Quick read for those tight on time

Book Review:
Title: Terrorist [Organized] Stalking in America
by David Lawson

reviewer Eleanor White
This page updated December 17, 2007

** See also my review of David Lawson's 2007 book
on the same subject, containing quite a bit of the
same material plus new, Cause Stalking

ISBN: 0-9703092-0-1
Published 2001

Purchase source, David Lawson's books:



This book is an INCREDIBLE resource for victims of organized stalking. The author accomplished what multiple stalking victims only DREAM about - he penetrated street level stalking groups and rode with them as they carried out harassment assignments.

This book is likely to be very helpful for targets who are forced to deal with skeptical family, friends, co-workers, and local authorities. It is definitely a breakthrough in the cause of exposing and stopping these stalking groups who operate freely, while law enforcement only gives their lowest ranking street level members a slap on the wrist now and then (while police deny such crimes happen, to targets who complain.)

If a multiple stalking target can comfortably afford the book, I'd give it a definite "buy" recommendation. It will certainly open at least some of the minds of people we multiple stalking victims are forced to deal with.

An excellent web site for members of the public who are not yet aware of organized stalking is this one titled Citizens Against Technological and Community-based Harassment (CATCH):



Concepts Table (Relevant Points)

(Scroll down for book's table of contents)

Note:  This "Concepts Table" is to speed up access to those points of
special relevance to multiple stalking victims.  This table doesn't
appear in the book itself.

Note:  "Perp" is short for perpetrator of the stalking crimes.

Police aware of these groups ..................................  VI
"Cause stalking" ..............................................  VI
Author mistaken - not ALL "Patriot" groups ....................  --
Tactics used by "cause stalkers" .............................. VII
Cause stalkers always there ................................... VII
Author's favorite quotes from perps he "rode" with ............  15
Personality types of the perpetrators .........................  16
Firemen can be perps ..........................................  16
Tearing up road is one recruitment goal .......................  17
Perp LEADERS have shadowy backgrounds .........................  17
Stalker groups' financial sources .............................  20
Perps surround apartment of target ............................  26
Adjacent apt - steady stream of people day and night ..........  27
"Who are we", perps' own statement about themselves ...........  27
The "cause" isn't the most important thing to group members ...  --
Victims don't always recognize harassment as such .............  32
Isolating victim is the goal ..................................  32
Surrounding victim on the road ................................  32
The on foot harassment methods ................................  33
Ah, the trusty old "noise campaign" trick! ....................  34
Neighbors' synchronized leaving/arriving ......................  34
Horns/sirens synced to toilet use .............................  34
Synchronized movement, apts above or below ....................  35
Interference with personal and business relationships .........  35
Leaders' claims of national security affiliation ..............  37
Stalker groups blame TARGET for their shortcomings ............  49
Character assassination .......................................  51
Stalking leaders say targets should be killed .................  54
Gross disinformation in book "Harvest of Rage" ................  --

Table of Contents

FOREWORD ......................................................   VI
1.   Intro to Extremist Groups ................................   10
2.   Who Are These People? ....................................   16
3.   Selection of Targets .....................................   19
3.   Group Structure ..........................................   22
5.   The Surveillance Operation ...............................   25
6.   Search and Seizure .......................................   28
7.   Overt or Covert Operation ................................   32
8.   Let's Pretend ............................................   37
8.   Influence Techniques .....................................   40
9.   Self Defense .............................................   48
11.  Conclusion ...............................................   53

Note:  Chapter numbering errors are actually found in the book.  This
       book is far to valuable to be concerned with that.

Appendix A - DOJ article on stalking ..........................   57
Bibliography ..................................................   67
References ....................................................   73
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Eleanor White talking:

This book places the blame for much group stalking in the United States on what the author calls "extremist groups". We who are in the current day organized stalking target community see evidence that local "extremist groups" comprise a wide range of normal citizens, who appear to be normal, everday people who probably do not have criminal records. All trades are represented. Anyone from street people to small children to housewives to tradesmen to technical and professional people form these stalking groups, who believe, based on lies, that they are performing valuable community service by harassing their targets.

"Watcher" perpetrators on station

Click here to see the 5-minute video from which the "watcher" image above was taken.

What we see appear to be "citizens on patrol" groups gone wild, targeting people who have no criminal records, based on vicious lies we targets never get the chance to correct.

This author describes local extremist groups who go to considerable lengths to actually masquerade as public officials. We organized stalking targets also report bizarre and sometimes unethical and illegal behaviour on the part of genuine public officials too, so this book should be viewed as excellent but not necessarily all available information on the topic of organized stalking.

Let me say here that this author, basing his opinion on a misleading document by the Southern Poverty Law Center, alleges "Patriots" are one of the extremist groups which participate in stalking and harassment. The actual criminal groups frequently DO appeal to potential helpers' "patriotism" to obtain help in carrying out their harassment. But the SPLC report MISTAKENLY IMPLIES that EVERYONE who adopts the "Patriot" label is involved in these odious crimes.

I listen daily to broadcasts by the group calling themselves the U.S. Patriot Movement, and which you, visitor can access via the WEB, shortwave, and some AM-FM stations from these sites:

http://www.gcnlive.com (Mainly Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm)

The Patriot broadcasters who broadcast on those stations aggressively work to expose and stop all well covered up crimes. It is clear the Southern Policy Law Center people who refer to Patriot Movement shortwave broadcasters as terrorist stalkers has NEVER actually listened to these broadcasts!

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Before we get started, author David Lawson did interview perpetrators, ("perps"), targetted people ("targets"), and the POLICE. Here is what the author heard from the police he interviewed:

"I also spoke with police officers from across the country. They confirmed the existence of stalking groups across the country. In general, they said that 'cause stalking' is primarily a civil problem where the plaintiff has to prove financial loss. They also said that there are free speech and grass roots issues involved. In fact, the police themselves are targets of these groups. In small towns, the number of members in these groups can easily exceed the number of police officers. In general, the police will NOT talk about stalking groups. One officer did say there is a storm brewing as groups become larger and more numerous."

Author Lawson explains here how he got involved and began to interact with the 'cause stalking' perpetrators:

"One day, several years ago, I was sitting in my house, and checking out the activity on my scanner. I heard a woman say that she was following a certain vehicle. She gave the location, the make and model of the car and the license plate number. A few days later, I heard the same woman on the same frequency say that she needed a bit of help at a certain location and a few days after that I again heard her broadcasting the position and details about another vehicle she was following. I listened to other people talking on that frequency and they didn't give any indication that they were with any government agency but they were talking about ARRESTING PEOPLE.

"On another occasion, on the same business band frequency, I heard someone complain that an African American man was crossing the street. "All we could get him for is jaywalking" responded the leader.

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"People in the group would discuss where they would go for supper, after their shift was over, so I [the author] went too. I listened to a group of people openly discussing various activities as if they were the police.

"Real police officers were also sitting in the restaurant, listening to them. I later learned that their presence was not a coincidence.

"One man who had supper with the group drove a van marked with the call letters of a local AM radio station. I started listening to it. Most of the guests were people who said they had new revelations about Waco or Ruby Ridge, or had some inside story about government corruption. I also heard advertisements for the meetings of a local political group and I attended some.

"At the first meeting I attended, one young man flashed a phony police badge at me. No one paid any attention. Some of those in attendance were the people I had seen in the local restaurant. This was my introduction to the creepy world of extremists."

David Lawson goes on to explain that he has observed extremist groups for several years while living in New York State, Florida, and Canada.

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He monitored their public communications, attended meetings, rode with them. The author defines the basic reason for being for these citizen stalking groups as CAUSE STALKING. Cause stalking means the group is assembled, under a leader with a "shadowy past", for some specific cause. But what actually happens is that these groups seem to be:

"... groups of individuals who appear to be borderline retarded, mentally ill, or deluded into thinking that they are secret agents."

And ... "Cause stalking has been used by extremist groups since the early 1990s. The basic system is alleged to have been developed by the Ku Klux Klan and refined through years of use.

Easy to recruit, right? More than that,
"Group members are taught that THE TARGET IS THE REASON FOR THEIR PROBLEMS. He is the reason why their lives are a failure."
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More details about the typical cause stalking recruit:

"Recruits tend to be blue collar workers who are at the bottom end of the job scale. They are janitors in apartments, hotels, etc., who have keys to get in any locked doors. They are security guards, who can let fellow members into places where they would not normally be allowed to go. They are city workers, who can, in many cities, follow a target around all day in their vehicles or have a noisy project underway near his [target's] residence. They are taxi drivers, who are always on the road. They are cable, telephone and electric company employees who can interfere with a target's service and spend time on patrol with the group, while they are on the job.
Those are the author's words. Here are a few quotes from the perpetrators themselves:
"We are like the police except we are ABOVE the police."

"We are a citizen's group that helps the police. We are trying to alert people in the area about this person [the target] before he gets to do what he did in the last place he lived." [Eleanor White talking: All the cause stalking targets I know did not commit ANY offenses. The stalkers are filled with LIES by their leaders.]

"When I get the call, I go to whatever the address is. It doesn't matter what they [targets] do, they can never get away from us."

"Who are we? We drive the ambulances that take you to the emergency room. When your house is burning, we put out the fire. We are security guards. We protect you at night. YOU ONLY HAVE ELECTRICITY, PHONE AND CABLE SERVICE BECAUSE OF US. We are janitors. We have the keys. We fix your cars. YOU DON'T WANT TO MESS WITH US."

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The author concludes, as explained at a number of places in the book, that the "cause" the typical group is "working toward" is mainly an excuse to get the groups together. The main motivation of members who stay with these groups is the sense of power and belonging the group members derive. Having a "cause" enhances the feelings of power and righteousness, but group members, according to the author, are most concerned with how their fellow group stalkers feel about their "work" and accept them.

These groups come into being and are run by leaders. Here is what the author says about them:

"Most of these leaders HAVE BACKGROUNDS WHICH ARE NOT KNOWN TO THEIR SUPPORTERS. They are from 'somewhere else' and there isn't much information available about them from independent sources. This provides a basis for the 'larger than life' stature they assume in these groups. Many claim to have connections to the C.I.A. or other intelligence agencies which do not reveal the identities of their employees or ex-employees."
How about financing these groups? Although the author states that the pay is low, there are still very large expenses to harass people as thoroughly as targets report. Here is an example of what I mean by "large expenses":
"Groups are WELL FINANCED. They can afford to RENT PROPERTY WHEREVER THE TARGET LIVES. If he drives across the country, he will be followed by supporters of similar groups in that area. If he travels by plane, group members will meet him wherever he lands. They may even accompany him on a plane if they know his travel plan, and there is a good chance that they do."
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Here is what the author learned about their financing:

"The operations of many extremist groups are actually financed by CORPORATIONS which use them to stalk their enemies or potential enemies. The groups are used as the PRIVATE ARMIES of those corporations. Some countries kill dissidents and in others they are jailed. In the United States, someone who is threatening to corporations or industries, like a whistleblower or activist, is likely to become the target of an extremist group."
The author makes several statements that these criminal stalking groups not only harass targets specified by their leaders, but also are FOR HIRE - a kind of "revenge service" for those wealthy enough to hire them.

Next, let's look at some of the typical OPERATIONS these groups carry out:

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Now that is a HUGE "laundry list" of operations carried out against the targets of these criminal cause stalking groups. But reader, this particular book is ALL MEAT, and there is MUCH, MUCH more within its covers. If the general public is made aware of this book, these brutal crimes, which have resulted in suicides, just might have a chance of being exposed and stopped.

Currently, the typical justice system response is to label the victim as mentally ill and wash their hands of the problem. This is itself a criminal act, and a violation of all the job descriptions and oaths these public officials have accepted and made. They are NOT doing their jobs!

What about the future, then? Let me close this review with a chilling quote from the book reporting what the author learned from some of the leaders:

"The leaders ... are starting to balk at exposing their members to arrest for activities which amount to little gain for the movement. THEY SAY THAT ANYONE WHO IS A TARGET SHOULD BE KILLED, and not just harassed for years."
YOU, Joe and Jane Citizen, have the power to stop this by doing nothing more than asking your public officials how they plan to deal with this growing crime. Will you help us?

Eleanor White

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[p 73]

Robert L. Snow, "Stopping a Stalker", Plenum Press, 1998

Robert J. Lifton, "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism", University of North Carolina

Frank J. Donner, "Protectors of Privilege", University of California Press, 1990

Frank J. Donner, "The Age of Surveillance", Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1980

Joel Dyer, "Harvest of Rage", Westview Press, 1998 [E.W. Thumbs down!]

* See also Eleanor White's REVIEW of Harvest of Rage

Eleanor White talking: The above book, "Harvest of Rage", is an attempt to paint ALL members of the U.S. Patriot Movement as extremists, criminals, religious fanatics, and mentally ill. At the time of writing this review, I have listened to their shortwave, web, and AM/FM *broadcasts* for two years. If Mr. Dyer has ever listened to those broadcasts, then I have to conclude he is deliberately trying to discredit this movement for motives unknown. My guess is Mr. Dyer has not listened to their broadcasts.

I have heard an endless stream of documented information, often from wire services before getting edited by retail media outlets, and government publications, which shows conclusively that the U.S. Patriot Movement broadcasters are on the right track and speak out often against anti government violence. The goal of the U.S. Patriot broadcasters is non-violent change, returning the United States to original Constitutional principles, brought about by PUBLIC EDUCATION. Anyone who takes the time to LISTEN to their broadcasts will find the same. It is easy to listen to them by way of the network links at the top of this document.

I'm afraid the author of Terrorist Stalking in America, David Lawson, has not taken the time to listen to these broadcasts either, and so does not have a fully informed opinion about the Patriots.

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[p 73]

1.  FBI web site, http://www.fbi.gov
2.  "The Rise and Decline of the Patriots", Southern Poverty
    Law Center Report, summer 2001, issue #102,
3.  Frank J. Donner, "Protectors of Privilege", University of
    California Press, 1990, 252
4.  LCDR Steven Mack Presley, "The Rise of Domestic Terrorism
    and its Relation to United States Armed Forces", written
    in fulfillment of a requirement for the Marine Corps
    Command and Staff College, 26,
5.  Robert L. Snow, "Stopping a Stalker", Plenum Press, 1998, 85
6.  Robert L. Snow, "Stopping a Stalker", Plenum Press, 1998, 94
7.  Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology 89-1367 and 89-1361
8.  Robert Jay Lifton, "Thought Reform and the Psychology of
    Totalism", University of North Carolina Press, 1989, 419