function, and can also subtly change its structure (chemistry and physiology) so that we become zombified. ======================================= 7th January 2003 The Intelligence and Security Committee The Cabinet Office 70 Whitehall LONDON SW1A 2AS Dear members of the committee I write to you to ask you to immediately begin an inquiry into the intelligence services of the United Kingdom. I believe they are abusing their position, and are being less than truthful to Parliament regarding their activities. An investigation of their activities is required to help "clean out the stables", as suggested by an anonymous MP in a report in The Independent earlier last year after the break-in at Castlereagh. It is my belief that MI5 and MI6 are involved in the targeting of individuals for harassment and persecution, and non-consensual experimentation due to their politics and/or lifestyle. But it is the manner of the harassment that is most disturbing. It involves the use of electromagnetic radiation. I have written to you because I do not trust the tribunal system set up by the Security Services Act 1989 and the Intelligence Services Act 1994. I do not trust the calibre of person appointed to the tribunal. I do not trust British Intelligence full stop. A British Intelligence Psychological Warfare Manual written by John Rawlings Reese while at the British Intelligence Tavistock Institute is quoted by MI6 agent John Coleman in his book, "Diplomacy By Deception". Paraphrased here, it requests that true history, mathematics and economics should never be taught, that we be barraged by sex, violence, and racial strife, and that we be kept occupied with an endless round of irrelevant and unimportant problems to stop us thinking clearly. Enough said. How can you trust them if they want that? As members of the Intelligence and Security Committee I believe you have the same, if not more, power than the Tribunal. As some of you are elected representatives of the UK I also believe you are more likely to sympathise with my situation, and support my request. The interest the military and intelligence agencies have shown in anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation has been collated in a number of books and magazine articles, based on interviews, both personal and published in publically available journals and books, and in FOIA requests. Two researchers for whom I have great respect are Alex Constantine and the late Jim Keith. Before you begin your inquiry you should read the following; "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA" and "Virtual Government" by Alex Constantine, and "Mind Control, World Control" and "Mass Control; Engineering Human Consciousness" by Jim Keith. Both authors have published accounts of members of the public who with evidence believe they have been harassed with electromagnetic weapons. Both have also documented the great but secret interest of the military and intelligence agencies in research into anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation, and mind control generally. But why would they be interested in such applications? It has been found that the mind and body can be read/monitored and controlled by electromagnetics. Mood changes can be induced almost immediately through electromagnetic radiation of extremely low frequency (ELF). Memory can be erased. Heart attacks induced. Thoughts can be read and implanted through electromagnetic radiation. Research into this was being performed in the 1970s. Remember the 1970s? The decade of Atari, Spacehoppers, the Raleigh Chopper, The Bay City Rollers and Star Wars. Yet in a lab funded by the USA military somebody was secretly developing apparatus to read minds with microwaves. Just think what they could do now! It was reported last year that Sussex University Science Policy Research Unit was developing computer games that operated by mind-reading through remote real-time monitoring of brainwaves. If this technology, that was being developed secretly by the military in the 1970's, is being released now into the public domain you must ask yourself what is in the military domain in 2003 that we don't know about? One phrase used to describe anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation is "nonlethal"; i.e. there are no deaths, just temporarily incapacitated enemies. But who defines who the enemy is? I hope you begin to ask yourselves that question. The definition of "the enemy" needs to be understood and made very clear to the intelligence community. Can "the enemy" be defined as a member of the public trying to expose the history of the participants of Bilderberg meetings, and the corruption of, and the development of, the financial system employed by the Federal Reserve of the USA? For this is what I do. I am a part-time researcher of what is known as "The New World Order". The existence of such a group has been recognized by, among many others, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I offer alternative points of view to those found in the mainstream media on who controls the global drug trade, the covert push to global mind control and total surveillance, the highly suspicious death of Princess Diana and the even more suspicious and incredible events of 11th September 2001 (including the links between the Bush and bin Laden families, Nazis and British Intelligence). The information to which I bring people's attention is little known, and there are some who would like to keep it that way. I disagree. I think it needs to be widely known. Most of my postings are not original research. I do not have the time or the energy due to my harassment to research at the cutting edge. Trying to keep my job while the harassment continues as well as try to found out the cause of my symptoms is very hard work. Some of my information is originally from Antony C Sutton. Some comes from the aforementioned Keith and Constantine. I believe that I am being harassed due to my repeat posting of this information on usenet and on the Rumormillnews website, run by the former wife of "October Surprise" pilot Gunther Russbacher. I have experienced for over four years, and continue to experience, a buzzing, clicking or hissing sound just as I am about to fall asleep. If this were happening while I was performing any other activity, such as riding my bicycle, taking my dogs for a walk, surfing the internet, driving my car, reading, eating my breakfast, whatever, I would question my health. However I have not. I have never experienced the buzzing/clicking/hissing as I go about my every day life. The only time it occurs is just as I am about to fall asleep, and it occurs at least once, and on most nights. It also occurs no matter where I sleep. On other occasions, just at that moment I have fallen asleep, I have been awakened by the sound of very aggressive dog barking, even though there were no dogs anywhere near where I was sleeping, and gunshots, even though there had never been any gun shots in the area reported to the police at that time and nobody else heard them. These sounds were very loud and sounded like they originated within my head and not externally. I hear the buzz/click/hiss etc and then I am immediately awakened, sometimes in a panic and with significantly increased heart rate. This can occur just once, or in some cases seven times, before I am allowed to fall asleep. Occasionally I have been awakened during sleep, just as I have started to dream. This can disturb my brain waves and my body's bioelectrical system so much that I do not achieve a good nights sleep. Indeed I have not had a good nights sleep for years. As a consequence my health and career have been affected. On some days after a rather severe harassment I can do nothing but sit in front of my computer screen, feeling lucky I hadn't crashed my car on the way to work, wondering what day it is, unable to concentrate, speaking and eating little. After some research I found that this buzzing/clicking/hissing etc could be due to the Frey Effect, named after Allan H Frey who originally researched this phenomena. He reported this phenomena in a paper, "Human Auditory Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy" published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 1962. Frey experienced this buzzing himself during his experiments as he could not believe it was occurring. During World War 2 radar operators reported experiencing hearing buzzing as the radar swept through them, as well as experiencing the customary heating effect we associate with microwaves. Frey discovered that sounds could be transmitted directly into the head, very much like a radio, on a microwave carrier, so that if the sound was directed at one person, that person alone would hear the sound e.g. an aggressive dog barking, and nobody else would. James C. Linn in "Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications" writes; Frey... found that human subjects exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves at average power densities of 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 perceived auditory sensations described as buzzing or knocking sounds (also described as clicks or chirps). The peak power densities were on the order of 200 to 300 mW/cm2 and the pulse repetition frequencies varied from 200 to 400 Hz... Frey referred to this auditory phenomenon as the RF (radio frequency) sound. The sensation occurred instantaneously at average incident power densities well below that necessary for known biological damage and appeared to originate from within or near the back of the head. By 1975 the introduction to a paper entitled "Microwave-induced Acoustic Effects in Mammalian Auditory Systems and Physical Systems" by A.W. Guy and others begins, "One of the most widely observed and accepted biologic effects of low average power electromagnetic (EM) energy is the auditory sensation evoked in man when exposed to pulsed microwaves." Present day US Government use of synthetic telepathy was described in the October-November 1994 issue of Nexus: Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is remote beaming of audio (i.e., voices or other audible signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target. This process is also known within the US Government as 'Synthetic Telepathy'. During my research I was alarmed to read of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, the huge interest the military and intelligence community has shown in this area, and the huge potential for abuse. The following paragraphs provide a very brief introduction to the huge interest the American Military has shown in the anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation. Eldon Byrd, a medical bioengineering specialist, has confessed that "between 1981 and September 1982 the US Navy commissioned me to investigate the potential of developing electromagnetic devices that could be used as non-lethal weapons by the Marine Corp for the purpose of 'riot control', hostage removal, CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS, and so on" [emphasis added]. This research was conducted at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Institute at Bethesda, Maryland. It has recently been announced by the USA military that it has a vehicle-mounted electromagnetic 'riot control' device. During his research Byrd irradiated animals with low level electromagnetic radiation. He observed that the irradiated animals "exhibited a drastic degradation of intelligence in later life.couldn't learn tasks easily.indicating a very definite and irreversible damage to the central nervous system". Paul Brodeur in "The Zapping of America" documents the effects microwave radiation has on the human body, and the subsequent cover up of the damage, temporary and permanent, that microwave radiation can exert on the human body. Brodeur cites extracts from a report written for the CIA by Dr Milton Zaret during Project Pandora. Zaret has, along with other researchers in anti-personnel applications of electromagnetics who were financed by the military and intelligence community, subsequently voiced his opposition to their use and abuse. Zaret was asked by the CIA to review Russian literature on anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation after it had been found the Russians were irradiating the US Embassy in Moscow with microwaves. Zaret's report on Soviet literature reads; "The primary emphasis of Soviet-bloc research on the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation is concerned with induced neuro-physiological or behavioural aberrations. These may be either inhibitory or excitatory; the primary locus of action may be in either the peripheral or central nervous system, and the effects may be reversible or irreversible. Super-imposed upon these three sets of variables are the concepts of thermal versus non-thermal effects, the role of continuous versus pulsed waveforms, and the degree of wavelength specificity. Although the various reports appear, at first glance, to represent a confused and conflicting mass of data, a logical, orderly and meaningful pattern can be evolved in evaluating their data. The basic factors which must constantly be borne in mind are (1) that microwave radiation is electromagnetic in nature, (2) that the nervous system functions as an electronic network normally shielded or protected from spurious fields, and (3) that when extraordinary electromagnetic fields are created around the neural elements this can produce functional and organic neurological anomalies.For non-thermal irradiations they believe that the electromagnetic field induced by the microwave environment affects the cell membrane, and this results in an increase of excitability or an increase in the level of excitation of nerve cells. With repeated or continued exposure, the increased excitability leads to a state of exhaustion of the cells of the cerebral cortex. This results in the Sechenov inhibition effect which is manifested by the elimination of positive conditioned reflexes or behavior." This classic case of microwave harassment shows how ideal microwaves are for harassment, and exactly how desperate the US Government can be in researching anti-personnel applications of microwaves through non-consensual experimentation. Then President Lyndon Johnson asked Russia to stop irradiating the Embassy. The Russians refused. Did the US withdraw their personnel from the embassy? No. They did not even inform the embassy personnel, not even the ambassador, that they were being irradiated with microwaves, and allowed them to be irradiated for years. The affected personnel only found out years later through a newspaper column in 1972 written by Jack Anderson. But by then the damage had been done. Ambassador Stoessel was bleeding from the eyes and had a blood disease similar to leukaemia. The two ambassadors previous to Stoessel both died from cancer. One third of the embassy employees had higher than normal white blood cell counts, with their lymphocyte count 40% higher than normal. Several children born to affected embassy employees had blood disorders. Tim Rifat reports that Dr Ross Adey was also funded in Project Pandora by the CIA. Adey was paid to research remote mind control technology, and found that extremely low frequency (ELF) signals in the region of 1 - 20 Hz has bioactive and psychoactive effects. For example 4.5 Hz induces paranoia, 6.66 Hz induces depression, 11.3 Hz induces a manic rage. Pandora researchers later discovered that the 6 - 16 Hz range has drastic effects on the brain and central nervous system. The "problem" with generating ELF signals is that large antennae arrays are required. Adey found that by placing the ELF signal onto a microwave or UHF carrier wave the effects were stronger than with the pure ELF signal. The microwave could be produced on much smaller apparatus, was able to penetrate the skull, and disrupted the brain biochemical function to amplify the effects of this pseudo-ELF signal. The US Air Force Review of Biotechnology 1982 warned that; "Radio frequency radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military threats. RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically-mediated organ suggests the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behaviour and may be capable of directing and or interrogating such behaviour. Further the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the myocardium (of the brain) can lead to a cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to speed-of-light weapons effect. A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area." The report also details the attempt of the UK MoD to cover up the development of electromagnetic weapons. It says; "There is little doubt that crowd control devices using RFR do exist. The development of such devices would complement sonic and infra-red weapons which are well known, and were advertised in the British Defense Equipment Catalogue until 1983. These included the Valkyrie, an infra-red device causing night blindness, and the Squawk Box or Sound Curdler, developed by the US for use in Vietnam. The Squawk Box was designed to induce feelings of giddiness and nausea in the victim, and is highly directional, so that as individuals are hit by the invisible effect distress and confusion is spread amongst the crowd.In 1984 the Ministry of Defense ordered that all advertisements and references to 'frequency weapons' be cut from the Defense Catalogue". As an example of how microwaves from the American Military can affect people en masse I supply this report. In March 1978 The Oregon Journal ran a story with the headline, "Mysterious Radio Signals Causing Concern". Many inhabitants of Eugene, Oregon had complained of headaches, fatigue, inability to sleep, reddening of the skin, "clicks in the head", and a buzz that harmonized with a high pitched wail. The US Federal Communications Committee investigated and concluded that microwaves from a US Navy transmitter hundreds of miles away in California were responsible In my attempt to determine why I suffer from this buzzing/clicking/hissing sound I have submitted requests under Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 to MI5 and MI6. I also sent a FOIA request to the NSA of the USA. The NSA replied promptly, but refused to divulge any information they may have on me. The treatment I received from MI5 and MI6 was unlawful, which was to be expected. I did not receive any correspondence from either within the 40 days specified by law. I referred my requests of MI5 and MI6 to the Information Commissioner, who has deemed their actions unlawful but is not going to prosecute. Approximately 6 months after submitting my request to MI6 I received a reply from them. They had decided to hide behind "national security". The laws relating to requesting information from the intelligence community are rigged against an ordinary member of the public, which says to me that they wish to hide something. The treatment I have received from MI6 has only served to increase my suspicion that I am being harassed by them (or they know who is doing it). There is a loophole in the laws of the USA and of the UK which allows one party to withhold information held on a member of the public if the other requests it. The relevant laws are UK Intelligence Services Act 1994 and the USA Presidential Executive Order 12958. As a UK citizen if I ask the NSA for information then MI6 can request them to withhold it. If I ask MI6 for information then the NSA can request that the information be withheld. This is totally unacceptable. How can I get the information I require? How can anyone get the information they require? This loophole in both the laws gives people like the NSA and MI6 a licence to harass, experiment with and kill covertly through electromagnetics to their hearts content. It is time this is stopped and they are opened up to prove they are not abusing their position, and hiding behind "national security" as they are doing. I also believe that the communication interception apparatus called Echelon, or whatever it is being called in the shadowy corridors of GCHQ, is intercepting my email and phone communications. I say this because whenever I have arranged a meeting with clients through email or by phone I always suffer harassment the night before the meeting, which affects my general mood and clarity of thought at the meetings, risking my business. Conversely the nights before I meet my parents, or family or old friends I do not suffer harassment. I believe this is to allow my natural brain wave patterns to stabilize, thus minimizing the effects of the harassment so I appear to be my normal self, or rather not microwaved. You may have been told by the military and intelligence services that nonlethal weapons are required to minimize fatalities making war/military action more palatable to the general public. I shall now propose that the real reason why the military and intelligence agencies would be interested in so called "nonlethal" weapons is because they are ideal for harassment, murder and manipulation. The force they use is invisible and silent, unlike guns. It leaves no visible scars, cuts or bruises, no broken limbs and no bullet holes. It can pass through walls. Voices can be beamed at an individual's head, which only the victim can "hear", causing the victim to believe he or she is being spoken to by God and/or ETs and/or spirits. Through this a person could be driven mad, to go on a killing spree, or cause some other crime that results in more power being awarded to the intelligence community. Similarly a peaceful protest could turn violent if a satellite, or land-based weapon on a vehicle or on a helicopter, beams the violent frequencies at the protestors causing them to spontaneously turn violent. The potential and temptation for covert manipulation is incredible. But how could I be harassed in the way I propose? I am saying that just as I am about to fall asleep, or just as I start to dream, I am hit by a microwave burst or a microwave signal carrying a threatening sound. So how can it be determined when I am just about to fall asleep? I shall now produce some evidence as to how this can be done. On 20th April 1976 Robert G Malech of New York was awarded US Patent Number 3951154 "Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brainwaves". The patent abstract reads; "Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein". This was awarded in 1976, the year of the Raleigh Chopper. So this patent could have been developed and used in some apparatus to detect when I was about to fall asleep. A lot can happen in over twenty years in military research. But who financed this research? A National Enquirer report published 22nd June 1976 said that the Advanced Research Projects Agency had been sponsoring a program at among other institutions MIT and UCLA to develop a machine that could read minds from a distance by deciphering the brain's magnetic waves. A scientist on the project declared that the ultimate goal of the project was to exercise control of the brain. I shall later show that the Franco-American company Honeywell has shown interest in applying the thesis of this patent. There is a more recent technological development. Silent Sound. The following is taken from a New Dawn Magazine article entitled "Brain Zapping" by Jason Jeffrey; [begin quote] "The Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) technology, also known as "S-quad", was developed by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Georgia, USA, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703 as "Silent Subliminal Presentation System." The abstract for the patent reads: A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener. According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyse human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these "emotion signature clusters" on another computer and, at will, "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being." Judy Wall, writing in Nexus (October-November 1998), says "Silent Sounds, Inc. states that it is interested only in positive emotions, but the military is not so limited. That this is a US Department of Defense project is obvious." Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated 13 December, 1996: All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details. we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State Department, of course. The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully. By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature clusters", synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. "These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!" [end quote] NB this S-quad system was used against Iraqi troops in Desert Storm. Demoralizing messages were transmitted to Iraqi troops, resulting in mass surrender. Should this technology be used against ordinary citizens? There is National Security. And there is "national security". But if it exists, where is this apparatus? SDI was going to be a defence shield that blasted incoming nuclear missiles while they were in space. So why did it fail? Why did so much money go missing from the project into classified black projects? And why did a biology-electronics oriented industry arise from it? Paul Brodeur is a physicist. After analysing some of the schematics for the weapons of SDI he found them to be ideal for generating microwaves to be beamed at the planet, and not beaming X-rays at missiles in space. He and others, like Dr. Aldric Saucier, believe that SDI was a cover, or was hijacked, for the development of space-based anti-personnel microwave weapons. Saucier, a scientist for the US Army's ballistic defense command, complained to the House Government Operations Committee that approximately half of the SDI budget had been reassigned to classified projects. Who would be interested in developing such weapons? One chapter of "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA" entitled "Blue Smoke and Lasers" is devoted to the fantastic failure that we know as SDI. Not only is the corruption of Edward Teller highlighted, along with the cheating and diverting of funds, but a number of multinational companies are mentioned (along with Michael Heseltine). Fiat is one. Honeywell is another. It told Lincoln Lawrence, author of "Were We Controlled?", that they were experimenting with machines that "penetrate a man's mind and control his brain waves over long distance" . Then there is Marconi (for whom worked seven of the twenty three scientists who died in the "star wars"deaths), Macdonnell Douglas, Tracor, Northrop, Lockheed, TRW, ESL, Raytheon, PsiTech. There is also GE, for whom Allan Frey was working when he researched the Frey Effect, which I believe I suffer from. There is a large highly secretive military-industrial complex in the USA. President Eisenhower warned against this as he left office in 1961. I recommend you obtain a copy of his farewell to the nation address of 17th January 1961 and heed his warning. As an aside, you may also be interested to learn that Britain supplied Iraq with dual-use microwave equipment during the 1980's. A satellite-based system would explain the why and how I suffer the clicking etc just as I fall asleep/start to dream, and wherever I am located when I sleep. At the moment I am just about to fall asleep, and also while I sleep, I am static, allowing the satellites to lock onto my head long enough for my brainwaves to be decoded and the microwave burst transmitted at the correct moment. But it may not be satellites. I shall later talk on the vast number of masts that have been constructed for the communications industry and emergency teams, military and police forces. Microwave radiation is very harmful, and the known dangerous effects are being covered up. The rise in cases of cancer can be attributed to microwaves. Microwaves are used in the heavily indebted telecommunications industry. Yet they affect the pineal gland, and inhibit production of melatonin, our body's natural cancer killer. The pineal gland is also responsible for our conciousness, and produces the hormones that regulate our glands. Troublesome members of the public could be slowly killed, with tumors or cancer induced in the victim. They could be ruined financially after losing their job through underperformance having suffered a loss of sleep through microwave harassment. REM sleep is vital. Without it we slowly die as the body cannot repair itself properly. Essential amino acids cannot be reproduced. Clarity of thought and conciousness are affected. All these can be induced through electromagnetic harassement. I suffered a period of several months during which I was not allowed to dream. Just as I started to dream I would be awakened by the buzz, sometimes quite aggressively. As a consequence the muscles in my eye sockets became very tense, and I became very irritable, unsocial and lethargic. I found that meditation could help me recover from this as I could relax both my eye muscles and brain, but this only minimized the effects and did not protect me at the time of harassment, nor did it allow me to recover completely. Your bodies are not immune from electromagnetics. The human body is an electro-chemical soup. We know how electromagnetic fields can cause an electric current to flow in a copper wire. So why can't the same occur in the human body? The human body has a natural electric current. An externally applied electromagnetic field can upset and disturb this natural current, resulting in deterioration of health. Our brains are firing million of neurons. These can be excited or depressed by electromagnetic fields. We can be affected, even controlled by electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation of certain frequencies can change the mood from mad axe murderer to sleep in a split second. All this has been shown in research financed by the US military and intelligence communities. Ultimately, microwaves can induce a heart attack. Imagine being able to rid the world of "the enemy", whoever it is, by inducing a heart attack or cancer from a space-based satellite. I propose that you examine thoroughly all contracts that the military and intelligence agencies of the UK and the USA have had with contractors to develop any electronic devices, particularly those involving transmitting electromagnetic radiation, for any purpose. You should also examine every recorded use of such devices. I also believe you should examine thoroughly the highly suspicious deaths known as "the star wars deaths" associated with SDI. In light of the current request of the USA to use British bases for "Son of Star Wars" or SDI 2, you should also examine the first SDI project. This project is legendary for funds "disappearing". If abuse is occurring then the perpetrators must be held accountable, and the victims recognised. If abuse is not occurring then safeguards must be put in place for this to never happen. I am sure the intelligence services will be more than willing to help you, as they have nothing to hide. Or do they? How can you be sure that your mind is not being read as you fall asleep? You can't. How can you be sure that the mind of your son, daughter, father, mother, friend, has not been read and that a business idea of his or hers has not been collected and passed onto a friend of one operating the system. How can you be sure that the operators of the system have not placed bets on sporting occasions and microwaved some of the sportsmen/women involved to increase the likelihood of them winning the bet? It might not have to be a sporting event. Any event could possibly be manipulated to their benefit, be it a football match, car crash, shooting, or heart attack. The possibilities for applications of electromagnetic manipulation and abuse other than straightforward espionage are numerous, intrusive and horrific. You need to educate yourselves of the technology available, and its possible abuses. Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in "Between Two Ages; America's Role In The Technotronic Era"; "It may be possible- and tempting- to exploit for strategic political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behaviour. Gordon JF MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth. In this way one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period. No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate the behaviour for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades." Brzezinski wrote that in 1970. He later became National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter. The oscillations that Brzezinski refers to are perturbations of the planet's geomagnetic field. He is obviously tempted to allow the widespread use of electromagnetics to "impair the brain performance of very large populations". Has this become a reality? A facility in Alaska, called HAARP, employs US Patent Number 4686605 awarded to BJ Eastlund, "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere or Magnetosphere". HAARP, supposedly a public facility but usurped by the US Military, can produce the oscillations over a large area that Brzezinski and Macdonald talk about. It uses a very large antennae array, one that Ross Adey would have appreciated. It is feared that HAARP is actually a global mind control facility because it has this capacity to alter the earth's natural electromagnetic field and make it oscillate in ways that can disrupt the brain function of every human on the planet. The development of and applications of HAARP are very well documented in "Angels Don't Play This HAARP " by Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning, and "HAARP; The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy" by Jerry E Smith. Another possible mass mind control system is GWEN, the Ground Wave Emergency Network, constructed in the USA during the 1980's, after Brzezinski had been National Security Advisor. This is supposedly to enable governmental function in the case of natural disaster, including nuclear war. Dr Robert O Becker, a bioelectromagnetics expert, disagrees. He argues that GWEN towers are public knowledge and obvious targets for terrorism and warfare, and would be knocked out of operation by an electromagnetic pulse from a nuclear missile, rendering the system useless. But there is a more sinister possibility. In his book "Crosscurrents" he writes; "GWEN is a superb system, in combination with cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioural alterations in the civilian population. The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the US. Therefore, if one wished to resonate a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of the GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart across the US would allow such specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic field strength in each GWEN tower locality." Sounds like the sort of thing Gordon JF Macdonald was talking about, doesn't it? In an earlier book written in 1968 , "The Technotronic Age" Brzezinski says that in this Technotronic Age "the nation state as a fundamental unit of mans organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force; International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in such terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.At the same time [as this technotronic age] the capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behaviour of every citizen in addition to the more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them. This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades toward a technotronic era, a dictatorship leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century the possibility of biochemical mind control and genetic tinkering with man, including beings which will function like men and reason like them as well, could give rise to some difficult questions." I quote Brzezinski to show that around 1970, over thirty years ago, the soon to be National Security Advisor to the President of the USA, and a very powerful figure in The Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations, with friends in high places, was writing about using technology, including electromagnetic fields, for social and political control. Perhaps more ominously he is also suggesting using genetic engineering to create "beings which will function like man". What on earth do you think he is suggesting? I suspect that the reason why the telecommunications industry has been allowed to run up such huge debts is to allow the construction of a network of towers capable of microwave mind control, or just a straightforward health hazard for population control. It would be of great interest to find out if the huge overdrafts supporting the mobile phone industry are with the international bankers Brzezinski refers to above. And which international bankers control the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the remedies for ailments, such as cancer, caused by a highly disturbed geomagnetic field. But that's for another committee. Brzezinski is just one mover and shaker who has written on the subject of using technology, both electronic and biochemical, for social and political control. Could Brzezinski have achieved the status he did if he did not think like the "dark forces" the Queen referred to last year? His visions appear to have come, and are coming, true. As have those of HG Wells, at one time a head of British Intelligence. Wells predicted with some accuracy the events that precipitated world war 2. He also predicted that world war 3 would occur from events in Iraq. Wells also suggested the "world brain", or internet. I am claiming in this letter that I am being harassed by microwaves in attempt to control and/or disrupt my interest in politics, to control and/or disrupt my ability to finance my interest, and to control and/or disrupt my ability to impart the results of my research. I am suffering certain symptoms. I have found that microwaves can cause the symptoms from which I suffer. In my research I have also found that there is great evidence to show that the military and intelligence community is very, very interested indeed in using electromagnetic radiation for so called "nonlethal" anti-personnel purposes. This interest is concurrent with the strong desire for global mind control and 24/7 surveillance of the whole planet. I am trying to eliminate the possibility of being harassed through microwaves by the intelligence community of the UK and the USA. I cannot afford the apparatus required to monitor, analyze and record the presence of microwaves, and other frequencies, as I sleep. I have submitted data access requests to the NSA and MI6 and both have hid behind "national security", permitted by a deliberate loophole in the laws of the UK and the USA. You may have concluded that I am suffering from microwave exposure, but that it is accidental, as in the aforementioned case in Eugene, Oregon. I find it too much of a coincidence that the buzzing etc occurs JUST as I am about to fall asleep, and JUST as I have started to dream. I would say that I am being observed or monitored for this to occur. Add to this that I have never, not once, heard the buzzing etc while I go about my every day life, as stated above. To me it is too much by design. You may alternatively have concluded that I am suffering microwave exposure, but that it is part of an experiment in the interest of "national security". If so, I hereby demand that the experiment stop immediately, that I receive a full apology, and that all other current and former experimentees be informed of their treatment. If compensation is required due to illnesses incurred, such as cancer, they should be paid in full, at the very least. Sleep deprivation is a classic harassment technique. Is there evidence to show that British Intelligence has used, or allowed the use of, electromagnetic "non-lethal" weapons against members of the public? I believe there is. Greenham Common 1985. The human patrols around the perimeter fencing at Greenham Common were removed and electronic "surveillance" equipment installed. Within days the protestors began suffering from symptoms that would result from intense microwave exposure; severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding at abnormal times, temporary paralysis and faulty speech coordination. The magazine "Electronics Today" measured the presence of radiation at the base, and found that marked increases in background signals were present at the protestor's camps at a time the protestors were experiencing ill effects. It was also noted that if the protestors created a noise or disturbance near the perimeter fence the signals rose sharply. Northern Ireland. Tim Rifat reports on the fantastic, statistically unbelievable number of Catholic families living close to British Army bases in Northern Ireland who are developing strange cancers (remember the US Embassy in Moscow above). Amanda Doherty initially reported this in "Living in Fear; The Cancer That Stalks Our Streets", printed in the Sunday Mirror 12/7/98, Features Eire edition. Dr Damien Burn - 38 years General Practitioner in the Falls Road, West Belfast - and Mary Allen, South Armagh Cross Maglen - have protested vehemently that British Army bases are broadcasting high-power microwaves, causing massive cancer deaths among the Catholics. But there are many, many more tales of harassment documented by among others Constantine, Keith, Armen Victorian. Some of the tales have been taken from websites run by Julianne McKinney, and Cheryl Welsh, who is President of Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA), and now considered by the UN to be a leading expert on the subject of nonlethal weapons. I fear that the intelligence community of the UK is engaged and complicit in using the technology developed by the USA to covertly harass, probably murder, citizens such as myself researching their activities. I also believe that the technology is being used in non-consensual experimentation on uninformed members of the public. I ask you as elected representatives of the public of the United Kingdom to begin an inquiry into the intelligence community of the United Kingdom. The inquiry should 1. determine the extent of interest the intelligence community has shown in using electromagnetic radiation for anti-personnel applications 2. determine if this interest has eventually realized into operational apparatus 3. determine if that apparatus has been employed against members of the public without their consent 4. inform all members of the public on whom the apparatus has been used 5. put in place procedures so abuse with the apparatus can not occur Hopefully I have shown in this letter that the intelligence community of the UK, in cooperation with the intelligence community of the USA, has the means, the motive, the desire and the laws rigged in their favour to harass and experiment on members of the public using electromagnetic radiation. There is overwhelming evidence, if you can be bothered to look for it for it is very well hidden, to show 1. the military and intelligence community are very, very interested indeed in anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation, with a view for use in covert operations and mind control 2. that anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation can seriously affect and irreversibly damage the nervous system, and physiology and function of the human body and its vital organs, including the brain, and can result in instant death that looks like cardiac arrest 3. that powerful people in high places have expressed an interest in using this technology for social and political control, both covertly and overtly. The evidence I have provided here is the tip of an enormous, dangerous iceberg. There are men and women far more learned and qualified than I to give evidence. I am sure they would gladly give you their full cooperation if you decided that an inquiry into this subject should be held. Some of them have been victims of harassment themselves. I have related to you my experiences, and evidence to show that they could be produced by microwave harassment and/or experimentation. We are informed by the media that technology is getting out of control, particularly with respect to genetic engineering. I say there is something more dangerous than that, which is why we never hear of it, and probably why those SDI scientists died. It is the anti-personnel applications of electromagnetic radiation, because we can't see it, touch it, smell it, hear it (in the sense you can't hear it being fired as you would a gun), taste it, and it its desired effect can manifest itself hundreds of miles away. No government body to date has investigated this area. Be bold and investigate this very dangerous subject. It may soon be being used covertly against your children and grandchildren, to control them, or as Brzezinski puts it, to "seriously impair the brain performance". In some respects it already is through the proliferation of mobile phones and the consequent growth in microwave use. According to Tim Rifat our police forces are already being controlled by their communication system. He writes in "The Secret Uses of Microwaves by British police and Army" that the police communication system TETRA is basically a reproduction of Adey's mind control research. The frequencies used in TETRA are almost those that Adey found optimal for mind control. Rifat concludes that the British population, but in particular the British police force, will be mind-controllable through this system, as the frequencies used will permit mind control signals to penetrate the skull and disrupt the brain. A lead article in my local newspaper, The Lancaster and Morecambe Citizen, reported that officers of the Lancashire Constabulary had developed ailments since TETRA was introduced. Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project, has released a video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances in emotional and physical states. There are 30,000 of these TETRA towers around the country. Anyone complaining about them has received a letter warning that if a TETRA tower is not located in their neighbourhood then police protection cannot be guaranteed resulting in higher insurance premiums. He also says that a leading UK national paper was going to run this story, but there was a D-notice issued. Ladies and Gentlemen of the committee, there is a movement within the military and intelligence community intent on mind control of the general population. Electromagnetic radiation is to play a big part of it. Drugs also have a big part to play. Some very powerful people have been involved in this movement. Henry Kissinger was excommunicated from Judaism on 20th June 1976 by the Supreme Rabbinic Court of America for helping top Nazi war criminals escape prosecution at Nuremberg. He was an officer in the US Army 970th Counterintelligence Corp. and was instrumental in Operation Paperclip that saw many of the doctors who were experimenting in Nazi concentration camps obtain research posts in the Americas. Some of them eventually worked on mind control projects. One article you should read that explores this subject is "British Psychiatry; From Eugenics to Assassination" by Anton Chaitkin. This details the eugenics movement from John D Rockefeller, through the Rockefeller and Scottish Rite of Freemasonry funded research of racial and mental hygiene in Nazi Germany, to the hijacking of eugenics by London and Tavistock. Hitler adopted this research in his racial purity laws. I must stress to you that since the events of 11th September 2001, which I believe was allowed to happen, and have expressed as such on the internet and to my colleagues, family and friends, the harassment has increased in frequency and in severity. I have since developed a slight twitch with a slight jerking/spasm, which at the moment I can control. Has the intelligence community been using super-secret technology to harass me rather than in tracking down Public Enemy Number One and MI6 agent, Osama bin Laden? You, some as elected representatives of the public of this United Kingdom and members of the Security and Intelligence Committee, have the power to answer this question. I and many others strongly believe you must ensure that the intelligence community are not abusing their position and allowing events to occur that benefit themselves and/or others, while harassing members of the public who raise that possibility. At the very least help me to remove the possibility of electromagnetic harassment by MI6/NSA from my list and ask them to stop hiding behind national security exemptions and release any and all information they hold on me. If they release information that indicates that I am being harassed through electromagnetic radiation then you have grounds for an inquiry. Nobody is immune from electromagnetic fields. Anybody, your mother, son, niece, nephew can be affected. I believe I am. To end I shall quote US President Dwight D Eisenhower in his farewell address; "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." You must ensure that the military-industrial complex is not abusing the power it undoubtedly has. Yours truly, Name and address supplied