================================================================ MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 77 ================================================================ V E R I C O M M sm "Quid veritas est?" ================================================================ The views and opinions expressed below are not necessarily the views and opinions of VERICOMM, or the editors unless otherwise noted. The following is reproduced here with the express permission of the author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for non-commercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unedited. Copy formatted in ASCII. Netscape mail reader format: "Options/Mail & News Preferences/Appearance" = Fixed Width Font. ================================================================ WAR MONGER OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER: THE NEW MILLENNIUM By Armen Victorian June 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------- At the time when the Serbian War-lords are chased for their crimes against humanity for a number of despicable crimes. Types of which history remembers during the massacre of a million and half Armenians by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, after that, the fate of the Jewish people in the hands of Nazi regime, and long after in Sadam's massacre of Kurds in Sabrah, Shatilah and Halabjah -- the morality of these type of acts committed by the military leaders seem seldom changed much, or brought to close scrutiny. Desert Storm, too, had bloody hands -- the Kuwait-Baghdad highway massacre -- considered a legitimate operation. It is quite ironic, since everyone of the above-mentioned historical massacres were sanctioned by their contemporary political and military leaders, and at the time, in the eyes of the acting leaders were also legitimate. Yet, the human, global consciousness condemned these acts. In reality there are no properly set laws on the conduct of wars, military operations, or the types of weapons used. Usually, the victors who hold the ultimate balance of power -- super-powers -- dictate the terms of what should, or could be legitimate, and what is not. In setting these rules, the civilian population have seldom any voice in it -- on the contrary they often pay heavy price, and are often used as bargaining chips -- the populations of Hiroshima and Nakazaki are further examples in this political and military chess games. By keeping the populations' minds bombarded through political and military propaganda, ordinary persons in the street learn about the truth long after the serious carnage is inflicted on the body of his other fellow man. There are today numerous regulations in place for propaganda and deception -- one look at the regulations governing the psychological and unconventional warfare would make everyone stop and think. And yet, very few have examined these regulations. In one such scenario raised the CIA's "Phoenix" program in Vietnam from the ashes and claimed the lives of over 20,000 Vietnamese victims [according to the agency's public figure]. The "Phung Hoan" goal -- the Vietnamese name given to this program -- devised by Robert W. Komer, better known as the "Blowtorch," was to perfect the ultimate mindwar system, using prisoners of war as guinea-pigs, amongst its other unconventional warfare operations. Remnants of the Phoenix heroes linger on, and have their fingers in another similar pie today -- the Nonlethal Weapons concept. John Alexander is one such "hero" wearing his medals on his chest with pride. An ardent participant in several insurgency operations, guiding the Cambodian mercenaries in their unconventional war in South-east Asia, made him the iron man the military industrial complex is looking for. Alexander's indifference to human values flows continuously through his propaganda talks in proliferation of a new category of weapons -- nonlethals. In his mind there is scope for only two categories; the friend and the foe. Psychological scars left from the defeats in Korean and Vietnam, has made him more determined in brainwashing the new, and young generation of future soldiers. As a defeated "hero," through his promotional talks on "soft kill policy options," he tries to hammer home that no longer the old conflict values stand. In a "Forum for Military Applications of Directed Energy (F-MADE)" held in Kirtland Air Force Base, on October 1990, Alexander said; "For the past several months I have been talking with many people in the defense community about a concept we at Los Alamos have termed "Non-Lethal Defense." It is my intent today to address the philosophical aspects of this strategic concept and cover some of the technologies that are considered applicable. You will see that Directed Energy plays a vital role in the Non-Lethal Defense concept." The reality about the level of their lethality becomes more apparent when Alexander further states; "In fact, at the outbreak of a recent conflict, we received a request from the responsible headquarters for information about a Direct Energy application as they considered the 'LEAST LETHAL' warfare option." The concept suddenly is no longer NONLETHAL, but LEAST LETHAL. Furthermore, their use is no longer limited to peace-keeping missions, anti-terrorist activities, or narco-terrorists but, as he puts it; "In the future, I submit that we have to abandon the border-based concept of "Fortress America" and recognise that our national interest may be endangered from within." Meaning their use on American people is now a viable option. It is quite ironic that on the one hand Alexander suggests to replace the use of lethal weapons with nonlethal options, as part of his new strategy for a number of scenarios, as mentioned above, and in addition he advocates the need for "further development of precision lethal systems." And, as he further comments; "I am not suggesting that we will not use lethal force when appropriate. As Dick Vitali put it, 'You need a stinger to be believable'." In digesting his comments it becomes quite clear that the idea is to add yet more weapons, to already proliferated, and saturated weapons markets. Weapons with serious question marks concerning the outcome of their use. Weapons that upon Alexander's own admission are not totally nonlethal. But as "nonlethals" above and beyond their highly questionable characteristics, could inflict lethal casualty. In the same Forum Alexander changes the so called "Values of Conflict," which their current moral values in themselves are questionable, with a new set of more controversial values. He believes no longer these old shared values that; "Maximum Force Wins; Attack Enemy Soldiers; Avoid Civilian Casualties; Hold Terrain; Clear Objectives; Go for Long Haul; Stay Alive" -- are valid. Instead he introduces the following in their place; 1. Economic Targets. 2. Inflict Pain. 3. Any Target OK. 4. Hide with Civilians 5. Unclear Objectives. 6. Short Duration Objectives. 7. Death is desirable. These so called "New Values" introduce a frightening scope, and raise some extremely serious moral, ethical, political, and legal questions concerning the future conduct of conflicts. In fulfilling the objectives of these values Alexander suggests the use of following Directed Energy weapons; 1. "Optical Munitions" to blind. 2. "High Power Microwave" to cook the internal organs. 3. "Pulsed Power Weapons" to inflict long term shock. 4. "Infrasound" with disastrous effects, from nausea, dizziness, to vomiting. Close examination of one of these group of weapons, as an example, provides a frightening scope of what Alexander has in mind for the enemy, as well as the American people. A Confidential report, prepared by the US Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Believer, Virginia, in 1969, titled "An Infrasonic System," in its section on "Effects - Human" details these frightening effects; "On tests with cadavers at other facilities, it was found that the eardrum ruptures at approximately 160db. Also, in tests made on aircraft carriers, it was found that there exists an impulse to get away from the sound. This effect occurred at a sound pressure level of only 130 to 140db. Tests on animals showed guinea pigs and rats died in 8 minutes at sound pressure levels of 150db and that mice died within one minute at 160db. "In Studies by Z. Angeluscheff, it was determined that energy of 0.1 w/square cm. (150db) breaks down the nervous cell, disrupts the molecular structure, and alters its physiological function in the hearing cell. Chronic stimulation causes formation of Purkinje cells, indicator of failing functional capacity of enzymes. The cell is deprived of its physiological capacity. He concluded that overtaxation by sound of the nerve cell over the physiological threshold has disastrous effects." INFRASONIC EFFECTS db Rating Auditory and Eye Effects Other Effects --------------------------------------------------------------- 110 Slight dizziness, nausea, feeling of apprehension. Skin senses sound wave. 120 Discomfort in ear. Chest and nasal cavities vibrate. 130 Perceptible visual field Moderate chest vibration, mild middle-ear pain wall vibration, 10-40% increase in pulse rate. Hypophyaryngeal fullness (gagging). Abdominal discomfort. 140 Sharp ear pain. Hearing loss up Vomiting, respirat- to 25 db after 3.25 minutes ory rhythm disrupted. disrupted. exposure Visual blurring. Anxiety and confus- ion, gagging sensation. 150 Threshold of nervous cell Transient headache breakdown in ear, disruption testicular aching, of molecular structure, voluntary human alteration of physiolog- limit. Death in 8 ical functions, indications of minutes for guinea failing functional capacity of pigs and rats. enzymes. 160 Eardrum rupture, ossicular chain White mice died disruption. within one minute. 170 Probable organ dam- age (extrapolation of data, maximum of 100 msec). 180 DEATH? --------------------------------------------------------------- We should also note that all subjective sensations rose in intensity very rapidly as sound pressure levels increased above 145db. This is only one among the catalogue of weapons John Alexander is proudly advocating their further development and use. Other weapons in Alexander's menu have equally terrifying effects. I will examine each of them, in future papers. As John Alexander has included in his "New Conflict Values," "Every Target [is] OK." It does not matter, if there are pregnant women, children, or elderly in the targeted area. Vietnam's "Phoenix" once more raises from the ashes to claim yet more victims. ARMEN VICTORIAN JUNE 1996 COPYRIGHT 1996