
March 21, 2007

This page is to acknowledge that the onrushing one world government, also called the New World Order, has planned and executed, and will be executing more, artificially created disasters. War, population decimating disease, and seemingly natural geological disasters. These disasters will place a premium on preparing to cope with them, and this page is to collect some of the information about coping.

Disaster preparedness is frequently the topic of the Patriot movement radio shows, listening details for which can be found by clicking here.


I, Eleanor White, have not personally tested most of the products offered by vendors mentioned here. Therefore, I am unable to endorse these products. Visitors to the purchase sources listed below need to do their own evaluation of the claims before making a decision to purchase.


Nitty-gritty hands on tips, in spades!

AIR PURIFICATION:, source for the Aran Air purifier. Unlike many ozonating units, this device does not use a fan and filter. Instead, it electrically bonds clusters of oxygen atoms together, in higher numbers than ozone (O3). These O4, O5, ... oxygen atom clusters are extremely effective in destroying airborne pathogens, and smells. Even if atmospheric oxygen should drop to dangerous levels (one report from Australia reported a level of only 8 percent on one given day) the Aranizer can concentrate the oxygen level and provide the user with the benefits of an oxygen rich environment, so say the makers. I, Eleanor White, have heard many satisfied users praise these units on the air. I have also heard some claims that an oxygen rich environment can significantly help fight cancer, but IMPORTANTLY, these are claims made by others and I cannot personally endorse them. I am not a qualified medical practitioner.

ARTIFICIAL DISEASES:, the web site of Dr. William Deagle, MD, who offers advice and products relating to artificially created diseases which are likely to decimate world population. Of interest in 2005 will be the anti-viral first line of defence kit for the avian flu now spreading in the orient., web site of broadcaster Robby Noel, and purchase source of important immune system builder and healthy soil component fulvic acid, under the brand name Immunite (immuni-TAY).

IMPORTANT: Pure WATER is essential for disease control. See pure WATER below.

BOOKS:, the Republic Broadcasting Network sells books, survival products, and shortwave radios, site of Stan and Holly Deyo, who have a range of books (and CDs) on a very wide spectrum of disaster preparedness. One book, "Prudent Places" (applies to the United States) evaluates every county in the U.S. for its survival potential. is the radio show The Power Hour's marketing site, where books on many subject, particularly health, are sold.

FINANCIAL DISASTERS:, Republic Trading's site for consultation and sale of precious metal coins (gold, silver) which are the only hedge against runaway inflation. Site owner is Robby Noel, who broadcasts on

FOOD AND NON-GENETICALLY MODIFIED SEED:, the Austin (Texas) Wheat Grass grow-it-yourself web site. By growing wheat grass and juicing it, you get one of the most complete nutritional drinks available. Can save your life when the stores or empty, or a 24-hour curfew is imposed. Complete kit including stainless steel juicer., the Ark Institute, a major supplier of non-GMO "heritage" seed., KI4U's military MRE page (meals, ready to eat.), Republic Broadcasting Network's food and seed page.

The "freeze dry guy", Rick, at 530-265-8333, for freeze dried food. Freeze dried food is the maximum nutrition in the smallest, lightest packaging, and is used in spacecraft. Rick is recommended by preparedness specialist and broadcaster Steve Quayle.

GEOLOGICAL DISASTERS:, site of Stan and Holly Deyo, who have a range of books (and CDs) on a very wide spectrum of disaster preparedness. One book, "Prudent Places" (applies to the United States) evaluates every county in the U.S. for its survival potential.

NUCLEAR DISASTER:, a site selling anti radiation sickness medicine (potassium iodATE or iodIDE), and ionizing (radioactivity) radiation detection and monitoring instruments.

radchart.gif, a radiation chart on the back of the "NukAlert" key chain radiation monitor and alarm, which is sold by, above.

NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT BAN/CODEX ALIMENTARIUS:, Dr. Rima Laibow's site dealing with the fight to stop Codex Alimentarius, the United Nations program which has ALREADY deprived the people of Germany and Australia of access to nutritional supplements. These supplements are being lied about by governments as "toxic" and needing extremely strict limits on amount used, and Codex Alimentarius seeks to force the public to get a prescription only from a medical doctor to get the tiny doses, which are something like ten times the pre-Codex price. is the radio show The Power Hour's marketing site, where nutritional supplements and electronic health devices are sold. The product line is extensive, and listeners to the radio show weekday mornings are frequently offered special pricing. Of particular interest may be the electronic healing device, the Health Point acupuncture point detector and electrical current healing device, built into a single unit., a source of "essential oils", extracted from plants, with some beneficial properties which can be "Heaven Sent" should Codex Alimentarius become the law of the land. These oils are for aromatherapy and topical use, so they might survive Codex Alimentarius., another source if information and essential oils, recommended by the proprietress of, above.

RIFE machines, electronic healing devices which operate by applying different frequencies to the body, frequencies which Royal Raymond Rife discovered destroy specific pathogens, may be purchased via this number: 1-866-885-6625


POLITICAL DISASTERS/WAR/TERRORISM:, site of Stan and Holly Deyo, who have a range of books (and CDs) on a very wide spectrum of disaster preparedness. One book, "Prudent Places" (applies to the United States) evaluates every county in the U.S. for its survival potential.

SHORTWAVE RADIOS:, the Sangean radio company, who manufacture shortwave receivers under their own name and other "house brands.", Republic Broadcasting Network's line of shortwave radios.

Berkey Water: 1-888-803-4438, Mon-Thu only

Big Berkey and Berkey Light water purifiers - these can filter river and pond water and make it drinkable. Also search the web for "Big Berkey."

Berkey filter units also have a post filter available to remove fluoride, a poison which has the ability to make people lethargic. Fluoride has no dental benefits, contrary to the propaganda.