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In January 1998, MAT becomes Director of the Metropolitan Housing and Community Policy Center at The Urban Institute.

In November 1997, MAT commented about recent big city population gains on NPR's All Things Considered[cities-back.html - MISSING].

In October 1996, MAT returned to the Urban Institute as a Principal Research Associate in the executive office of research, where focused her research on interdisciplinary approaches to metropolitan problems of poverty and discrimination.

On Sunday, May 18, 1997, MAT published A LOOK AT ... Segregation and Poverty: Segregation by The Numbers, a Washington Post OpEd which concluded that "conventional wisdom is wrong ... in the Washington metropolitan area, white and Hispanic poor people are widely scattered throughout the region's suburban neighborhoods, while many poor African Americans are living in highly concentrated pockets of poverty in the inner city."

The research for the Post piece is reported in detail in the Urban Institute report Poor People and Poor Neighborhoods in the Washington Metropolitan Region.

From 1993 through 1996, MAT was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She was one of the principal authors of the Clinton Administration's 1995 National Urban Policy.

From 1976 through 1993 MAT was a researcher at the Urban Institute in Washington, DC, where she eventually served as Director for Housing Research. In 1990, she published Housing Market Impacts of Rent Control: the Washington, DC Experience, a study which concluded "there are indeed imperfections that make rent control a legitimate public sector intervention."

In 1992, MAT published Patterns of Racial Steering in Four Metropolitan Areas, a Journal of Housing Economics article, which found that in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Atlanta, "black homebuyers who are shown and recommended addresses are likely to be steered to neighborhoods that are lower percentage white and less affluent than those shown and recommended to comparable white homebuyers."

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Updated 12/22/97