

I also am a victim of electronic harassment, along with microwave pulsed energy, EMF radiation along with ELF. My body has been charged or "programmed", so that I am extremely warm, sometimes hot and then very shortly I am cold. I am interested in any and all ideas that other victims have had and what has helped them.

I have been victimized for over 5yrs now, along with a friend of mine. We have been "thru the mill". We have no freedom, they use infrared for audio and/or video surveillance, our phones are monitored, we are followed on the highway. I hear "beeping" sounds as I walk in the front door of my house. My 3 cats are being targeted from time to time, if I sat in my favorite chair, i can feel the floor "shaking" or "vibrating" and before long my body is heated again. I have headaches and nausea, and much more to explain later...

Received 02-22-2004