So-called "millimeter wave" scanning.  This method uses the
    very top end of the microwave radio signal spectrum just
    below infra-red.  To view small objects or people clearly,
    the highest frequency that will penetrate non-conductive or
    poorly- conductive walls is used.  Millimeter wave scanning
    radar can be used in two modes:

    - passive (no signal radiated, uses background 
      radiation already in the area to be scanned, 
      totally UNdetectable)
    - active (low power millimeter wave "flashlight" 
      attached to the scanner just as a conventional 
      light mounted on a camcorder), or, the use of
      archaeological ground penetrating radar


    Thought reading can be classed as a "through wall
    surveillance" technology.  Thought reading, in the
    unclassified/commercial realm, can be broken down as

    - thru-skull microwave reading
    - magnetic skull-proximity reading


    The reverse of biofeedback.  Those low frequency electrical
    brain rhythms which are characteristics of various moods
    and states of sleep can not only be read out using
    biofeedback equipment or EEG machines, but using radio,
    sound, contact electrodes, or flashing lights, the moods
    and sleep states can be generated or at least encouraged
    using brain entrainment devices.

    Brain entrainment signals cannot carry voice, which is a
    much higher frequency range.  Brain entrainment can,
    however, be used to "set up" a target to make him/her more
    susceptible to hypnosis.

These major technology classes can produce some of the observed mind
control effects, FROM HIDING AND UNDETECTABLY, with the exception of 
remote physical manipulation.
