Lance Haggard

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter with the hope that you might be able to help me. It might seem unusual but I promise, it is all true and probably only a minute fraction of my complete story. Since January 9th, 1994 I have been exposed to electronic harassment; Electro-magnetic Pulse, Cellular, and FM frequency (both audible and inaudible.) It started in Riverside, California with my girlfriend at the time Heather Nickson. It went on with her for two years during which time she went from emotion to emotion, erratically manipulated until I was sure she would suffer a breakdown. I was working at Magnone Restaurant at the time and noticed people making strange comments to me, saying things that they would have no way to know about; my sex life, my personal life and so on. When I left Magnone in 1993 I began work at Victoria Country Club. Again my personal life seemed not so private with comments directed always about my sex life and girlfriend. During this time it seemed to be extremely punishing for Heather and she was reluctant to talk about anything, she was very scared. During this time we sought counseling for problems we were both experiencing at Knollwood Psychiatric Center. Knollwood had ties to Victoria Country Club (Doctors) and many of the people who worked with me at Victoria Club were in the Fra! ternity at Knollwood and would talk of programming parties they would attend at the center where they would “abduct” people and attempt to get them in to the hospital. Through hypnosis they would run different programs; “No-pride”, “No-balls” (one in which they make you docile so when they begin reprogramming you won’t strike out at people). They talked of taking over an addicts “desire” and making him/her do crazy things, and through hypnotic mind transference being able to almost pop in and out of their head. On January 9th at 9PM I began to hear “them” They said they were the CIA and that I had been under surveillance my whole life because my parents had been born out of the country, my mother in Zagreb and my father in Managua even though my father’s dad had been ONI and worked for our government the whole time he had been in N! icaragua. They repeatedly said to remember the “ONI.” The programs they ran are amusing similar to The Wizard of OZ , they tell you can’t think while they are programming you and that thoughts arrive like butterflies (Scarecrow) (also the CIA’s Monarch program which deals with hypnotic mind transference and virtual reality), they told me that I needed to stick up for myself (Cowardly lion) and that I shouldn’t take people popping in and out of my head seemingly selling out everything from my past when in reality through regressive hypnosis while I am sleeping they had already investigated me for what they called “past life crimes” in the preceding months before I could ever hear them. Finally they told me that I couldn’t love and that any relationship I wanted needed to come through t! hem but that they could “program” anyone to love me. They told me that almost all of the program is run through hypnotic mind transference and that they were “gods on earth” (a term first used in France in the 1500’s describing what the Freemasons would call “Faire la Chappell” or to play at god) and they were allowed to do anything they wanted without fear of reprisal or police or government intervention. They talked of the New World Order (The Order being the Mason or Illuminati takeover which began in the US in 1792) and one world government. They said that the United States would be divided into sections run by race and at that time we had ethnic cleansing going on in Europe, the Russian Mafia (fraternity of the Illuminati) becoming powerful in Russia, I had reason to believe that everything had gone mad.&n! bsp; They would claim to be the Mexican Mafia, the Vegas Mafia, and the Hell’s Angels, the Department of Defense and the Police fraternity, all fraternities of the Illuminati. I frequently would call the police as people could be heard outside, nothing stopped. I talked to the manager at Victoria Club and told him that I felt like people knew everything that was going on in my life, he told me that it was the police and there was nothing he could do. At one point they told me I was initiated in the Club World. (Not really sure what that is.) Some days I would look up at the ceiling and hear what seemed like my thoughts and whoever else was talking coming from it. Meanwhile when I wasn’t at w! ork the harassment continued and started to turn abusive with sick rituals meant to give the hypnotist more and more power over me. I felt like what seemed like an implant being positioned two inches above my right ear in my visual cortex. They told me they had the cure for Aids and when I asked them why they didn’t tell people, they said it would cost too much. (I have since learned their code for Aids) I called the FBI in Riverside, they were no help. It continued in Riverside until I moved three weeks later, before I left Riverside I went back to Knollwood where the counselor asked me to be a counselor.

I moved to Santa Cruz in early February of 1994. On my way up to Santa Cruz I stayed in hotels where I would lay in bed while I was skull fucked (pressure going in and out of my head finishing with what feels like warm liquid being poured over brain). I found work at Red Lobster where I confronted the manager one day about what was going on. Her name was Monique, she was of no help. I then worked at Shadowbrook where it again continued but because of what had happened in the past I never talked to a manager about it. ! ; During this time I was enrolled at Cabrillo College where it continued, I talked to a counselor at the school who had me meet with the Chief of Police a number of times. Still no help. I contacted Congressmen and Senators with one, Congressman Ken Calvert starting a Congressional Inquiry. Things became a little better but the rhetoric and banter that I had to listen to was appalling. I had frequent headaches, they would call them “New World Order Headaches”. (I take it to mean what hypnotists call a “Hypnotic rubberband headache”)

In 1996 I transferred to Cal State Fullerton and began work at La Vie en Rose. It continued unabated. On certain nights when it would be really bad, the owner, Louie Laulhere, would call them Casino Nights. People would sit at the bar while it seemed everything I had ever experienced or done was poured out into stranger’s minds, and I was critiqued on my response to the “life review”. It was like they felt that they had some right to review my life and tell me what they thought I needed, I felt they needed to review a paper on Civil Rights. They would make comments insinuating that because my head was “open” (open is a misconception inferring that chemicals or thought can open your mind, it is almost all electronic) I would go to the highest bidder. I worked there on and off for six years. In January of this year it became much worse. I went to Las Vegas with some friends to celebrate my birthday. I got “zapped” and everything was pulled from my head as we went from casino to casino. They made comments like I was FBI? On my return to Fullerton it was nonstop. At La Vie en Rose they made me a position which I took to mean that people were allowed to “walk-in” and out of my hea! d, like in the movie “Being John Malcovich”, this is again done through hypnotic mind transference. There were quite a few references made to Hollywood. Constant buzzing bombarded me. I was made General Manager in August before I left in September. Since March I have been everyday through their claiming ritual. It begins by the women’s handlers offering up their wares, in this case the women, they talk of the women and build what they call and initiation, or feeling that they can in turn give to the women through hypnotic mind transference. While this is going on the chest is tight near the armpits as well as the neck, mind feels as though it is taken back to when you are 18-20, current feels concentrated on front part of brain, there are sounds of! crowds and a feeling of dumb wonderment. Then women are offered up like a game show, claiming supposedly results in black listing until the other gives in. (they never explain exactly what a black list entails which is why I never claim) Women supposedly claim men first then sleep with other men forcing the hand of the man. If you claim someone you get to pick one thing the other person has to quit and if the person fails to comply, they are again blacklisted. I don’t know if this is the only way to marry in this country, but it is not anything that I believe in. Through the lie that this is how it always was, we are expected to give up self-guidance relying on technology and “owners” to move us a! round like pets, until we are rewarded, through the manipulation of our desires, with whatever they see fit.

Since 1996 I have also worked at Aysia 101 in Newport Beach, Diva’s restaurant in Costa Mesa and for one year I was an Account Manager at Aeroflite Enterprises in Brea where I traveled through out the country. I have also been to Europe three times during that period where it never ended. While in Fullerton I have contacted the local police and FBI.

Also in Riverside I went through a very strange experience while at Heather Nickson’s father house. I was awoke by what sounded like the ground opening up. I looked up and saw what appeared to be a green glowing figure looking into our bedroom window. (Whether it was a prop or something spectacular I am unsure) The figure was that of an older man who claimed to be the king or Illuminati. The next day on my way to work at Victoria Club two helicopters followed my car, one black and Riverside Police. A sheriff in jai! l made another reference to the Illuminati when he called me the President of the President’s Club. I have read volumes on the Illuminati and know that the Department of Defense had a program in 1970 in certain cities. I was born in 1970. The program was to put the subject in a medium trance where the subject would still be conscious but could be manipulated through cues sent in through the subconscious. At Victoria Club they claimed that I had been used my whole life by the City of Riverside and the Police.

I have so much information that I could give you volumes and volumes. I have their code for AIDS. I know of the different means of which conversing in your head is accomplished and the very real danger of unregulated wireless networks where the people who are in the “know” leave those who don’t in volatile and dangerous situations. I hate to think of a society where people who have money or government agencies are allowed to program citizens while the police and people in government sit idly by pretending not to know or simply not caring. It is hard to imagine that anyone, employer or government, should! have the right to come into my apartment or head, take my privacy, pop into my head while I am having sex with my girlfriend or when I am just reading a book and that there is no penalty or recourse that I have. I have had nine years of harassment, if you can’t stop it, can you tell me who can. I would appreciate any help that you could give me.

Lance Haggard
CC: 60 Minutes, 20/20, State Senator Dick Ackerman, Assembly Person Lynn Daucher, U.S. Attorney General, Riverside District Attorney, O.C. District Attorney, Congressman Ken Calvert, Congressperson Maxine Waters, U.N. Committee on Human Rights, Amnesty International, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Riverside Press Enterprise, ACLU, Police Watch, Larry King Live, Heritage Foundation

P.S. A website which has a lot of the programs that are run is

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