A Monopoly On Satellites
That See Through!!!!!

From Gregory Cousins
August 1997

I think the time has come for the victims of the Mind Control atrocities and their supporters to end the quest to prove that this problem does exist. We have already done that. The evidence is just overwhelming. We must begin to go after the people who is perpetrating the crimes against us, and those who are involved in the cover-up.

I was just recently kicked off of the Internet for "Mail Bombing " Congress with tens of thousands of E-mail letters. These letters were blasting Congress for their involvement in covering up the atrocities being committed by the Controllers. It will take years for them to digest the contents of those letters. Believe me, I know. I am setting myself up to begin another round of letter attacks, both with E-mail and Snail-mail.

The reason that Congress does not want to do anything about these crimes is because the Controllers are a monopoly. A monopoly that has existed for many of years and has grown way out of control. The Controllers has the satellite capability to see through roof-tops, and through other things. This gives them a broad range of power, including the power to steal others' secrets and others' property. By protecting this power vacuum, Congress and the Senate can assure themselves a very rich lifestyle.

Meanwhile, we have to suffer.

I just want the readers of the Mind Control Forum to understand the nature of the crimes being committed against the victims. Ed Light, Cheryl Welsh, myself, and the many others have literally been tortured out of our minds. We have been put through a tremendous amount of pain. The Controllers are low, stinky individuals who will do anything to accomplish their goals. They are just as bad, if not worst, than the Nazi criminals of the W.W.II era. They not only torture their victims constantly with their invisible, penetrating lasers, but they intentionally destroy the finances of the victims and their families. These lowly pigs has cost myself and my family well over $200,000 in loses. The reason that they do this is because money is power. This keeps the victims from being able to afford legal help. It also degrades them and makes them feel helpless.

I am urging everyone connected to this matter to take it very serious. The Controllers are truly low down pigs, and if we don't get them, then they will surely cost us our lives.

Please contact me at  GCousins2@aol.com  with any ideas. Let's work together to send the Controllers to the gas chamber where they belong.

Gregory Cousins

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