READER: THE PROBLEM WE IN THE ORGANIZED STALKING TARGET COMMUNITY ARE TRYING TO CONVEY TO YOU IS THAT THE "REASONABLE SOUNDING" INITIATIVE DESCRIBED BELOW IS **ALSO** BEING APPLIED TO PEOPLE WHO ARE **NOT** COMMITTING ANY OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOUR! The community prosecution tactic of targeting individuals and particular houses or businesses for civil enforcement and aggressive prosecution in an attempt to drive them from the neighborhood causes particular concern. One example is the Indianapolis initiative bearing the ominous title Targeting Neighborhood Troublemakers ("TNT"). [154] Under the program, each district identifies individuals who commit "irritating misdemeanors." [155] When these individuals are arrested for a minor offense, prosecutors pursue higher bail and longer sentences.[156] Community prosecutors in Indianapolis also regularly lead sweeps in which an inspection team that includes representatives from the fire, zoning, health, and animal control departments visits houses that have drawn complaints and combs the property "looking for any violation [it] can find."157 Ironically, widespread community participation in pointing out "problem" individuals and properties to be targeted may make these tactics more troubling by raising the specter of mob justice.