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CAHRA Membership Cards

Lo-res images and membership criteria

Associate (victim) Membership Card:

Supporter (non-victim) Membership Card

Following is the original email annoucing these cards:

Subject:          Membership cards
BCC to:           @ALLVIC.PML
Send reply to:
Date sent:        Mon, 16 Aug 1999 14:19:47

Hi -

The President, Cheryl Welsh, and current board 
member of CAHRA (Citizens Against Human Rights
Abuse) would like to offer each victim and supporter
a small token of victims' struggle and supporters'
gracious help in the form of MEMBERSHIP CARDS 

The current "voting" members are:

- Cheryl Welsh, President
- John Ginter, Treasurer
- Steve Deleno, board member
- Eleanor White, board member

What we offer [you, the victim] is an ID card which
symbolizes your suffering, which encourages mutual
support, and which may be useful when accosted by
the authorities.  I find that carrying one is very
uplifting - it says an organization exists in this
movement and I'm a member.

If you would like one mailed to you, please email
me a short request with the address for mailing.

In my local experience with my own cards, though
they won't actually keep you out of mental hospital
(for example) health authorities and police DO take 
notice.  At least the existence of an organization
makes them stop and think a bit.

We canNOT provide services similar to those of
organization where dues are paid and energetic staff
are available.  You the applicant agree to the above
description of CAHRA membership, which is sometimes
described as "associate" or "non-voting" in other

If we ever get blessed with a reduction in torture
or a financial windfall, the non-voting relationship
may change, but we all know that isn't likely.  There
are no dues.

A requirement of membership is to supply a real name
and mailing address for the card.  Mailing address
updates are optional, and the mailing address will
not be printed on the card.  This does NOT have to
be your own residence address.

These mailing addresses will be kept in an encrypted
DBASE file, however, no encryption scheme is safe
from our tormentors' unlimited intelligence resources.

Another requirement is that a CAHRA board member
must have personally reviewed a brief testimony
statement and be satisfied that the applicant is a
victim of involuntary human experimentation, of the
MKULTRA or neuro-electromagnetic type.

If your children are targets too, please let me
know and I'll make them a card.

** DO NOT SEND me testimonials.  I know many of
you as do Cheryl and the other board members.

** Please spread the word to victims who are not
on my emailing list or don't have Internet access.

If I'm unclear about your being a true victim of
neuro-electromagnetic experimentation, I will
email you a 1-page survey form for you to check
off with an 'x' each symptom that applies to you.

I will also furnish a similar card which instead
of "Associate" membership will indicate 
"Supporter".  A recommendation and a "second" from
two valid associate members will be required for
me to issue these supporters a card.

A "supporter" NEED NOT be a powerful professional -
a family member or friend who is FULLY AWARE of
the danger of supporting one of us but still does
anyway is elegible.  I'd appreciate a ONE page
writeup of the activities of supporting members
who are not widely known to our group.

(For example, Dr. Nick Begich is known to all as
the professional who was instrumental in getting
the European Parliament to make resolutions about
"weapons of political control", and certainly
qualifies for a supporter card.  Dr. Begich's
activities need no writeup.)

A membership number will be assigned by Eleanor
White, who will fill in the business-card-size ID
and mail it back.

Applicant addresses will be available only to CAHRA
staff and board members and will not be published.

!!!! IMPORTANT:  I am personally paying for the
production and mailing of these cards, so allow
plenty of time - I can't afford to mass produce
and mail them.  If you fear imminent involuntary
mental hospitalization, I will put you at the
head of the line.  (If you are just generally
afraid of this, please let me proceed on a first
come first served basis.)

*** I am going to post a card image, which will
NOT show much detail so the image will load 
fast on my web sites.  The page containing the
card references will be:  (NO www)

It may be a couple of days before I get the
first associate card posted.  You will be
able to see the text on the card image.  The
actual cards will be a nice clean 1200 dots
per inch resolution image.

Those who have my phone numbers, please do
NOT phone me.  Write or email instead.  Reason
is there are now at least 270 victim claimants
and I can't take a fraction of that many calls
at work or at home.

I don't know how you-all feel about this, but
in all historic uprisings, which is what we
are hard at work to accomplish, symbolism and
solidarity have counted a great deal.  Let's
hope this will be true for us as well.

Eleanor White, P.Eng., Technical Advisor
Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse
430 Cumberland Ave. #312
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada    L8M 3M9

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