firedocs transcript

Art Bell Coast to Coast AM Radio Show
January 30, 1997

Featured Guest:
Ed Dames [Major, ret.]

Transcribed by Kay Grissom,
Proofed and HTML'd by PJ Gaenir,

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BELL = Art Bell [host]
DAMES = Ed Dames [U.S. Army Major, ret.]

[begin transcript]

BELL: {appears to be reading a document provided him} Edward Arthur Dames joined the US Army in 1967, enlisted as a paratrooper at the age of 17. After serving a year as an airborne infantryman, Mr. Dames transferred to the Army Security Agency and was assigned to the Far East to support the National Security Agency in that part of the world.

In 1974, he returned home to attend college, quickly earning a 4 year scholarship for academic excellence. After 3 years as an undergraduate at the University of California-Berkeley, where he double majored in bioelectronics and Chinese, Mr. Dames joined Berkeley's ROTC program, becoming a distinguished military graduate in '78.

Newly commissioned as a second lieutenant in military intelligence, Mr. Dames was sent to be trained as a tactical electronic warfare officer and, for 3 years, was assigned to Germany to intercept and jam Soviet and Czech communications. From there he was recruited by a scientific and technical military intelligence black unit, ultimately to direct clandestine operations against high value foreign targets. He remained in deep cover, traveling worldwide under assumed identities.

In 1981, Mr. Dames' life changed forever. The Soviets had been secretly developing a sophisticated biological weapons program and Mr. Dames and his elite military group were tasked to identify the components of these deadly toxic weapons. Covert operatives that he had recruited were unable to penetrate the Soviet's wall of secrecy so, out of desperation, he contemplated the use of psychics to help uncover this critical information. In reality, the US Army was actually already considering the possibility of employing psychics for intelligence collection but very few high ranking officers were willing to risk their careers over the stigma associated with such a project. Nevertheless, the US Army began a funded study, at the Stanford Research Institute, to systemize psychic phenomena and develop a working tool by which non-psychics would also be able to be utilized, functioning for the purpose of acquiring reliable and consistent information. Mr. Dames became the operations and training officer of this team which, ultimately, achieved its goal by developing the technique now known as remote viewing.

Back in Washington, D.C. in 1984, Mr. Dames and his team applied their remote viewing abilities to the toughest national intelligence problems such as locating and tracking international terrorists and their hostages, finally uncovering key data surrounding the Soviet offensive biological warfare program. The results of these efforts were briefed to Congress and the US President.

For his work, Dames was awarded two Army Meritorious Service Medals and the Legion of Merit. Additionally, he was personally credited, by the defense intelligence agency, with penetrating the Soviet Defense Council. In that agency's words, "...a singularly profound act". Over the years, the remote viewing info collected continued to be secretly used by numerous government agencies and all branches of the military.

As the result of increasing turmoil and turnover in the ranks of top Army intelligence leadership during the last 1980's, channelers and psychic charlatans were recruited to co-mingle with the professionals in the unit. Worse, various politicians, desiring information about political and personal futures, began to approach the project—turning it into a 3 ring circus. Now, rather than being forced to stand by and witness the disintegration of his unit's effectiveness and the loss of remote viewing technology, the Major retired from the US Army, taking the original team's best and brightest with him to form his California based company Psi-Tech.

In late '91, during the Gulf War, Psi-Tech in fact provided intelligence on Saddam Hussein to the National Security Council... located Iraq's hidden biological warfare stockpiles for the UN. These endeavors earned Major Dames and Psitech the attention of the world press.

Currently, Psitech's clients range from the leaders of Fortune 500 corporations to academics in science, medicine and law as well as select individuals from the private sector who undergo the firm's specialized training. Since 1982, when Mr. Dames began teaching and employing these incredible skills, he's perfected remote viewing methods and techniques, employing his technical remote viewing training and operations protocols which guarantee his commercial clients an unprecedented 100% accuracy rate.

Ed's personal interests include personal potential, natural history, martial arts, physical fitness, and he is fluent in Chinese mandarin.

Yikes! That's quite a resume!

Here he is, Major Ed Dames. Hi.

DAMES: Good evening, Art.

BELL: Welcome back.

DAMES: The pleasure is mine, as usual.

BELL: Well, we've got a lot of ground to cover, don't we?

DAMES: We have some important items to cover, yes.

BELL: But before we get to them, painful as it might be for those who have heard you many times and know what remote viewing is, I've been doing a number of programs recently—open line segments—people will call up and say "Art, please, what is remote viewing? " So, painful as it may be to hear it again for some, many new affiliates and people have no idea what remote viewing is. So, Ed, a brief history.

DAMES: Rather than a brief history, I think I will start out with sort of a definition. In essence, this was a technique that was used as a military intelligence tool and it was funded with your tax dollars and my tax dollars. A breakthrough technique that allows any individual to be trained to psychically acquire knowledge of things and events distant in time and space. In essence, we are trained psychics and we are trained to the degree that someone who graduates from the Psitech training program is better than the most gifted natural psychic in history, more consistent and better at what they do. The breakthrough technique, developed in 1983 in a laboratory, essentially is the syntax and the grammar, if you will, for the way that the unconscious mind communicates information to conscious awareness. If you compare language, as I have so often done, if we're all born with an innate ability. . . . the faculty to speak but unless we are taught a language that faculty remains just grunts and is garbled.

BELL: Uh huh.

DAMES: So this was the breakthrough discovery, the way in which the grammar and the syntax for the communication of unconscious data to conscious awareness. Very accurately, without imagination getting in the way. . . we are taught how to recognize our imagination from the target: a person, place, or thing or event. And we learn how to suppress and manage analysis, our own personal biases of the incoming data, and keep that out of the way so what we are left with is very very accurate data or information about a target. . . . . . a target being, again, a person, a place, a thing or an event, anywhere in space or time.

BELL: Ed, is it with equal difficulty that you view a target in the present or go into the future or the past? Equal difficulty or is one tougher than the other?

DAMES: For a trained and experienced technical remote viewer it is not a difficult process, it is pretty much cut and dried like any other vocations, and the application of that technology against the present and past—targets in the present and past— are of equal value. Sometimes we run into technical problems in analysis in dealing with future targets and there the problems is not, again, with the remote viewing itself, with the perceptual part of the process, it is with analysis. Unless you are a very experienced analyst you are not going to be able to successfully interpret the data vis a vis future targets. Let me give you an example. About a week before the Super Bowl , as a training target in my class, we remote viewed the winner of the Super Bowl. The psyche, the unconscious is really in charge of the strategem, the way it delivers up the information about the task to the remote viewer, and in this case, across the board the remote viewers were sketching the colors on the helmets of the winning team.

BELL: (Laughter) Really?

DAMES: But, for some targets, if they're too far out and the likelihood (hypothetically) , if the likelihood of an event does not reach 100% then we get information that is not consistent say, using the Super Bowl again as an example, that two weeks prior to the game it had not been adjudicated at some other level the winner of the team, then we would get a mish mash of information and conflicting information and different colors from the opposing teams. And an experienced analyst would know that is has not yet been worked out on another level yet, it has not reached 100% likelihood.

BELL: At the beginning of the season I predicted Green Bay to go all the way. . . . how did I do that?

DAMES: I think it was just a good guess, a pretty good guess or intuition.

BELL: And that really is the same sort of thing, an intuition, remote viewing is disciplined. . . . .

DAMES: It's attention management. . . . . we gather our information from the collective unconscious or the global mind. . . . if you will. . . . and it is very very rigorously disciplined attention management and it is a skill. . . . it is not an experience. . it's a rigorous skill. . . . very easy to do against easy targets and very easily teachable but difficult against complex targets. For those of your listeners who have access to the internet. . . . if they would like more information. . . . Psitech has a brand new website up now and they can download some more information.

BELL: We've got a link up there for you tonight on my website . . . a lot of people are used to going there. . . if you go there you'll see Major Dames link to his. . . . it's brand new, huh?

DAMES: It's brand new, it's and we have some chat rooms in there. My vice- president, Joni Dourif is in there now in a chat room. One of our recent graduates, a neurosurgeon, is hosting another chat room and we have I think a psychologist, a recent graduate and they are there to answer questions both technical and layman type of questions for anyone who is interested.

BELL: Alright, well here is a layman type question. Describe for us a typical remote viewing session at Psitech, let's say you want to sit down and try and view flight 800 and I saw the video tape of the television coverage of your company's work on 800. The actual workings, in other words you've got how many remote viewers, separated from each other, typically?

DAMES: We have 6 to 8 in a team, we don't need more than 6 to 8 on a team, in fact, the data becomes more difficult to manage if your teams get too big and we can satisfy a client or answer a question technically. We have a lot of in-house projects, too, with 6 to 8 viewers and we run controls so, for instance, we'll run a problem as an advanced training target in class, in the intensive training course that we teach and we'll divvy up the same target. . . we'll send a set of random coordinates. . . . people who go through the course are trained only. . . their unconscious is trained. . .

BELL: Ya, let me stop you right there. . . random coordinates. What do you mean by that?

DAMES: Let me back track. . . . that's a target reference number, that is simply a random number for administrative purposes only.

BELL: A random number. . . .

DAMES: That's correct and it's assigned to the target or the project or the problem.

BELL: Who assigns that?

DAMES: I do or anyone else that runs. . . . . if you are a trained remote viewer you simply assignthat number to it for administrative purposes.

BELL: So in other words I take, I want everybody to understand this, I take. . . . as the control. . . a random number. . . that random number means flight 800 or whatever the target is.

DAMES: That's correct and we have to qualify, of course, what we mean by flight 800. . . you write down the name of the target. . . you are taught to remote view specific problems and that is what this process is. . . . . it's a problem solving tool. Unconscious is our best friend and it's a master problem solver so it knows, at the collective level and the personal unconscious level, what the target is. We used to say in the intelligence business, "It's OK to fool the enemy but it's not OK to fool yourself", you're really at the unconscious level . . . it's already at the target. . . it's already in since we. . . . our individual unconsciousness is immersed in the collective. All you are doing is turning your unconscious attention to the target in the collective.

BELL: But that assignment of the target, that is the one part I have never quite understood, in other words, Ed Dames assigns a random number that means a certain target. . . how?

DAMES: Let me put it this way. . . . . . let's not talk about the target reference number. One could as easily say . . . ready. . . set. . . go. . . and it's in your conscious mind if your intent was turned toward a specific target. . . a person, a place, a thing or an event or problem set. Your unconscious is automatically grabbing that book in the akashic records library or the matrix as we say in my business. In the collective unconscious, think of it as a big database.

BELL: Ok hold it right there, Ed, we'll be right back to you. . . . bottom of the hour.

BELL: Back now to Major Ed Dames, Ed.

DAMES: I have been informed in no uncertain terms that I read our website address wrong. Our new website address is

BELL: And for those of you who find that too complicated you can go to the Art Bell website and jump right across, no problem.

DAMES: Let’s get back to target reference numbers, formerly called coordinates, formerly about 15 years ago when we first used them. They are irrelevant to the task, they are used for administrative purposes only. If I wanted to turn my attention, as a remote viewer, to the perpetrators of the event down in San Diego, the persons or person who planted the pipe bomb then I could simply do that and go through 45 minutes of protocols to establish the basic identities of the people or persons who did that. I do not need a target reference number to do it but when I task this task out to my professional viewers or I use it for a training target in instruction, then I assign it a random number so that the student or the professional does not know what the target is—consciously. That keeps conscious awareness out of the picture and so I use it as a control measure.

BELL: Ed, I know you are a stickler for controls and then these various peoples are given this target reference number. . . they independently view the target. . . stop me when I’ve got it wrong. . . . and the results, in order for your company to issue a known result or something you’ve got 100% confidence in, all 6 or 8 have to come back with the same. . . or nearly the same result or how do you assess that?

DAMES: No, No, that is not right. Only 2, we only need mutually corroborating data from 2 remote viewers—2 trained remote viewers. That’s it because the training is so rigorous and we can trust the results. . . the controls are built in to that regard. When 2 remote viewers, 2 graduates, produce the same results working independently, the mutually corroborating data is what my company guarantees and we do not need a 3rd check. Now, on very serious life of death situations where many lives are at stake, then we run triple and quadruple checks but when we are dealing with normal targets. . . missing persons or an enigma or something like that. . . . we still will go with 100%. . . . we will issue a 100% money back guarantee for our commercial clients with just 2 viewers mutually corroborating the data.

BELL: Still, though, when you’ve got 6, as you get 3 or 4 that agree. . . . or 5. . . your confidence level must obviously go up.

DAMES: It goes up but you know what happens. . . an interesting thing happens. . . there are levels of unconscious that are interesting. When you employ a team . . . there is, at an unconscious level, there is a division of labor we have found and we need lots of data to solve a problem. You can always get meaning immediately, for instance, one could always find where a hostage is or a terrorist is immediately as a trained technical remote viewer but. . . you still have to determine the geographical location. That is the context that I am talking about so we need sessions that are rich in other data and it is not good enough for all 6 or 8 viewers to describe only the room and the health state of the hostage. . . is associated with.

BELL: You’ve got to know where. How do you do that? How do find out where?

DAMES: Again there is actually a division of labor that is agreed upon on the unconscious level , 2 remote viewers will produce information—let’s go back to the hostage example—on the outside of a building, 2 remote viewers will describe the interior of the building, 2 others might go (and this is done spontaneously) will describe the geographical terrain. Or, I can simply retask, refocus the targeting and use wherever the viewers original technical remote viewing probe took off from, I can use that as a leverage point and say, ’what’s over here, what’s over here? ’ using very specific movement exercises. I know this is complicated but it’s a complex tool . . it can be very simple, as simple as learning to do a multiplication problem or it canbe as vast as solving a very advanced differential equation. It is all mathematics but it starts simple but it can become very complex but the tools that we have at our disposal, as technical remote viewers, as experienced remote viewers, can . . indeed. . . solve very complex problems. Some are easy, for instance, this metal sphere that was found in Texas the other day. . . it’s a fuel tank on a satellite.

BELL: It’s a fuel tank on a satellite.

DAMES: On a satellite, really cut and dried. Telstar 401, the loss of Telstar 401, another story.

BELL: Well, fine let’s hear it. . . everybody wants to know. Telstar 401, a major geosynchronous communications satellite. . . multi-million dollar. . . oh. . oh. . . multimillion dollar. . . just suddenly gone.

DAMES: Well it didn’t break and it didn’t get hit by a meteoroid. . uh. . it was decommissioned and it was not decommissioned by anybody that we know and so when we find things like that, very enigmatic and extremely interesting. . . . in this case. . . I hate to use the word, I am loathe to use it . . . but it was a UFO that decommissioned Telstar 401. What my company does for a living is put together all the science, engineering and technical data that allowed that to happen so we recreate the event and we establish how the satellite was decommissioned—exactly what happened and what the perpetrators, in this case. . .

BELL: Were they angry at the Fox programming carried on it?

DAMES: I don’t know. We actually did not look. . . we were so surprised that there was an ovoid vehicle or an ovoid object that was associated with decommissioning. . . . it was an artificial object that was actually alien. We were so surprised that we just stopped and we will pick it up another day.

BELL: Decommissioned. . . when you say decommissioned. . .

DAMES: It was purposely. . . it was intentionally decommissioned.

BELL: Turned off.

DAMES: It was actually irradiated purposely. We have not established the bandwidth and the parameters of the radiation, yet.

BELL: Well one thing that I have not understood. . . there is a theory that solar radiation killed it. . . . that’s one theory.

DAMES: We know it was a type of radiation but we have not established frequency, bandwidth. . . .

BELL: I understand, no what I was about to say Ed, was that if it was solar radiation it should have affected a lot more than just one satellite.

DAMES: It wasn’t solar radiation, Art, it emanatedfrom an artificial oval type object that was alien in nature.

BELL: Yikes!Yikes!

DAMES: But as you know, the company and formerly the military team, has seen many many of these types of things over the years.

BELL: Alright, yesterday I did a very serious program on the subject of Philip Taylor Kramer and I talked to Philip’s sister and his father . . . he goes by the name of Taylor. Two years ago he disappeared from the face of the earth, seemingly, had been in the group Iron Butterfly, was doing some very esoteric work on fractal technology for data compression. . . designed the MX missile guidance system. Pretty heavy weight guy. Just poof, gone, and I was asked by Kathy if you would consider remote viewing in this case.

DAMES: Ordinarily we wouldn’t but, in this case, I think we will. It’s a very good. . . the public need some practical examples of how technical remote viewing can be used in practical cases. . . and this is a good example. So, what I’ll do in the next ten days is. . . we will establish the present location of Philip Taylor Kramer but the family has to be aware that we are responsible for the information and they have to be willing to. . .

BELL: Accept the results. . . .

DAMES: To accept the results. . . of course we will stand by the results and if the person is dead then we’re going to locate the body and the conditions under which he died.

BELL: You can locate the body?

DAMES: Yes, and if the person is alive, we will locate the present position of the person. Now, are we going to ruffle the feathers. . . . I don’t know this man. . . does he want to disappear. . . are we doing something that we shouldn’t be doing here?

BELL: I don’t have that answer.

DAMES: If this were, if he were, if you were he or if you wanted to drop off the face of the earth I am not sure you would want former psychic spies hunting you down and locating you so I am not sure of the ethicalness of this. We are going to do it but I am a little bit questioning here. . . . . . . . .

BELL: How frequently are ethics an issue in remote viewing, in other words, what percentage of the time when people or companies, individuals come to you and they want you to do a job. . . . how many times does it appear to be an ethical problem to you?

DAMES: It’s an increasingly greater question. It was a non-problem when we were a military team. . . our operations were our operations and if we were remote viewing a terrorist or a foreign leader to drop a bomb on them. . . we would do it. If we were remote viewing the location of a hostage for Delta Force to free them then we would do it. . . . we were always politically correct. Now, in the commercial environment, my company was founded in 1989, ethics have been an increasingly greater concern and what we have found is that we had to establish boundaries—our own ethics come to play in this. For instance, we have some celebrities that we use as training targets because of the impact that the trainees receive when they see what the target is. . .

BELL: You’re trying to prove this to the public and that’s why you are doing these high profile things.

DAMES: Well, in the case of training, behind doors training, we have celebrities we use but we never enter their minds or go into their mind state. . . we simply describe them. . . their physiognomies and countenances. . . their physical descriptions. If we are dealing with deceased figures, then we’ll go ahead and look at intent and those kinds of things.

BELL: You could enter a mind?

DAMES: Quite easily. We have what we call a deep mind probe for advanced students. In a deep mind probe we are going into a person’s psyche to look for trauma because, in some cases, we do a lot of medical work also, in some case a medical problem might be psychosomatic and if we look at the source of the trauma. . . . the trauma may be affecting behavior in an individual to the point where it may be detrimental to an individual’s life or well-being or happiness. We do a lot of work in there, too, we can go far deeper far more quickly than hypnosis can go.

BELL: Well, something you might want to look at. . . you heard the bulletin at the bottom of the hour about the FBI office in San Diego. . . . a bomb exploded also Thursday outside a courthouse near San Francisco. . . blew out windows. It was the third such incident in less than a week . . . there are bombs beginning to go off all over the place.

DAMES: We’ve had enough bombs. We worked the Unabomber case for the FBI and we have two other individuals . . a project we call the other unabomber. . . as I believe I have mentioned before the FBI has mixed and matched bombers in the Unabomber case—Kozinsky is one of three players and it would be embarrassing for them to state that, of course, and they need some more evidence to. . . . . I’ll talk a lot about this. . . we have, for the first time in history, we have a hand receipt from the deputy director of the bureau for Psitech’s work but the bureau is loathe to talk about their association with us and this is a similar thing that we ran into in the military along these lines. We are just a little bit tired of working bomb cases, Art, and we’re not gonna do it.

BELL: Really.

DAMES: Yeah, a stolen nuclear weapon yes. . . . . bombs could go on forever as well as missing persons but it is better to train. . . . for our company to act as a cadre to train police forces and intelligence officials and intelligence teams to do this for themselves rather than Psitech (capacity constrained as we are) to attempt to solve all these problems and, as I’ll mention later on in the program, there is something else that the public will be able to avail itself of.

BELL: What kind of targets do you like, what are your favorite kind of targets?

DAMES: I have many favorite types of targets but our attention has been both riveted and almost entirely turned toward environmental issues now because we are discerning the loss of many many lives. What we want to do is to look at prevention, prophylactic treatment, identification of disease vectors because. . . right around the corner we are dealing with massive loss of life and I will have more to say about that.

BELL: Yeah, I know there’s some. . . . in your words. . . fairly grim news.

DAMES: Fairly grim. . . far less than sanguine I would say.

BELL: Alright, when you get a client. . . . somebody who comes to you. . . . is paying money to get a job done. . . . can you or do you guarantee them 100% accuracy?

DAMES: Yes we do.

BELL: Or your money back, that kind of thing?

DAMES: That’s correct. You were asking about the types of targets I like. In training environment we do a lot of fun projects, for instance, you’ll see on our website in ensuing weeks our work on the so-called ‘alien autopsy’ and we will show you how that was faked. . . how water was pumped using aquarium pumps into a sack and how the pressure was kept up. . . that’s why there is no sound on the film because you would hear the pump in the background. . those kinds of things.

BELL: Really, really.

DAMES: Those are fun projects for us.

BELL: Fun, huh, well so you’re saying—you’ve not said this before—the alien autopsy is a fake.

DAMES: It’s a total hoax. It’s kind of a cheesy hoax, it’s a sack, nylon and polypropylene and some other things, and it has in it a pump and circulating water. It’s kept inflated by water so when you cut it it leaks and there is a hose that runs under the table and through the back.

BELL: When did you do this one?

DAMES: We did thisback last year, in October, and we presented the results in an international UFO conference in Dusseldorf, Germany.

BELL: Well, somehow the news didn’t make it here. I don’t recall your mentioning it.

DAMES: I’m sorry about that. I’ll put the work up, I’ll have Joni Dourif put the work up on the website so people can see exactly how that hoax was perpetrated.

BELL: When you announce something like this, the fact that you have identified a hoax—and we’re going to get to another one here in a moment—do you identify people?

DAMES: I think so, yes we do. I think that people should be responsible and accountable and, in the case of Mr. Santilli, who was associated with the hoax, more power to him. He’s a good salesman , he has . . that’s a nice trick, he pulled the wool over a lot of people’s eyes and I think it teaches people to be more careful. So, I really don’t hold a grudge against Mr. Santilli he was really a PT Barnum, he gives the people what they want.

BELL: Uh huh. Can you. . .

DAMES: It’s Dave Copperfield through the great wall trick those kinds of things. . . how the great magicians of the world are able to do their things. . . there we’re not going to really divulge. . . . those are great training targets but we’re not going to divulge the methods by which someone like David Copperfield pulls some of his stunts. For obvious reasons, that is how these people make a living.

BELL: Can for example, Ed, can you for example—with respect again to the alien autopsy—can you remote view when there will be solid evidence of this hoax to the public, in other words, when everyone will know through some other means other than remote viewing?

DAMES: We’d have to turn it into a project to do that. Rather, in a case like that, if we were interested. . . and there are far more interesting things. . . . what we would do I actually look for the evidence. . . that’s what we do in the case of the Unabomber, for instance, we are looking for the evidence to walk the Bureau into that sight—hoping they don't drop the ball.

BELL: Did you do any work, before we leave bombs altogether, did you do any work on the Olympic Park bombing?

DAMES: No, we never have, we have not done that. It is something that would be worth doing, probably, but again we are dealing with the Bureau and the Bureau can’t talk about their association with Psitech for two obvious reasons: one, they are loathe to do it even though we arm twist a hand receipt out of them and two, they really can’t talk about their ongoing cases. So, Psitech, Technical Remote Viewing doesn’t get the kind of credibility and the boost that it needs in the public eye if it’s results are not divulged to the public.

BELL: Well that is true isn’t it, in other words, they are never going to admit that’s how they solved the case. . . they’re never going to admit that. . . so your best bet is coming on a program like this. . .

DAMES: Well we can show a hand receipt, signed that psychically produced data was received or we can do something like the TWA 800.

BELL: Alright, hold tight Ed, we’re at the top of the hour. . . we’ll be right back. Ed Dames, Major Ed Dames is my guest.

BELL: Back now to Psitech’s Major Ed Dames. I understand that in the remote viewing community everybody follows what is going on very carefully and I’m sure that Ed has followed what has gone on with Courtney Brown and I know that all of you have. So, obviously Ed, we would like to get your take on the whole Courtney Brown affair.

DAMES: I can give you my take on that. I’m not going to take the kid gloves off but I will give you my take. I do have to let the cat out of the bag , however, on something that is important and I will have more to say about it. . . it is a series, a home study course that my company has put together for the public. It took us 13 years to come up with the breakthrough to be able to teach this using video tape and we have that available now.

BELL: That’s not the cat out of the bag. . . that’s an explosion!

DAMES: That is something that is going to put Psitech out of business eventually because we expect that when this gets in the hands of the public, the attention is going to be off Psitech if the public is going to be able to do this. . . . and we think that people like Stephen Hawkings and others will evolve this into a much more powerful tool.

BELL: Well, normally, to attend a remote viewing class is—no matter whose you go to as far as I know—several thousands of dollars.

DAMES: At least.

BELL: Right. So you are telling me that you created a video tape that will teach people how to do what you do?

DAMES: We have an introductory video that will show everyone that this is real and that they can do it themselves. It is quite a shocking thing when you do it for yourself in the privacy of your own home after going through some very easy step by step instructions. Your work shows you that you can do that and you look around and you’re the only one there. That’s quite a mind boggling thing and there is a 4 tape intermediate course, a module, that is a complete home study course. Advanced modules are in development and those are medical, space, sciences, things like that.

BELL: Why are you doing this, Ed?

DAMES: Two reasons, it is just not effective to train 30 people a year in this. It’s just you know what in the wind, that’s one reason.

BELL: Yeah, I know, as a matter of fact in the last several programs people inevitably call and say ‘how do I get into Ed’s course’ and your answer has always been. . . “sorry, we’re booked through 1998’ or something.

DAMES: Well, what they did not know is that we were experimenting and beta testing tapes for years, more than a decade to come up with an effective means of guaranteeing that this could be taught using videotapes. We finally did it with a lot of work and , the other reason is that people are not going to believe this, many people are not going to believe this. . . many people do, of course, because they sign up for courses. . . but they are just not really going to know it’s true unless they do it for themselves. That’s why we put this together.

BELL: What about warnings? You hear me issue warnings, I better issue one right now, if you are disturbed by this kind of information. . . . have children in the room. . . turn off the radio folks. Now, what is your warning, Ed, your audience, because we’ve talked about this. . . . . .

DAMES: Let me tell you what my warning. . . I think Father Malachi Martin was right. . . if you are not dealing with a balanced person and you put this technology into the hands of someone like that it is going to take them possibly over the edge but most people are balanced and most people are going to take this and use it for discovery, self-discovery, exploration and bettering the world.

BELL: What about the people who might take it and use it for evil?

DAMES: Then the same technology that was used for evil can be turned around to find them very quickly, very decisively.

BELL: Uh, in other words. . .

DAMES: In other words, if someone uses it to commit a crime or discern information to commit a crime, other remote viewers can very quickly turn the spotlight. . . so to speak. . . on who the perpetrator of the crime was.

BELL: What if they want to use it for profit?

DAMES: It can be done, Art, it can be done. Look at the position I am in. Shall I put it on the streets or shall I keep it to myself. What would you do?

BELL: I don’t know. I don’t have that answer. I kind of think you’re right in a way, it’s eventually gonna put you out of business.

DAMES: It’s a world without secrets eventually and not everyone is going to want to commit to learning this. Some people will just want to take the introductory module and say ‘oh my god, it works’ and leave it at that. Others will want to do the full blown home study course—the four tapes are a set—and move on, and others will want to turn this into a vocation as my employees have.

BELL: I’m sure all the other remote viewers out there are going ‘oh my god. . . what’s he doing? ’.

DAMES: I think it is a very exciting thing. It’s a little bit scary but it’s exciting and when you see the tapes, when you see neurosurgeons, young adults, teenagers and children doing this. . . . it sort of puts things in perspective. At any rate, if people are interested in these tapes, I can give you an 800 number or the website address again and we can talk more later in the program about these things.

BELL: Alright, what is the 800 number?

DAMES: it’s 1-800-556-0391. The course descriptions on that and they can order it or they can order it through our website or they can write my company in Beverly Hills.

BELL: And again, Ed has a new website, you can get to it through mine—of course—there is a link up there right now or Ed, you’ve got the address straightened out now, right? To the website. . . give it again.

DAMES: It’s www.

BELL: Alright, and the 800 number is 556-0391, by the way, are there any times things on that. . . can they call anytime?

DAMES: They can call anytime.

BELL: Anytime, alright. Now, the entire Courtney Brown affair. It has, in the minds or many, rightfully or wrongfully. . hurt the reputation of remote viewing—I believe—so what’s your take on it?

DAMES: I think by default I am back in the position of having to defend it but what I am defending is the idea of remote viewing. I’m not defending Technical Remote Viewing which is what we developed as a military tool and what I employ in my company operations. Courtney Brown, as many of your listeners know, was one one my students and what he chose to do with his nascent skills was to put together an institute which I thought was very very odd being a new graduate. I think that would be tantamount to someone with a baccalaureate putting together a university. . . . . but, nevertheless, he did that but that is not the problem. The problem was that he abandoned all the rigor, the essential rigor that we teach in our introductory training tapes and he threw it out the door. Not only did he do that, but two of my other students: one a physician, a medical doctor, who was a teacher at that institute and should have know better, also threw out the protocols. You know, there is an analogy here. . . . I asked myself the other day ‘why am I upset at Courtney? ’ and I thought about it . . . I knew I was upset but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why until I remembered something. About eight years ago I was on an airliner and I was talking to a young flight attendant, a young man in his early 20’s, and in response to his question about what I did for a living, I told him what I did. I enjoy, as always, talking about my work. . . it is very interesting and instead of the barrage of questions that I normally get when I talk about Psitech and Technical Remote Viewing. . . . this young man looked at me and he said ‘I knew people could do this”. He didn’t ask my any questions and I watched him for the remainder of the flight. . . walk up and down just in another world. . . and what I realized was that what Courtney has done, he has taken away people’s hope because this gave people a great deal of hope, just like that young man—Someone told him that this could be done. . he knew people could do it and now somebody was telling him ‘yes’ it’s true and what I think Courtney did was he threw away that hope in the minds of a lot of people. I think that these training tapes are very timely, to say the least.

The Hale-Bopp fiasco, what made me livid, it was the wrong way to target something. A professional team of viewers would have known immediately that something was awry. I felt so bad for the instructors at the Farsight Institute, I went onto their website and instructed them how to target, properly target, that so-called companion. To not assume that there was a companion, to simply take a photograph—the one that they had—to put a circle. . . this is the very unambiguous way that we can target something. . . to draw a circle around the photograph of the so-called companion and call that the target. If it is not a real thing, and in this case apparently it wasn’t, what a professional remote viewer will do is start to download information and write down sketches of someone sitting in a room somewhere hunched over a photograph or a light table. . . . instead of being out in space somewhere.

BELL: In other words, you would get the view of somebody committing a fraud and as a matter of fact there is quite a bit of evidence that it is a fraud.

DAMES: Immediately, and the same thing holds for Prudence.

BELL: Well, I am not saying that Shramek’s photograph was a fraud at all and, as a matter of fact, there is quite a bit of evidence that it is what it was. Now whether it was a star, which astronomers say, or not, I don’t know. . . . I have no way of knowing.

DAMES: Well, it is a piece of cake for a Psitech team and it’s just a piece of cake for Psitech or any of the people who are trained in the home study course, for goodness sake, to put a circle around a target like that and they will be taught how to properly target and cue in the home study course and to stay in Technical Remote Viewing structure. . . . that is to go right by the rules, right by the book and they will be able to discern exactly what the nature of that target is.

BELL: Alright

DAMES: What Courtney did was to take. . . it would be like discovering an airliner and using it as a ground taxi or snow blower, never knowing what it could do or how to fly it.

BELL: So, with respect to the remote viewing part of it, Courtney made his error, in your view, because he abandoned all of the protocols that you taught-plain and simple.

DAMES: That’s correct.

BELL: Now, let’s get down to the harder aspect of it, the one that I have addressed. The photograph that we were given, ostensibly from a top 10 university professor, has. . . . to my satisfaction and almost everybody else’s. . . been shown to have been a fraud. A perpetrated hoax. . . . a fraud. Taken originally from a photograph posted on the University of Hawaii’s website and it had been there, I think, since September 1 of '95. Can you, will you, would you be willing to remote view who committed that fraud because right now, if you have read Courtney’s statement and I’m sure you have, he is unwilling to allow us to pursue any of the alleged existing physical evidence.

DAMES: We’d be perfectly willing to do that but you have to make the decision what you would like first, Mr. Kramer or the perpetrator. Again, we are capacity constrained and we do have an in-house project in addition to training scientists and engineers and I’ll tell you about that if you are interested.

BELL: Well, I will let you decide on the priorities.

DAMES: I think I’d like to go after Mr. Kramer or his remains.

BELL: Nevertheless, you would be willing at some future date to go and looka nd try and figure out who did this.

DAMES: Of course, it would be a lot of fun.

BELL: For you, perhaps, but somewhere down line somebody did something awful and, you know how the public is Ed, even though technically that photograph. . . even the hoaxing of it. . . . had nothing to do with remote viewing, the public connects it up together in their mind.

DAMES: That’s why I am put in the position to defend remote viewing by default and I am not happy about that. I have experienced a great deal of angst on the part of the so-called Farsight Institute and this is the epitome of that, I think. Yes, we can hunt down the perpetrator like we do any other source of information or any other problem source but I would like to go after Philip Taylor Kramer first because I think that is a lot more fun. Because we’ve got a person, a living breathing person whose door we can knock on or whose remains we can dig up. It’s not a titillating as the hoax but it’s more practical, I think, and more demonstrativeof how powerful these skills are and how rapidly they can be employed.

BELL: Well, either one of both would be very important. . . certainly to the Kramer’s to know what has happened to their son. . . .

DAMES: We’ll take that one first.

BELL: And to remote viewing. . . and I would think you would have some self-interest there to reveal who did this thing. . . . I want to know. I’ve been very angry about it, Ed, and I’m sure that in your own way and for your own reasons, you have as well.

DAMES: Well, I think that the damage. . . . . I don’t know what good it would do to expose someone who has already gotten away with what they got away with but they certainly exposed the lack of prescience and foresight at the Farsight Institute but, nevertheless, we’ll do that for you, Art.

BELL: Well, the reason is that they hurt remote viewing. That is enough of a reason.

DAMES: I think, though, that it would be sort of vindictive. I am not a vindictive person. . the damage has already been done. We’ll do it for interest purposes but I don’t want it to be perceived as a vendetta or any degree of vindictiveness. . . . it’s just another challenge.

BELL: I understand but let’s look at it this way, whoever did it. . . as you pointed out, got away with it and is still to this moment getting away with it. They are liable to do it again, Ed, some other photograph. . . . some other place. . . . some other person. . . . maybe but they’ll do it again.

DAMES: Well, if they are within earshot of our voices they should be squirming a little bit right now. They know who Psitech is.

BELL: I would certainly think so. Psitech has, in the past for example, located gas cannisters. . back during the Iraq war, didn’t you?

DAMES: We not only located the biological warfare or chemical canisters, we entered the bunker. . . the command bunker of Saddam Hussein and downloaded all his battle plans. . . then we went into his mind for the National Security Council and downloaded his intent. . . then we went deeper and looked at his emotional state and how he got there from childhood.

BELL: Wow!Would it be possible, at a distance, forget the ethicacy of doing such a thing for a second. . . would it be possible to kill at a distance.

DAMES: Negative, you cannot do that using mind alone. The Czechs foisted that kind of idea on the Russians early in the cold war and it is a complete farce. It was called psychotronics in those days. Psychotronics has evolved into other things these days but no, you can’t do it, you must use machinery to kill at a distance and there we are talking about attacking the clocking system of a human. . . that’s our brain waves and our neurosystems and affecting damage but you can’t do it mind to mind.

BELL: Alright. Not all with Hale-Bopp is quite as every normal comet is, is it Ed?

DAMES: No, not at all Art.

BELL: Alright so we’re gonna come back and talk about Hale-Bopp in a moment and we’ll issue another warning because it’s gonna get a little grim here.

BELL: We’re about to get to the rather grim segmen there and so, I really am serious, if this sort of material bothers you then. . . please turn your radio off. . . . if children are present please get them out of the room. We are going to talk about some future events that are going to be very disturbing. Ed, over the programs that we have done together, you have predicted that the environmental problems are going to worsen. . . and quickly. At one point you said something I will never forget. . . . the jet stream is gonna come down on deck. . . . and I’ll be damned if , over the last six months, I’ve not heard I don’t know how many weathermen say look out for high winds. . . . 100. . . 130 miles per hour. Either prior to or after the event they have said. . . the jet stream literally has been coming down low. . . almost on the ground. That’s what they’ve been saying—in front of me. From the Oregonian, on the 29th, another story about frogs. Scientists still have not idea what is going on with the frogs, here it says ‘biologists are alarmed, they consider frogs kind of an early warning system for planet Earth.” In fact, all over the place now, deformed frogs are everywhere. . . . extra legs. . . eyes in the wrong places. . . gross deformities beginning to occur. . . . this you also called so where are we? Somehow this all relates, you said, to Hale-Bopp.

DAMES: Those things don’t relate to Hale-Bopp.

BELL: Alright.

DAMES: I want to set the stage to talk about the effects of something that is associated with Hale-Bopp by revisiting some of these issues. The frogs, for instance, we already talked about why the frogs are mutating and dying and that is directly attributable to the ozone layer. Any egg, any living thing, in it’s developmental stages that is directly exposed to increasingly high levels of short-wave ultraviolet (uvb) is going to die. . . mutate and die. . . and that is happening now. So we talked about that. We talked about a lot of insect pollinators, daytime pollinators, bees and other insects that pollinate our fruit trees and other crops, they are dying from increased uv. The weather changes you see and that is going to get worse and what that will do is preclude, as I have mentioned so many times before, growing crops. . . . food crops. . . . the way that we have done in the past. In fact, very very rapidly. . . beginning this year. . . . food prices are going to skyrocket because there isn’t going to be a lot of food due to the vicissitudes of the weather. We are going to have to think about growing food a different way. . . in a different fashion.

BELL: Well, we supply a lot of the food to the rest of the world.

DAMES: I’ll have more to say about that in a moment.

BELL: Now, when obviously, if food becomes short. . . the supplies to the rest of the world will be the first to suffer.

DAMES: The lesser developed countries will starve first, yes, but I think this sets the stage for Hale-Bopp.


DAMES: These things are happening down here now and there is actually a ‘coup de grace’ coming. There is a special delivery package associated with that comet. To backtrack a little, when we are in training, or when I give calibration targets to my professionals, sometimes I send them just the target to work to make sure that they are still on-line and their skills are up. Well, when we use comets as training targets, I generally expect a sketch back of an icy-hot rocky thing way out in space. . . a natural object. . . and that is what we usually get. That’s what my professionals are trained to do and that’s what my students are trained to do, too. That’s the kind of thing that our home study course allows you to be capable of doing, it gives you the skill to do that. In the case of Hale-Bopp, which was supposed to be just another training target, what both the professionals and students were describing. . . . something that was not quite natural associated with the comet. When we placed that under scrutiny, using our most skilled viewers. . . . and I took the best and the brightest from the military team with me and I trained people far better than what the military viewers were ever capable of doing so we know what we’re doing in this. There is something awry with Hale-Bopp, to whit the following: there is not a companion to Hale-Bopp but there was, and may possibly be still, something affixed to it and that something is a cylindrical area of the comet. . . a cylindrical area that is hollow. We do not know the scale on this, by the way Art, we know that it is big but we don’t know how big, of this cylindrical region. In that cylindrical region there is a space and in that space there are particles. . .

BELL: Particles. . . . . .

DAMES: Particles. . . . and those particles form kind of an organic soup. . . . a brown soup and that’s all that’s there. Now, let me tell you what’s gonna happen vis a vis these particles. . . . .

BELL: Yes.

DAMES: You are familiar with the idea that comets produce meteor showers. The comet goes away and in the ensuing months you have meteor showers.


DAMES: The meteor showers are the result of debris that breaks off from the comet, and as it passes through the solar system. . . then earth passes through that debris. . . and we have meteor showers that are associated with comets.

BELL: Correct.

DAMES: Well, the meteor showers that will be associated with Hale-Bopp are going to be of a very interesting type because they are bringing in a plant pathogen. . . . . an engineered plant pathogen.

BELL: An engineered plant pathogen.

DAMES: Uh huh, and that plant pathogen will strike down, will actually lay a swath across, initially, Equatorial Africa and it will quickly infect anything that’s green. . . beginning with trees. The Equatorial region will act as an incubator and this pathogen, and we’re still looking at the biochemistry of it, will spread like wildfire just like a science fiction book—the Andromeda Strain or what have you—and will start to eliminate everything that’s green. We think it goes after the nitrogen fixation mechanism in the plants but we need to do more work on this and we will.

BELL: It will kill everything that’s green. . . .

DAMES: All trees, everything that’s green. All the plants including the food so people will have nothing to eat and this is an airborne, these are airborne pathogens so they will spread to all the continents very quickly andthat means lots of green things will disappear. There will be no food for cattle, there will be no food for milk cows, you will have massive starvation in Africa and other third world countries and I mean massive. . . . . . it is very grim. Then the green things in the forest will begin to die and all the food that we eat will go away. We will turn, of course, to the oceans and we will fish the oceans out. I will give you some time lines on this, too.

BELL: Timelines, yes.

DAMES: I am going to give you some time lines too but I just wanted to let you know that in terms of, we are very anthropocentric creatures, we think that we are the center of the universe but if you back up for a moment and let’s assume that the earth were important to somebody or something.

BELL: Yes.

DAMES: Maybe whatever created it? The earth is sick, it has a disease and it needs an antibiotic. Instead of a death star or an andromeda strain perse, we’re always centered on ourselves. . . . . we forget that we are the disease on the earth’s surface.

BELL: Do you know what you’re describing, Ed?

DAMES: Wormwood, is what I’m describing in some terms.

BELL: That’s right. That’s right.

DAMES: And that’s what’s coming, Art, and that’s what’s here. We have a global economic collapse right around the corner, beginning mid-'98. When we look at the global economic collapse, it is not from war and it’s not from anything else. . . . . it is from the lack of food.

BELL: Ed, I began to wonder sometime ago, this goes back to last night’s show and a lot of other shows that I’ve done recently, I began to wonder why the Vatican has such an intense interest in astronomy, so much so that they muscled their way onto Mt. Graham and they’ve got an observatory up there in conjunction with the University of Arizona but they mainly run the lion’s share of it. . . the Vatican does. Why would the Vatican be so doggone interested in astronomy?

DAMES: Well, I thought that the original intent, isn’t it historically that they were trying to establish or disprove Copernican theory or something like that. . . . wasn’t that the original intent?

BELL: That may be. That may be.

DAMES: Or is it that at Fatima someone was told something. . . . . . I think they’re looking for a milestone. I think that the Catholic Church knows something and they know when a certain thing happens that is the beginning of some grand changes on earth.

BELL: Well, Ed, how do you know that they’re not looking for Wormwood?

DAMES: I think that they may be. If we keep this in perspective. . . if earth is a garden. . . . suppose earth. . . . somebody or something is harvesting something from earth. . . . suppose it is somebody’s garden. Whatever is coming is sent by the gardener so to speak, I am speculating, of course. Using Technical Remote Viewing we don’t have to speculate but I don’t want to get too detailed because it gets too far out and we are far enough out already.

BELL: Do delineate when you are taking over here and sort of speculating.

DAMES: Ok, let me speculate now, let’s say the earth is a garden. Let’s say, that as far as man is concerned, the gardener harvests souls just like you harvest a crop. You harvest a crop. . . all the green stuff goes back into the ground and you harvest something and take it away. . . . your finer part of it. If the garden is being destroyed or is weed choked, a point may be reached where you till the garden under or you let it go fallow.

BELL: That’s right.

DAMES: For awhile and then you replant it. Well, in this case I think it’s not just that analogy, I think in this case the earth is hurting. There is something on the surface of the earth, again I am still speculating, that is like a cancer and it’s like the cells have grown out of control and the earth needs some help for a disease that it did not have enough information, immunicologically, to handle. I think that this help is on it’s way.

BELL: Well. . . . help is on it’s way. . . . . .

DAMES: I did an interesting thing as a remote viewer. You know I mentioned before to you that I have never looked at my death. . . I really don’t want to do that, actually, but I’ve walked a fine line and stood right there at the edge. . . uh. . . . dimensionally speaking, where death was right beyond me and I have looked back so I could assess my life from that perspective in time, from the end of my life. . . to see if there is anything I would like to do differently now, so to speak. . .

BELL: Sure.

DAMES: And generally speaking there were a few things here and there that I need to work on but as I leave the planet, when I die, I have one regret—I see something that I can’t change—and that is the earth, we have trashed the earth and I am equally responsible for doing that and there is nothing I can do to change it. So, when I leave this planet—this world—I leave that idea behind that I trashed the earth and I am partially responsible for doing that.

BELL: Is this irreversible?

DAMES: It’s out of our hands right now. We’re going to be beset, starving humans, we’re gonna be beset by disease as immunologically our immune systems are suppressed. We’re going to have lots of dying babies because there is going to be no milk. Africa is gonna get it first and this will begin about a year, a little more than a year from now we will see this. Essentially this is an antibiotic for the earth, it is tailored to eliminate the earth’s disease—us.

BELL: Well. . . . uh.

DAMES: Luckily, it does not attack phytoplankton in the ocean, otherwise we would be really deprived of oxygen a great deal. It is going after land, chlorophyll type. . . it’s going after land plants and it does not appear to affect the phytoplankton in the upper 200 feet of the ocean which produce a lot of the oxygen that we breathe so we are lucky there.

BELL: Will some survive?

DAMES: Yes. There will be some people survive, especially in the more developed countries where we have some wealth but as food stocks go down you are going to find some hard times and the streets will be increasingly unsafe. There will be much less products on the shelves and we are going to need to protect food crops. We are going to need to look at technologies that isolate growing plants from airborne particulate matter. That’s not a hard technology to do, thank goodness, it does mean that it has to be a closed system.

BELL: What are we talking about, greenhouses?

DAMES: We are talking about a greenhouse that is protected using filters to filter out probably one micron or better. . . particulate matter. . . . like spores or whatever the heck this is that is going to be in the air so that plants can grow and produce food, isolated from the environment. That is not a difficult technology but we are going to need to start to do that now at household level and at village level, so to speak, or we are going to have to stock food the way that the Mormons do.

BELL: An engineered pathogen.


BELL: That implies. . . . engineered clearly implies intelligence behind it.

DAMES: That’s correct, Art.

BELL: What do you know about this intelligence?

DAMES: They’re not human. That’s about as much as I can say right now.

BELL: They’re not human. I remember you predicting, Ed, a spiritual event—some massive event that would affect everybody. I guess Wormwood, if that’s what it is, would qualify?

DAMES: No, that’s not it. It’s something . . . . this pathogen appears to run it’s course in about 3 years and essentially it either become dormant or it is engineered to live out it’s life span the same way that our lives are. We have a clock inside and when the time’s up—it’s up. So, humans are alive then. . . . earth seems to be replanted . . . and I won’t go into that right now, we don’t have a lot of indication of what’s happening there.

BELL: Do you know, off hand, how many of us get plowed under?

DAMES: Looks about 80%, possibly 85 nominally.

BELL: 80 to 85% of the world’s population.

DAMES: That’s what it’s looking like.

BELL: Grim, this is totally bleak and you’re talking about a time line of a year.

DAMES: It starts. . . . we have an economic collapse a little over a year from now and then we have, very quickly we have deforestation. . . . denuding of forests and lands. . . we are looking at a barren earth in a number of years. People are going to start moving underground and into habitats or strong structures but food is going to be an extreme problem. Water appears to be ok. We will probably fish the oceans out quickly, within a 2 or 3 year period. Food is really going to become vital Art, look at what the weather is doing now to food crops.

BELL: Yes, I know.

DAMES: Here we have a coup de grace coming in terms of the plant pathogen. Plant pathologists are going to be a very important breed here very quickly. Now, Art, I know this sounds right out of the science fiction book but we stand by it, my company stands by it.

BELL: How much confidence do you have in this?

DAMES: In the economic collapse and in the pathogen, 100% or I wouldn’t be talking about it on your show.

BELL: Boy, I didn’t have a hint this one was coming, folks.

DAMES: We will have more information aboutthe pathogen itself. We do expect it to cut a swath across Equatorial Africa first and start there.

BELL: But it’s airborne so it will be everywhere.

DAMES: That’s correct but it starts there.

BELL: It seems in a way so unfair because even I know, Ed, that America. . . industrialized America. . . consuming America. . . . has probably, in a way, done more damage to the environment by a long shot than anybody in Africa ever dreamed about.

DAMES: Ironically, the seat of our birth. . . . homosapiens. . . . Africa.

BELL: The religious people will definitely view this as Wormwood.

DAMES: I think so, particularly the Catholic Church.

BELL: You really just are going to set a lot of people off here, Ed. I guess we ought to talk a little bit here about what the individual can do to prepare and I mean really at the individual level. Ed, a lot of us can’t go out and create our own personal greenhouse, we can’t move underground easily. . .

DAMES: I think, Art, my best guess at this juncture is—especially beginning about a year from now— is to start planning on how to stockpile food because I think the thing is gonna run it’s course. . . possibly 2 or 3 years, but stockpiling food is not good enough. We are gonna have to look at technologies to isolate food crops. I think there are corporations that should start getting involved here or even individuals if we grow. . . . . plastic aquaria type of habitats that are sealed to grow crops. . . . that kind of thing will work. But you know, really, it’s not gonna happen because this is just so bizarre and it is so off the wall that it is gonna be hard to be believable until Africa gets hit and after the warning and then technology will scramble to start putting things in place.

BELL: Alright, Ed. hold it right there. Major Ed Dames is my guest.

BELL: We have covered much. Telstar 401, decommissioned, Ed says, decommissioned the word. . . by a UFO. The Texas sphere found, the one that came down the other night, a fuel cell from a satellite. Ed is going to be remote viewing, Mr. Kramer, the subject of last night’s show. . . . that is going to be a soon project. The big news . . he is filled with big news. . . . . Ed is turning remote viewing loose on the world. He is actually issuing video tapes, I guess he is marketing him, that will teach you how to remote view at home. Something that will really put Ed Dames himself out of business eventually. There is an 800 number for those. . . glad to give it out. . . . it is 1-800-556-0391 and I guess if the immediate future is as Ed says it will be (we will get to that in a second) then he might as well let everybody know how to remote view, themselves. How many people, Ed, are going to be able to handle viewing or seeing what you’re saying is coming?

DAMES: I don’t have an answer for that question, Art. All bets are off mid next yearI mean, essentially, Psitech plans on having the technology on the streets by mid next year because it is just too big for us to handle and it needs to be out here. We will be supporting the people who are learning this on our website, so we will have technical support there for people who are internet capable. Essentially we are going to close down our operations in about a year and do some other special projects, mostly dealing with the medical community.

BELL: You know it’s interesting, Ed. all the things that you said in past shows. . . . babies dying. . . . the jet stream coming to the ground. . . . the environment worsening rapidly. . . . all of these things fit into what you are now saying which is—check me if I’m wrong— that comet Hale-Bopp has somehow attached to it a hollow sphere. . . .

DAMES: Actually it’s a cylinder filled with very solid spheres. These spheres appear to disintegrate. It looks as if it would be meteoroids or a meteor shower coming in to the earth but using the analogy of them dissolving in the atmosphere. . they hit the atmosphere. There really doesn’t appear to be an impact per se but they come in in a swath over Equatorial Africa, dissolve in the atmosphere, and we actually have some pretty good sketches of these particular spore-like things. They look like diatoms with spikes on them, with sticky spikes.

BELL: We will perceive it as a meteor shower due to the debris from Hale-Bopp, correct?

DAMES: I don’t think we’ll perceive it as a meteor shower. There’ll be only a few of these things that we detect entering the atmosphere and they do appear to come in initially over Equatorial Africa.

BELL: And they contain an engineered pathogen.

DAMES: A plant pathogen.

BELL: A plant pathogen which will kill everything green, first in Africa and ultimately in the world.

DAMES: That’s correct. Now luckily again, this pathogen does not seem to affect phytoplankton in the oceans. . . otherwise we’d be hard pressed to breathe because we’d have no oxygen.

BELL: I believe it is true that most of the oxygen that we get actually does come from the ocean, doesn’t it, as opposed to the trees. I don’t know what the breakdown is.

DAMES: Yeah, I think it’s about 80% or something like that but you better be glad. . . . now we’re affecting the oceans. What’s killing a lot of the phytoplankton in the ocean is the ozone, increased uvb. . . short-wave ozone. . . so we’re still going to have an aggravated problem of the phytoplanktonbut I don’t think we’re gonna lose all of it.

BELL: Alright, Ed, can I take the gloves off with you for a second? I’ve got a fax in front of me and it’s gonna let you come back with a hard answer, I would think. “Art, if you want to know who perpetrated the Hale-Bopp hoax. . . . you need look no further than your guest tonight. Who else would have had the motive? Who had the most to gain from Courtney falling on his face? Who is your guest’s main competitor? Who was stealing your guest’s thunder? Who else could hide it from Courtney and everybody else?” They note you were in Hawaii, you told us that. I have seen this bandied about on the internet so I thought I’d let you answer it directly.

DAMES: Well, why wouldn’t Courtney have fingered Psitech or me as the perpetrator if he felt that that was the case? He is a trained remote viewer.

BELL: That’s a good point.

DAMES: And I mean even he or his whole team. . . . . I would not have risked my entire institute or become a martyr and martyred all the people associated with Farsight just to protect Ed Dames, that doesn’t make any sense to me.

BELL: Ok. No, this is not something that Farsight or anybody in it, as far as I know including Brown, has said. This is something that has, I think by his defenders, been bandied about the internet

DAMES: Well, I mean, if that had been the case. If Psitech had been, we don’t have photographic capability and we were too busy on other things, but if we did do something like that. . . Courtney could. . . if their team knew about it they could certainly mount an effort to remote view the perpetrators. If they fingered his former teacher as the perpetrator then I would not have taken down my whole institute, if I were Courtney Brown, and martyred everybody there to protect Ed Dames and Psitech. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

BELL: Uh huh. What were your, when this whole Courtney Brown thing was coming down and you were listening to it. . . hearing about it, what were your reactions, Ed?

DAMES: You know, Art, I already knew what would happen a year earlier having remote viewed the future of the Farsight Institute and so I knew essentially what would happen. . . it was just a matter of time. . . . so I felt very sorry for Courtney. . . . more sorry than I did angry.

BELL: I guess it’s too early, since you haven’t done the work, to ask you what a number of faxes are asking, if Courtney was set up or had knowledge. That, I guess, is going to take quite a session for you to determine.

DAMES: That’s a little bit harder work than finding Mr. Kramer or Mr. Kramer’s remains, yes. We have to be careful there because we are in a homogeneous environment. Philip Kramer is a pinpoint target and that is an easy thing to do but in this case we actually have a problem to solve and we have to be careful. It would be tantamount to finding someone who was stealing something from a corporation.

BELL: Ed, not that I know the realm, but I think I should ask. Could there be a war between remote viewers, in effect, a war?

DAMES: You mean in the ether?

BELL: Well, I mean. . . you guys are spooks.

DAMES: Oh, I know. Here’s the deal, Art. People can talk about the history of remote viewing, they can be part of the history of remote viewing, but in terms of teaching effectively and actually solving a problem and guaranteeing the solution. . . . . we’re the only game in town. Psitech does not have a monopoly on the collective unconscious information but we do have a monopoly on precision. . . not for long because the public is going to have those skills. . . . using these tapes that it took us 13 years to develop. Right now we are the only ones that can guarantee, there is no one in the world that can guarantee that psychically produced data can be 100% correct-except us. So, there is no one out there than can solve our problem with it, they can talk, they can talk and they can talk about history but they can’t solve real world problems. It takes rigor and experience to do that.

BELL: Alright, here is somebody that says “wouldn’t Psitech have a whole lot to gain by discrediting the Farsight Institute, particularly with a brand new home study course product coming out? ” I can answer that one. I think that you. . . . . discredit Farsight. . . . . once this is out it seems to be that the remote viewing companies, institutes, people who have done it and taught people who are. . . . . you know, it is thousands of dollars to go through the course. . . . . again you are, in effect, going to put yourself out of business, fairly quickly.

DAMES: They are not teaching a skill. We’re in another business after that and I will mention that in a moment. They are not teaching a skill, they are teaching a group experience and they cannot go away armed with the skills from those other courses. That’s different from the training tapes that Psitech is putting on the streets and it was very difficult to develop those protocols but what Psitech will be doing is all our in-house resources will be devoted. . . . I’d say about 90%. . . . . to working with some of the world’s best physicians and doctors on medical problems. We want to save as many lives as possible and we will need to work with the experts on this.

BELL: Alright. “Dear Art, I’m sorry but it seems to me that everyone, including you in this case, are confusing the issue about Courtney Brown and the fake photo. Ed Dames implies that all of the Courtney Brown remote viewing was false because the photo he received from the alleged professor was false but the Courtney people were not remote viewing that photo they were viewing the ChuckShramek photo which has not been shown to be a fake. ”Well, there is a big argument about that but it is true that what Courtney claimed to remote view was the Shramek photograph, not the one that he used as backup that has now been shown to be a fraud. . . the Shramek photograph. Now, let me ask you this in all fairness to Courtney, Ed, he did find something definitely anomalous and hollow. . . . he said following or near Hale-Bopp. You are describing a sphere. . . hollow. . . .

DAMES: A cylinder. . . .

BELL: A cylinder, I’m sorry.

DAMES: Affixed to the comet itself.

BELL: Definitely different from what Courtney said but not by a country mile, in other words, both of you remote viewed serious anomalies with Hale-Bopp.

DAMES: Well, Courtney went on to say that the sphere was a spaceship filled with Andromedans and Pleiadians.

BELL: Yes, he did.

DAMES: In this case itwasn’t Andromedans, it’s an andromeda strain. That is a country mile, Art. It’s as much a country mile as saying that a swarthy dark Arab looking person fireda shoulder fired missile at TWA flight 800 when, in fact, the air driven pump in system three broke. That’s a country mile, Art.

BELL: Alright a country mile

DAMES: That’s what happens when the rigor goes out of this discipline.

BELL: Alright, but still, both of you have found anomalies with Hale-Bopp.

DAMES: Absolutely. Of course I will give him credit for that, I trained him.

BELL: So do you. . . . . will you go a little bit by saying that Courtney and his viewers did find something wrong they just got it wrong.

DAMES: Art, they better find it wrong, I trained them. I trained his professionals and I trained him. They better darn well find something wrong, just because they abandoned the protocols doesn’t mean they abandoned everything. They can, in the early stages of the game, detect something wrong. It’s the later stages of the protocols where they throw the book out and try to fly by the seat of their pants, where they go wrong and they turned something like an anomaly into a spaceship because their preconceived notions and biases take over.

BELL: Imagination.

DAMES: Imagination is just one part of it. Your preconceived notions start to come in and you’ll say that if something is wrong and appears to be cylindrical and metallic, well then it must be alien and if it’s alien then it must be a spaceship. That’s what I mean about analysis whereas imaginationi f it comes, as people who purchase Psitech tapes will know in an introductory tape which I think is being sold for 49. 95 and I think it’s free if you buy the home study package, that tape shows you that if you have a clear picture in your mind. . . because not all the information is visual. . . . a clear static, non-moving picture in your mind that you can return to time and again. . . . that is always imagination every single time.

BELL: Really.

DAMES: Whereas, if the picture is dim, the visual is dim and fleeting and blurry, that is target related data. Whereas, analysis of the data is what I said. . . you’re putting together these steps consciously.

BELL: So remote viewing is beyond imagination.

DAMES: It’s not beyond imagination it’s simply something other than imagination.

BELL: Well, in other words, you’ve got to look past your imagination to see something truly remotely.

DAMES: That’s correct and you’re taught how to do that in these tapes and we teach the students the correct way to do that. You must abide by those rules and that rigor in order to successfully describe a target.

BELL: Ed, why is there such a temptation, for Courtney or anybody else who might have attended your school, to modify. . . change. . . . and cherrypick these protocols?

DAMES: I think the excitement, it’s such an incredible thing. About day 3 or 4o f the course people are, ‘oh my god, this is real” syndrome starts to happen. It’s such an exciting thing, it is so incredible that they start. . . students begin to lose their balance immediately and then, if they want to commercialize this. . . Psitech, there is no prescriptions on what our students do with this technology. We have a large group that have put together an enterprise in Europe but they are being careful about their protocols. I think they’re concerned that Psitech protocols will be. . . . that we’ll sue them or that we’ll claim copyright infringement or something else like that. In effect, that’s not the case, so they clearly have maintained the rigor of Technical Remote Viewing. If I were to drop in on the Farsight Institute and seen that my erstwhile students were using the same protocols, I would have been glad to put the Psitech stamp of approval on that and say that the Farsight Institute is using Technical Remote Viewing protocols in a kosher way. . . . but in fact they threw them out. I think that Professor Brown was concerned that I. . . . he wanted to call it his own. . . these people, time and again. . . .

BELL: How far out were they thrown?

DAMES: They threw out the baby with the bathwater, it was absolutely horrible. In the first 5 minutes of a 45. . . a remote viewing session. . . . a Technical Remote Viewing session is about 45 minutes in duration for a full blown problem. . . . . they, if they were working a 45 minute sessions, they lost the target within the first 5 minutes. . . . . and so that is 40 minutes of imagination.

BELL: Huh. Don’t you give really stern warnings about this, about adhering to the protocols. I mean you do it on my program so I can only imagine that in person with your students it must be the holy grail.

DAMES: Well, when you run against a student, when you run up against a student. . . now we screen our students for balance. When you run up against a student who is not balanced, who loses their perspective, there is nothing one can do. . . . there is nothing a teacher can do.

BELL: Alright, Ed, hold it right there. We’ll be back.

BELL: Now to Ed Dames and some very sobering, or to use this faxer’s words, spooky stuff. Alright, Ed, you are back on the air. This faxer goes on to say ‘is it possible, the reason that remote viewers and time travelers hit a wall in the year 2012 and find no one after that date, is that we have all gone to another time or dimension via time travel or ETs or whatever? ’

DAMES: Do you want me to answer that?

BELL: Uh huh.

DAMES: This deals with what, in house, we call the discontinuity. We‘ve used topical search terms like the rapture, the quickening, things like that but, I have mentioned this before, that remote viewers run up against a point where things change dramatically and globally. . . . and it’s all at once. I can give you my best guess about what that is.

BELL: Alright.

DAMES: We have explored it, it’s geophysical parameters, biophysical parameters, trying to discern what the heck is happening andwe have a working hypothesis now and the working hypothesis, and it’s thatonly by the way. . . it may be something that is truly beyond our ken, is that time changes. That there is an event that is global, that something happens to the world that makes all the event timelines change.

BELL: That’s the spiritual event, Ed?

DAMES: That’s what it appears to be, that something happens on earth. . . in the past. . . . that affects the entire earth in the future. . . . all at once. . . . and that when you look around, everything is different. You appear to be somewhere else and, in fact, you’ve leapt onto a different event trajectory, a different time. . . . parallel time, if you will. That is the best that we can do at this juncture. We are having a very difficult time with this. We will continue to explore it but we are quickly being overcome by other events, as I’ve mentioned.

BELL: Alright. “Dear Art, Ed, President Clinton just recently signed a bill to spend millions of dollars to clean up and reorganize our food inspection processing and so forth. Might this have anything to do with what you are talking about tonight? Could the government be secretly remote viewing and know the food problems are on the way? ”

DAMES: No, it’s not that. There are some secret studies that go to the President but that’s not one. One of them is, for instance, the Center for Disease Control has a study that is not publicly available and that deals with mass epidemics of influenza. It only goes to the White House direct because responsible agencies like the CDC don’t want to start a mass panic or hysteria or let it get out of hand. You know how conspiracy theories pop up when mass hysteria manifests itself but that one has nothing to do with knowledge or foreknowledge on the part of the administration.

BELL: Alright, with regard to what is going to occur first in Africa and then worldwide, what do you tell the individual, I mean a lot of the people listening to me right now are in an apartment building in Chicago or LA or San Diego or wherever, you know. What does a person like that do? I live out in the country, Ed, I have a well. I’ve got some self- sufficiency.

DAMES: The bottom line here, the proverbial bottom line as far as we’re concerned, is we must corporately. . . . as a nation, or if we can’t do that, as small groups of people, protect our food crops fromthe ravages of weather and disease. That’s what it boils down to and we’re gonna have to start thinking about the technologies, and they’re not complex, but they still have to be started now to do that. . . . aquaculture, those kinds of things.

BELL: These are steps that are going to be taken, though, to keep 15% of the world’s population alive.

DAMES: That’s correct.

BELL: OK. Ed, I would like to begin taking questions from the audience because I bet they havea million.

DAMES: Can I just, can you give me 2 minutes?

BELL: Yup.

DAMES: I just want to, just in a generic sense, go back on this Hale-Bopp thing again, too. Comets, they are not connected—historically and in the collective human psyche— with ET’s or UFOs but with the heavens or heaven. Large comets have always been, historically, harbingers of things to come of great change. . . particularly in China.

BELL: That is true.

DAMES: This one is coming with succor or relief for the earth. We are very anthropocentric, we are not taking care of our own mother. The molecules that make up our bodies come from the soil that we’re standing on so we are like cells that became cancerous. It’s not that we’re not supposed to be here, we are destroying our parent body. Essentially, we have abnormally proliferated and we have outrun earth’s innate ability to cope with it’s problems and the doctor has to be called in for assistance and help is on it’s way so I wanted to remind you of that.

BELL: When did you find this?

DAMES: A year ago. As the event becomes very strong, it starts to infiltrate or dribble down into the collective unconscious. . . . mostly when people sleep and in dreams. We just do it for a living and get it specifically but people are going to become aware of it as the event starts getting closer, In one sense it is already there, it is already happening, but it is happening a couple of years from now.

BELL: Huh. So you found it a year ago. When were you sure enough, finally, to do what you did tonight?

DAMES: About 2 1/2 or 3 weeks ago.

BELL: How much of a problem was it for your viewers to look at this, I mean , here you are offering a tape for people to learn to remote view and that has got to be some kind of horrible thing to remote view. . . . . what’s going to occur. Even if, somewhere down line. . . . some year. . . it turns out to be OK forthose who are left, it’s got to be something horrible to see.

DAMES: It is. It is veryhorrible to see but wouldn’t it be more horrible to deny the information topeople so that they would not be able to survive? Lacking that information. . . . . . There are many people out there who are, of course, consider this a crock.

BELL: I know.

DAMES: I understand, I would, I certainly would. As a man of science, had I not been placed in a top secret unit that did this kind of thing and perfected it into a technology, but there are many others who are listening. . . . and wondering. When their relatives, and their sons and daughters and parents, start to learn remote viewing and they all come up with the same information. . . . you have got to sit back and begin to wonder and begin to think about insurance. . . an insurance policy in the form of food. If everybody is correct, now it’s just not Psitech’s people, now it’s a lot of people who are saying the same thing.

BELL: I remember you’re telling me that you’re gonna leave.

DAMES: That’s correct. I’m gonna leave L. A.

BELL: You’re gonna leave L. A.

DAMES: I’m gonna escape from L. A. (laughter)

BELL: Escape from L. A. (laughter) I just recently saw that.

DAMES: I didn’t see it but I know about the movie.

BELL: You might want to see it. It depicts a future for L. A. that sounds not far from what you are talking about. . . well, it is really. . . . but it is pretty bleak, Ed. So we have all the first signs now: the deformed frogs, the horrible weather, the jetstream down, all of that already underway, and that is just a precursor to what’s going to occur once we pass through what is left ofthe trail of Hale-Bopp. Then these. . . .

DAMES: Now, Hale-Bopp itself will look very beautiful in the night sky, don’t get me wrong. The comet itself will be extraordinarily beautiful but it is a harbinger of things, it is leaving something behind.

BELL: Well, I suppose I suppose an executioner’s blade, if viewed swinging in the sun and glinting, could be described. . . . . possibly. . . . as a beautiful sight but it’s not gonna have a beautiful result. Alright, let’s try some calls and see what people have to say. Open lines, so anything’s possible, Ed. East of the Rockies, you’re on the air with Major Ed Dames.

Caller: Hi, how are you all doin?

DAMES: Fine, thank you.

Caller: A very interesting show. I have several questions if I can ask about 2 or 3.

BELL: Alright, where are you?

Caller: I’m from Montgomery, Alabama. My name’s John.

BELL: Alright, go ahead.

Caller: Art, would you be interesting in maybe taking that remote viewing yourself and using it in future shows and what you have learned?

BELL: I have thought about it and you know I can’t give you a definitive answer, I’m sorry. I don’t have it myself, I am not sure.

Caller: Going back to the question, where there is gonna be 15% of the world left, Major Dames, where is the majority of the 15% gonna be at?

DAMES: In the temperate areas of the world, centered around Europe and North America.

BELL: So you are in the right place.

Caller: That’s good to know. How hard is that gonna affect people living in this country? I mean we are talking about worldwide death and starvation but, I mean, is it going to be like people killing for food?

DAMES: You’re gonna have, I would speculate, a certain degree of a Mad Max scenario when the food stocks start to be depleted and you have a global economic collapse. It is not going to be pretty on the streets. It is not very pretty there now.

BELL: It’s not very pretty there now but one can imagine, were it really to get out of control, you’re right it would be like Mad Max.

DAMES: That’s why I’m leaving town, Art.

BELL: How far out of town are you going?

DAMES: Far. (laughter)

BELL: Far out of town. Alright, east of the Rockies you’re on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: This is Louis from Louisiana. Art, I was wondering if you’d ask him. . .

BELL: You can ask him.

Caller: OK. I was wonderingwhat you see as far as the New Madrid fault and recent earth changes?

BELL: Oh, OK, and future earth changes. That’s a good question.

DAMES: We haven’t turned our attention to that. Remote viewing is a lot of work, as you might know, and projects take some time. For instance, just finding Mr. Kramer, it will take us a week just to guarantee his location and we can’t look at everything. We haven’t looked at New Madrid fault area specifically so I don’t have any information on that nor do I have any information on vulcanism in general. Just predominately other areas of geophysics: weather, in particular, and the ozone layer. We haven’t looked at vulcanism but when people are training, they can do that themselves.

BELL: May I ask you how you stumbled into this and . . . . . was it a slowly growing conviction. . .

DAMES: No, I’ll tell you how it happened. A lot of times in training, what we do for our trainees, are what we call an optimum personal trajectory. We look at where they should be in life as opposed to where they are going. Sort of aside track that can make them happier and lots of them, recently, in the last year or so, may of these so-called optimum trajectories (and in the advanced courses we teach people to do this in the tape module) people were standing around in places, planting plants, and living in environments that all were pretty much homogeneous in terms of protection. All the optimum personal trajectories were beginning to look the same. We were wondering what was going on and it was that the optimum trajectory is simply that if you want to be happy you have to be alive and these were steps that people were taking, in the future, to stay alive. All of these trajectories, these personal futures, were looking the same and that is how we started to think “oh oh, what’s going on here in the world? ” and that is how we stumbled across this.

BELL: Here’s a tough question for you, this is for the other 85%, Ed. What’s your view of the afterlife?

DAMES: It’s there. I think, personally, it’s a better world and it is a different world. A lot of the dark matter in the Universe, the matter that is not accountable for, those worlds , those spheres, are not dark when you have different eyes to live there with and we are reconstructed on those worlds . Your personality continues and I won’t get into all the spiritual dynamics in this conversation.

BELL: Alright. Wild Card line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames:

Caller: Hi, how are you doing?

BELL: Fine, sir, where are you?

Caller: I’m in Washington.

BELL: DC or state?

Caller: State.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: Ok, I’ve got a problem. I am 75 years old and I have studied this remote viewing, I have thought about it. I read a book that was written quite a while ago, the name of it is Restricted Time, Unrestricted World. Have you ever heard of that, Art?

BELL: No sir.

Caller: Uh huh. It shows what afterlife is like. This doctor had his wife die, he was not necessarily a religious person or anything like that. People got him to go to a, to this woman, what do they call them?

BELL: Remote viewing?

Caller: No, it was. . . she was a media. . .

DAMES: A medium.

Caller: And he said, ‘ok, Ill go and listen, ” and he tried to trick’em because he had a lot of secrets between him and his wife when she was alive and this medium said that, “I’ll talk to your wife andshe can talk to me to you”. He went ahead and did that andhe went back 4 times and there was no way that he didn’t get the right answers so be begin to believe it. So then he started talking to his wife, asking what it was like after death, and she said “I live inan unrestricted. . . . time is no problem. I can be in two places almost instantly”. Her image and everything like that. . . . . she could walk through tables or walls or anything she wanted because. . . . . I got to thinking about that and I figured that if you believe in mental telepathy, between the medium and the dead, there has to be some medium there. . . there has to be some transmission. My concept was that, when we die, our soul dies because that is part of our mind, but our spirit is transmitted.

BELL: Alright, I’m not sure. . .

DAMES: Well, let me address this. It’s a very, very complex area. Again it deals with the. . . . the subject is. . . . . . . . . the discipline is called continuity of consciousness but I’ll give you a quick down and dirty vis a vis this topic. When you die, your soul goes away, your soul departs. Your mind is like a cocoon that sloughs off by. . . what remains behind when a butterfly leaves. . . your mind stays behind but your soul goes away. The mind dissipates like an electromagnetic cloud. Think of a software program in a computer, maybe you have a neuro-network and it thinks it’s alive, if you pull the plug on the computer. . . the neuro-network may panic because there is a machine allegory to panic. . . . and that is kinda like your mind. Your soul goes away because you get a new mind somewhere else.

BELL: Well, while we are on the subject, Ed, I put something very interesting on my website. There was a study, a medical, documented study, done in 1907, that had only been to me. . . . and a lot of others. . . . myth and rumor but it is on my website now. The physicians who did it, documented any number of human cases, and he weighed these people as they were actually dying.

DAMES: I am familiar with the study.

BELL: It’s the doggonedest thing and, the fact of the matter is, up to 3/4s of an ounce of weight, otherwise totally unaccounted for, would be lost at the exact instant of death.

DAMES: Furthermore, if you completely darken the room you can, as many of your listeners know, see. . . . psychic people whose vision extends into the longwave, long blue. . . . . they can see something flickering above the body. That is not the soul. That is an angel.

BELL: That’s an angel?

DAMES: That’s an angel. The angel is transporting the soul away.

BELL: Really?

DAMES: Uh huh.

BELL: This study would seem to indicate that, I mean, weight is mass. . . . has to be mass, doesn’t it?

DAMES: It would appear to be.

BELL: So, there really must be. . . that must be the soul, what they call in that article, the soul substance.

DAMES: I can’t confirm the study, Art. I can just tell you that when you die, based upon what we know, your soul is escorted away and that little blue flicker you see if you darken the room when somebody dies is the escort service, so to speak. It is what we see and we’re bandwidth limited in our vision. It is the part that we see that extends into our vision band.

BELL: An angel, that’s the word we’re using. An entity that is not nor ever has been human.

DAMES: Hey, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. . . . it’s an angel.

BELL: (Big laugh)

DAMES: What that is, in terms for professional remote viewers, is everything the church fathers say it is so why reinvent the wheel.

BELL: Yeah, right, that wheel, I think it’s mentioned. Alright, Ed, hold on we’ll be back. We’ll lay heavily into the phones next hour. I think you’ve got most of it by now.

BELL: Alright, Major Ed Dames again. Major, here is a tough piece of email, “With all due respect, the future, Ed, is always in motion. Your guest may be correct, Art, with regards to his remote viewing of the future, but it is not a certain one. I am a psychic, I have seen several different futures and I don’t know if anyone on this earth has the ability to claim a certain future. ”Uh, your response?

DAMES: If we are dealing with large scale events, especially geophysical events like earthquakes, volcanoes and weather changes, we’re gonna stand by our information based on our empirical data. It is upon the last 13 years of working problems like this. In fact, it’s one of the easiest things for a newly trained remote viewer to remote view is the next geophysical catastrophe, those types of things.

BELL: Because they stand out.

DAMES: Because they’re so big that it is an event that is already in progess. . The beginning of the event is now, the window of that event is already here, but if there are a lot of personal decisions to be made; for instance, the next presidential election or something like that. . . then we can’t even get close until just prior to the event because you have so many individual decisions at work. Those individual decisions, despite what people think, don’t affect geophysical changes. I know, out there in a lot of the new age community, I don’t use that term disparagingly. . . . I used to. . . . I am one now. . . . people think that there are thoughtforms that can go out and a mass thought can influence geophysical activity but that does not appear to be the case. Even if it could, we’re not united enough as individuals, groups and nations to find out and that’s a fact.

BELL: Here’s somebody with a good, logical question. If enough people became convinced what you're suggesting about the comet and the plant pathogen are true we do have, after all, a space program and NASA, would there not be something they could do about it?

DAMES: Well, my answer to that is no. Look at the arrogance at that level and it’s not just arrogance, they have to be responsible and act responsibly and what we are talking about here is pretty far out. The artificial structures in the Cydonia region of Mars, for instance, many people agree that something’s there but NASA is still in denial that that is so. It would be a much further stretch for them to accept this kind of information, here.

BELL: I take it your view is that was from a prior seeding, the face on Mars?

DAMES: Well, I don’t want to get into the long history, there. Actually, I don’t know what the specific answer is. Let me back track a moment, we get scientists and engineers from NASA through the course and the reasons they come are interesting. It’s not necessarily to solve a space and aerospace engineering problem, it’s for spiritual reasons, which was a shocker to me as a technician.

BELL: Not to me, and it’s one of the reasons I have contemplated doing it, interestingly, for spiritual reasons.

DAMES: Let Mrs. Bell take the course first and then let her tell you about it.

BELL: (Laughter) First time caller line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi, Ed and Art. This is Robin from Illinois, near Chicago. Two questions if there is time. First question is I thought I heard a reference to something I read in Robert Monroe’s book.

BELL: What was that?

Caller: About humanity being more or less part of a garden and our soul is kind of the fruit of that garden.

DAMES: I mentioned, it appears to me that we are being harvested. I knew Bob, Bob Monroe, but I don’t remember him saying that.

Caller: It was in his second book.

DAMES: I didn’t read Bob’s second book.

Caller: Thatis what we are here for, that our souls in a sense, are harvested for beings of some sort and I guess my other questions would pertain to a repetitive dream that I have of a huge comet appearing in the sky. I am walking around on the surface of the earth and like everything is total destruction, is that some kind of remote viewing?

DAMES: I think it is precognitive remote viewing but it’s more like a premonition. Technical remote viewing, the way we do it, is extremely precise but we would take something like a precognitive event like that or a dream like that, and I think you’ll find as we approach large events, more and more people will have dreams just like that. It’s the dribble down effect from the collective unconscious.

Caller: I’ve had those dreams for 25 years and I thought when Halley’s comet was coming that maybe that was it and I don’t know if this is going to be it or not.

DAMES: This is the one. (Laughter)

Caller: A significant event. Do you think that the death of human beings or the eradication of the disease is going to be random or selective. . . . do we have a better chance of surviving if we emanate the right vibrations?

DAMES: I think that if we’re connected enough. . . . if we’re connected spiritually we’ll be able to know where a sanctuary is. . . whether it is something we have to do or someplace we have to go. In my case and my family’s case and for my family, it is a place where we have to go. For other people it’s a different place.

BELL: Is there individual predestination or predetermination or can we individually make choices that will affect our our personal futures irrespective of what’s coming, the big one here?

DAMES: At any given point your personal decisions can affect the future but, remember, that a lot of doors close on you all the time so, at any given point in your life, your options dwindle.

BELL: That’s true.

DAMES: That’s just common sense.

BELL: Wild card line you are on the airwith Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Ya, hi. This is Dave from St. Louis, Missouri.

BELL: Yessir.

Caller: I was wondering, is Dr. Brown’s institute all shut down?


Caller: As far as his website and all that?

BELL: Not as far as I know.

Caller: O. K. Then my next question was what is the chance that Dr. Brown stepped into something that was a matter of national security?

BELL: Well, these are questions that cannot be answered at the moment by Ed Dames.

Caller: I just wondered what his best opinion of this would be.

BELL: Well, he is not proffering an opinion, he is going to remote view it and tell us.

Caller: Oh, O. K.

BELL: So, otherwise it would be utter speculation at this point.

Caller: Yeah, O. K. Thanks.

BELL: Alright, thank you. East of the Rockies you’re on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hello, this is Clyde in Tampa. I wonder if you’re aware that Mr. Shramek happened to be on a world-wide Christian broadcast about two weeks prior to your Courtney Brown show and that, I don’t know if you call it a hoax or whatever and his involvement with it, but that may help you if you intend to remote view the source of the ah. . . . . whatever you want to call it.

DAMES: Ah, sir, when we actually look. . . target a specific event or thing. . . we go in with no preconceived notions to speak of. Now, as individuals, we may have an idea of what something is. For instance, I truly thought that flight TWA800 was blown up by a bomb until I remote viewed it and saw that a part broke. So, we can have predispositions, consciously, but in the act of remote viewing all that goes out. . . . we shunt all our predispostions away so, even if we felt suspicious of someone or something, we adjudicated that in the process. The protocols shunt all our biases away so it doesn’t help us to have names or photos or things like that.

Caller: I see. Well, since Shramek was involved there, I thought perhaps that would help you.

BELL: Well, ChuckShramek was involved only in that he took the first photograph. The photograph, sir, that is said to have been hoaxed, or I believe has certainly been hoaxed, has nothing to doChuck Shramek.

Caller: The Hawaiian photo.

BELL: That’s right.

Caller: Have you ever spoken with a James Lloyd. He’s had a prayer vigil over the air about speaking with you, Art.

BELL: Run that one by me again. He’s had a prayer vigil about speaking with me?

Caller: Yes. (Laughter) Amazing as it may seem. He has another short-wave broadcast, I don’t know 100, 000 watts or so, around the world.

BELL: That’s a new one on me. He should, I guess, pray and also act on his own and pick up the phone and call me.

Caller: That’s great, Art.

BELL: Alright, thank you very much for the call. West of the Rockies you’re on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi, John from San Clemente.

BELL: Hi John.

Caller: You know, I have just been reading Fred Hoyle’s work on diseases from space. It talks about the technical aspects of pathogens falling from the tails of comets. Pretty fascinating. Anyway, I have also been reading Schnabel’s book and, in the epilogue, he talks about predictions you made, Ed. . . . . March 1993. . . . about pregnant females, remember, in the New Mexican desert. I am wondering whatever happened to that prediction, did it come true?

DAMES: Actually, that was never anything that I said. What I said was, “something would happen in August. There would be an event that was ET related" and I said that when the company was headquartered in New Mexico. That particular event was the loss of the Mars Observer. It was an interesting turn of events, it reminds me of the little game of ‘tell me a secret’. Well, it went around through a lot of hands, and it came out ‘pregnant Martians in the desert’. But in fact, it was the loss of theMars Observer in August.

Caller: What do you think of this book in general?

DAMES: I think the early days of the remote viewing. . . the history of military remote viewing. . . . I think it was excellently researched. I think he did a darn good job. He kind of rushed through the end but, as far as the history of the unit and the history of U. S. psychic operations inthe early days, it is excellent. It leaves a lot to be desired in the back but it’s the best thing out there so far I’ve seen.

Caller: Thanks a lot.

BELL: Alright, thank you very much, sir for your call and good morning. East of the Rockies, you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Good morning.

Caller: Morning.

BELL: Yes, sir, where are you?

Caller: I’m in North Carolina.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: My question is, what you’ve said tonight seems to throw out the window all the information on the ET’s. . . . that there are the Martians and the Greys.

BELL: Well, I don’t know about that. It’s a good question. Obviously though, what’s coming, this plant pathogen is engineered. . . is engineered by some intelligence. . . . so I’m not sure what goes out the window. . . what does Ed?

DAMES: There’s a lot of folks out there. You will see a lot more action in the skies and on the ground, they will be observing. My company still has an in-house project and, it is on the back burner for about a year but, would you like to know what it is?

Caller: Yes

DAMES: It deals with technologies that are used by extraterrestrials that are moving in and out of the atmosphere. We cannot, as a team, reverse engineer or describe the technology that motivates those vehicles, the ones that are manned and I use that term loosely. We can’t discern the technology, it is too advanced but there is one thing we think we can reconstruct. . . and the reasons why I’ll get into in a moment. If you are familiar with radar corner reflectors, when radar of a specific bandwidth and frequency shines out, illuminates forward. . . .

BELL: That’s right.

DAMES: If you cut a metal piece a certain way, it acts as a mirror for the radar screen.

BELL: That’s right.

DAMES: The scope, it shines very brightly. Well, if you are way out in space and you are flying something and you have let’s say, let’s hypothesize a neutrino or a high powered gamma ray emminator and you have illuminated an entire hemisphere of earth looking for your landing post that was perhaps underground. . . . .

BELL: Right.

DAMES: Then, if you had a passive device that was cut to reflect neutrinos or gamma rays back up at you. This would be a passive device that would be like a mirror for neutrinos or gamma rays, then that would be very bright and it might even project up a glide path. They can home right into your base. Well, that might be a doable technology, in fact, what our company is working on is replicating something like that. . . . let’s call it a corner reflector right now that is passive. If we emplace it in a certain spot and that spot is illuminated, all of a sudden there is a different mirror that has never been out there before and that will imply to any intelligent agencies that are flying vehicles that ‘Hey, they have been able to replicate our technology. They not only know we’re here but somehow . . . . . and of course this will be deduced. . . . . they are able, through consciousness, to know what our technology is because there is another beacon out there that hasn’t been there before and it doesn’t belong to us. ” So, in essence, that is what my company is doing and we are placing that in a very strategic location to promote contact rather than provoke.

Caller: In the meantime, your viewing does not suggest of any assistance from the ET’s in this coming disaster?

DAMES: There has been some clandestine assistance but, for the most part, they are not here until the stuff hits the fan.

Caller: Oh, O. K. We are on our own.

DAMES: Essentially, yes.

BELL: Alright, thank you caller. First time caller line you are on the air with Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hey, Art, how you doing?

BELL: Alright.

Caller: Long time listener.

BELL: Yes sir, where are you?

Caller: I’m in California, between LA and Santa Barbara. Major Dames, I have a question for you.

DAMES: Yes sir.

Caller: I want to know, I was listening to a talk show one time and a caller called in and asked if there was anyway you could dream about what you wanted to dream about. . . . kind of pre-program your dreams and the lady referred a certain book to her. I finally got a hold of that book and I had no idea. . . there is nothing. I want to know, can you pre-program your dreams? Can you major concentrate on something and dream on it, for example, if you had three chapters in a James Bond book could you pretty much dream that book?

BELL: Alright, in other words, pre-program your dreams.

Dames. I don’t know specifically what the question is but I think I can give you something that is interesting and it works very well. If you discipline your mind, just before you go to sleep, if you push a. . . I think I mentioned this before, Art, if you pull all the other thoughts out of your mind and you frame a question. Many of your listeners know this already. If you frame it, just like you would frame a picture, that specific questions, and you go to sleep putting a lot of energy into that question to the exclusion of all other data and noise. . . . . . when you wake up you’ve got about 30 seconds. Get the answer because it is there and it is very very accurate.

BELL: And very fleeting, I gather.

DAMES: It is. About 30 seconds and you lose it because it is not going to go into long term memory so grab a tape recorder, right by your bed, and you’ve gotto do it fast. This technique is very accurate.

BELL: Alright. Hold on, Ed, we’ll be right back.

BELL: Now to Major Ed Dames and . . . . . how are you doing Major, still awake?

DAMES: I’m still awake. I have a couple of administrative notes: one, with regard to the new Jim Schabel book, what Schnabel fails to mention is his affiliation with the CIA. He worked in engineering at TDO (this was not clear on tape), deputy director for operations for two years and he attempted to not only debunk remote viewing but he’s part of the damage control effort that the CIA has as a result of this coming public. . . . . 15% accuracy rate. . . . that kind of thing. I want your listeners to know that although the book is still. . . . the history is well written. It is part of a damage control effort and when Jim took the course with Psitech, he did very well as a trainee, and he was very angry that it worked because he set out to debunk it. It was very difficult for him to do that, in fact he couldn’t, and he became quite a good remote viewer but nevertheless left angry.

BELL: How many of your students come to you as skeptics?

DAMES: Not a lot of skeptics, they come fairly objective. We get a couple of skeptics now and then but as long as they are men and women of science we take them anyway because they’re gonna be trained.

BELL: Alright, I’ve got something for you, Ed. The Amazing Randi has, as you know, offered this spectacular amount of money for anybody who can prove that the kind of thing that you do is real.

DAMES: 740 thousand odd dollars.

BELL: That’s a lot of money.


BELL: Why not take up his challenge?

DAMES: We picked up the gauntlet and let him know and all the people in CSICOPS know but all their investors seem to have pulled out when they found out Psitech said, ‘we can do it. ” As some of your listeners know, amazing Randi can’t seem to respond to Psitech. What we think is happening is all the CSICOP pledges, who pledged him the $20, 000 to support that, when they found out that Psitech accepted the challenge they pulled out.

BELL: When did you officially accept it.

DAMES: About 3 months ago and over a period of 3 weeks but we just can’t seem to get a response from Mr. Randi.

BELL: Oh, alright.

DAMES: I’d be glad to take the 3/4s of a mill.

BELL: I’m sure you would. East of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hello.

Caller: Yes, I have two theories that I would kinda like to ask.

BELL: Alright, where are you, dear?

Caller: Birmingham, Alabama.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: The first is to you, Art, about the soul containing body weight.

BELL: Yes.

Caller: Well, you know how when you tense up you weigh more. Could it be that when you die your organs are relaxing?

BELL: Well, wait a minute, when you tense up you don’t weigh more.

Caller: You don’t?

BELL: No, not that I know of.

Caller: Well, I’ve noticed that like when I tense my muscles up I weigh more than when I relax.

BELL: Well, I think the thing is that you’re tensing and you’re moving and the scale moves a little, I understand that. You’re not really changing weight.

Caller: Ok, well I just thought that might be a possibility. The other was, the kind of Armageddon idea, have you every read Daniel Quinn, Ishmael?


Caller: Well, it talks about how there is a law to life like there is a law to everything else, like aerodynamics, there is a law to everything. We have denied this law of life and humans have made enemies with the earth.

BELL: Well, I think that is about what Ed is saying.

Caller: Right, and that Christianity is, in a way, teaching destruction by saying in First John Chapter 2 verse 15 about the lovers of the world deny the love of the Father and that maybe this new spirituality that is coming about might be the religion of animalism, that we are not better than any other creature?


DAMES: All I can hark upon is the idea of being anthropocentric, we fail to realize that the earth is our mother. Not to wax into Native American cosmology too much but we’re trampling our mother. The mother’s spirit, if you will.

BELL: Well that sure does sound Native American but I have always rather embraced it myself. West of the Rockies you are on the air. Hello.

Caller: Good evening, Art. This is Dale from Billings and I have a couple of questions.

BELL: Sure.

Caller: The first is, Mr. Dames talked about remote viewing for Mr. Kramer? I was wondering, if he can locate his body. . . . is there any way he can locate his soul and, on the other hand, I’m a farmer, too, and I am curious as to whether. . . . after this virus or whatever it is plays itself out. . . . . . . will the seeds I still have in storage, will they still be viable?

BELL: Oh, that’s a good question. . . . . seeds in storage. Ed, we had better roll over it one more time. There is an object attached, you say, to Hale-Bopp.

DAMES: Attached or affixed. It doesn’t look like it’s. . . . it may not be there any longer. . . . it may have already separated. It appears to be. . . . at a point in will either degrade and split off or it will separate in it’s entirety and enter earth’s atmosphere as microparticulate matter, essentially a meteor shower associated with the comet and that has plant pathogens on it.

BELL: Plant pathogens which will kill the greenery on earth beginning in Africa.

DAMES: Beginning in Equatorial Africa.

BELL: Alright. What about the mechanics of how these objects are going to get to earth. Orbital mechanics dictate the period of the comet is many many years long. The debris accompanying it will not be back in the area of the orbit of the earth anytime soon and I don’t think we directly cross it. . . . so how does it get here?

DAMES: It looks like this cylinder, this large cylinder, does actually separate from the comet and, in fact, our team shows that it has already done so, Art. What it’s motive force is and those kinds of things, actually we don’t know, but we do know that it is inbound now. It appears to have already separated so I am speculating about the meteor shower but, in fact, the cylinder remains intact and is on it’s way.

BELL: "Art, please ask Ed who is sending the cylinder of antibiotics to take us out.” Good question.

DAMES: I think the ones that put us here, the gardener.

BELL: (Laugher) The gardener. West of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi.

BELL: Hello. Where are you?

Caller: I’m in Eureka, California.

BELL: Alright, fire away.

Caller: OK. My question is about the time line.

BELL: Not a long one, Ed?

Caller: No, a short one. My understanding was that the time line would be given by Major Dames sometime in the near future.

BELL: He’s already given it. Ed?

DAMES: We have the beginning of economic collapse mid ‘98, beginning of famine in Africa mid ‘98 and things degrade from there. I think it will be over before 10 years.

Caller: Over by what?

BELL: It’ll be over by ten years, he said.

Caller: Oh, oh, ok. So in terms of the quickening, 3 1/2 years the original prediction. . . . .

BELL: Ed is saying mid ‘98.

DAMES: I am saying that there is. . . . I think he is referring to the discontinuity, what my company calls the discontinuity, which we have not discerned.

BELL: Oh, OK. Alright.

Caller: (indecipherable) and the Omega Point.

DAMES: I don’t know what those are. We would have to explore those as topics. All we know is that we have this event that is out there where as remote viewers, if we look at ourselves, we can’t see ourselves anymore. It is very nonplussing to us, to say the least. We thought it was death but it’s not and it’s out about 3 1/2 or 4 years and we still do not know what it is.

BELL: Ah Ed, with this new video tape, and you’re just gonna give it all away. . . . . well I guess you’re not giving it away, you’re selling it. . . . . but I mean at a ridiculously low price compared to what the courses cost. . . . . to do it at home. . . . . become your own remote viewer. People will look out at this disaster. What percentage of them simply will not be able to handle it and will go over the edge?

DAMES: I don’t know, Art. Based upon my experience possibly, a ball park, 5%.

BELL: That could be a lot of people.

DAMES: Might be.

BELL: The ethicacy of that then? I mean you must have considered it.

DAMES: Yes, I have but why should that 5% stop the 95% from having survival information for themselves and their families?

BELL: That’s a good answer. Wild card line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Good evening. morning, actually.

Caller: Good morning, Mr. Art Bell?

BELL: Yes. Where are you, sir?

Caller: Bakersfield.

BELL: Alright, you are gonna have to speak up good and loud, you are not too loud.

Caller: I’d like to ask Mr. Sergeant Ed. . . .

BELL: No, not sergeant, that’s a big demotion. He’s Major Ed Dames.

Caller: Major Ed Dames. When 80% of the population dies, you guys were talking about those nuclear plants and stuff, now who would keep those up for the rest of the population?

DAMES: Nobody, and in fact in Bulgaria right now, they are breaking. . . . . . cooling rods are breaking so you can expect some mini Chernobyls any day. The old reactors in Bulgariaand places around. . . .

BELL: Cooling rods. . . . . slow up. . . . . cooling rods are breaking?

DAMES: Cooling systems are degrading. You know how cooling pipes corrode.

BELL: Of course.

DAMES: Like your arteries corrode if you don’t take care of your body.

BELL: Yes.

DAMES: The workers that go to work in those plants there, are very low salary and sometimes they don’t get paid at all so you can imagine what maintenance is like. . . . preventative maintenance on reactors in Bulgaria when people don’t show up for work. There is no maintenance much less operations and they’re gonna go. We have problems that aren’t talked about in America. The Navy dumps old reactor cores in the Salmon River, the Lost River sinks. In the Lost River sinks, the plumes of radioactivity seep down into the Salmon River so the Salmon River has become hot since 1950. The Salmon River flows into the Columbia. The Columbia flows past Hanford so, if you are a child growing up along the Columbia River, you might expect some thyroid problems.

BELL: Anybody who really does study what is going on with the environment right now. . . really even a shallow look. . . . . and doesn’t end up angry. . . . . . really red faced angry. . . . . is not paying attention. First time caller line you are on the air with Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi, I am Bill from Washington State and I live on the Columbia River, so great. (Laughter) I got a question. What’s the difference between remote viewing and OBE or astral projection?

BELL: Alright, good, I’m glad you asked. Ed?

DAMES: In the early days of the military team, we attempted to use astral projection or out of body acquisition of information. Remote viewing, technical remote viewing specifically, we use our minds. . . . we use our unconscious minds and we plug into a target as it exists as a pattern of information in sort of a collective unconscious or global mind. Astral travel is something else, I really don’t know what it is. When it happens to you, it’s very different, although I can’t define it. When one experiences it, it is very different from remote viewing. You really do perceive as if your body is at the site while, in technical remote viewing, you always know that it is just your mind. One takes the idea of their body to the site, in technical remote viewing, but in astral travel you really feel like you are there. Other than that, because I am not familiar enough with it, I can’t give you any further description.

BELL: Ed, as you know, other the years. . . . . and we’ve talked about this many times. . . . . you know I have talked about the quickening. . . . . it is just a general observation from a non-remote viewer. . . . me. . . . a talk show host who listens to the news everyday. Some might argue, overexposed to it, but I really do see events accelerating. . . . . without question. . . . . . in every category. . . . . geophysical, political, economic, social, in every single category events are definitely quickening toward something.

DAMES: It is just millennial madness, Art.

BELL: (Laughter) No it’s not. No there is something very real going on and a lot of people know it but they don’t know the specifics of it and that is what remote viewing you’re saying. . . . .

DAMES: That’s what technical remote viewing does. We have to be technically correct, for instance: when we turn our attention to something like this specific pathogen, we are going to look at this pathogen. We have no idea what it is, it’s affects, so we are going to need to go down to the molecular level, as technical remote viewers, and look at it’s affects at molecular action sites at the plant cell level in order to. . . . perhaps. . . . come up with or help plant pathologists understand what they are dealing with. That’s the kind of thing that we do.

BELL: Alright. East of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Where are you, please?

Caller: Seminole, Florida.

BELL: Yes, sir.

Caller: Excuse me for the bad connection. First of all, regarding affecting someone or something from a distance, do you consider radionics technology to be valid and, if so, why not use this technology to destroy the plant pathogen? Also, are these cases when one can block your attempts to view something , especially if it’s by the person you’re attempting to learn something about and, I ask this with Courtney Brown in mind, as he said . . . . . I believe it was John Mack’s book. . . . his most recent book. . . . . Courtney said they were unable to view something because of the greys blocking them up until about a month before the release of this book. That’s the reason I’m asking if you’ve encountered something like that where a block is intentionally put in your way and what it’s like.

DAMES: I’ll get to the radionics in a moment. The only experience that I and my team have in something blocking us is with angels. That is the only thing we have ever run into and they can edit information and they can shunt you off and slide you off a target onto something else. That is my experience. With regard to radionics, it is very interesting technology if it is a technology at all. Whatever is there doesn’t seem to be calibratable. It seems to differ, it has different standards from individual to individual. I attempted to utilize it in the military and to study it to see if it would be useful as a military tool in any number of areas but we weren’t able to calibrate it to standardize its use. It was different from user to user so it wasn’t useful to us as a military tool.

Caller: Could it be very effective at times and other times not effective at all?

DAMES: There was something at work there but we weren’t able to discern what it was. If we used technical remote viewing to remote view the mechanics and or the dynamics involved in radionics, we could model it and if you model it you could calibrate it but we haven’t had the time to do that. That would be an interesting thing for people to do in advanced training after they study the modules that my company is putting out.

Caller. And you said that after the pathogen takes it’s course, you expect ET’s to play some kind of role, would that be more open and what type of role would that be?

DAMES: They are here. There is another race here but we think it’s. . . . . I really, at this juncture Idon’t want to talk about them but it does appear to be a colony of humanoids that do not look very dissimilar from us and I don’t want to go into it beyond that. Yes they are here, they are here on the ground with us after the stuff hits the fan and the air clears.

Caller: To help us or to help them or both.

DAMES: At least, to help us. I don’t know that much more about it.

Caller: Well, thank you very much.

BELL: Thank you caller, take care. West of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Mr. Bell, this is Robert in the San Joaquin Valley, California.

BELL: Yessir.

Caller: Always a pleasure to talk, sir. A pleasure to talk to you, Mr. Ed Dames.

DAMES: It’s my pleasure.

Caller: I’ve got 3 important questions, but before I ask, I would like to say in response to what was said earlier, the reason for Mr. Dames giving this information out at this time I believe I understand: for responsible people to prepare and I appreciate very much that you’re doing it, sir.

DAMES: It’s my pleasure and also my responsibility.

Caller: Well, I feel as you do. My 3 quick questions. First one, you mentioned that the North American continent is going to be one of the safe zones, correct?

DAMES: Nowhere will be safe but most of the survivors appear to be in temperate North America and Europe.

Caller: Ok, I’m connected with scientists all over the world and Professor Murray Albertson, he was cofounder of the Peace Corps, and it is a non-profit organization. . . . . villages. . . . . he works with it. . . . these people know me and I know them. . . . . and we are preparing to help villages all over the world. I would like, sometime, to be able to speak to you privately, I want to help. That Courtney Brown, he knows me. Also, the third question, just food for thought. . . . . at the appropriate time. . . . . you might consider, because you said you can give thoughts to leaders. . . . . . . . bring these leaders together with the proper thoughts in order to prepare.

DAMES: Sir, I did not say that.

Caller: Sir?

DAMES: I did not say that we could influence thought patterns.

BELL: Ah, that’s right, you didn’t. People think they hear things I have found, Ed, so we will just leave it right there. You cannot affect another, you might enter another’s mind. . . .

DAMES: If this gentleman wants to write me I can give our PO Box number, too.

BELL: Alright, we’ll do that following the break here at the top of the hour.

BELL: Here from Bellevue, Nebraska, Ed, the following: “If this is to come to pass, what about the rain forests all over the world. They are a direct linkto the weather around the world and if they did not exist, we here in the US would not receive much rain and without rain the US would be without water and without water nothing would grow. ”

DAMES: That is exactly right. That is one of the reasons we’re perceiving a barren earth because of that kind of quickening. When you talk about a quickening, there is a specific example of what we mean of accelerating effects. The rain forests go, it affects all kinds of things, so this plant pathogen is essentially a facilitator, it is something that starts the quickening. . . . if you will, in terms of weather effects and atmospheric.

BELL: Alright. First time caller line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames and Art Bell. Good morning.

Caller: Hi, Art, I am calling from San Diego.

BELL: Yes ma’am.

Caller: During your 2 o’clock break, we have a newsbreak here, and on KSMB they announced that JPL discovered an asteroid, possibly on a collision course with earth on January 10th. That was all the details they gave.

BELL: Wait a minute, January 10th they discovered it?

Caller: They discovered and they are observing an object, an asteroid object, since January 10th, that they are studying that is possibly on a collision course with earth. That was reported by KSMB news.

BELL: Holy smokes.

Caller: Yeah.

BELL: Was that repeated in the 3 o’clock hour?

Caller: See, I have been on hold, I didn’t listen to the 3 o’clock hour.

BELL: Alright, we’ll try to get some confirmation from others in the audience.

Caller: Yeah it would be interesting.

BELL: Where was it in the newscast?

Caller: It was. . . . in the first of the news. They have the regular CBS news. . .

BELL: Yes.

Caller: And then they have the local KSMB news following that and this was during the local section.


Caller: But they specifically said JPL.

BELL: Alright, thank you very much.

Caller: OK.

BELL: Yikes, Ed. I guess we’ll. . . . . if anybody can confirm that by fax or otherwise, please do. Wild card line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hello.

Caller: Yes, this is John from Fayetteville.

BELL: Yes, John.

Caller: I was wondering if, you had mentioned something about when someone dies they lose some weight.

BELL: There is a medical study, sir, on my website, from 1907 that documents that, yes.

Caller: It wouldn’t just be, you know like when they have their last breath. . .

BELL: If you read the study, they take all of that into account.

Caller: OK. Is there anyway I can get the number to Mr. Dames?

BELL: There certainly is. I guess it’s time we gave it out again. There is an 800 number now, right Ed?

DAMES: That’s for description and for people who want to order the home study course.

BELL: Alright, what is it?

DAMES: It’s 1-800-556-0391.

BELL: Well, I’ve had you on the show 4. . . . 5. . . . . 6 times, whatever it is, people have always asked, “can I take your course? ”Your answer has always been “no”, we’re full, so this is the first time that I know of that you have ever offered anything and it is the big one. . . . . . it’s a home study course.

DAMES: And we have two future modules in development and those will be advanced skills and professional. . . . scientific technical series for geologists and archeologists and things like that but I don’t know if we’re going to have time to finish all of those the way things are going. We are quickly being overcome by events. I need to mention my new website one more time. We have graduates, including a brain surgeon and Joni Dourif (our vice-president), in the chat rooms on the website and that is

BELL: Ok, very good. East of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi. This is Jolene from Waterloo, Nebraska.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: I have a question, you know about MRSA?

BELL: About what?

Caller: MRSA.

BELL: What is that?

Caller: Micro resistant staphylococcus.


Caller: It’s a pathogenic disease that is not treatable.

BELL: I’m sorry I’m not a physician. I am not familiar with it. What is your point, what are you asking here?

Caller: That’s it’s already here. We have (indecipherable) resistant antibiotics. . . .

BELL: Oh, oh, I see. where you are going. Yes, we have many diseases that are now resistant to antibiotics and there is a general immune system breakdown. That is well under way, right Ed?

DAMES: In a global sense, yes.

BELL: Ok. West of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hello Art and Ed.


Caller: I just wanted to make a little link here, you had Chris Conrad on, I caught that interview and I thought that was a great interview. I wanted to mention, with all that is going on globally, with all the weather pattern changes. . . . I wanted to mention that hemp flourishes in the ultraviolet light and it is a strong survivor. . . . it’s a survivor of a plant. Also, that people are gaining experience growing it indoors, illegally, right now but that is not for the hemp plant. . . . that’s for the marijuana. People are learning technology like that and I would like to know your views on that.

BELL: Well, I would think that it might thrive in ultraviolet, I believe that’s correct.

DAMES: There are a lot of plants that thrive in high levels of UV but most, unfortunately, most other life forms including insect eggs do not live below the surface of the leaves. . . . they live on top. . . . . . they die. That’s why I say that this pathogen that is inbound will deliver the coup de grace because it takes out the things that are going to thrive. . . . the rest of the food that we eat. It’s eliminating the food supply for the disease, the disease being us.

BELL: The disease being us. First time caller line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi, fantastic. It is such a privilege to be able to speak with you and the Major. I can’t believe that I got in. I wanted to call and mentiona few things that I think are of great importance to both of you, I know they will be to me in the near future. In light of what Major Dames has said, I think that there are certain things that we should start . . . . people will say hoarding. . . . . but they are things that we will have to have, I believe, to survive these years. . . . . these awful years that will come in the near present. One of them is simply sulfur, sulfur being. . . . as you know, prior to W. W. II. . . . that’s what was used for wounds and keeping infection down or to stop it. Basically, and it is not an antibiotic. Also, seal-a-meals, to be able to vacuum seal dry fruits and to dry your food to where it is still nutritious and edible.

BELL: Alright, alright. You’ve got your radio on in the background.

Caller: Sorry, I’m sorry I should know better. I listen to you religiously and I can’t thank you for you because you are a medium that. . . . . . . we’re dependent on this for our survival and again, I thank you. I also wanted to ask Major Dames if he is familiar with what is happening with our meat suppliers and with, as one caller had mentioned or it was you, about the condition of our food source and how that was part of Clinton’s campaign, this last one. He said, because we are the most advanced country in the world, it is only right that we should have a means of inspecting our meat sources more conducive to the level we live at instead of technically, and this is technically speaking, the method that the government has proscribed, and the only method proscribed for the examinationof our meat, is called ‘touch and smell’.

BELL: Yeah.

Caller: And this is without any type of tissue sample being done. This is without anything other than that, which is so absurd, considering where we have gone technologically speaking on a medical level and the advances we have been able. . . . (laughter) and the things we are consuming in our body, all we have to do is look at it. . . . push it around a little and sniff it. . . . . . it’s amazing. Anyway, one of the main reasons that I’m calling, other than the one I just mentioned, is that I had a dealing with the federal government and it was very, very scary. It was involving these parasites, I have two twins who are diabetic from infancy and it is non-congenital . This also goes along with what Major Dames said about the milk supply, we believe there was a crossing over in my milk. . . . . in which they absorbed a chemical. . . . . that led to the breakdown of the cells in the pancreas which is basically the symptoms of diabetes. The one child that readily breast fed, he succumbed to the disease 13 months earlier prior to the other child that when I would put him to the breast, and he was very hungry, he would look up at me. . . . from infancy, from small infancy. . . . . very angry and he would refuse the breast even though he was very hungry. He sensed something in the milk so he didn’t succumb to the disease for another year, although he did breast feed. I was able to have a microscope in my home and I, without getting very verbose because I know time is of the essence, to make a long story short. . . . . . I detected in the pork supply now. . . . . . 60 minutes and one of the other nationwide news programs has chastised the meat packing industry in Northern California. . . . .

BELL: Well, let’s hold it right there. Ed, has it begun, this business with the milk and the babies?

DAMES: Art, I personally think that if you eat meat you’re crazy. Meat and poultry are pumped full, it’s not just the outside. . . . the bacteria on the outside of the meat. . . . . . but what is in the meat in terms of chemicals. If you care to look, you won’t eat meat again.

BELL: Well, she really is right you know, about the inspection process. For the most part, it is touch and smell and that’s it.

DAMES: There is quite. . . . the technology is available. As a former biophysics guy I will tell you it is quite easy to make detectors these days to sample but it is expensive and it is time consuming, it eats up a lot of time in the packaging process and. therefore, it’s not used. It would up the price of the product by at least 5 times.

BELL: The babies dying, though Ed. When will we begin to significantly see that start to occur?

DAMES: I think you’re gonna see it in Africa real fast, within the next year. In North America, for other reasons, Art. In North America it’s because of food products and the kinds of things that this poor woman was alluding to but in other countries it is simply because of starvation. Hunger suppresses the immune system, diseases are going to take off like wildfire.

BELL: You’re right about that. First time called line you are on the air with Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi, I am called from West Los Angeles and Ed, I’d like to know if the techniques that a blind person would need to use for remote viewing would be any different than anyone else?

DAMES: We think not, in fact, a challenge I would like to take on would be Stephen Hawkings because of the techniques that we use, using the autonomic nervous system, we think that not only is it easy for a blind person to learn this, but I think I would like to personally teach Stephen Hawking, the famous English physicist.

Caller: Would I be able to use your video course to achieve this?

DAMES: Only if there is somebody else there. We use illustrations. There are two important things that we illustrate in the video that you have to see prior to using our protocols, our checklist that comes with the video. You have to have someone take your hand and hold it. . . . . literally hold your hand . . . . and produce marks on the paper in a certain way. After you experience that, there is no problem any longer. You just need someone to do that one time.

Caller: So, once that is over I can go ahead and do the rest on my own.

DAMES: That’s it, no problem.

Caller: Alright, thanks a lot.

BELL: Thank you, sir. Wild card line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Good morning.

Caller: Hi, this is Joe in Carson City.

BELL: Yes sir.

DAMES: We have gone forward. . . . let’s go backwards.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: You talked time travel the last while. One of the spots I would like to go to is the Grassy Knoll inDallas. Have you been there, Ed? Who did it?

DAMES: Actually, one of the military team members, one of the first of this country’s remote viewers, Mel Riley and I did that together. Mel, who works for my company, just had a heart attack three days ago and he is undergoing bypass surgery. He and I remote viewed the Kennedy assassination, yes.

Caller: And?

DAMES: It appears that, unfortunately, I did not want to believe this nor did I for many years, it appears that. . . . this is cursory information. . . . we did not double check the work. . . . . but we do have two remote viewing sessions that indicate that the fleschette that punctured JFK’s adams apple was fired from within the vehicle.

Caller: Wow.

DAMES: But not from a pistol, from a device.

Caller: That’s bizarre.

DAMES: That’s sad because, of course, it confirms that there was a conspiracy and that possibly. . . . . . . . . Let’s use a hypothetical example: why are the records sealed for 99 years? Suppose you are an FBI agent and let’s suppose hypothetically that Hoover, J Edgar Hoover was part of this conspiracy, you’d want the records sealed because you’d be ineffective as an agent. . . . . flashing that badge anywhere.

Caller: Certainly.

DAMES: So, all of that is speculative but I’ll lay it out on the table for you. No, we haven’t confirmed it but many people will be able to do that when they learn these techniques and look at a lot of other things.

BELL: Alright, caller?

Caller: Thank you.

BELL: That’s a really sad thing to consider.

DAMES: It was sad to consider, Art. Think of me as a 17 year old, I was in the Army from the time I was 17 to 41, with a four year break to go to a university. Having served my country, I refused to believe that anything like this could happen and I didn’t want to believe it but as a remote viewer. . . . . there it was. . . . . and there was no way, unequivocally, there was something that was fired from within the vehicle and that means it had to be put there.

BELL: A lot of my innocence is gone, too. There really was a day, Ed, when I believed everything the FBI. . . . . If the FBI came to the podium to make an announcement , well I’ll tell you, it was good as gold for me. I don’t know exactly when that day stopped but it was sometime after the assassination. That changed America, that was a real turning point in America for a lot of people, whether you believe in a conspiracy or not. JFK’s murder, assassination, was a turning point, wasn’t it?

DAMES: I think so, it was for me, in retrospect.

BELL: Ed, stay right where you are. We will be right back with another half hour.

BELL: Now to Major Ed Dames. Major, an asteroid, just what we need.

DAMES: I wonder what it has on it?

BELL: (laughter)We really, really, really, really live in strange times. First time caller line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi. I got a question for him. I just got off work and was listening and I don’t know it he has already talked about this or not, but I just bought this book by Jim Schnabel and I would like to ask what he thinks of that. On the book by Courtney Brown, I was wondering, he says there are aliens living here. . . . is he talking about the same as what he said in his book, the Martians?

DAMES: Let me answer the question about the Schnabel book first.

Caller: OK.

DAMES: Jim Schnabel did a pretty good job of researching the early. . . the early history of remote viewing and the Department of Defense, a very good job indeed. It kind of fell apart in the end but, what the public doesn’t know, is that Jim worked for the CIA for 2 years and that he was part of the disinformation campaign to discredit it last year. Jim took my remote viewing course, when the company was based in Albuquerque, and did a darn good job in the course but he came to debunk remote viewing and he went away very angry that it worked. So, I think you can see some of the anger in this book.

BELL: Alright, on the Courtney Brown book.

DAMES: Courtney’s book, I think the first part of the book is pretty. . . . . is fairly accurate in terms of vignettes. It is fairly accurate because I was Courtney’s monitor, in addition to being his trainer, but it fell apart after that because. . . . . . for other reasons that I really don’t want to get into again. He took it away on his own after that.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: Thank you.

BELL: Thank you, caller, and take care. Wild card line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Good morning, Art and good morning, Major Dames. How are you?

DAMES: Fine thank you.

Caller: Yes, I have a couple of questions here so don’t hang up on me, Art, after I get through with the first one. It strikes me as odd, with all your remote viewing, that you have not remote viewed the inside of our most popular paranormal objects. . . . such as UFOs, the ones here on earth that is. . . . . . and real quick if you can answer that and then I’ve got another question.

DAMES: OK, which UFOs are you referring to?

Caller: The ones here on earth, the ones we see everyday.

DAMES: Which ones? If you name a specific sighting, that is what we target. If you look at UFOs in general there are all kinds of species.

Caller: Right, those are some of the most important questions that we have. Now, I have another question. I just want to know if you can describe the inside of a UFO after I finish the second question? It would seem to me that if you could remote view something, the first thing you would be remote viewing would be the UFOs here. . . . I already said that, ok. . . . . . but you call it technically remote viewing, right?

DAMES: Technical Remote Viewing.

Caller: OK. Why don’t you technically remote view the inside of an extraterrestrial, it’s body so we can find out what they are made of. I mean that would seem to be some of the most important questions proposed to a technical remote viewer.

DAMES: That’s an interesting question. What would you do with that information? You can’t validate anything. . . . . . .

Caller: Ya, but it would sure look great on the website.

DAMES: I’ll tell you what, why don’t you take our home study course and do it yourself.

Caller: Well, I was curious why you don’t talk about it.

DAMES: Because there are so many aspects of this problem to talk about. If you would like me to discuss one aspect, I’d be glad to. There are lots of different vehicles. . . . some are manned and some are unmanned. . . . and I used that term loosely. There are a number of different races. Let me give you an example of a problem here, it is a good question. Let’s take the Billy Meier beam ship stuff, that’s all fake.

Caller: Yeah, I never said that it wasn’t.

DAMES: On the other hand, the Carlos Diaz plasma ship is not a ship at all. . . . . . . it is a projection from a deep part, from a very distant part of our galaxy. It is a projection through space time. It is a opening through space time, a contorted twisted opening that people call a vehicle and yet, it’s a much a vehicle as a spotlight shining on the clouds. Is it alien induced? You bet! On the other side is a very strange set of creatures so this is the kind of thing you run into and you have to put it into context. Each frame, each different event has it’s own contextual information.

Caller: Well, on the next time you’re on Art’s show can you put up an artistic rendition of the inside of an alien that you’ve remotely viewed?

DAMES: I think that that would be doable. How about the greys?

Caller: That would be great.

DAMES: The greys would do well if they marketed the grey diet. That would be the best diet plan I can think of.

Caller: Ok, thank you Art and thank you Ed.

BELL: Alright, thank you.

DAMES: And Art there’s a lot of robotic or android types out there, too. Their technologies, as you might guess, are not human. They look human but when you remote view them you perceive immediately that you are not dealing with. . . . . you’re dealing with a sentient machine that does not have a soul

BELL: Alright. Ed, with respect to what you said earlier about the plant pathogen, gosh particularly with this late news, if all of this should come to pass, Ed, 85% to pass on. . . . . 15% to linger. . . .

DAMES: Within about a 10 year period, uh huh.

BELL: Wouldn’t it be true, Ed, that there would be a lot of people out there that, frankly, would be better off not knowing?

DAMES: I think that that might be the case but that’s not for me to decide. There will be a lot of people who would chose to check out but there’s people that chose to check out everyday so . . . . . .

BELL: I’m sure you’ve thought it out. You know, by going this public, you’ve thought it out but there are people like that. You know, ignorance is bliss, you know and why know because I can’t do anything about it anyway and, basically, you are telling them that there is not a lot that can be done. . . . . it’s going to occur.

DAMES: I think that, if anybody is listening to your show, those are the type of people that would probably act.

BELL: That’s a good answer.

DAMES: They’re the ones who are already connected to something or they’re insane. We’re all insane and this is mass hysteria.

BELL: That’s a good answer. East of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames.

Caller: Hi, Art. Hi, Ed.

BELL: Hi there.

Caller: I was listening in Minneapolis on KSVP but they cut away.

BELL: They have a morning show to do.

Caller: Yeah, which is useless. I would like two things, one from you, Art, and one from Ed.

BELL: Alright.

Caller: Ed, what is your PO Box?

DAMES: PO Box 3762, Beverly Hills, CA. . . . . 90212.

Caller: And for Art, and then I have a question for Ed. Art, of course this program is going to be popular beyond belief. You have a lot of new listeners. You’re number for getting tapes of the show?

BELL: Oh, OK, that’s true. To get a copy of this show or any show with a guest, 1-800-917-4278.

Caller: 917-4278.

BELL: Yes.

Caller: Way to go. OK, Major Dames. . . .

DAMES: Shoot.

Caller: One of the fascinating guests, that Art has had on, was Joyce Riley. Given your technical remote viewing, during the Gulf War, can you confirm the biological. . . . in addition to the chemical. . . . weapons used that may be causing all of the Gulf War Syndrome illnesses being reported and documented now by Joyce Riley?

BELL: Very very good question, thank you.

DAMES: OK, listen carefully. Most of the so-called Gulf War Syndrome was the result of something that was totally unpredictable. Think of water, if you have oxygen and hydrogen, who would have ever have imagined that if you put the two together and light a match. . . . you have this wonderful new substance that is liquid and flows: well, I use that as an analogy. You will notice that all the troops were given a tablet and they were forced to take this tablet. This tablet was paradocstignine(sp? ) bromide. It was an experimental drug made by a Swiss company and the drug was supposed to ward off the effects of nerve gas. I use ‘ward off’ loosely, I do not want to get into technical details.


DAMES: It was used for prophylactic of nerve gas treatment, as nurse Riley knows, but in combination with the volatile aromatic hydrocarbons from the burning oil fields constantly, in combination with the paradocstignine (sp? ) bromide in the system. . . . it produced an absolutely horrifying abnormality. . . . a genetic abnormality that was totally unpredictable. That is what caused the Gulf War Syndrome but the Department of Defense is not going to take credit for that nor assume responsibility for it because of the amount of money that it would have to pay to those veterans and their families afflicted with that genetic disease. . . . . that is the long and the short of it. Most ofthe casualties were not by enemy bio or chemical warfare but were by our own inadvertent naive ignorance about the effects. It was unpredictable. It was a mistake, an accident, but nevertheless it happened: paradocstignine (sp? ) bromide in combination with volatile aromatic hydrocarbons.

BELL: Alright. West of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames.

Caller: Hello, good morning gentlemen. You have certainly given all of us a lot to think about. Art, in reference to what you were saying about people not wanting to know, it has been my experience that you can tell somebody something and if they don’t want to hear it. . . . . . they won’t hear it.

BELL: That’s true.

Caller: They will deny that it is real and they will go on. . .

BELL: Or they’ll get angry.

Caller: Well, what is being done here is giving people information and giving them a chance to make a choice and that is where, I believe, our responsibility comes in. Along that line, in making choices and making proper choices, I would be interested in knowing how Major Dames views the . . . . . . . sort of the Mad Max scenario coming about. I mean, we can sit, those of us who choose to prepare. . . . to stockpile food or whatever. . . .

BELL: Right.

Caller: We’re still in a situation, most people in this country are in a situation of having like a mortgaged home. What’s going to happen as far as the economic picture? Are we going to be told to take our supplies and move out on the street or do you see just a sudden economic collapse and there is not going to be anybody in the mortgage companies to collect?

DAMES: It’s just gonna collapse. It’s just gonna collapse all around our ears, all at once, like the one horse shay.

Caller: So basically, if we are ready to survive where we are and if our instinct tells us that we are where we need to be. . . .

BELL: Don’t worry about the mortgage, worry about eating.

DAMES: And don’t worry about your instincts. Use these training courses specifically to research the idea of sanctuary and those kinds of survival conditions, effective survival conditions for yourself and your family.

Caller: Well, it’s been real strange because, over the past few years my families been telling me I’m crazy because I’ve had a picture in my mind of where I needed to be. . . where we needed to be. . . . . to survive. I didn’t know survive what but I’ve had a very distinct picture and I have spent the last many years creating that place. I want you to know, though, that I did order your tapes as soon as I heard the announcement tonight.

DAMES: You know I hear a lot of times, people. . . . . we know, as remote viewers, what we should do but many people will say. . . . I know I should move or I know I should go here but and they give all these reasons why they shouldn’t. Many times it is a move that the universe supports. It’s kinda like a groove that is supported by the cosmos. I won’t wax long and draw on about that but there’s excuses for not doing it, all the time.

Caller: Well. . .

DAMES: Mostly fear.

Caller: Well, yes there’s a lot of fear. There’s definitely going to be a lot of fear but I am one of those crazy people who has a lot of hope and I plan on surviving and I plan on making sure my family survives.

BELL: That would be most of my audience. I want to confirm something. “Art, (this is email) I missed the first few minutes of the program tonight so don’t know if you are aware of the latest from JPL. ”Another source here, folks. “Heard on the Los Angeles NBC 11 o’clocknews that they have found a new asteroid, in earth orbit, with a 9 1/2 month return rate. They say they will need a few more passes to know if it is going to be a problem. They said it is about the same size as the one that caused the meteor crater in Arizona. Should it hit LA it would make Northridge look like an inconvenience. Just thought you’d want to know. ” Unbelievable!

East of the Rockies you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hello.

Caller: Good morning, Art.

BELL: Where are you, sir?

Caller: I’m in Tennessee. This is Bart in Tennessee again, how are you sir?

BELL: Fine.

Caller: And good morning, Major.

DAMES: Good morning.

Caller: Someone brought up the Kennedy assassination earlier and, I don’t know if this was the question that got answered or not, but I was 7 years old when that took place. . . . . . just a kid. . . and I always thought that Oswald was the one that did it but I have different views now. I have gotten older and I’ve often wondered, you know they say that Marilyn Monroe was linked with JFK and Robert and what have you. I have wondered if she knew too much or something and somebody maybe had something to do with her death.

BELL: In other words, was she murdered?

Caller: Yes!

DAMES: I don’t know, Art. I just want to qualify one thing. Although there was a flechette fired at close range in the JFK assassination, there was also a high powered round that came in from the outside so I’m not discounting that. Marilyn Monroe, don’t know. There are just too many things to look at, Art.

BELL: I know, a whole world full of them and not a lot of time left. First time caller line you are on the air with Major Ed Dames. Hi.

Caller: Hi.

BELL: Where are you?

Caller: This is Lisa in Colorado.

BELL: Lisa, I can barely hear you. Get into that phone and yell at us.

Caller: OK. This is Lisa in Colorado.

BELL: Right, go ahead.

Caller: Yes, well this may sound strange. . . . however. . . . I find this kind of a relief. . . . to hear what Major Dames has been talking about tonight. I’m 44, now. Since I’ve been 10, I’ve had a picture of the millennium that people would be going bonkers. People would be killed for food and just widespread insanity and to actually have some kind of confirmation of that gives me something to work on. Along with this picture I had, I felt the need for people to remain solid, to be kind of a rock. . . . . to maintain sanity. This strengthens my resolve.

DAMES: Now you need to do something and that’s to find like minded people, people like yourself.

Caller: Yes.

DAMES: And, I mean, actually be with them during these times. Those are the types of people that will survive.

Caller: Ya, I mean, I am not personally concerned about surviving. . . . myself. I have escaped death on at lease 15 occasions, that I know of, and had the privilege of drowning. When I realized I was drowning , panic just hit and I thought. . . . wow, this is really interesting. . . . what a fascinating state to be in. In this panic, I can’t be aware of anything else.

BELL: Ma’am we are so short on time. I love your outlook on things and I would love to have more of a conversation with youbut the program is ending. To get Ed’s tapes, you can call 1-800-556-0391. Right, Ed?

DAMES: That is the Technical Remote Viewing home study course, the home trainingcourse.

BELL: So, I know we’ll do it again. It’s not good-bye, it’s just ‘til next time, Ed.

DAMES: Well, pleasant dreams, Art.

BELL: Ya, thanks Ed. Goodnight.

[end transcript]

Transcribed by Kay Grissom,


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