The Next Deep Throat?



After posting the threatening FBI email on the Internet, I received information from a person who claims to have knowledge of the harassment group that targeted me. The person wishes to remain anonymous. I posed many questions to the person and the person was kind enough to answer almost all. Below I listed the questions and answers. I copied the questions and answers from emails we exchanged. This person may be the next Deep Throat.





Questions and Answers:


Question 1:

Who are these people? Law Enforcement - Military?


NSA and certain branches of the FBI and CIA.


Question 2:

Who knows about these people?


The head of the NSA and a handful of others.


Question 3:

How far does it go?


The project was tested during the cold war, and used extensively during Desert Storm. It is probably being used in the current war in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East. It has also been used (for testing purposes) in some domestic law enforcement affairs, usually without the knowledge of the involved police departments.


Question 4:

How are they funded?


It is funded as "Research" through the standard channels. The project is relatively inexpensive, hence it's success and desirability to the NSA.


Question 5:

How do they obtain their restricted technology?


The technology originally came from Dr. H. Hammelschammel, a researcher from Monaco, in 1948, based on technology that had been developed (but never implemented) during WWII.


Question 6:

Is HUD involved?




Question 7:

Are drug companies involved?




Question 8:

Who do they target?


Generally people who "pose a threat" to national security, but it is often also used on innocent victims for testing purposes. This is the part that makes me angry.


Question 9:

Is there anyway to defeat or detect this technology that can see through walls? Thin metals grounded to earth ground seem to block it but not 100 percent.


The best way to defeat the vision unit is actually a humidifier. It scrambles the signals to the point of being useless. I have one in my home, just in case. Even a slightly humidified room is literally impossible to penetrate. The grounded metal idea works also, but as you said it doesn't work as well, and it's difficult to set up.


Question 10:

A low level vacuum in a panel is enough to effectively block the sonic weapons. I've also been exposed for long periods of time to ultrasonic weapons. Is there a health risk from the exposure to ultrasound for such a long period of time? I feel fine and suffer no physical damage. I suffer from sleep depravation, though.


And you're right about the vacuum panels, since sound cannot travel through them. There are other ways to reduce the effects to the point where they have no effect: carpet, "sound proof" (actually sound-deadening) walls, foam, sweaters, blankets, anything that muffles sound. A reasonable combination of these things will help you greatly.


As far as the testing goes, I wouldn't worry about it. They test it at levels far lower than what they would use in the field. Sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety, etc., are common symptoms of this low-level testing. They would never take the risk of using it at field levels on a test subject. Also, they are wrapping up the major studies on test subjects within the next few months, so if you're lucky it won't go on any longer than that.


Question 11:

Is there any thing I can do to report these people?


There's not much that you can do about reporting them, since no law enforcement agency would be able to track them down. Your best bet is to take the precautions I have described, and just roll with the punches to the best of your ability. It'll be over eventually.


I sincerely believe that they're not trying to hurt you. They really are trying to do this in the national interest, to protect the citizens. But they have to test the effects somehow, so they do literally *thousands* of these low-level studies, and add up the results to see what effects full-usage might have.


Question 12:

Do you know if you can detect this imaging technology that can see through walls with any detection equipment?


There is currently no equipment that can detect it.  Corporations, amateur inventors, etc., haven't bothered to try for the simple reason that they don't know that such detection equipment exists.


Question 13:

Is it Millivision (any other details if possible)?


Oh, goodness, no.  Millivision is kid's stuff compared to what our boys use.  I'm not quite clear on the science behind it, but basically they use a subatomic particle generator and accelerator to "spray" a wall with particles (very harmless) and then use computers to identify those that bounce back based on their signatures and patterns, and reconstruct a 3D model on the terminal.  The particles (neutrinos, I believe) are so small that they can easily pass through walls, floors, etc.  The device can actually be used up to see through 500ft of pure granite, and even that limitation isn't because of the particles, but only because of the computer that has to  interpret the results.


What they see, mind you, isn't photographic in the sense that a videocamera would be.  It's a 3d reconstruction, sometimes very fuzzy, of what's going on.  It can take months before a trained agent even really understands how to interpret what he's seeing on the screen.


Question 14:

How long has this testing period been going on with the American public? I've been targeted since Sept. of 1998.


The first public testing was probably conducted in the early 50s, and has been happening off-and-on (as the technology evolved) ever since.


Question 15:

Is this testing occurring in other countries? I've been getting emails from people claiming to be victims from Asian and European Countries.


Yes, because they wanted to test the effects on people with slightly different genetic makeups and/or body chemistry (different cultures eat differently, for example, so they have different chemicals in their bodies).  Interestingly, the most resistent to the effects (I participated in this particular study) have been the Ainu from Japan.  Nobody knows why, yet.


Question 16:

Do you think these haunted house stories are the result of government testing this technology on the public in the past. So much of what I've seen on TV of people claiming to live in haunted houses seems similar to what I experiences from the sonic weapon attacks. I remember you said this technology first appeared during WW2.


It's possible.  Not all of it, but I'm sure there have been some instances where people who were particular sensitive to the effects and noticed it (such as yourself) may have interpreted it as such.


Question 17:

Is it possible that real estate companies and/or hate groups have less advanced versions of this technology?


Not a chance.  The system is so complicated that I could drop 300 pages of blueprints and explanations into the lap of a highly-qualified inventor, and he wouldn't be able to do a thing with it.  Our prototypes only *barely* work compared to what we know they can do.  Some schmuck who wants to harass people wouldn't go through the kind of trouble that we have.


Question 18:

Is this technology developed by the US companies or is available from foreign companies?


No commercial entity has access to the technology.  Only the US government has access to it, and even that is highly restricted.  Only a handful of people really know about it.  I'm sure you can understand that if something like this were to be in public hands, it would certainly be used for nefarious means.


Question 19:

Do you know how portable this imaging technology is (the size of it)?


I have one sitting on the desk next to me.  The components are all enclosed in a trunk (for easy transportation) about four feet long and around two feet tall.  It weighs about 300 pounds. The trunk contains a computer, a monitor, and the actual device (as well as a lot of wires, switches, etc.)


Question 20:

Do you know the average size of the sonic weapons? I ask about size because my neighbors seem to be able to move this technology in and out of their homes without drawing any attention.


It comes in the same kind of trunk as the imaging technology, so they're probably just doing it when you don't notice, or they have it there and haven't removed it.


Happy to help.  Again, I just want to say that nobody's out to get you, and in fact they're doing it for your benefit (though it must not seem like it).  National security is in everyone's best interest, so unfortunately they sometimes have to let a few people have unpleasant experiences in order to find out how to save millions upon millions in the future.  These devices have probably already prevented a nuclear holocaust in the United



Question 21:

Do you know how these people are able to hear thorough walls? Are they using lasers bouncing off windows or something more sophisticated? I ask because it appears that they can hear a person breathing through a wall from a distance. Do you know the technical information of how they achieve this?


They use small robotic devices (aptly called "bugs") to crawl through the walls and listen. They move toward sound, and away from silence. They hear people talking and move toward them.


Question 22:

I guess you already know that they can shock a person with what feels like an electrical charge through walls also? Is it electricity or something else? There was a rumor about the CIA having a device that can kill a person through a wall by stopping his heart, is this the device?


It's not electricity, it's plasma (as in the physical state). It's a different device from the heart stopper.


Question 23:

These people appear to have technology that can detect silent unspoken words a person unintentionally produces when for instance reading to himself. I assume that they have a device that can detect the small vibrations the vocal cords produce. Do you know of a device such as this? If so can you provide any technical detail about it? These people seem to be able to basically eavesdrop on a person's private thoughts. Does it cause any damage to the body of the person it’s used on?


The listening bugs are highly sensitive to sound, and are programmed to interpret even very soft, sub-vocal sounds. This does not harm the listener.


Question 24:

Do you think the people who claim mindcontrol are mistaking this "vocal cord reader" and the effects of sonic weapons (jolts to the body...ect.) for mindcontrol? Is there a conspiracy by these people to trick victims into believing that mindcontrol conspiracy theories exist. HAARP, for example. Can these people read a person thoughts with a device of some kind or control a person's mind?


There is no conspiracy to do anything. That's a common misunderstanding. It's just routine testing of devices used for national security. Because it's done purely at random, people (the few who detect it) often wonder why it's happening to them, so they come up with these conspiracy theories. It really has nothing to do with you personally, but rather your name was randomly picked from a computer database.


Question 25:

Are politicians being placed under surveillance for political reasons or national security? I ask because I may have been targeted simply as a political favor.


The devices are in no way used for political purposes. No politicians have access to the device, and the people who have the device and control it really don't care about political issues, but simply want to keep our country safe.


Question 26:

Could you tell me about the organization of these people? Who decides who to target? Who is in charge of the operation? Where is all this secret equipment stored? What happens if it falls into the wrong hands? What happens if one of these people goes crazy and decides to go after a public official, such as the president?


The organization of the committee is simple: There is a "chair" who is fully responsible for the project, half a dozen researchers, and half a dozen field agents. Because of the small group and nature of the project, our tasks often overlap. We're "jacks of all trades" you might say.


The equipment is stored in an armory in Washington DC when not in use.


The equipment cannot fall into the wrong hands. Only one operation takes place at a time, and they are set up such that if something were to go terribly wrong and someone were to take the equipment, they would be dead within 60 seconds, probably because of a "car accident". Naturally, we take this equipment very seriously, and you can understand that it *must* not fall into the wrong hands.


Our agents go through a battery of psychological and physical tests that make the NASA entrance requirements look like a McDonald's application. They know more about me than my own wife does. "Going crazy" simply will not happen.


Question 27:

What type of person would be a threat to national security that would warrant this type of surveillance? Would Timothy McVeigh have been targeted before the bombing?


Generally, the device is not used for security purposes within the United States, though with the current terrorism situation this may change.


Question 28:

Does the secret service have detection equipment to detect this targeting system that can target a person through a wall?


The secret service does not have detection equipment that could find any of our devices.