San Francisco Chronicle, date not known
U.S. Settles Suit Over CIA's 'Brainwashing'
By Michael Taylor, Chronicle staff writer

The U.S. government yesterday reached an out-of-court settlement in a lawsuit filed by eight Canadian citizens who said they were subjected to relentless brainwashing as part of a secret mind control experiment conducted by the CIA.

Two of the eight plaintiffs contacted at their homes in Canada said the settlement totalled $750,000 ...

The lawsuit, and what its trial might reveal, were so sensitive inside the spy agency that CIA director William Webster was personally involved in the settlement negotiations, according to a source close to the case.

Canadian Press wire service, November 18, 1992
Brainwash Victims to Receive $100,000
Ottawa denies responsibility for experiments

By Bob Cox

OTTAWA -- The federal government will pay $100,000 each to victims of brainwashing experiments funded by Canada and the CIA between 1950 and 1985, Justice Minister Kim Campbell announced Tuesday.

Ottawa is paying the money to avoid legal claims by victims of the experiments carried out by Dr. Ewen Cameron at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute.