MCF Victim: Golfer

I currently live in Korea. I have been a victim of electronic weapons since about June of 2000. At first, I could not believe what was happening to me. I can recall that in the year 2000, I was able to find a website under the title of "Sound as a Weapon" Much of the record of my first year of attacks are recorded there, but I am unable to locate the site now. I am glad to have found this site and hope to share information with other victims. It has been very difficult to convince people around me of the existance of stealth weapons. I am relieved to find others who can understand my torment.

They have intensified their attacks on me recently. In my case, they seems to recruit people around me by bribes, threats, or attacks. They seem even to place people close to me under surveilance until they are able to find some secretive skeleton to use as leverage to recruit them. If they are not successful in the recruit, they go as far as use the very electronic weapons on the person or the relatives of the person to force them to play roles in skits which they have made to slander me. The attackers have even attacked my baby daughter. She is four years old now. They have been attacking her as early as when she was two years old. These attackers are really sick people.

I welcome exchanging emails with other victims. My email is note: I have been having difficulties with computer transmissions. It seems the attackers are very proficient in computer hacking too.

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