================================================================ MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 8a * [Part 1 of 3 parts] ================================================================ V E R I C O M M / MindNet "Quid veritas est?" ================================================================ Notes: The following is reproduced here with the express permission of the author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for non-commercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unedited. The views and opinions expressed below are not necessarily the views and opinions of VERICOMM, MindNet, or the editor unless otherwise noted. Editor: Mike Coyle Contributing Editors: Walter Bowart Harlan Girard Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler ================================================================ The Aliens Are Innocent! The Trial and Conviction of a "EBE Possessed" Serial Killer By W.H. Bowart (c) 1995 International Artists Trust of Erin Plan Ten From Outer Space was playing at The Screening Room on East Congress, just up the street from the courthouse. The card in the window said, "Just because it's made up, doesn't mean it isn't true..." The film, which ran on weekends until October 29th, was described variously as being "Rocky Horror meets the Mormons," and "Irreverent," and "Nancy Drew on acid." Below that the card read, "A twisted tale about Mormons, sex and aliens..." Change Mormons to Baptists ( Moody was a Baptist), change the acid to cocaine, and you have a fair description of the murder trial that played from October 10th to the 26th down the street at the Superior Court in Tucson, Arizona. I kept walking past the theater, in the settling exhaust of the O.J. Simpson trial, for three weeks on my way to cover the trial of Robert Moody, an "alien possessed" serial killer. Robert Joe Moody had allegedly killed two women -- Michelle Malone, 36, the first victim who was enjoying a regular threesome with Moody and his girlfriend Dora Lee. ( The evidence of this sexual adventurism was lightly passed over in the trial testimony.) The second victim was his next door neighbor, Pat Magda, 56, a financial expert and widow of an Air Force officer. In the trial there was no reference to Moody's apparent life-long affliction from trauma-based programming -- no testimony to conditions which typically would indicate what used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder, but is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is not to look for an excuse for Moody from two counts of first degree murder because he may have suffered from traumas in his childhood. But, what we probably have here is an individual with a mental disorder which could explain his actions. Any evidence of this kind, however, was excluded from the trial. Anyway, the accused didn't have a chance for a fair trial from the beginning if he was suffering from a dissociative disorder that was trauma based. From the testimony of the four shrinks, only one, Dr. Joseph Geffen appeared to have a good grasp of the new diagnosis. It was hard to believe that three of the four doctors who evaluated Moody lived in the same city as the late great psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson, a pioneer in the treatment of the highly complex and often overlooked mental disorder. Asked by the court only to determine if Moody was competent to stand trial, the first shrink to testify, Chief of Forensic Psychiatry for the Superior Court, Dr. Jack Potts, determined that, at first, Moody was neither competent, nor sane, but that he suffered from a "personality disorder." This diagnosis displeased Robert Moody, and he fought hard against any insanity defense, firing his attorney and taking over the case himself. ACCESS TV UFOAZ talkshow host, Ted Loman interviewed Moody in his cell shortly after his arrest. I asked to see the tapes of those interviews. The first thing Loman said to Moody was "you killed two women, and I think you ought to get the death penalty." It was not exactly a rapport building moment. But then, Moody agreed with Loman, saying that was exactly what his "mission" was -- to get the lethal injection, be killed by the state so "Extrasensory Biological Entities" could resurrect him. From a laymen's perspective, this is a very crazy statement for anyone to make, guilty or innocent of any kind of crime. That should have been a red flag for all of those who were involved in representing, diagnosing or treating this individual accused of murder. This was not a statement made by a sane person. At least it showed a suicidal intent. After I watched hours of these tapes I asked Ted to take me along on his next interview with the defendant. As I sat face-to-face with a medicated Moody and heard him tell me Dr. Potts had said he had a "personality disorder" I asked him if it was a "multiple personality disorder." He said emphatically no, it was a "narcissistic personality disorder." My interest was piqued further when I learned from Moody that he had been seriously abused as a child. I was curious about whether or not he had been further traumatized, and accessed during his service years with the U.S. Marine Corps. His disclosure that he experienced "missing time" when he trained with Navy Seal Teams and that he had been given a Top Secret clearance, made me even more interested in his case. Missing time is a hallmark for both Dissociative Identity Disorder patients and those alleging Alien Abduction. I'd interviewed hundreds of DID men and women who had been used as drug mules, sex slaves, human tape recorders, assassins and other "compartmented personality roles" in intelligence activities. I came away wondering if Moody could be suffering from Dissociated Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (DDNOS). This diagnosis is often used on individuals who have a traceable history with the U.S. Government in conjunction with a history of early childhood abuse & trauma. I asked a friend, Dr. G.L. Dean, a brilliant clinician who developed one of the first Dissociative Disorders hospital programs in California, to come along with Loman and I on a visit to the jail. Further qualifying her, Dr. Dean had presented two papers at the Alien Abduction Conference held at MIT in 1993 as one of her interests is in the relationship between dissociative disorders and alleged ALIEN abduction phenomenon. This interview was done at my request as Dr. Dean and I were collaborating on a book about the Politics of the DID Diagnosis. During this interview Moody switched into several different states, including a child and an internally restrained part which he referred to as Joe. Altogether there was Bob and Robert and Joey and Bobby. When Joe manifested, the room filled with heat. Two hours later, as we walked across the jail parking lot Dr. Dean reflected on the case: "What is one supposed to do if he is found to be suffering from DID?" she asked. "Reintegrate him so that he can feel, just like the rest of us, and then they will give him the lethal injection?" Dr. Dean and I talked about the possibility that there could be a number of other personalities which had not yet revealed themselves. For weeks after, we tried to get Moody's defense team to act on the information we were uncovering, information that raised our suspicion that Moody should be evaluated for DID. Dr. Dean gave several referral names of experts in the field for ruling out the possibility that he may be suffering from DID. I passed that information on to Robert Moody, Ray Morgan, the defense investigator, and Dan Grills his attorney. Nobody listened. For the twenty odd years I'd been dealing with these stories, one of Marshall McLuhan's axioms kept coming to mind: "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." Moody had consistently maintained, the testimony showed, since before his crimes and before his arrest,that he had been contacted by these "Extrasensory Biological Entities. (EBE's)" But Ted Loman, who'd been researching UFO's for years, and believed in the reality of extraterrestrial visitors, said he'd never heard this term before. Usually they were called "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities." It was apparent that one Moody would like to see the other Moodys dead -- something not uncommon for those with DID. He said his "mission" was to get sentenced to death by lethal injection. He had no fear of death, he said, because the EBE's had promised him that, after the doctors would pronounce him dead, they would bring him back to life like a modern Lazarus. Dan Grills, Moody's first court- appointed defense attorney had become frustrated with Moody because he would not remember things they had discussed, was changing from one state to another, and it became almost impossible for Grills to understand his client, even though Moody was found competent to stand trial. Moody's case could be compared in history with Hitler's when he was considered competent by some but insane by others. Our legal system gives basic guidelines for competency. They address simply the question of the defendant's ability to understand the criminal charges and to assist his attorney in his defense. In Moody's case he would not help his attorney, and, now that we've seen the trial, did little to present his own defense, rather working toward his "mission" of getting the death penalty and being resurrected. In hindsight, Dan Grills was right. Moody was incompetent to stand trial. Perhaps, given the problems associated with individuals representing themselves, a more careful evaluation of competency should be considered as our society and the individuals in it becomes more complex. Grills wanted to present an insanity defense and Moody would have nothing of it. Moody repeatedly complained about Grills' representation, shouted disparaging comments in the courtroom and haggled with the judge, claiming his right to represent himself. Finally Judge Howard Hantman let him. When, after Grills was no longer working for Moody, I finally got the point across to him that Moody should be evaluated properly for DID he said, "God, now I feel bad. I just hated that bastard so much. He kept breaking his word, not remembering promises he'd made or things he'd agreed to. A multiple personality disorder explains everything. That's got to be it. He's crazy!" And that is what he eventually said on the witness stand: "He's crazy!" "In practice our courts are using psychiatry in competency hearings more out of convenience than from any consideration of Justice. In case after case fundamental rights are denied by maneuvers for competency rulings," writes Dr. Lee Coleman in The Reign of Error, Psychiatry, Authority and Law. Judge Hantman found Moody competent to stand trial too easily. He based his decision on the testimony of "experts" who were not expert in the difficult process of diagnosing an adult male suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. A court appointed psychiatric expert is anybody who is licensed to practice medicine as a Psychiatrist and approved by the court. Having a regular shrink try to diagnose a DID is tantamount to having a foot doctor evaluating a person for brain surgery. Later one of those same "experts" would take the stand to say that Moody could not have DID, offering the wrong explanation of it before the jury. Moody's trial could have turned out to be the story of the millennium. Not this millennium, the next one. It was the kind of story that Rolling Stone would have sent my former neighbor, Hunter Thompson, out to cover if they'd known about it. It was a true crime story of not just drugs and rock and roll, but a delusional individual who claimed to have killed two women, was involved in kinky sex, huge quantities of drugs, trained with the Navy Seals, and wanted to be crucified by society so that he could be resurrected by entities not known to this world, yet still wanted to be found competent to stand trial and represent himself. Just as we have experienced technological lag -- as soon as we buy a new computer or camcorder it's made obsolete by a far more advanced innovation -- we've experienced the law's great lag behind science. In this information age, where the virtual reality model is all pervasive, it would appear that truth has come to exist in relative compartments. Since Arizona's psycho-scientific community is far from state-of-the-art, it's easy to forgive the state's forensic psychologists who would appear to be lollygagging around bygone days, not keeping up with their journals. It is the belief of many that, if Robert Joe Moody had the opportunity to at least have the possibility that he was suffering from DID ruled out, and if the screening tools for evaluation for competency to stand trial were examined carefully, he certainly would not be representing himself as his own attorney. As the trial date neared, one could do little more than hope Moody had a Johnny Cocheran or an F. Lee Bailey in there somewhere. It turned out he didn't. October 11, 1995 -- On the opening day of the trial, Robert Joe Moody told the jurors, as he had told reporters, that he was an involuntary participant in two killings because he'd been controlled by Extrasensory Biological Entities. Addressing the jury of 16 for about 20 minutes in his opening statement, Moody said, "Nobody can tell you what happened like I can." Trying to explain why he was representing himself against murder charges in two separate killings in November 1993, Moody said, "I have never denied my participation in that... (but) it wasn't voluntary... I had no conscious control of what was going on." The former U.S. Marine with a Top Secret Security Clearance and more recently a Prudential Insurance District Manager and an independent financial planner, Moody spoke of using cocaine and crack cocaine before, he said, Extrasensory Biological Entities took control of him and made him kill Michelle Malone, and Patricia Magda, in their separate Tucson homes. He said that the EBEs took control of him so that they could prove their existence to the world. They wanted him to get evidence of their existence introduced into court as part of an ultimate "mission" to bring increased "spirituality" to the world. Assistant County Prosecutor David White, would later wonder, if that was so, why the aliens hadn't picked victims who were more famous, so they'd get more attention? Even though the judge had previously ruled out all testimony of mind control or alien intervention as a defense, he let Moody go on and on in his opening statement, telling the jury that the Extrasensory Biological Entities' involvement in the brutal murders became clear to him only after he watched a particular episode of "Star Trek," in a California jail. Facing death by lethal injection, Moody told the jury that the EBE's started contacting him while he was a weather observer for military aircraft. ( He told us previously in his cell that he was contacted first when he was four years old.) He said that the EBE conscious contact started soon after he read a top-secret government account of a spacecraft crash with "non-human" casualties. He told the jury, a UFO abducted him in 1992 and "ran a movie" through his mind showing him that aliens had contacted him several times since he was 4 years old. Prosecutor White, ignored the space alien question in his opening statements, saying that forensic evidence would prove that Moody was a desperate crack cocaine addict who brutally murdered two women because he needed money for drugs. White told jurors that police found fingerprints, blood, signed receipts, and other evidence linking Moody to the killings. White said Moody also admitted the slayings to several reporters during interviews in the months before the trial. The way things went, by the third day of the trial, it seemed clear that most of Moody's story was not going to come before the jury. Judge Hantman had successfully swept the most interesting questions under the carpet in preliminary hearings and the prosecutor appeared intent on seeing that the carpet stayed unturned. Hantman had said, "There is no "alien" defense for murder in this county." Gossips in the halls called the judge "Hangin' Howard Hantman." When Moody's former Defense Attorney, Dan Grills, was dismissed so that Moody could act as his own lawyer, Grills said: "allowing Moody to act as his own defense attorney is nothing more than State assisted suicide. Maybe they should start calling Judge Hantman, Judge Kervorkian?" Letting Moody present his own defense precluded raising the question of his sanity in any effective way. But reporters and court-watchers became aware of Moody's different personality states when he repeatedly referred to himself as Bob or Robert: "It doesn't have Robert Moody's signature on it," said one of Moody's personalities. "Those prints were taken from Robert Moody when he was extradited from California," another Moody personality said. This could be interpreted as Moody acting as his own lawyer referring to himself in the third person as any lawyer would his client. But even in acting, when one represents themselves as another, it is easy to get the roles mixed up. In Moody's case, however, he was very clear about Robert and Bob. He even got most of the witnesses to refer to "Robert Moody" when the word "you" would have been more appropriate. Several times Judge Hantman interrupted asking a witness to specify that the "Robert Moody" they were talking about was the defense counsel who was questioning them. The jury had the option of finding Moody "not guilty by reason of insanity," which, according to the opinion of several newspaper reporters who had more experience with the defendant, might not have been all that unthinkable. Several legal and mental health professionals familiar with details of this case expressed thoughts that the judge had demonstrated a great lack of humanity when he let Moody try to defend himself. What they overlooked was that this was Moody's way of fulfilling his "mission." While Moody was acting as his own counsel the following questions could not be confronted: Is Robert Moody suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder? Was his DID discovered by the cryptocracy during his service in the U.S. Marines? Was he conditioned as a "sleeper agent" assassin to kill on command, and/or was he accidentally triggered? Were the two victims killed for reasons of "national security" in the mind of Moody? Are Moody's memories of contact with EBE's merely screen memories, planted to cover up top secret things, or military programming gone astray? Could the U. S. government be held liable for programming individuals as killers and turning them loose in society without first deprogramming them or debriefing them? In all fairness to Judge Hantman ( so new to the bench that, at the start of the trial, his name had not yet been not engraved on the brass plaque near the entrance), you can understand how Moody's mental state was overlooked. Tucson ( and Pima County) is at the crossroads of the War on Drugs. The justice system is not used to getting at the psychological truth. In the days of a "make a deal" swift process of law, in the age of "America's economy needs more prisons -- make more laws, break more laws"-- most criminals cop a plea, pay their fines, do their time, or shoot it out with lawmen groomed in the historic shadows of Wyatt Earp and Johnny Ringo. One couldn't help but compare this trial with the O.J. Simpson trial which ended shortly before this one began. What if Robert Moody had the bucks to hire the Shapiro, Cocheran, Bailey team? It apparently didn't matter. He'd already told reporters that he committed the murders involuntarily under EBE influence. Even though he said it wasn't by his own volition, his hands held the knives that stabbed, the cords that tied, the guns that shot, and the hedge trimmers that bludgeoned. As the testimony unfolded a picture of the murders came to life. It was as if the victims both had their left hands tied down while their right hands were stabbed in a trained torture routine -- "tell me your p.i.n. number..." And then the victims were shot first Mossad style, then Mafia style, then CIA style. Then their heads were beaten with whatever was at hand. It was as if they had each been killed three times. Or as if they had been killed by three different personalities. Gossips on the courthouse steps said that David White had chosen to prosecute this bizarre case as a certain win, an easy way to smooth his path in the upcoming election for County Attorney. White kept it simple. He presented the Moody case as a routine drug crime, arguing that Moody smoked too much crack cocaine, went crazy and robbed and bludgeoned his two ( that we know of) victims before taking their money and one of their cars and heading off on an amnestic vacation to Laughlin, Nevada, then to Las Vegas and on to Flagstaff, then Glendale ( a suburb of Phoenix) and Yuma. In Yuma he put his ex-sister-in-law and her two children in a closet, and nailed the door shut, before taking her money and 1992 Suburban and driving on to San Diego, then Hollywood -- where he took in several free TV shows -- and Venice Beach before driving back to Las Vegas. Then for some unknown reason he decided he'd head back to California, but ran out of money in Bakersfield and picked up a hitchhiker to help pay for gas. The hitchiker turned out to be a convicted felon, Carlos Logan, who, after Moody had put five bucks worth of gas in the tank, drove off in the stolen Suburban with Moody chasing the car down the road for a mile or so. Finally, Moody walked back to the Sheriff's office where he filed a stolen vehicle report, saying that he, Todd Joe Williams, owned it. Without treatment Robert Moody isn't likely to discover if Williams is another one of his many personalities. White said it was just an alias, and proof that Moody knew he was wanted for murder and not amnestic at all. Somehow he got to the city of Orange in Orange County, California where he "woke up" on a bus bench knowing nothing about himself except he thought his name was Bob. He had no I.D. and no money so, after spending the night in a shelter, he checked into the local Sheriff's Office and asked for help in establishing his identity. After a few minutes, and a check of his fingerprints on a fingerprint computer network, the Orange County Sheriff's clicked the cuffs on Moody, arresting him on an outstanding warrant for the two murders in Arizona. During the interrogation he remained amnestic of the preceding days, and wasn't "allowed to remember," he said, by the "Extrasensory Biological Entities" until several days later. Prosecutor White, said this was all just due to the effects of drugs. Judge Hantman considered letting Moody present to the jury excerpts of a videotape of his first interrogation in Orange County, then he decided not to allow it at the last minute. Had the jury seen the tape they most likely would have been convinced that, at the time of the interrogation, Moody did suffer amnesia, and could not remember anything but that he thought his name was "Bob." The trial continued for weeks, part forensic fact and part true hallucination. Each day there was one of Moody's personalities fighting against another. First there was Robert, then Bobby, then Bob taking turns pleading the case before the jury and cross examining the government witnesses! Or, too often sitting silent and sullen when he should have cross examined. Bob presented his case and talked about Robert as Robert talked about Bob when he was present. The shifts in personality were subtle and one had to know something about DID to recognize what was happening. If you didn't know about Moody's DID you might think that he was just talking about himself using his name for the sake of clarity since he was the lawyer as well as the defendant. Nobody seemed to notice that the murderer signed into the hotel as JOE Moody, who could turn out to be the protector of little Joey Moody, the child who, according to the defense, was seriously abused and traumatized by his father. The jury couldn't have known the significance of the prosecutor's objection when Robert asked his brother Cliff ( who was testifying against him) if, when under the questioning of White, he said they'd come from a "normal family," he meant that a family which had been beaten and sexually assaulted and traumatized by their father was normal? White objected and the judge quickly sustained the objection. The significance of this, maybe, was that if the prosecutor had let Cliff Moody expound on their childhood abuse, it would have laid the groundwork for a DID defense, one in which each one of the defendant's personalities would have to have been called forward at the time of arrest and read the Miranda warnings, which, based on the video tape of the interrogation, they most certainly were not. Weeks after the murders, the state's forensic shrink Dr. Jack Potts "psychologically" evaluated Moody and eventually diagnosed him as malingering. Malingering is just a fancy word for lying. But the judge refused to allow Moody to put on the witnesses to sufficiently offer proof that he was not lying. The prosecution presented its evidence for eight days, then the defense ( Moody with John Semon advising) presented its case for about six more. In the face of Judge Hantman and Prosecutor White's obstructions in bringing the most interesting part of this case to light, none of the following was apparently investigated nor disclosed: Evidence which could indicate that Robert Joe Moody was used in Naval Intelligence operations; evidence which could explain the five months of missing time he experienced when he allegedly trained with Navy Seals; evidence on the backgrounds of the victims, the first of whom was taking drugs with Moody, having sex with Moody and his girl friend, making porn movies, and is alleged ( by Moody) to have had carnal knowledge of prominent Arizonans. Also not to come forth was any evidence that shed light on Moody's second victim, the widow of a U. S. Air Force Colonel, nor on Moody's involvement with a national multimillion dollar insurance scam he participated in while he was District Manager of Prudential Life Insurance. Prosecutor White paid a good deal of attention to the aliens in his closing statements. It appeared that White was concerned that Moody might get an acquittal by reason of insanity or a hung jury from hidden ufologists among the 12 jurors. Speaking of the "alien possessed" defendant using his victim's credit cards to get money, White wondered, "Did the aliens need the money to buy plutonium to fuel their spaceships?" He concluded Moody's EBE possession claims were fake. "The aliens are innocent," he said. In Moody's rambling rebuttal he wondered, "How did the prosecutor become an expert on aliens overnight?" During the last week of his trial Moody called me and asked, "How do you think I'm doing?" I said I thought he wasn't doing so well. "I mean, how do you think I'm doing moving toward my mission," he asked. In that, I had to admit, he was doing just fine. The night before the Jury came back with it's verdict, Moody told Defense Investigator Ray Morgan, "I've got it won either way. If they find me not guilty by reason of insanity, I walk. And if they find me guilty, I begin to fulfill my mission." October 27, 1995 -- The jury was already waiting in the hall when the press filed into the courtroom. Each juror has their bright yellow badges on, so that they could be easily identified. Only Sal Quijada failed to notice those yellow badges when he spoke of the possibility of a mistrial the day before in the hall and made it necessary to poll the jury to see if his phone call had planted a thought in any mind which would prejudice them. This morning one of the jurors held a large chocolate cake marked with festive orange icing. Another juror held a 12 pack of a popular soft drink. After three of the jurors were dismissed through a random draw, the rest of the jury deliberated for less than two hours, during which time they held a little Halloween birthday party for one of their number When the jury came back with the verdict guilty on two counts of first degree murder, Robert Moody smiled broadly. Michelle's husband, Jerre Malone, danced in the elevator. Pat Magda's son, David Royles gave a cheerful interview to the cameras while hugging his wife. It was a "win/win" kinda day. THE REIGN OF ERROR October 21, 1995 -- there were headlines over a story in the Citizen by Mary Bustamante which said: "Moody loses motion for mistrial. The judge says he can't call space alien expert or impeach psychiatrists." Bustamante synopsized the reasons Moody made the motion for a mistrial: "1. The judge would not allow the defense to call any experts in the area of extraterrestrials; 2. The judge wouldn't allow him to call witnesses who might impeach the testimony of three psychiatrists who said Moody was malingering; 3. The judge won't step down from the case, even though he said at a hearing he was presiding over that Moody was malingering, which, Moody said, influenced at least one psychiatrist's conclusion. " The evening of the 20th, Moody's legal advisor, John Semon held an impromptu press conference in the hall. "The legal profession," he said, "is the only profession that memorializes its mistakes." And memorialized they were in the court records. Every line. Every word. And there were too many of them to believe that this trial would not be declared null and void. In his impromptu press conference on the 7th floor of the Superior Court building, Semon said that "malingering" was just a fancy term for lying. "So you have three witnesses ( the shrinks) coming in and saying you're a liar, and the judge says you're a liar and then they say, 'Now, Mr. Liar, come up and testify," Semon said. "The jury may not be convinced by his testimony." This trial was getting a lot of publicity. It was seen on Court TV out of Chicago. The Associated Press carried respectable coverage. HARD COPY, the tabloid syndicated TV show featured it and the local ACCESS TV station video taped the each days proceedings and played it back every evening. While half the courtroom was filled each day with kin of the two victims, the other half was visited by the curious, students of law, employees of various other courts, the habitual trial watchers that haunt the courthouse and a few strange people rooting not so much for Moody, but against the system no matter what. This trial, being one in which the defendant claimed occupation by Extrasensory Biological Entities, drew its share of Star Trek, X-Files, and UFO fans of all persuasion. They came in anticipation of witnessing Moody become possessed again and run amok in the courtroom. There even was one uncomfortable moment when Prosecutor White placed one of the murder weapons, a large butcher knife, in an opened bag on Moody's desk for his inspection. I could imagine Moody taking it, making a sudden menacing gesture before being shot down in the crossfire of the three deputies in the courtroom. I imagined that one or more of the legally fired bullets would pass through Moody or entirely miss him and enter the gallery of spectators. That day I was sitting directly behind Moody in hopes of picking up some of his and John Semon's reactions. I could see myself diving behind the divider when the shooting started. The next day I moved to the other side of the room, to the back row, about as far away as I could get from flying lead in the possibility of a shoot out. My place was taken by a man I'd met in the courtyard the day before. He was a veteran trial watcher who was there rooting for the accused. To want to see Robert Moody get a fair trail and to see the complete "truth and nothing but the truth" come to light is not to take a stand against the families of the victims. Nor is it to exhibit a callous attitude toward the two lives which were brutally snuffed out. But, to ignore errors of justice is to pave the way for future errors and jeopardize the future justice for all. Moody, being untrained as a lawyer, did an amazingly good job in court. He said his "mission" was to get convicted and sentenced to death. He at least got convicted and at the end of January , 1996, we shall see if he is sentenced to death by lethal injection, even though the state hasn't put anyone to death in many years. Moody stated his mission in the opening statement and the jury gave him what he wanted. While Moody made no apparent errors, he did not earn his outcome solely by his efforts alone. The EBEs did not appear in the courtroom, so they were no help. Moody was helped along by decisions of the court and blunders from the prosecution. The errors in justice in this case began in the preliminary hearings when Judge Howard Hantman made the statement that he believed Moody was malingering. The defense put Dr. Lawall on the stand and he testified that the judge's statement influenced his psychological evaluation. Moody: Did you review tapes of court hearings and proceedings provided you by Dan Grills? Dr. Lawall: Yes. Moody: Did you hear Judge Hantman's statement about Bob Moody malingering? Dr. Lawall: ...I don't know if Judge Hantman ever made any statement about malingering... Moody: Can I refer you to your report of July 21, 1995... page four... The judge interrupted for some reason and excused the jury, then he let Moody continue for the record, keeping this information from the jury. Moody: On your report you noted: "these are clear cut hints of malingering and manipulative behavior particularly what you yourself noted in court.." Dr. Lawall: Yes. Moody: "...he was quite calm and quiet until the cameras were rolling in the courtroom and then he began mugging and grimacing in the courtroom..." Dr. Lawall: Yes. Moody: When you state "you yourself noted" who were you referring to? Dr. Lawall: Judge Hantman. Moody: Why did you include that in your report? Dr. Lawall: That whole statement is a reference to two things. One, I saw the behavior in question myself on the tapes... Judge Hantman on August 16th, 1994, I believe, in the course of a hearing observed to Mr. Grills to the effect, "Your client's demeanor changes depending on whether the cameras are on him or not." Moody: So, it affected your evaluation by hearing that and viewing those tapes? Dr. Lawall: It was the fact by the change in demeanor verified, not that the judge said it, but I saw it myself and I'm reminding him that this is something he knows directly -- that I'm not, just kind of making this up... Moody: The point I want to make here is this is your evaluation, correct? Dr. Lawall: Yes it is. From their recitation of their vitae on the witness stand under oath, neither Drs. Lawall nor Dr. Morenz had the requisite expertise in Dissociative Identity Disorder to diagnose Moody. Morentz even gave the wrong explanation of why Moody couldn't have suffered from DID from the witness stand. Compounding that error was Hantman's decision to let Moody defend himself. As defense investigator, Ray Morgan said, "I think this will be grounds for a mistrial because the judge has let Moody defend himself and the Court of Appeals will catch that it's an DID defending part of himself. There might be three trials before this is through." Hantman next refused to let Robert Moody call most of the witnesses he wanted. Moody's appeal was before the Court of Appeals when the trail started. To be sure there were witnesses who probably wouldn't have come if they'd been called, witnesses such as Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmie Carter. But to refuse to allow Moody to call expert witnesses to testify about "alien possession" was most likely one of the first errors. These witnesses would have shed light on Moody's state of mind, and more importantly would have shown that Moody was not the first, nor far from the only murderer to try to defend himself with the claim "aliens took over my body and made me murder." ( Had Moody said, "God took over my body and made me murder," he probably would have immediately been declared insane.) One witness Moody wanted to call was Tucson resident Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.) of the USAF's Top Secret Project Bluebook staff. When asked what he would have said, if he'd been called to testify he said, "I would have testified about other cases of this kind." Another Tucson resident Hantman struck from Moody's list of requested witnesses was Sgt. Major (Ret.) Robert O. Dean, who'd won an out-of-court settlement from the Pima County Sheriff's Department after he was passed over for a job promotion to local FEMA Director because he "believed in UFOs." Dean's testimony could have brought Moody's issue very close to home. Moody wanted to call Dr. John Mack to testify for the defense. Mack might have spoken to the detailed evidence that was uncovered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Conference which he edited and published as Alien Discussions. Dr. Mack, a former CIA contract spychiatrist, now a Harvard Professor and a Pulitzer Prize winner ( for his book Lawrence of Arabia), might have spoken from the stand as he wrote in the book: "How does the abduction impact our world view? First it attacks the arrogance... The UFOs make a mockery of the technology that we are so proud of... It shatters our notion of physical reality. It also attacks the notion that we are separate and alone, the only intelligence in the universe... They ( the aliens) seem to belong in the spirit world, but then they become part of our physical reality... Finally, they commit the most egregious sin to the Western mind, which is for something that should remain in the spirit world to penetrate and show up hard, physically in our world..." But no such eloquence. This was a dinky little trial in an overgrown cowboy town near the Mexican border. This was no big budget show trial, even though it was getting its share of attention. Still, all the attention was not enough heat to make the inept turn pro, as Hunter might say. The prosecutor erred when, in all his years as a trial lawyer, knowing the rules full well, he led Jerre Malone into speaking prejudicial hearsay from the witness stand before the jury. White led Malone into saying that his wife, "didn't like Moody!" With that John Semon added his voice to Moody's and called for a mistrial while chastising the experienced prosecutor for the lack of professionalism demonstrated by that knowing and willful breach of legal etiquette. The next prosecution error came when White told the jury that the defense had requested a particular clause in their direction which was coming up the next day. This is a big legal no-no. Either White knew he had Hantman in his pocket, and could get away with it not fearing the legal finesse and experience of the amateur attorney, Robert Moody, or he was blundering like a greenhorn. It was certainly not the kind of lawyerly performance the people would want to see from their future County Attorney. Then the whole case began to sink in a quicksand of legal decisions, when Moody waived his attorney/client privileges so that former defense attorney Dan Grills could take the stand and testify ( as it appeared to us -- against his former client.) White argued that since Moody had waived his rights, Grills ought to turn all his files on the case over to the court, which Grills did. Hantman almost let the prosecution read the files, but then reneged at the last moment and sealed those records declaring that they could be opened "only by court order." There was a lot of arguing of precedents, but it appeared that the questions raised were beyond the clear understanding of anyone in the courtroom. Will all this be ironed out by the Court of Appeals? Will there be a new trial? Stay tuned. IS CRYPTOCRACY BEHIND "ALIEN" PHENOMENON? On Robert Moody's list of 200 defense witnesses he submitted to Judge Hantman were the leading UFO and alien abduction experts. Near the top of the list was Sergeant Clifford E. Stone, a career enlisted man who had observed a "flying saucer up close." Only seven at the time, Stone got within a hundred and fifty feet of the object and heard the sound it was making. This piqued Stone's lifelong interest in UFO's. "I know what I saw and nobody can tell me otherwise," Stone wrote, in the book he was eventually to publish in 1991, UFO's: Let the Evidence Speak For Itself. Stone's book contained only 39 pages of Stone's own writing -- summary, observations and conclusions. The rest of his self-published book consisted of 193 pages of documents he had succeeded in prying out of various government agencies through a persistent use of the Freedom of Information Act. If he had been allowed to take the witness stand he would have been able to tell the government's story on alien contact -- things which perhaps were not irrelevant to Robert Moody's claims that "Extrasensory Biological Entities" had used him to perform the murders. In response to FOIA requests filed by Stone on July 16, 1978 and February 21, 1979, the National Security Agency released two drafts of documents written in 1968. The most interesting was entitled UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions. Its stated purpose was to, "Consider briefly some of the human survival implications suggested by the various principal hypothesis concerning the nature of the phenomena loosely categorized as UFO." Under the heading "Extraterrestrial Hypotheses," the report said, "If 'they' discover you, it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb, 'they' are your technological superiors. Human history has shown us time and again the tragic results of a confrontation between a technologically superior civilization and a technologically inferior people. The 'inferior' is usually subject to physical conquest." The report gave some good examples of how an 'inferior' people might survive and maintain their identity. These were: "(1) Full and honest acceptance of the nature of the inferiorities separating you from the advantages of the other people, (2) complete national solidarity in all positions taken in dealing with the other culture, (3) highly controlled and limited intercourse with he other side -- doing only those actions advantageous to the foreigner which you are absolutely forced to do by circumstances, (4) a correct but friendly attitude toward the other people, (5) a national eagerness to learn everything possible about he other culture -- its technological and cultural strengths and weaknesses. This often involves sending selected groups and individuals to the other's country to become one of his kind, or even to help him in his wars against other adversaries, (6) adopting as many of the advantages of the opposing people as you can, and doing it as fast as possible -- while still protecting your own identity by molding each new knowledge increment into your own cultural cast." A bibliography report on "Unidentified Flying Saucers" from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) written in the late 1970's contained such interesting titles as "An Approach to Understanding Psychotronics" and "A Case of 'Autostasis' or Reverse Autokinesis' as having something to do with UFO's. Stone obtained a CIA document, dated 29 January 1976 which talked about the physical effect of magnetic fields on astronauts, the possible propulsion system of UFO's and even recovered fragments of a possible UFO in Brazil. This document stated: "US scientists believe that low magnetic fields do not have a serious effect on astronauts, but high magnetic fields, oscillating magnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields can or do have considerable effect. There is a theory that such fields are closely associated with superconductivity at very low temperatures, such as in space. This in turn is related to the possible propulsion system of UFOs. There is a rumor that fragments of a possible UFO found in Brazil bore a relationship to superconductors and magnetohydro-dynamics." This document was heavily redacted "in the interest of National Security." Had Moody been allowed to call Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University, the jury would have learned how Persinger had been experimenting with the induction of "UFO" and "alien abduction experiences" by playing magnetic fields over the temporal lobes of subjects. Persinger had been employed by the National Security Agency to develop behavior-modifying electromagnetic weapons under project "Sleeping Beauty." Susan Blackmore described her experience with Persinger's magnetic mind melding in her article entitled Alien Abduction published in New Scientist in November, 1994: "Persinger applied a silent and invisible force to my brain and created a specific experience for me. He claimed that he was imitating the basic sequences of the processes of memory and perception and that, by varying those sequences, he could control my experience. Could he have done it from a distance? Could it be done on a wider scale? Suddenly prospects of magnetic mind control seem an awful lot worse than the idea of being abducted by imaginary aliens..." Striking at the heart of the questions raised by the Moody case were the anonymous NSA writer's statements: "Observations of chimpanzees while in a captive environment have shown that the animals tend to become confused and disoriented. Since they do not usually have adult chimps to teach them how to be good apes, they are not even sure of their behavior. Often their actions are patterned after human behavior and would have virtually no survival value in the wild. Lacking the challenge of environmental adaptation, the bodies of the animals atrophy and become subject to many diseases -- mostly unknown in their wild counterparts. Reactions to stimuli usually become less responsive and suitable. Sex often becomes a year-long preoccupation instead of a seasonal madness. "Do the captivity characteristics of modern civilization cause a similar lessening of man's adaptive capability, of his health, of his ability to recognize reality, of his ability to survive? "Perhaps the UFO question might even make man undertake studies which could enable him to construct a society which is most conducive to developing a completely human being, healthy in all aspects of mind and body -- and most important able to recognize and adapt to real environmental situations..." Are we to read between the lines of this unofficial NSA "draft"? Is the writer hinting at an unofficial reality of aliens overhead? Is the human race acting like so many chickens, scrambling in panic around the yard beneath some high flying hawk? Another NSA unofficial "draft" which was released to Stone started with the heading "SUBJECT: UFO's" After the redaction of the first paragraphs it started with: "...2. Scientific Findings: Dr. Jacques Vallee, famed communications science expert, has studied thousands of cases where human beings have observed unusual phenomena. He has found that the human response to such observation is predictable and graphically depictable. Whether the person's psychological structure is being assaulted by the unusual and shocking brutality of a murder or the strangeness of a UFO sighting, the effect is the same: a. Initially as by a kind of psychological inertia, the mind records fairly objectively what the eye is reporting. b. But when it has realized the strange nature of the phenomena it goes into shock. The mind likes to live in a comfortable world where it feels it knows what to expect, and that, is not too threatening either physically or psychologically. The unusual dispels the comfortable illusion the mind has created. This shock tears at the very mooring of the human psychological structure.* c. To protect itself against such an intrusive and threatening reality the mind will begin to add imagination and interpretation to the incoming data to make it more acceptable. Since the mind is doing all this in haste some of the hurriedly added details and suggestions tumble over one another and contradict one another in a bizarre fashion ( as any police officer interrogating murder witnesses will tell you). d. Once the mind has constructed a "safe" framework for the new information it may again peek out and collect some more objective data. If the data is still threatening it will again go into shock and the process starts all over again. e. If the data is at the highest strangeness level where it brings terror either: (1) The mind will pass out and go into amnesia burying the events perhaps permanently in the unconscious. (2) The personal psychological will collapse and the mind will reach down into its deepest place where "that which cannot be destroyed" is and it will abandon itself to this entity for survival protection. Encounter with this changeless indestructible entity is usually referred to as a religious experience. In the confusion and the shock, this experience is often attributed to the shocking event or object and that is why primitive peoples worship such bizarre things as airplanes or cigarette lighters. f. The degree of strangeness of the phenomena dictates how many people the mind is willing and able to tell the event to. A mildly unusual or shocking event will be told to many people. A very shocking event of high strangeness will be told to few people or practically none at all. Occasionally the event is so shockingly unusual that it isn't even reported to the person's conscious mind but is buried in the unconscious of the person where it is only accessible to hypnosis or careful level six communication, sharing with another person." The declassified documents released to Stone and others will be presented and brought to bear on Moody's possible state of mind at the time of the murder and on his claims of "alien possession." I will backtrack his military career, interviewing those who knew him when he was active in the USMC with a top secret clearance. If possible I will interview the Navy Seals who trained with him, trying to find out why he has amnesia for that 10 month period of time. Some of the comments from the documents sited above are very sophisticated. In fact they show insight into the processes of the human mind which is way beyond the general understanding of the ordinary "mental health" professional. Some of the remarks have a direct bearing on that state which has been pigeonholed in the psychiatrist's latest diagnostic manual, DSM-IV, as Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified -- Robert Moody's probable correct diagnosis. There's no need to touch here on relevant highlights of the fifty year history ( from declassified MKULTRA and related documents) of the cryptocracy's investigations and operations in mind control. There are a number of survivors of mind control and ritual abuse who have related memories of alien encounters, something which their therapists and deprogrammers believe are descriptions of "screen memories" which cloak terrible secrets of the National Security State. THE BATTLE OF THE SHRINKS or PSYCHIATRIC HASH The problem of an individual is compounded by the effects of suffering from multiple personalities which are often amnestic from each other. The problem of Dissociative Identity Disorder in the courtroom is clearly a political problem. There's not much hope that it will be changed unless someone like Robert Moody dedicates his entire remaining days to helping willing psychologists and psychiatrists find a way through the legal and psychological maze. Beyond that there is the question of the lack of education and experience with DID on the part of the supposed "experts" who probably overlook this diagnosis more times than they identify it. Moody, acting as his own attorney called three psychiatrists to the stand to testify for the defense. The first was Dr. Jack Potts who was articulate, but had little to say about the questions addressed here since he was merely asked to determine if Moody was competent to stand trial. At first he found he was not, so he was remanded to a psychiatric facility for several weeks until he was determined to be competent. Those making the determination were Dr. John Lawall and Dr. Barry Morenz. Moody called Lawall to the stand first. Lawall: Bob Moody told me that he'd been chosen by Extrasensory Biological Entities, which I referred to in my notes as aliens, to demonstrate to the world their presence and their reality by being executed and coming back to life. Moody: And you find that totally implausible, isn't that correct? Lawall: Yes. (The UFOAZ crew who were operating the videotaping equipment bristled. These were true believers learning for the first time that the majority in the Pima County courthouse, at least, thought a person was crazy if they believed in UFOs. It turned out that the same week a national poll showed that half of the county believed that UFOs were real and that the government was covering up the fact of their existence.) Moody: And why is that? Lawall: I'm not sure. Totally implausible in what sense? Moody: Well that's one of the reasons that I asked you why you came up with that determination. Lawall: Well, first of all there are a number of possible explanations for this. One is -- that is a correct statement. I don't believe there's adequate evidence of alien visitation. I think it's a possibility, but I don't believe in that myself and I think that people who do believe in that have a belief that is just based on inadequate data. And there are groups of people who believe all kinds of things that appear to be true to more skeptical and rational people. So I reject that explanation. Another possible explanation would be that Bob Moody is suffering from a mental illness. I rejected that explanation also. I don't think that your statements, your behavior, your way of thinking really qualify for mental disorder. I considered some possibilities and rejected them. I could go into a whole big discussion about the details of why I rejected various possible mental conditions. And so there remains the third possibility that you are making up, all or part of this story regarding the aliens and your interaction with them and their affect on you. and the relationship of them to the allegations against you and your behavior at the time of the alleged offenses. Moody: As a professional forensic psychiatrist, if I were to suggest to you that we were going to put a man on the moon and we were in 1920, you'd call me crazy wouldn't you? Lawall: I can't say. Moody: I'm trying to make a comparison to something that's totally plausible and something that is definitely possible but not totally believable. Lawall: I believe that space travel was not widely held to be possible in 1920. The next witness called by the defense was Dr. Barry Morenz. He practiced psychiatry for the past 10 years at the University of Arizona Medical Center, and has been certified as a forensic psychiatrist since 1994. His present position is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry. He said: "My duties include being medical director of our psychiatry in-patient unit. I also conduct regular evaluation for courts and attorneys in Arizona." Morenz: I said on the mental status exam Mister Moody is a somewhat overweight pale bearded man with long stringy hair dressed in an orange jail jumpsuit. He has no hint of cognitive impairment whatsoever -- that refers to thinking, memory, language function, ability to be logical, coherent -- he is always extremely coherent and articulate with no derailment of thinking... Uh, that means he really doesn't digress and talk in a way that is hard to understand at all the way some type, some mentally ill people do... Case in point here: If a DID switches in and out of states that were relatively incomprehensible then you could say that some personalities would fit into Dr. Morenz's thinking. However, in many of these cases the "presenting personality" is very articulate and well behaved so that they can carry on the business of the day. It would be very easy to have a newly formed "lawyer personality" who was representing Moody and had no idea who he was. Did anybody bother to ask Lawyer Moody if he ever met Bob or Joe or whoever? If he is an DID he would probably say "no" but that he is aware of them. If you asked him further what he meant by being aware of them he might answer that someone told him about them but he has never actually seen them or met them. If you asked him if they were inside or outside of him, he might respond with something like "that is a stupid question of course they are outside of me, what do you think I am crazy or something". This could go on and on and on. Moody: How much time total did you spend with Bob Moody? Morenz: Two hours and twenty-five minutes. Moody: How long to put your report together, sum everything up...? Morenz: Ah, I spent a total of approximately five hours doing this, including the time I spent with you and an hour and a half looking at the video tapes and the rest was record review and dictating a report... Moody: You also reviewed a video in which Bob Moody was interviewed by Public Access? Morenz: I did. Moody's lawyer personality was adroit. It zeroed in on how Morenz conducted his Rule 11 findings. He asked what standardized tests did he use to find him competent and sane. Morenz: I don't use a standardized test no. Moody: Any particular reason why you don't? Morenz: There have been some questionnaires used for Rule 11 evaluations. None of them have been standardized. I don't give the typical kinds of psychological testing that psychologists do such as Minnesota Multiphasic Inventories, Rorcharch and the like. They aren't typically part of my armamentarium. Times when I feel they are useful I consult with the psychologists who administer those tests. Moody: Can you tell us how many Rule 11 evaluations pertaining to competency to stand trial and state of mind at the time of the crime you've performed? Morenz: I can't tell you exactly how many, but there have been several hundred that I've performed. Moody: Over the last year how many Rule 11 evaluations have you performed? Morenz: Probably roughly on the order of a hundred. Moody: Who usually contacts you and asks you to do a Rule 11 evaluation, the State or the defense? Morenz: I'm usually contacted by the judge's secretary to schedule the Rule 11. I don't always know who has nominated me by the court. Sometimes I'm aware. Sometimes it's the prosecution and sometimes it's the defense, it varies. Moody went for Morenz's prejudices. He asked him how many he'd found competent to stand trial and how many he'd found sane last year. Morenz: The last time I checked, a couple of years ago, the number I found competent to stand trial versus incompetent was roughly equal. About 50-50. I infrequently find that someone is insane at the time of the crime. Moody: So, the majority of the time you find the defendant is sane at the time of the crime? Morenz: That is correct. Moody: The information you were provided about Bob Moody... What was that information and who did you receive that from? Morenz: I received the indictment, Grand Jury transcript, motion to sever, interview with Clifford Moody, Pima County Sheriff's reports, Ewing's report from Los Angeles, Mr. Moody's legal requests, testimony of Julie Herrera jail librarian, Psychiatric evaluations by Dr. Potts, Dr. Joseph Geffen, records of Maricopa County Mental Health Unit, portion of courtroom transcript during Mr. Moody's competency hearing of 8-16-94, letter and list of attachments from David White dated 6-30-95. Moody: Were you provided any information at all from Attorney Dan Grills on the defendant? Morenz: No, I was not. Moody: Do you recall requesting information from Dan Grills on the defendant? Morenz: I don't recall requesting any information. There was no information that appeared to be necessary at the time I did the examination. Moody: All of the information you used, besides your personal interview with Mr. Moody, was provided to you by Mister White, is that correct? Morenz admitted that he got no input from the defense and that it was often his practice to use the info provided by just one side or another to make an evaluation on Rule 11, competency and sanity. Morenz: That is correct. It is my opinion that Mr. Moody is competent to stand trial, and there is no evidence that I could find that he would not have known his acts were wrong at the time of the crime. Moody: During your evaluation of Bob Moody did he explain his mission to you in detail. Morenz: Yes he did. Moody: Can you recall that? Morenz: ...Mr. Moody indicated that sometime in March of 1994, the extrasensory biologic entities informed him (Judge interrupts -- "Was that 1994?") He indicated that the ultimate mission for him was not revealed until March of 1994... His mission he described was to be found guilty of murder, sentenced to death and then to facilitate having that sentence carried out by foregoing any appeals at which time after he was given a lethal Injection he would be resurrected to life and this would prove the existence of the extrasensory biological entities. Moody: Did Mr. Moody, during your evaluation, talk to you about the government's cover-up of the existence of aliens or extrasensory biological entities? Could you recall what he stated? Morenz: Yes. He described a Trilateral Commission that developed around 1918 with Rothchilds and Rockefellers and the intent of this commission was to cover-up the existence of extrasensory biologic entities. Moody: Did Bob Moody state to you that he had been abducted? Morenz: Yes you did. Moody: How many times? Morenz: Multiple times. Dozens of times. Moody: Did he state where the aliens had abducted him to? Morenz: Yes, to their ship in another dimension. Moody: Did he also state to you how they communicated with him? Morenz: Yes, the words you used were telesuggestion. Kind of telepathic communication, not audible... communication is made through special kinds of receptors utilizing a special type of electromagnetic energy... Moody: Did Bob Moody describe how the ship looked inside? Morenz: Yes he did... He described the ship as looking something like a small operating room, no windows, gray, everything was somewhat fuzzy or moving... Moody: Also in your report did you come up with the conclusion that Bob Moody was malingering? Morenz: Yes. Moody: And what's the foundation on that? Morenz: There are multiple clues to the presence of malingering in your case. First of all you were eager to call attention to the range of beliefs you had to the biologic extrasensory entities. This is unusual in mental illness. Individuals in the throes of a psychotic state are usually not inclined to discuss the range of illusions and delusions they may have. The story that you provided was far fetched and totally implausible to not comport with the vast majority of psychiatric, even severe psychiatric problems I have come into contact with or read about. (Our panel of experts says this is true. Most abductees do not go to Psychiatrists.) Morenz: The form of mental illness was not imitated very well by Mr. Moody. There was no impaired relatedness, there was no disorganized thinking, in fact he described this extrasensory biologic entities and his entire experience with them in very intricate detail. He was very logical. It was a very good story. He had multiple motivations for his -- multiple kinds of explanations, if you will, for his behavior. On the one hand he described the extrasensory biologic entities were still controlling him. If that were the case, he would be considered incompetent to stand trial. He (Moody) described that basically the extrasensory biologic entities made him do it so that he was insane at the time of the offense. Further he described that the entire trial process was entirely unfair so that there would be a mistrial. So there was sort of multiple avenues of escape for him to relieve himself of responsibility in the accusations against him.... (HERE again Morenz reported the content of a switch in Moody's personality but failed to recognize what it meant. Moody believed the accusations were against him. THIS was not the same Moody who wanted to be executed. Note the inconsistency here -- first he says that they made him do it, then he says that there are avenues of escape for him to relieve himself of responsibility from the accusations against him.) Morenz: Additional items which support the probability of malingering in Mr. Moody's case is that during my interviews with him he attempted to control and dominate those interviews. That is very unusual for psychiatric patients. (But, according to Dr. Dean, most usual for DID male patients.) They are usually very compliant, or if they're very paranoid and psychotic they'll just attempt to terminate the interview prematurely. Moody, again attempted to control the interview. The other item is that Mr. Moody's behavior had another explanation for it other than psychosis which was obtaining money for his cocaine dependence which by that time was fairly substantial. The other item I considered was that psychological testing by Dr. Geffen as well as at the Maricopa County Jail observations by the jail team, indicated the possibility of malingering and no severe mental illness. Mr. Moody described the extrasensory biological entities telling him what to do. In most cases patients with command hallucinations, in other words voices telling them what to do, ignore the command. (This could be true in most cases, but Morenz didn't know how to interrogate a DID patient. He should have asked him if the command was inside or outside of him. This would clearly differentiate where the commands came from. (By this time it had become painfully obvious that Dr. Morenz was not familiar with the literature, not even one of the most famous cases of DID serial murderers, the Berkowitz case in which there were commands similar to the ones Moody described which made him kill.) Morenz: Mr. Moody's symptoms, the Extrasensory Biological Entities and his multiple personalities do not fit typical presentations of psychiatric illness. (According to the DID professionals we showed this transcript to, this is a very naive statement for a person in Morenz's position to make. He says that Moody's multiple personalities do not fit typical presentations of psychiatric illness. Our panel of experts believes that if Morenz had examined him further, probing the child states and the angry, rage filled states he would have changed his opinion and his diagnosis. (A case in point: If an individual says "God made me do it," he will probably be considered crazy because God is revered in this society. But if someone says the devil made me do, there is a question as to whether or not he would be found competent to stand trial. Dr. Thomas Szazz has written about this at length and claims that this is an excuse, nothing else. So, if "aliens made me do it" is the claim, the next thing to determine is are the aliens inside of his head.) Morenz: They suggest an atypical psychosis which is a good clue for malingering, especially in a forensic context. Some of Mr. Moody's statements were inconsistent with statements he allegedly made to others such as Carlos Logan. Mr. Logan indicated that he had complete awareness of his action toward the victims... (When the going gets tough, Doctor, the weird turn pro. This hearsay was most likely an account of Carlos Logan's interview with Moody's killer personality -- Moody the killer, not Moody the patient or Moody the lawyer, or Moody the little kid.) Morenz: Finally ,visual hallucinations are usually of normal sized people. Mr. Moody described "Nordics" as being six to eight feet tall and the "Greys" three to five feet tall. Usually the visual hallucinations people experience are of other people and not extraterrestrial type of beings. (According to our panel of experts, Morenz is probably impaired and should be reported to the proper supervisory authorities.) Moody: So Doctor, a normal hallucination is someone of normal size? Morenz: Usually. (Did he mean to suggest that there were normal hallucinations? Moody asked him to read a particular paragraph of his report into the record.) Morenz: That begins: "Mr. Moody reported that the EBEs could manipulate him and his consciousness. He states that knowing his ultimate mission in march of 1994, the EBEs were trying to gain complete control over him. He stated that one of the ways of gaining complete control was by compelling him to use large quantities of rock cocaine. He stated that this made him fall asleep for almost a week leading up to the time of the alleged offenses..." Moody: Did Bob Moody also indicate something about his eyesight? Morenz: Yes he did. He stated that during his acts towards the victims he could see almost 360 degrees on the one hand, however at the same time he couldn't hear anything. He went through the acts as if (seeing them) through a video camera.... (If Morenz had experience with DID patients he would know that they often describe being out of their body and seeing 360 degrees as well as not being able to hear anything when they are in certain states. Morenz then testified that the EBE's put Moody on vacation. (Morenz said he found no evidence of a psychological disorder in Moody except cocaine dependence. He said he believed that Moody was malingering. He said that Moody did state he wanted to be found competent and sane. This, again, does not go along with his statement that he wanted to get off of the things that he was alleged to do. Morenz's conclusions also overlooked the legal aspects of an "under the influence of a substance" defense, which being under the influence of cocaine would suggest. Morenz is clearly wound up to do the State's bidding and send an insane person to life imprisonment or death by lethal injection. (Morenz stated that Moody's descriptions of the EBE's were "farfetched and totally implausible." Yet, these are the same descriptions that are found throughout the literature and studied in depth at the Alien Abduction Conference held at MIT. According to Ted Loman and other UFO experts, there are even photographs of these entities released by the governments of other countries which are more inclined to let the public in on what is going on. (Then came the prosecutor's turn to cross-examine the witness.) White: Are you saying that you don't believe in the existence of aliens? Morenz: To date I'm not aware of scientific reproducible evidence that such entities exist. The Universe is a very wonderful place and I'm sure there are many phenomena that none of us understand or have witnessed yet... White: Did the defendant report multiple personality disorder? Morenz: He also reported having multiple personality disorder. He enumerated four of the personalities and then went on by saying there were more personalities he didn't want to get into, but his descriptions of his multiple personality disorder did not fit the conventional description of multiple personality. White: What do you mean by that? Morenz: Usually the definition includes people who alternately have one personality then another gain control of the individual. In Mr. Moody's case he said that predominantly one of the personalities was in control and the others didn't really manifest themselves very often. Nor was there any evidence that the other personalities had distinct different personalities. There wasn't handwriting evidence of different kinds of speech between the personalities, different kinds of dress, different kinds of emotionality, which is what you see with a typical multiple personality. He also indicated that all the personalities were totally aware of one another. Usually there is less awareness of one personality for the other... (Again Morenz shows his ignorance about DID's. There often is a presenting personality -- not necessarily one who is in control. The one in control can be a persecutor personality such as the devil or a previous perpetrator, something like an alien. There was plenty of evidence of Moody's handwriting which both the prosecution and the defense had. It showed a variety of different handwritings, all supposedly Robert Moody's. Morenz's reference to dress is vague. Moody was stuck with prison orange by the time Morenz interviewed him. Besides, dress changes take place more often with female DID's. (The different kinds of emotionality was seen by people attending the hearings and by some of those who interviewed Moody in his cell. There was a child personality and a hostile personality which were easy to differentiate. As far as Moody's claim of his total awareness between his personalities, our experts don't think that is correct. He probably does have some personalities that are co-conscious, and he might believe that he knows all his parts, but that's only a belief. (The doctors job was to bring out the hidden personalities, the ones which caused the problems. But Dr. Morenz was not experienced with DID males who are high functioning, let alone with ones which have an alien killer personality inside them.) White: So there are people who truly have a mental disease that makes them act in a way of a multiple personality? Morenz: There certainly are some that fit that description. White: But those that truly fit that disease act in a certain way and he did not act in that way? (The estimates of how many DID's are out there in the United States has grown from a handful in the 1960's to the millions today. Most DID's remain misdiagnosed due to the ignorance of the profession. (Our panel of experts tells us that DID's do not act in any certain way at all. They act in every way possible and are usually brilliant, like Robert Moody, and extremely good at manipulating others.) Morenz: Not at all... he didn't act in that way. (There is a bad joke among mental health professionals who work with DID's. It goes something like this: Question: "How does a DID act?" Answer: "Like you and I until they switch." Question: "And when do they switch?" Answer: "When you're not looking." (At the end of Morenz's testimony, Moody did not redirect. Had he not been acting as his own attorney, and had there been a competent team -- a lawyer and an MPD expert -- at his table, Morenz's testimony would have presented a great opportunity. (A number of M.D.'s and PHD's think that mental health evaluations should be left entirely out of the legal process. They say, try the case on the evidence and forget the questions of competency and sanity. After hearing the testimony of some of these "mental health experts" one might have a tendency to agree. But without any or better ground rules to establish competency any accused person might find himself in the position of Robert Moody, declared competent, then put in the crazy position of defending himself. (The saying, "a defendant who represents himself, has a fool for a client," is well known. In this case, this defendant represented himself, got his crazy outcome -- two counts of guilty, by using a whole internal team of fools to present his case. (Many were disappointed that the aliens were not called to testify.) OTHER POINTS THE MOODY CASE SERVES TO ILLUSTRATE: Bowart asks for comments on this information from professionals. He also asks the FOTF membership for help in researching the following: THE LAW'S UNWILLINGNESS TO CONFRONT THE ALIEN QUESTION Any newspaper clippings or court records of the other convicted murderers who have claimed, as Robert Moody has, that they were "possessed by aliens" which made them commit murder. Anything which might contribute to an overview of these cases to show the similarities to Moody's case would be most useful. Any records of the court cases involving "alien possession" and aliens that have been channeled are also welcome. Anything which might show a pattern of belief, if not of law. TURNING POINT OF BELIEF -- COGNITIVE DISSONANCE A history of the surveys of public opinion shows a growing belief in UFO's and extraterrestrial visitations. One of the latest polls shows that 50% of the American public believes in the reality of extraterrestrial visitations. Send in your examples please. Any clippings or documentation which shows a possible emerging trend in the development of an "alien legal defense". Any evidence or articles on the pattern of reports of physical evidence from UFO landings and alien encounters which show that they are real is balanced by equal and opposite plausible explanations of why they are not real. Anything on the number of hoaxes which, it is reported, are small. Recent examples of the U.S. government being caught in "disinformation" or outright lies about UFO encounters. Government threatening witnesses for the purpose of shutting them up in order to create the effects of cognitive dissonance. GOVERNMENT STUDIES OF TELEPATHY AND ESP Evidence that the CIA has funded research into ESP, telepathy, and most recently "remote viewing". Evidence that the cryptocracy has, at the same time, funded a debunking campaign of its own positive results. We're looking for solid scientific evidence which suggests that there could be such a thing as telepathy -- thus giving some credence to those who've claimed telepathic communication with aliens . Any clips which shows telepathy would be the alien's favorite form of communication. We also need evidence of "channeled" alien information which may fit the Moody story. CONTACTEES VS ABDUCTEES Any new information to complete a history of alien encounters from the early "contacts" to the "abductees." Any supporting documentation on The Report from Iron Mountain. The question is raised: To what extent does the government orchestrate the UFO phenomenon? MOODY'S STORY AS AN EXPRESSION OF THE PLAN If the cryptocracy has a plan to spoon feed the public, little by little, allowing them access to more and more information about the hidden truth that we are not alone in the universe, and that we've been contacted for centuries if not millennia by hundreds of different alien races, and that telepathy -- mind to mind communication -- is the intergalactic language, and that we humans are descendants of one race or several similar races of intergalactic civilizations who have lost their birthright to the stars and to the oneness of the cosmos, then Moody's story could be part of their plan to educate us. Your comments please. SERIAL KILLERS AND MASS MURDERS What do serial killers who have been molded by the military have in common? Is there a pattern to these killings? What is the government's liability in all this? If the Pentagon is going to make killers of ordinary men, shouldn't it unmake them before returning them to civilian life? What changes need to be made in Federal Torts Laws? DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER INSTITUTIONALIZED We need to look at "need to know" compartmentalization and the rogue elephant aspects of the National Security State, the history of Nazi research in mind control and its institutionalization as information control in an information age. POLITICS OF DISSOCIATION We must examine the infighting of the mental health professionals. Where do their ideas come from and how do new ideas become accepted? What evidence do we have that The False Memory Spindrome Foundation is an intelligence backlash -- a limited hangout to help keep the secrets of compartmentalization? What new evidence do we have of government "spychiatrists" who created the technology for planting false memories suddenly revealing ( fifty years too late) that false memories can be implanted by hypnotists, and in the normal course of psychotherapy? Moody filed a motion for a new trial on November 9th. His sentencing is scheduled for late January 1996. His phone use has been restricted. He needs contributions to get a diagnosis. Psychiatrists are charging $350 per hour for jailhouse interviews. W.H. Bowart is the author of the seminal work OPERATION MIND CONTROL. Published internationally in 1978, it was reissued by the Freedom of Thought Foundation in a revised and vastly expanded limited numbered Researcher's Edition in 1994. Information on ordering videotapes of the trial, can be obtained through Freedom of Thought Foundation, P.O. Box 35072, Tucson, Arizona 85740-5072. NOTE TO MEMBERS: Drop the editor (Tom Kirby) a note letting him know what issues you did not receive in 1995. All subscriptions end with this issue. Freedom of Thought Foundation P.O. Box 35072, Tucson, Arizona, 85740-5072 - E-mail: VIDEOS q 1. An Overview of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control and Dissociation, W.H. Bowart, Randy Noblitt, Mark Phillips, Alan Scheflin. The opening discussion of the CULT RITUAL ABUSE TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL AND DISSOCIATION; A Multidisciplinary Dialog and Educational Symposium held March 23-26, 1995 at the Omni Hotel, Dallas Texas, sponsored by the Society for the Investigation, Treatment and Prevention of Ritual and Cult Abuse (SITPRCA). 2 hrs. $39.95 q 2. Secrecy and Manipulation -- the "Occult" Barriers, Linda Blood. Author of THE NEW SATANISM, speaks of her involvement with the Temple of Set and events which led to the writing of her book "THE NEW SATANISM". Video taped at the SITPRCA Conference. 1 hr.$29.95 q 3. The Rosetta Stone to the Unconscious, Mark Phillips and W.H. Bowart. Bowart discusses NLP and demonstrates several techniques with the audience to illustrate how "body memory" works in programming. Phillips relates these harmless techniques to more insidious forms of mind control involving electroshock "anchoring". Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference. 2 hrs. $39.95 q 4. CIA Mind Control Inside Out, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, present the story of Ms. O'Brien's lifetime of abuse by the CIA and other government agencies and her subsequent "deprogramming" by Phillips. They cover a great deal of detail on the cryptocracy's mind control efforts and name names of high ranking government officials. Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference. 2 hrs.$ 39.95 q 5. The Language of the Unconscious -- Alien, Ritual and Government Mind Control Survivor Reports, W.H. Bowart. A workshop in which the author of OPERATION MIND CONTROL goes over his research. This includes some research which has never been published comparing ritual abuse survivor reports and alien abductee reports. Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference. 2 hrs. $39.95 q 6. Utilizing Cult Accessing Techniques in the Evaluation and Treatment of Ritual Abuse Survivors, Randy Noblitt. Dr. Noblitt presents valuable information for therapists on the codes, cues and triggers to access programmed individuals. Part two is TRAUMA MEDIATED CONDITIONING. We suggest you purchase both these tapes. Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference. 2 hrs, $39.95. q 7. Trauma Mediated Conditioning, Learning, and Altered States of Consciousness, Randy Noblitt. Dr. Noblitt gives some of the codes, cues and triggers of satanic ritual abuse and presents an overview of "mudras" and phrases he has learned from programmed survivors. Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference. 1.5 +- hrs. $39.95 q 8. Surviving the Backlash Against the Mental Health Profession, Randy Noblitt, Jan MacLean, John Kiker, Michael Moore. This panel of doctors and therapists discusses the dangers of healing programmed people in light of the attacks on healers from such as the False Memory Spindrome Foundation, which many think is a front organization for the cryptocracy, aimed at striking terror in the hearts of therapists. Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference. 2 hrs. $39.95. q 9. A History of Mind Control: What We Can Prove, What We Can't, Alan Scheflin. The author of TRANCE ON TRIAL and THE MIND MANIPULATORS, Dr. Scheflin presents a fascinating slide show of the history of mind control from the earliest days of shamanism, through Freudian times, through electroshock and lobotomy to the present "cordless" mind control forms. Videotaped at the SITPRCA Conference 2 hrs. $39.95 q 10. UFO'S AND MIND CONTROL, W.H. Bowart with Ted Loman and the hosts of UFOAZ. This includes an hour of accused "alien" serial murderer Robert Moody manifesting multiple personalities in his jail cell for the first time. Moody wants to get the lethal injection because the "Nordic aliens" have assured him that he will be resurrected on television. 2 hrs. $39.95 . Single 2 hr tapes $39.95, 1 hr tapes $29.95 plus S& H. Charter members of the FREEDOM OF THOUGHT FOUNDATION may take an additional 15% discount. FREEDOM OF THOUGHT FOUNDATION VIDEO TAPE ORDER Send check or M.O. made out to the Freedom of Thought Foundation, P.O. Box 35072, Tucson, Arizona, 85740-5072. Include $3 S & H for each tape ordered. While orders will be processed as quickly as possible. Please allow 6 weeks for delivery just in case. "There is no "alien" defense for murder in this county," Judge Howard Hantman said. declared. FREE THINKING This edition of FREE THINKING was edited by Tom Kirby and is published exclusively for members of FREEDOM OF THOUGHT FOUNDATION, at P.O. Box 35072, Tucson, Arizona. 85740-5072. Charter Membership $100. Annual E-mail subscription $25: -- U.S. post sub: $50 ( Firstclass domestic snailmail.) 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