Voice of America Mind Control Interview
an Example of Disinformation Tactics

Eleanor White - June 21, 2002

The audio track below was a talk show interview with the Voice of America's "Talk To America" show. This show received world wide radio broadcast. There was some TV exposure as well - I (Eleanor) was on the telephone, and in studio was a communications professional, Dr. Chris Simpson.

Dr. Simpson, in my opinion, functioned perfectly as a disinformation agent whether or not he knew it. The reason for posting this interview is to show other victims one type of tactic they may run into when discussing mind control with anyone.

During this particular interview, I let Dr. Simpson "have his say" during the first half of the show, my tactic being to have the second half where I could make my points without seeming as if I were trying to hog the conversation. I hope this audio track will assist others in dealing with professional "slick talkers" in the future.

Click Here to listen to the show.