In view of the new alleged Santilli Roswell Crash Film and my own contact experience , and since Wear gave permission to show his material, I release this for serious UFO researchers. All of this material is copywrited and cannot be used for commercial purposes without permission of the original author (s).

Note for the record. As of Oct 12, 1995 I remain skeptical of the authenticity of the Santilli alleged Alien Autopsy film.

Jack Sarfatti

Note: Wear claims he never heard of me before his dream in which he saw my name in an alien hanger. He claims he had no previous idea that I was involved in UFO research and had had a contact experience of some sort as a child in which it was said I would link up with others in 20 years. Also note Dennis Schmidt cites me and Brian Josephson as inventors of a star ship drive in his book "The Satori Trilogy" written about 10 years ago. I never met Schmidt and have no idea why he used my name and Brian's in that context.


Message-Id: <>

From: Bill Wear

To: (Jack Sarfatti)

Subject: Re: I know this is strange, but....

In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:33:37 -0700.


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 14:51:10 EDT (Jack Sarfatti) writes: > tell me more

> The dreams all involve some kind of large building, something like one of the VAB monsters that Saturn V's were built in, but much more complicated -- lots of "drawbridges" ? that bridge internal gaps in the building and "telephone poles" ? that run the length -- at least, they look something like creosote wooden posts. There're a lot of metal panels all over (sortof like the crufty ships from Star Wars).

I'm always in the same area -- a large bay, reached by a huge, frighteningly complex elevator -- I get the _impression_ that others are coming and going around me, very infrequently, but I can never seem to turn around fast enough to catch more than a blurred image.

In one corner of the bay is a large viewscreen with a console, looks very outdated. The viewscreen flashes through a number of blueprint-type images, under control of my fingers. The only intelligible writing on any of this is on a long, tubelike structure (much like a TNG nacelle, but no fancy terminators) -- and it's the name "Sarfatti" -- hence the websearch.

With the exception of these, I've never remembered any dreams. Oddly enough, I could probably draw every image I've seen, including something that looks like some kind of dual-particle-accelerator that projects two streams of particles (?) onto a oddly-shaped matrix-like element, from which a near-infinite number of "power-couplings" ? fan out. I'm using generic TNG terminology because I'm not sure what to call these things. I have the Next Generation Technical Manual in my entertainment bookshelf, and what I see looks nothing like the MARA, although that's the closest thing I've seen to this particular item.

I'm a technical writer and EE who, after struggling through engineering school, discovered that I have a facility for languages, concepts and art instead of math (i.e., using wrong side of brain for 25 years). I enjoy flights of fancy, but I've never gone through anything like this. You probably think I'm nuts. I decided to do the websearch, hoping that the name would come up with something useful to control these dreams -- I always wake up incredibly tired after one of these sessions.

Sorry if all this seems outlandish. Hope I'm not boring you -- is any of this of any interest, or should I just quit eating spicy foods late at night? Bill

Bill Wear e-mail:

SecureWare, Inc. voice: 404-315-6296 X 143

2957 Clairmont, Ste 200 fax: 404-315-0293

Atlanta, GA 30329-1647 hours: 8:30 - 5:30 EDST


From: Bill Wear

X-Mailer: SecureMail [2.0 beta] To: (Jack Sarfatti)

Subject: Re: I know this is strange, but....

In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 28 Jun 1995 14:53:29 -0700. <>

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 11:04:22 EDT (Jack Sarfatti) writes:

> Have you ever seen "Sarfatti" before your dream?

> Not that I know of; it stood out in my mind.

> Are you aware of

> No, but I'll check it out.

> What is "Secureware"? Do you know Christine Athena Kekenes?

> Secureware is a company that produces secure unix systems for use on the Internet, for example, by Internet banks. It's impossible for some universities and businesses to get federal approval to do business/get contracts without some guarantee of data protection, so we provide that protection by modifying the unix kernel.

I don't know the name you mentioned.


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 13:11:20 EDT (Jack Sarfatti) writes: > Well this is extremely important if you are not pulling my leg. Please > go over everything again. Try to draw everything. The details are > important. Send drawings to me at POB 26548, San Francisco, CA 94126.

> I'll draw and describe what I've seen and mail it to you. I've glanced through your web pages by now, so I suspect you're open to the possibility that this isn't a coincidence. I, myself, am still much more skeptical, but I haven't had vivid dreams like this before, and the fact that your name was included out of the blue decreases the odds of coincidence.

BTW, your guarded, rational attitude and obvious caution makes me a good bit more comfortable about passing on this information. If at any point you think this is just a random coincidence and not a real connection of some kind, please let me know. I don't want to waste a lot of time with something that's not useful (it has always been one of my fondest dreams to create "Star Trek" technology -- for a couple of months, I even felt that God was calling me to do that, but I decided rather sheepishly later that it was just me wishing, although I still have that strong desire).

I've printed a portion of the technical material in your webpages to read and digest much later, after the dreams have stopped (if they do) and I've recorded them. I don't want to bias my dreams/data with what I read there. I hope you don't mind, and if you don't think it's a good idea, I won't read it. I won't share it with anyone else. Thanks for listening and for not rejecting me out-of-hand.


From: Bill Wear

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 17:08:55 EDT (Jack Sarfatti) writes:

> There is noway this is just a "coincidence". Have you read "Godphone" > and "Sarfatti's Illuminati" yet? More later.

> Only glanced at them, will read better momentarily. Have mailed some very crude sketches and text impressions just now. I'm a little skeptical because some of it involves generating external fields using a waveguide. There's something called a "gravity suppression potentiometer" that has a "field arrangement" diagram I drew. My impression of the sketch is that the waveguide is generating some kind of field at a distance. I didn't think waveguides could do that (I thought they were supposed to contain the wave), but it's entirely possible that what I'm seeing is an attempt to correlate English with some other language -- meaning that the translation fails. It's also possible that I have a lousy understanding of waveguides.

I'll do some more sketches later -- I seem to get really exhausted by retracing these vivid images, so I have to take long breaks. This seems really strange. Can you shed any light?



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