Totally Anonymous, Untraceable Questionnaire for Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment PERPETRATORS

Your Chance to Anonymously Share Your Story

December 26, 2004

Dear Organized Stalker/Electronic Harassment PERPETRATOR:

This is a serious questionnaire, and is 100% safe for you to respond to.

Your answers are generated by a third party web service host, and are emailed to me, Eleanor White, webmaster of, by that host. No trace of your email address or ISP is sent to me.

You are part of the New World Order, which is many things but in any case is one of the most amazing undertakings this planet has ever seen. This is especially true now that a half century of incredibly advanced, but kept tightly secret, technology is in your hands, or the hands of those you work for, which can produce effects most people consider only science fiction.

By submitting answers to a few questions below, you will get a chance to tell your story in complete anonymity. While we all want the torture you are heaping on us to stop, at the same time, we would like to know something about you as well.

I will post responses which we judge to be probably serious and genuine.

Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to tell the world about your part in this historical undertaking.

Eleanor White

Can you tell us how you found work as a harassment agent?

Can you tell us why you find this type of work satisfying?

Can you give us some idea as to how and how much you are paid?

Can you tell us what you know about future plans for us?

- Are you told information about the backgrounds of those of us you target?
- What kinds of reasons have you been given which make you feel we deserve to be targetted?
- Have you ever wondered if these reasons might not be true?

Do you really expect to escape death? Do you really expect that choosing a career of torturing innocent people will have no consequences for you in the NEXT life? Do you really think, after hearing reports from MILLIONS of people who have "died" and come back, that there is no "next life"? Do you really believe that those people who reported ending up in Hell during their near death experiences were all lunatics?

Your organization, like any other intelligence agency or similar group is hightly compartmentalized. Are there any questions you have for us, because we see/experience the activities of ALL compartmentalized elements of your org.?