Electromagnetic Radiation & Mind Control  BOOKLIST
Updated:  1 April 1998

Adey, W. Ross, and Lawrence, Albert F. (eds.):
Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems,  Plenum
Publishing Corp.,  NY,  1984.

Alexander, John B., Groller, Richard, and Morris, Janet:
The Warrior's Edge:  Front-line Strategies for
Victory on the Corporate Battlefield,  1990.

Anderson, Larry E. (ed.):  Interaction of Biological
Systems with Static and ELF Electric and Magnetic
Fields,  Dept. of Energy,  Washington, DC,  1984.

Aquino,  Michael A. (Maj.), and Valley, Paul E. (Col.):
Mindwar:  From Psyops to Mindwar: The Psychology of

Bamford, James, and Madsen,:  The Puzzle Palace:  Inside
the National Security Agency, America's Most Secret
Intelligence Organization,  Penguin Books,  NY,  1982.

Baranska, S., and Czerski, P.:  Biological Effects of
Microwaves,  Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Inc.,
Stroudsburg,  PA,  1976.

Barnothy, M. F.:  Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields,
Plenum Publishing Corp.,  NY, Vol. I:  1964, Vol. II,

Basar, E.,  Flohr, H., Haken, H., and Mandell, A.
(eds.):  Synergetics of the Brain, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin,  1983.

Bearden, Thomas E. (Lt. Col.):  An Approach to
Understanding Psychotronics,  (AD-A027866) Defense
Documentation Center,  Washington,  DC,  1976.

Bearden, Thomas E. (Lt. Col.):  Excalibur Briefing,
Strawberry Hill Press/Walnut Hill Books,  San Francisco,

Bearden, Thomas E. (Lt. Col.):  Gravitobiology,  1991.

Bearden, Thomas E. (Lt. Col.):  The New Tesla
Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free
Energy,  Tesla Book Co.,  Millbrae,  CA,  1983.

Bearden, Thomas E. (Lt. Col.):  Solutions to Tesla's
Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons, Tesla Book Co.,
Millbrae,  CA,  1983.

Becker,  Robert O., and Selden, Gary:  The Body
Electric:  Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life,
William Morrow & Co., Inc., NY,  1985.

Becker,  Robert O.:  Cross Currents: The Perils of
Electropolution, The Promise of Electromedicine,  Jeremy
P. Tarcher, NY,  1990.

Becker, Robert O., and Marino, Andrew A.:
Electromagnetism and Life,  SUNY Press, Albany, NY,

Becker, Robert O. (ed.):  Mechanism of Growth Control,
C. C. Thomas Press, Springfield, IL 1982.

Begich, Nick, and Manning, Jeane:  Angels Don't Play
This HAARP:  Advances in Tesla Technology, Earthpulse
Press, Anchorage,  AK,  1995.  (ISBN:  0-96488-12-0)

Begich, Nick:  Towards a New Alchemy:  The Millennium

Beir, V.:  Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of
Ionizing Radiation,  1990.

Beischer, D. E., et al.:  Exposure of Man to Magnetic
Fields Alternating at Extremely Low Frequency,
(AD-7701400, NAMRL 1180) Naval Aerospace Medical
Research Laboratory, Pensacola,  FL,  1973.

Bennett, William R.:  Health and Low-Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields,  Yale University Press,  New
Haven, CT,  1994.

Biderman, A. D., and Zimmer, H. (eds.):  The
Manipulation of Human Behavior,  John Wiley & Sons,

Blank, Martin:  Electromagnetic Field Biointeractions
and Mechanics, Advances in Chemistry Series No. 250.
American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., NW,
Washington,  DC   20036, 1995.  (ISBN:  0-8412-3135-4)

Bowart, Walter:  Operation Mind Control, Dell, NY,

Bowart, Walter H.:  Operation Mind Control:  How the
Cryptocracy will Psychocivilize You, St. Martin's Press,
NY,  1994.

Braid, James:  Electro-biological Phenomena Considered
Physiologically and Psychologically, Sutherland & Knox,
Edinburgh, 1851. (Yes, 1851)

Brodeur, Paul:  Currents of Death:  Power Lines,
Computer Terminals, and the Attempt to Cover Up Their
Threat to Your Health, Simon & Schuster, NY,  1989.

Brodeur, Paul:  Secrets:  A Writer in the Cold War,
Faber & Faber, Boston,  1997.  (ISBN: 0-571-19907-0)

Brodeur, Paul:  The Zapping of America:  Microwaves,
Their Deadly Risk, and the Cover-up, W. W. Norton & Co.,
NY,  1977.  (Ch. 23 on mind control)

Buderi, :  The Invention that Changed the World,

Burch, N., and Altschuler, H. L. (eds.):  Behavior and
Brain Electrical Activity,  Plenum Publishing Corp., NY,

Burdick, Dorothy:  Such Things are Known, Vantage Press,
Inc.,  1982.  (nonfiction, out-of-print)

Burner, Alvin M.:  Biological Effects of Microwaves:
Future Research Directions,  San Francisco Press, Inc.,
San Francisco,  CA,  1968.

Burr, H.S.:  Blueprint for Immortality:  The Electric
Patterns of Life, Neville Spearman, London,  1972.

Bylinsky, Gene:  Mood Control,  Charles Schribner's
Sons, NY,  1968.

Callahan, Philip S., (Ph.D.):  Exploring the Spectrum
and Paramagnetism,  19__.

Callahan, Philip S.:  The Paramagnetic ELF Forces, 19__.

Calder, Nigel:  The Mind of Man,

Cannon, Martin:  Mind Control  in America,

Cannon, Martin:  The Controllers:  A  New Hypothesis of
Alien Abduction,  Prevailing Winds, Santa Barbara,  CA,

Capron, Alexander, M.:  Human Experimentation,
University Publications of America, Bethesda,  MD,

Chavkin, Samuel:  The Mind Stealers:  Psychosurgery and
Mind Control,  Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,  1978.

Chiabrera, A., Nicolini, C., and Schwan, H. P. (eds.):
Interactions Between Electromagnetic Fields and Cells,
NATO Scientific Affairs Division, ASI Series 97A,
Plenum Publications Corp., NY and London,  1985.

Chokroverty, Sudhansu:  Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical

Chorover, Stephen L.:  From Genesis to Genocide:  The
Meaning of Human Nature and the Power of Behavior
Control,  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,  1979.

Clark, Hulda:  The Cure for All Disease,

Clarke, Arthur C.:  July 20, 2019,

Cleary, Stephen, F. (ed.):  Biological Effects and
Health Implications of Microwave Radiation, US Dept.
HEW, BRH/DBE 70-2, Washington, DC, (June) 1979.  (From
the Richmond Symposium,  Richmond, VA , Sept. 17-19,

Cole, K. C.:  Sympathetic Vibrations,

Collins, Larry:  The Maze:  A Novel, Simon & Schuster,
Inc., NY,  1989.  (fiction)

Colorado Springs Notes,  (Nikola Tesla's experiments)

Condon, Richard:  The Manchurian Candidate,  (fiction)

Constantine, Alex:  Psychic Dictatorship in the USA,
Feral House,  Portland,  OR,  1995.  (ISBN:
0-922915-28-8:  221 pgs.)

Constantine, Alex:  Virtual Government:  CIA Mind
Control Operations in America,  Feral House, Venice,
CA,  1997.

Copeland, Miles:  Without Cloak and Dagger:  The Truth
About the New Espionage, Simon & Schuster, NY,  1974.

Corning, W.C., and Balaban, M.:  The Mind:  Biological
Approaches to its Function, 1968.

Corson, William:  The Armies of Ignorance, Dial Press,
NY,  1977.

Czerski,  P.,  Shore,  M. L.,  et al. (eds.):
Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave
Radiation,  Polish Medical Pub., Warsaw, POLAND,  1974.

Davis,  Albert Roy:  The Anatomy of Biomagnetism,
Vantage Press,  NY,  1982.  (ISBN: 533-05046-4:  107

Davis,  Albert Roy, and Rawls, Walter C., Jr.:  The
Magnetic Blueprint of Life,  Exposition Press,
Hicksville,  NY,  1979.  (ISBN:  0-682-49215-9:  150
pgs.)   (Good bibliography at end.)

Davis,  Albert Roy, and Rawls, Walter C., Jr.:  The
Magnetic Effect,  Exposition Press, Hicksville,  NY,

Davis, Albert Roy, and Rawls, Walter C., Jr.:  Magnetism
and Its Effects on the Living System,  Exposition Press,
Hicksville,  NY,  1974.

Dean, (Lt. Col.) David J. (ed.):  Low-Intensity Conflict
and Modern Technology,  Air University Press, Maxwell
Air Force Base,  AL,  (June) 1986.

DeFelice, L.:  Introduction to Membrane Noise,  Plenum
Publishing Corp.,  NY,  1981.

De la Warr, G.W., and Baker, D.:  Biomagnetism,  de la
Warr Laboratories, Ltd.,  Oxford, 1978.

Delgado, Jose M. R.:  Physical Control of the Mind:
Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Row, NY,
1969  and  Harper Colophon Books,  NY, 1971.

DeVolpi, A.,  et al.:  Born Secret:  The
H-H-HhhhHHHH-Bomb,  the Progressive Case and National
Security,  Pergamon Press,  1981.

Dumansky, Y., Serdyuk, A. M.,  and Los, I. P.:  The
Effect of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on
Humans,  Kiev,

Ebon, Martin:  Psychic Warfare:  Threat or Illusion?,
McGraw Hill, NY,  1983.

Eccles, J. C.:  The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind,
Oxford University Press, NY,   1953.

Eden, Jerome:  Animal Magnetism and the Life Energy,
Exposition Press,  Hickville,  NY, 1967.

Edelman, G. M.:  The Remembered Present:  A Biological
Theory of Consciousness,  Basic Books, NY,  1989.

Erne, Sergio N., Hahbohm, H.D., and Lubbig, H.:
Biomagnetism,  Walter De Gruyter & Co., Berlin and NY,
1981.  (558 pgs. )

Eyges, Leonard:  The Classical Electromagnetic Field,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading,  MA,  1972.
(413 pgs.)

Ferguson, Marilyn:  The Brain Revolution:  The Frontiers
of Mind Research,  Taplinger Publishing Co., NY,  1973.

Flanagan, G. Patrick:  The Neurophone,  Pyramid Power,
8th ed., DeVorss & Co.,  Marina del Rey,  CA, 1980.

Franceschetti, Giorgio, Gandhi, and Grandolpho, M.
(eds.):  Electromagnetic Biointeraction, 1988.

Frohlich, H. (ed.):  Biological Coherence and Response
to External Stimuli, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg and
Berlin,  1988.

Gaylin, Willard M., Meister, Joel S., and Neville,
Robert C. (eds.):  Operating on the Mind, Basic Books,

Galton, Lawrence:  MedTech,

Gillmor, Don:  I Swear by Apollo:  Dr. Ewen Cameron, the
CIA, and the Canadian Mind-Control Experiments,  Eden
Press,  Montreal,  1986.

Glaser, Zorach R., and Moore Julia L.:  Cumulative Index
to the Bibliography of Reported Biological Effects and
Clinical Symptoms Attributed to Microwave and
Radio-Frequency Radiation Exposure,  Julie Moore and
Associates,  Riverside,  CA,  1982.

Gordon, Thomas:  Journey into Madness:  The True Story
of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse,  Bantam
Books, NY,  1989.

Grandolfo, M., Michealson, S. M., and Rindl, A. (eds.):
Biological Effects and Dosimetry of Nonionizing
Radiation,  Plenum Publishing Corp., NY,  1983.

Green, Elmer, and Alyce:  Beyond Biofeedback,  1977.

Greenslade, Shirley:  Mind Control, Agape Word,  1994.
(ISBN:  1-886799-05-9)

Grissett, J.D., and DeLorge, J.O.:  Central Nervous
System Effects as Measured by Reaction Time:  Squirrel
Monkeys Exposed for Short Periods to ELF Magnetic
Fields,  Naval Aerospace Research Medical Laboratory
(NAMRL),  Pensacola,  FL,  1971.

Grissett, J.D., et al.:  Exposure of Primates for One
Year to Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with ELF
Communication Systems,  Naval Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratory (NAMRL-1240),  Pensacola,  FL,  1977.

Guzman, Emilio:  Mind Control,  Institute of Psychology,
Inc., 1996.  (ISBN:  0-913343-25-0)

Halacy, D. S., Jr.:  Cyborg,  1965.

Hassan, Steven:  Combatting Cult Mind Control,

Hazzard, D. G.  (ed.):  Biological Effects and
Measurements of Radio Frequency/Microwaves, Bureau of
Radiological Health, HEW  Pub. 77-8026,  Rockville,  MD,

Heller, John H.:  Of Mice, Men, and Molecules,  1963.

Hemming, Leland H.:  Architectural Electromagnetic
Shielding Handbook:  A Design and Specification Guide,
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Press,  NY, 1992.

Hoffman, Michael A.:  Secret Societies and Psychological
Warfare,  Coetur d'Alene,  ID, 1989.  (127 pgs.)  (also
wrote:  They Were White and They Were Slaves,  1991.)

Hooper, Judith:  The Three Pound Universe,

Hutchings, Edward, Jr.:  Frontiers in Science,  1958.

Hutchison, Michael:  Mega Brain:  New Tools and
Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion,
Ballantine Books, NY,  1986.   (ISBN:  0-345-41032-7:
380 pgs.)

Hutchison, Michael:  Mega Brain Power,   (ISBN:
1-56282-770-7:  480 pgs.)

Illinger, K. H. (ed.):  Biological Effects of
Nonionizing Radiation,  American Chemical Society
Symposium Series No. 157, Washington, DC,  1981.

Jacobson, Steven:  Mind Control in the United States,
Critique Publishers,  Santa Rosa, CA,  1985.

John, E. R.:  Machinery of the Mind,  Birkhauser,
Boston,  MA,  1990.

John, R.G., and Dunne, B. J.:  Margins of Reality:  The
Role of Consciousness in the Physical World,  Harcourt,
Brace, & Jovanovich,  NY,  1987.

Johnson, C. C., and Shore,  M. L. (eds.):  Biological
Effects of Electromagnetic Waves, Bureau of Radiological
Health,  HEW Pub. 77-8010,  Rockville,  MD,  1976.

Johnson, George:  In the Palaces of Memory,

Kahn, Herman, and Weiner, Anthony:  The Year 2000:  A
Framework for Speculation on the Next Thirty-three
Years,  MacMillian Co.,  NY,  1967.

Keith, Jim:  Mind Control/World Control:  The
Encyclopedia of Mind Control, Adventures Unlimited
Press,  Illinois,  1998.  (ISBN:  0-932813-45-3:  311

Key, Wilson Bryan:  The Age of Manipulation:  The Con in
Confidence; The Sin in Sincere, Henry Holt & Co.,  NY,

Kholodov, Y.A.:  Effects of Electromagnetic and Magnetic
Fields on the Central Nervous System,  (NASA-NASATT,
F-465)  Washington,  DC,  1967.

Kollberg, E. (ed.):  Microwave and Millimeter Wave
Mixers, Institute Electrical, 1984.  (ISBN:

Kong, Jin A., et al.:  Theory of Microwave Remote
Sensing,  (2nd ed.), John Wiley & Sons, NY,  1985.

Lakhovsky, Georges:  The Secret of Life:  Cosmic Rays
and Radiations of Living Beings, Health Research,
Mokelumme Hill,  CA,  1970.  (Translated from Russian by
Mark Clement: 212 pgs.)

Lakhovsky, Georges:  The Secret of Life:  Electricity,
Radiation, and Your Body,  Liberty Lobby,  Washington,
DC,  1994.

Lausch, Erwin:  Manipulation,  Aiden Ellis,  1974.

Lawrence, Lincoln (pseudonym):  Were We Controlled?
University Books, New Hyde Park,  NY, 1967.

Lawrence, Lincoln (pseudonym), with an introduction by
Kenn Thomas:  Mind Control, Oswald  & JFK:  Were We
Controlled?  Adventures Unlimited Press,  Kempton,  IL,
1997.  (ISBN: 0-932813-46-1)

Lee, Martin, and Shlain, B.:  Acid Dreams:  The CIA,
LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion,  Grover Press,  NY,

Lee, Martin:  The Beast Reawakens,

Leonard, George:  The Silent Pulse,  Bantam Books, NY,

Levitt, B. Blake:  Electromagnetic Fields,   (432 pgs.)

Lin, James C.  (See Michaelson, Sol M., and...):
Biological Effects and Health Implications of RF

Lin, James C.:  Electromagnetic Interaction with
Biological Systems,  Plenum Publishing Corp., NY,  1989.

Lin, James C.:  Microwave Auditory Effects and
Applications, 1978.   (221 pgs.)

Lipsky, Stephen:  Microwave Passive Direction Finding,

Llaurado, J. G., Sances, A.,  and Battocletti, J.H.:
Biologic and Clinical Effects of Low-Frequency Magnetic
and Electric Fields,  Charles C. Thomas,  Springfield,
IL,  19??.  (>1988)

London, Perry:  Behavior Control, .  (269 pgs.)

Mackay, Stuart:  Biomedical Telemetry,

Marha, Karel, Musil, Jan, and Tuha, Hana:
Electromagnetic Fields and the Life Environment, San
Francisco Press, San Francisco,  CA,  1971.

Marino, Andrew A. (ed.):  Modern Bioelectricity,  Marcel
Dekker,  NY,  1988.

Marks, John D.:  Search for the Manchurian Candidate:
The CIA and Mind Control,  Times Books and W.W. Norton
Co.,  NY,  1979.  (nonfiction:  264 pgs.)

Maxwell, J. C.:  A Treatise on Electricity and
Magnetism,  Vols. I & II,  Dover Publications, NY,

McRae, Ronald M.:  Mind Wars:  The True Story of
Government Research into the Military Potential of
Psychic Weapons, St. Martin's Press, NY,  1984.  (ISBN:

Metz, Steven, and Kievit, James (lt. Col.):  The
Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of
War,  US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute
(SSI),  July 25, 1994.  (37 pgs.)  (Note:  Distribution
is unlimited.)

Michaelson, Sol M., and Lin, James C.:  Biological
Effects and Health Implications of RF Radiation,

Mills, James:  The Power,  Warner Books, Inc., NY,
1990.  (fiction)

Mind Control, Hidden Manipulation and Subliminal
Learning, Gordon Press,  NY,  1991.

Moell, Joseph D.:  Transmitter Hunting:  Radio Direction
Finding Simplified,

Morris, Janet:  Medusa,

Newman, Joseph:  Energy is Electromagnetic,

Nicolini, C.:  Chromatin Structure and Function,  Plenum
Press,  NY,  1979.

Norden, B., and Ramel, C. (eds.):  Interaction
Mechanisms of Low-Level Electromagnetic Fields in Living
Systems, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Oxford
University Press, Inc., NY,  1989.

O'Connor, Mary Ellen, and Lovely, Richard, H. (eds.):
Electromagnetic Fields and Neurobehavioral Function,
Alan R. Liss, Inc.,  NY,  1988.

O'Neill, John J.:  Prodigal Genius:  The Life of Nikola
Tesla,  Ives Washburn, Inc., NY, 1944.  (326 pgs.)

Orwell, George:  1984,  Harcourt, Brace, & Javonovich,
Inc.,  NY,  1949.  (268 pgs.)

Osepchuk, John M. (ed.):  Biological Effects of
Electromagnetic Radiation,  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
NY,  1983.  (IEEE Order No. PC01594:  593 pgs.)

Ostrander, Sheila, and Schroeder, Lynn:  Super Memory:
The Revolution, 1991.

Persinger, Michael A. (ed.):  ELF and VLF
Electromagnetic Field Effects,  Plenum Publishing Corp.,
NY,  1974.

Pines, Maya:  The Brain Changers:  Scientists and the
New Mind Control,   Harcourt, Brace, Javonovich, Inc.
and Signet,  1973.

Polk, C., and Postow, E. (eds.):  CRC  (Chemical Rubber
Co.)  Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic
Fields,  Chemical Rubber Co. Press,  Boca Raton,  FL,

Popp, Fritz-Albert (ed.):  Electromagnetic
Bioinformation,  Urban & Schwartzenberg, Baltimore,  MD,

Presman, A. S.:  Electromagnetic Fields and Life,
Plenum Publishing Corp.,  NY and London, 1970.
Translated from Russian by F.L. Sinclair;  Edited by
Frank A. Brown.  (336 pgs.)

Pribram, Karl H.:  Brain and Perception:  Holonomy and
Structure in Figural Processing, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates,  Hillsdale,  NJ,  1993.

Pribram, Karl H. (ed.):  Rethinking Neural Networks:
Quantum Fields and Biological Data, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates,  Mahwah (Hillsdale),  NJ,  1993.

Puharic, Andrija:  Beyond Telepathy,  Anchor Books,
Garden City,  NY,  1973.

Puthoff, Harold E., and Targ, Russell:  Mind Reach:
Scientists Look at Psychic Ability, Delta,  NY,  1978.

Puthoff, Harold E., and Targ, Russell (eds.):  Mind at
Large:  Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Percection,
Praeger,  NY,  1979.

Raden, Dean:  The Unconscious Universe,  19__.

Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook,  USAF
School of Aerospace Medicine,  Brooks AFB, TX,  October

Ranelagh, John:  The Agency,  1986.  (ISBN:

Rappoport, Jon:  US Mind Control Experiments on
Children,  Los Angeles,  1995.  (bound xerox: 136 pgs.)

Rauscher, Elizabeth A.:  Electromagnetic Phenomena in
Complex Geometries and Nonlinear Phenomena, Non-hertzian
Waves, and Magnetic Monopoles,  Tesla Book Co.,
Millbrae,  CA, 1983.

Regan, David:  Evoked Potentials,

Remote Mind Control Technology,

Renati, Charles, and hudson, Michael:  The Silent
Intruder,  Houghton Mifflin,  Boston, 1982.  (208 pgs.)

Restak, Richard M.:  The Brain:  The Last Frontier,
Doubleday Direct,  Garden City,  NY, 1979. (pg. 258)

Restak, Richard M.:  The Mind,  Bantam Books,  NY,

Ricketts,  L. W.,  Bridges, J. E., and Miletts,  J.:
EMP Radiation and Protective Techniques,  John Wiley &
Sons,  NY,  1976.

Riesen, W., et al.:  A Pilot Study of the Interaction of
Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields with
Brain Organelles,  IIT Research Institute (AD-748119),
Chicago, IL,  1971.

Roper Organization, The:  Unusual Personal Experiences:
An Analysis of the Data  from Three National Surveys,
Bigelow Holding Corp.,  Las Vegas,  NY,  1991.  (John
Mack and Budd Hopkins)

Rossman, Michael:  New Age Blues:  On the Politics of
Consciousness,  E.P. Dutton,  NY, 1979.  (ch. on mind
control technology)

Rucker, Rudy:  Mind Tools,

Russell, Richard:  The Man Who Knew Too Much,

Russell-Manning, Elizabeth (Betsy):  Mass Mind Control
of the American People,  (self published)  San
Francisco,  CA,  1992.

Russell-Manning, Elizabeth (Betsy):  The Microwave
Deception, Greensward Press,  1989.  (ISBN:

Russell-Manning, Elizabeth (Betsy):  Mind Control in a
Free Society,  1989.

Russell-Manning, Elizabeth (Betsy), and Welsh, Cheryl:
Whistleblowers, 1996.  (bound xerox available from
Flatland Books:  276 pgs.)   or  Whistleblowers:
Nonlethal Weapons, Greenswald, Press,  San Francisco,
CA,  1996.  (315 pgs.)

Sargent, William:  Battle for the Mind:  A Physiology of
Conversion and Brainwashing, Greenwood Press, Westport,
CT,  1957.

Schaffranke, Rolf:  Proofs of Free Energy Devices and
Supporting Data,  Tesla Book Co., Millbrae,  CA,  1983.

Scheflin, Alan W., and Opton, Edward M., Jr.:  Mind
Manipulators:  A Nonfiction Account, Paddington Press,
London,  1978.

Schmitt, F. O., and Schneider, D. M.:  Functional
Linkage in Biomolecular Systems,  Raven Press, NY,

Schrag, Peter:   Mind Control,  Pantheon Books,  NY,

Schwarz, Jack:  Human Energy Systems,  E.P. Dutton,  NY,
1980.  (175 pgs.)

Schwitzgebel, Robert L., and Schwitzgebel, Ralph K.:
Psychotechnology:  Electronic Control of the Mind and
Behavior,  Holt, Rhinehart & Winston,  NY,  1972 or

Sheffield, Charles, et al. (eds.):  The World of 2044:
Technological Development and the Future of Society,
Paragon House,  1994.

Shepherd, G. M.:  The Synaptic Organization of the
Brain,  Oxford University Press,  NY, 1974.

Sheppard, Asher R., and Eisenbud, Merril:  Biological
Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Extremely Low
Frequency,  New York University Press,  NY,  1977. (229

Shukman, David:  Tomorrow's War:  The Threat of
High-Technology Weapons,  Harcourt Brace & Co.,  1996.
(Formerly:  The Sorcerer's Challenge,  Hodden &
Stoughton, London,  1995.)

Siegel, Ronald K., and West, Louis Joyolon* (eds.):
Hallucinations:  Behavior, Experience, and Theory,
Wiley,  NY,  1975. (*member:  "Old Crows Association")

Siegel, Ronald K.:  Whispers:  The Voices of Paranoia,
Crown Publishers, Inc.,  NY,  1994.

Smith, Cyril W., and Best, Simon:  Electromagnetic Man:
Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment, St.
Martin's Press, Inc., NY,  1989.

Soyke,  Fred, and Edmonds, Alan:  The Ion Effect,  E.P.
Dutton,  NY,  1977.

Steneck, Nicholas H.:  The Microwave Debate,  MIT Press,
Cambridge,  MA,  1984.

Stine, G. Harry:  The Silicon Gods,  Bantam Books,  NY,

Sweeney, H. Michael:  Alice in Americaland,

Taylor, Brice:  Starshine:  One Woman's Valiant Escape
from Mind Control,  (MK-ultra victim)

Theury, Jacques:  Microwaves:  Industrial, Scientific,
and Medical Applications,  (670 pgs.)

Thomas, Gordon:  Enslaved,  Pharos Books,  NY,  1981.

Thomas, Gordon:  Journey into Madness:  The True Story
of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse,  Bantam
Books,  NY,  1989.   (388 pgs.)

The Transformation of America,  (by George Leonard?)

Tubiana, Morris, et al.:  Radiobiology,

Turner, William:  Hoover's FBI,

Valenstein, Elliot S.:   Brain Control:  A Critical
Examination of Brain Stimulation and Psychosurgery, John
Wiley & Sons,  NY,  1973.

Valerian, Valdamar:  Matrix 3,  "The Psycho-Social,
Chemical, Biological, and Electric Manipulation of Human
Consciousness", 1994?  (bound xerox:  730 pgs. )

Valerian, Valdamar:  Matrix  III,  Vol. 2, "The
Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological, and Magnetic
Manipulation of Human Consciousness"  1995.  (bound
xerox:  707 pgs.)

Vankin, Jonathan:  Conspiracies: Cover-ups and Crimes,
Dell,  NY,  1990.

Vankin, Jonathan:  Conspiracies, Crimes, and Cover-ups:
Political Manipulation and Mind Control in America,
Paragon House,  NY,  1991.

Wallia, C. S.:  Towards Century 21,

War in the Age of Intelligent Machines,

Warden, Patrick, A.:  Mind Control and Mental Telepathy,
Samizdat,  Los Angeles,  August 1, 1993.

Warshovsky, Fred:  The Control of Life,

Watson, Peter:  War on the Mind:  Military Uses and
Abuses of Psychology, Basic Books, Inc., NY,  1978.

Weinstein, Harvey M.:  Psychiatry and the CIA:  Victims
of Mind Control,  American Psychiatric Press,
Washington,  DC,  1990.

Whalen, John:  50 Top Conspiracies of All Time,

White, John (ed.):  Psychic Warfare:  Fact or Fiction?,
Aquarian,  1988.  (book?)

Williams:  Electromagnetic Brain Blaster,

Williamson, Samuel J. (ed.):  Biomagnetism,  Plenum
Publishing Corp.,  NY,  1983.

Winn, Denise:  The Manipulated Mind,  The Octagon Press,
NY,  1983.

Wolf, Alfred A.:  The Body Quantum,

Yu, Alan:  Millimeter Waves and Mind Control,

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Bookshelf Boynton Beach,  FL

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Hennessy Bookseller P.O. Box 393 Peconik,  NY
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Scientific texts: Plenum Publishing Corp.  233 Spring
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Abbreviations and Acronyms

ACHES - Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors 
ACHRE - Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
AI - Artificial Intelligence
ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency
BENER - Biological Effects of Nonionizing Radiation  (A Digest)
CAHRA- Citizens Against Human Rights Abuses  
CAT - Computer-Assisted Tomography
COMARE - Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DEW - Directed-Energy Weapons
DoD - Department of Defense
DoE - Department of Energy
EDOM - Electric Dissolution of Memory
EEG - Electroencephalogram
ELF - Extra/Extremely Low Frequency
EMC - Electromagnetic Current
EMF- Electromotive Force  or  Electromagnetic Field
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
EMR- Electromagnetic Radiation
ERMAC - Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council
ESB - Electrical Stimulation of the Brain
FAS - Federation of American Scientists (org.)
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FOCUS - Flexible Optical Control Unit Simulator
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
GHz - GigaHer(t)z
GWEN - Ground Wave Emergency Network (Towers)
HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project
HPM - High Power Microwave
Hz - Her(t)z
ICS - Intercellular Space 
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IMP - Interface Message Processor
IOSA - Integrated Optic Spectrum Analyzer
KHz - KiloHer(t)z
LTL - Less Than Lethal
mc - mind control (own use)
mcf - mind control forum
MEG - Magnetoencephalograph
MEMS - Micro-Electro Mechanical System
MHz - Megaher(t)z
MIND - Magnetic Integrated Neural Duplicator (Device )
MW- Microwave
NCS - National Communications System (Pentagon)
NIEMR - NonIonizing Electromagnetic Radiation
NIMR - NonIonizing Microwave Radiation
NOVA - National Organization for Victims Assistance
NPRB - National P    Radiation Board
NSA - National Security Agency
OHRE - Office of Human Radiation Experiments
OSS - Office of Strategic Services (preCIA)
OTA - Office of Technology Assessment
OTHR - Over the Horizon Radar
RF - Radio Frequency
RHIC - Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control
RNM - Remote Neural Monitoring
SEAFARER - Surface ELF Antenna For Addressing Remotely-deployed Receivers
SQUID - Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
SSSS - Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (sometimes called SQUAD)
TI - Targeted Individual
UHF - Ultra High Frequency
VEA - Victims of Electronic Abuse 
VHF - Very High Frequency