** CKLN-FM radio show TAPES can be ORDERED -
see catalogue after CKLN PRESS RELEASE

MKULTRA INDEX (Not kept up to date)

Updated CKLN Contact Information
as of June 2001

CKLN web site:  http://ckln.sac.ryerson.ca
CKLN general email: ckln@sac.ryerson.ca
CKLN news email: ckln-news@sac.ryerson.ca

CKLN is located at Ryerson University in

Series producer Wayne Morris, who worked part time, had this email
address some years ago:


...however, it may be out of date by now.  Wayne Morris is not
listed on their staff page at the moment.

CKLN has this blurb about government mind control on the main page
of their web site:

"A fully documented history of government mind control experiments
featuring exclusive interviews with researchers, survivors and
activists. 47 episodes available on cassette (60 min.) or
transcripts. Printed tape catalogues with detailed descriptions are
available in CKLN office or online at


Call 416-595-1477 to order or fax to 416-595-0226 or email to 


Tapes and transcripts can be purchased directly at the office of
CKLN in Toronto during normal business hours."

*** CANADIAN VIEWERS Watched the TV documentary show Fifth Estate in January 1998 for a show describing ex-Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's role in allowing the CIA to establish a torture center at the "Allan Institute", McGill University, Montreal, under the control of Dr. Ewen Cameron.
Toronto CBC main # 416-205-3311 (transfer to Fifth Estate)

Date: 97-03-15 09:58:43 EST


CKLN 88.1 FM radio series on Canadian involvement in U.S. CIA and military
mind control programs and the links to ritual abuse.

Interviews with survivors, therapists, researchers, and writers regarding
unethical mind control experiments carried out by Canada and the United
States on Toronto radio station CKLN-FM 88.1 Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

On Sunday, March 16 at 9:30 AM the International Connections program will
begin the radio series 'Mind Control In Canada.' Every Sunday morning
9:30-10:30 AM on CKLN-FM 88.1 for the following eight months will focus on
different issues of military and government use of mind control with a focus
on the Canadian involvement in the experimental programs including:

*The documented history of CIA/military mind control programs including the
funding of projects at Canadian institutes across the country (Including the
Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal).

*The military and intelligence uses of mind control including using the
child victims for sexual blackmail, message delivery, information stealing,
coercion and assassination.

*The use of Multiple Personality Disorder for mind control programming and
the links to the MPD effects of ritual abuse, sexual abuse and severe trauma 

*The public debate around recovered memories of abuse

*The nature of the mind control experiments from survivors' accounts


Dr. Colin Ross -- proves that mind control has been used operationally since
World War II in a lecture of the history of U.S. CIA and military mind
control experiment programs.

Lynne Moss-Sharman -- survivor of mind control experimentation and ritual
abuse as a child by CIA-funded doctors. Lynne describes electricity,
drugging, brain implants, sexual abuse and other brutalities that were
committed on her and other children and adults in Canada and United States.

Ronald Howard Cohen -- survivor of abduction and severe drugging by CIA and
military and subsequent harrassment in attempting to publish a book about
his ordeal.

Valerie Wolf -- therapist of mind control survivors who gave testimony about
mind control experiments in the 1995 US Presidential hearings on radiation

Dr. Connie Kristiansen, Carleton University -- feminist psychologist talks
about the backlash against therapists working with abuse survivors.

Linda MacDonald -- survivor of Dr. Cameron's electroshock, drugging, forced
sleep, and psychic driving 'treatment' at McGill University in Montreal and
has successfully pursued compensation from the Canadian government.

Alex Constantine -- researcher, author of 'Psychic dictatorship in the USA'
speaks about high-tech mind control technology and the legacy of damaged
survivors it has created.

For more information contact:

380 Victoria Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5B 1W7
Phone: (416) 595-1477
Fax: (416) 595-0226
Email: scw@web.net


                       TAPE ORDER FORM

Each tape is 60 minutes on good quality normal tape.

Tape selections (catalog numbers follow this form):




Number of tapes: ________ x $8.00 CDN per tape = ____________CDN

Nbr of transcripts: _____ x $3.00 CDN per show = ____________CDN

                                   Postage ..... ____________CDN

[Postage is $3 CDN for 1 tape plus 75 cents for each add'l tape
 or, $2 CDN for 1 transcript plus 50 cents for each add'l

                                   Total ....... ____________CDN

Name: __________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________

City: ___________________________  Prov/State: _________________

Postal/Zip code: ________________  Country: ____________________

* Make cheques or CDN-$ money orders payable to CKLN Radio Inc.
* Mail to: CKLN-FM, 380 Victoria Street, Toronto ON M5B 1W7
* Call 416-595-1477 or fax order to 416-595-0226 or email order
  to scw@web.net
* Tapes can be purchased directly at the office of CKLN Toronto
  during normal business hours
FOR FULL INDEX, click here.

Full index also available at the Mind Control Forum.

PARTIAL Listing of Available Tapes

MK RADIO 1 - Colin Ross lecture part 1
MK RADIO 2 - Colin Ross lecture part 2
MK RADIO 3 - Colin Ross lecture part 3

A lecture by Dr. Colin Ross entitled "The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian Candidate" given April 18, 1995 in Orange County, California. Dr. Ross discusses the history of US CIA and military mind control experimentation, particularly the use of creating mind controlled agents using hypnosis and trauma-based dissociation.

MK RADIO 4 - Interview with Colin Ross
MK RADIO 5 - Interview with Colin Ross

Wayne Morris interviews Dr. Colin Ross about dissociation and the many CIA mind control projects including thos that involved creating dissociation or multiple personalities in children. We discuss Canada's involvement in the mind control projects, the involvement of doctors, universities, hospitals, prisons, and other institutions across Canada and the U.S. in CIA mind control experiments.

MK RADIO 6 - Claudia Mullen and radiation hearings mind control testimony

Claudia Mullen describes the experience of giving testimony at the Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. The second half of this tape is given in 1995 to President Clinton's Advisory Committee on Human Radiaton Experiments by Claudia Mullen, Chris DeNicola Ebner, and their therapist Valerie Wolf regarting government mind control experimentation. This historic testimony broke the silence about government mind control experiments on children.

MK RADIO 7 - Ronald Howard Cohen 1
MK RADIO 8 - Ronald Howard Cohen 2

Ronald Howard Cohen, writer and activist, talks about his experience of being abducted while hitchhiking, taken to a military base in Maryland and being severely drugged there in the late 60s. Ronald Tells about having his book about this experience and his life's writings stolen by the US government. Agents of CIA, FBI, and US Army Intelligence informed Ronald that his book would not be published and offered him a job at the New York Times to keep him quiet.

MK RADIO 9 - Overview of Mind Control - Bowart, Scheflin, Noblitt

A panel presentation at the Cult and Ritual Abuse, Trauma-Based Mind Control and Dissociation Symposium. Walter Bowart, author of "Operation Mind Control" talks about his research into mind control and the CIA's and military's use of mind control. Alan Scheflin addresses therapists dealing with clients with recovered memories of abuse in today's atmosphere of intimidation with the false memory movement. Scheflin states that therapists now must recognise therapy as a social influence setting and must be knowledgeable about social influence and police interrogation literature. Randy Noblitt speaks about cult and satanic ritual abuse and the use of trauma in religious ritual.

MK RADIO 10 - History of Mind Control - Alan Scheflin - 1
MK RADIO 11 - History of Mind Control - Alan Scheflin - 2

Alan Scheflin presents "The History of Mind Control - What We Can Prove and What We Can't", which documents the several centuries of history of mind control from the use of the Malleus Malificarum in the Inquisition to the CIA's extensive mind control projects. He talks about the use of hypnosis, trauma-based dissociation, drugs, sensory deprivation, electroshock, and other methods of mind control experimentation.

MK RADIO 12 - Interview with Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullen, Chris Ebner

Immediately after giving the historic testimony of mind control experimentation to the Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, Will Snodgrass interviews Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullen and Chris Ebner. They expand on their testimonies with information about the CIA doctors and locations involved in their experimentation and abuse.

MK RADIO 13 - Interview with Claudia Mullen - 1
MK RADIO 14 - Interview with Claudia Mullen - 2
MK RADIO 15 - Interview with Claudia Mullen - 3

Wayne Morris interviews Claudia Mullen about her experience as a mind controlled slave for the US government. Claudia alleges that doctors primarily at Tulane University, New Orleans, had experimented on her starting when she was 8 years old and trained her to be a sex slave for political blackmail purposes. She talks of being used to compromise military officers, politicians, and other prominent officieals in sex situations which were videotaped by the CIA. We discuss her testimony at the radiation hearings and hre memories of experimentation including drugs, electroshock, severe traumatisation and abuse by CIA doctors such as Robert Heath, Martin Orne, Ewen Cameron, Sidney Gottleib and others.

MK RADIO 16 - Valerie Wolf presentation - 1
MK RADIO 17 - Valerie Wolf presentation - 2

Valerie Wolf presents "Assessment and Treatment of Survivors of Sadistic Abuse" at the Believe the Children conference in April 1997. Valerie gave testimony at the radiation hearings about mind control experimentation with her clients. In this presentation, Valerie describes her methods and approach to treating survivors of mind control. She talks about the different programs and techniques used to traumatise and reinforce programming. She explains her belief that in trauma-based conditioning, remembering what caused the trauma disables the mind control programming.

MK RADIO 18 - Jon Rappoport lecture - 1

Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport gives a talk entitled "The CIA, Mind Control and Children" about the CIA's use of children for creating mind control agents. Author of "U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children" talks about the impact of the mind control testimony submitted to the Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. Jon speaks about the mindset of those responsible for these horrors and the implications on society.

MK RADIO 19 - Jon Rappoport -2, Valerie Wolf interview - 1
MK RADIO 20 - Valerie Wolf interview - 2

Wayne Morris interviews Valerie Wolf about her experiences giving mind control testimony at the radiation hearings and treating mind control survivors. We discuss dissociation, healing processes, and her therapeutic approaches that have enabled survivors to overcome the devastating effects of trauma-based mind control. We also discuss the effect of the activities of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation on therapy and access to survivors.

MK RADIO 21 - Jeanette Westbrook presentation - 1
MK RADIO 21 - Jeanette Westbrook presentation/interview - 2

Jeannette Westbrook talks about how to prosecute a perpetrator of ritual abuse and mind control. She speaks from the experience of attempting to prosecute her father who allegedly sexually and ritually abused her as a child and throughout her teen years. Her father was a high ranking Freemason, a deacon in the Mormon church, and was the Executive Director of the organization responsible for inspecting all nuclear power stations in the U.S. Jeanette's father died suddenly just before being made to stand charges in court.

MK RADIO 23 - Dr. Stephen Kent interview - 1
MK RADIO 24 - Dr. Stephen Kent interview - 2, Judy Steed interview,
Peter Tooey interview

Dr. Stephen Kent is a professor of sociology at U. of Alberta, Edmonton, who specializes in controversial religious cults and the allegations of ritual abuse by these groups. We discuss the alleged of elements of Freemasonry in ritual abuse, issues regarding police investigations of ritual abuse crimes, and the backlash against against people coming forward with accounts of abuse by groups like the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

Toronto Star journalist Judy Steed, in an interview with CBC Thunder Bay, talks about cases involving ritual and sexual abuse such as the Prescott, Ontario case.

MK RADIO 25 - Lynne Moss-Sharman - 1
MK RADIO 26 - Lynne Moss-Sharman - 2

Lynne Moss-Sharman is the Canadian co-ordinator of ACHES-MC (Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors of Mind Control) and the Stone Angels, a ritual abuse support group in Thunder Bay. Lynne alleges she was experimented on by CIA MKULTRA doctors Jose Delgado and Ewen Cameron among others in horrific experiments. She also alleges that she was sexually and ritually abused by Freemasons. We discuss her experiences in organizing conferences for ritual abuse survivors and professionals dealing with these issues and with ACHES-MC's current campaign to call from U.S. government hearings on mind control experimentation.

MK RADIO 27 - Kathleen Sullivan - 1
MK RADIO 28 - Kathleen Sullivan - 2
MK RADIO 29 - Kathleen Sullivan - 3

In this extraordinary interview, Kathleen tells her story of being used for assassination, bodyguarding, smuggling, and other illegal activities for the White House, CIA, NASA, and the Mafia. She alleges that her father, a CIA agent, had tortured and programmed her starting in her childhood. She describes the types of operations and project code names she was used for and names some of the people involved in her abuse as a mind controlled operative, particularly George Bush and Henry Kissinger. We discuss the mind control techniques that she alleges were used on her and the involvement if the entertainment industry in mind control. We also discuss the mind control connections to the "New World Order" implementation.