Canadian Mind Control
Radio Series on CKLN-FM

MCF is hosting the Program Transcripts

CKLN would like to make the show available to other radio stations.
If your local station is interested, email producer Wayne Morris:

Mind Control in Canada -- Press Release

Date: 97-03-15 09:58:43 EST

CKLN 88.1 FM [Toronto] radio series on Canadian involvement in U.S. CIA and military mind control programs and the links to ritual abuse.

Interviews with survivors, therapists, researchers, and writers regarding unethical mind control experiments carried out by Canada and the United States on Toronto radio station CKLN-FM 88.1 Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

On Sunday, March 16 at 9:30 AM the International Connections program will begin the radio series 'Mind Control In Canada.' Every Sunday morning 9:30-10:30 AM on CKLN-FM 88.1 for the following eight months will focus on different issues of military and government use of mind control with a focus on the Canadian involvement in the experimental programs including:

Interviews and Lectures Include:

Dr. Colin Ross -- proves that mind control has been used operationally since World War II in a lecture of the history of U.S. CIA and military mind control experiment programs.

Lynne Moss-Sharman -- survivor of mind control experimentation and ritual abuse as a child by CIA-funded doctors. Lynne describes electricity, drugging, brain implants, sexual abuse and other brutalities that were committed on her and other children and adults in Canada and United States. Also Interview

Ronald Howard Cohen -- survivor of abduction and severe drugging by CIA and military and subsequent harrassment in attempting to publish a book about his ordeal.

Valerie Wolf -- therapist of mind control survivors who gave testimony about mind control experiments in the 1995 US Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. Also see Lecture Presentation at Believe the Children Conference Chicago - April 1997 Interview with Valerie Wolf, M.S.W., therapist to trauma and mind control survivors

Dr. Connie Kristiansen, Carleton University -- feminist psychologist talks about the backlash against therapists working with abuse survivors.

Linda MacDonald -- survivor of  Dr. Cameron's electroshock, drugging, forced sleep, and psychic driving 'treatment' at McGill University in Montreal and has successfully pursued compensation from the Canadian government.

Alex Constantine -- researcher, author of 'Psychic dictatorship in the USA' speaks about high-tech mind control technology and the legacy of damaged survivors it has created.

For more information contact:

380 Victoria Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5B 1W7

Phone: (416) 595-5068
Fax: (416) 595-0226

Email - producer Wayne Morris: