In Memoriam:
Dr. Rauni Kilde's Mother

Received by email from Dr. Kilde, February 18, 2004:

A comment to Eleanor: I have been blocked in many ways trying to write you, so I am trying through this email: YES, do put my mother on the list her name was Eeva Valve. At her deathbed I promised her I will try to do everything possible to expose this torture of innocent people.

It was just awful what they did and I could not prevent it. The day after a very beautiful funeral service I, my houseguest and cats and dog were badly POISONED for several days by a strong poison. I have experienced this poison before but never so strong. We have been in bed for a week with no energy, vomiting, headache and we are not well yet. But we will survive and after taking my mother's ashes to Finland I will go on a long vacation. Maybe India, Jamaica or somewhere warm anyway.

Other types of pressure, harassment and theft started right on the day of the funeral.

- Greetings Rauni Kilde--