Janine Jones' Images

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Earliest baby photograph showing scars over eyebrows from psychosurgery


In depth electrodes buried in skull. Type, stimoceiver used in early psychosurgery of 1940s/1950s.


16th November 1998 Metal Electrodes verified by Graeme Marlow Macdonald, MB BS, Neurosurgeon, Auckland Hospital, New Zealand, as being embedded deep within the ear sockets under the temporal plates.

January 1999 Digital Enhancement: Closeup view of reflecting metal electrode.


Janine Francis Jones MA (Hons), Graduation, Massey University 1992.


Photograph of bedroom blind ripped to shreds by laser.

Detailed view of a stimoceiver electrode similar to the ones inside my head.

Radiation Patterns Photographed

During the radiation bombing I was subject to for a continuous period of two years and four months in Palmerston North, New Zealond, this onslaught reached a frenzied pitch at night in my bedroom. This private room I once loved to be in became a Kafkan hell for me.
It was during the long, despairing winter of 1995 that strange patterns began to manifest themselves on my main bedroom window. These distinctive shapes were easily captured on camera and looked like "dumbbells". I continued to record these early in the morning as I awoke.
This pattern in the photograph was formed by intense, directed heat, possibly infra-red or microwaves. It was starkly distinct from the rest of the window which was always covered completely with a heavy layer of condensation from the cold at night.
The heat shapes I witnessed were always positioned near the top of the window. The edges were clearly defined.
These radiation patterns continued to appear on my window as the winter progressed as did my torture by energy-directed weapons. Sometimes two or three "dumbbells" would be present in the mornigs, joined by distinctive wave-like redges (like a medical graph with troughs). These, too, were wholly absent of condensation, indicating intense heat.
Other photographic evidence has yielded the presence of brilliant flashes of white light as this, too, was intentionally radiated into my bedroom.

CT scan of the mid 1990s showing definite presence of two metal plates above the eye sockets. What look like two "radio knobs" protrude from each plate.

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