William MacIntosh

Sonic Non-Lethal Weapons

November 7, 1977

William MacIntosh
E-mal:   wmacintosh@home.com


I have a true story for you, believe it or not!

During my 20+ years of working with the DOD and DOE I've had the pleasure of operating, maintaining, and repairing many a varied electronic device. I started as a US Navy Electronics Technician in 1975 and now I hold the position of Product Engineer for a Sunnyvale company. While I was in the Navy I worked on a Sonar unit (The BQN3) which is used as a navigation aid for our inertial navigators (The SINS). The BQN3 sonic beam had a "pencil profile" (@1deg) and the system had an excellent accuracy even at the extreme depths of the Pacific Ocean (@2200fm). I always wondered why this technology wasn't logically taken to the level of a coherent sonar beam (a sonic laser). The improvement would be dramatic and well worth the research. I knew that the technology and the interest was there but no information was made available for people like me. The other day though, I was watching a TLC program on non-lethal weapons and guess what -- I found a tidbit of data on coherent sonics and their use in espionage. It seems that some of the special applications the military's research revealed was of great interest to the CIA and many paramilitary organizations. The cited source of this information was Janet & Chris Morris authors of several books and consultants to the military, paramilitary and many civilian organizations on non-lethal weapons.

It seems that the modern descendant of this technology is now being used against the civilian populace with a total disregard of human rights. It is utilized by at least one group and probably many more. I know this for a fact because I am, to my great distress, one of it's victims. Since @1990, when I was working for Stanford Linear Accelerator, I have been literally tortured by some organization with the use of this exact technology. It seems that I pissed off the wrong person and now I'm paying the price. The device I speak of is very similar to a laser but projects and receives sound not light. This device produces a coherent sonic beam that cannot be detected unless it intersects my head near an ear. Then it may possibly be heard, otherwise nothing. Another instance is when this sound beam hits my flesh and imparts enough energy to be felt (pressure, heat or pain). It's a strange feeling to be assaulted in this way, at a distance and inside the supposed sanctity of my home. Knowing full well that no one should be able to hurt me, but then, I can still feel and hear someone physically tormenting me anyway. It's very frustrating when I can't even see my besieger, much less defend myself or retaliate. Thank God that I'm blessed with a very high pain tolerance due to a severe knee injury incurred many years earlier, I then learned how to disregard most of the pain.

I'm am very sure that many different sonic frequencies and wave shapes have bombarded me due to the variations in my symptoms. The primary surface effects from these sonics are pressure, itching, burning, and bleeding which appear to mostly affect the outer tissues are the most common. They are probably the result of the higher frequencies (ultra sonics?) hitting my skin. Then there are the deeper penetrations (presumably the lower frequencies) which produce bone & joint ache, extreme diarrhea, violent choking/vomiting, and headaches so terrible that I can't even describe them.

My adversaries appear to use this device in both the active (transmit) and the passive (receive) modes, using both for target imaging. Exactly like a "sonascan" device the doctor's use to view a fetus in the womb. The passive mode is used to acquire the targeted person and monitor physiological responses such as heart beat and respiration patterns. Which are then used as feedback data for my tormentors. The active mode is primarily used when the targeted person is found and a soft tissue site is being located for the day's agony session. When I'm being scanned it feels similar to goose bumps from a chill winter wind or crawling pin pricks. Liken to small bugs on your skin but nothing can be seen. The probing (a pulsing usually synchronized to my heartbeat) starts and the pains begin, first an itching/burning and then agony. All the while a high pitched whine is bombarding my eardrums at very high levels of intensity (>100dB). The sounds have a distinctive artificial quality to them and is comparable to the sound a sine wave generator makes when it drives a speaker. The sound has absolutely no direction to the source nor can be heard any reflections from this source. It feels like my skull is being stimulated directly by the sonic beam, bone conducts sound waves well, hence the lack of directionality or reflection. You see, all the sounds that we are familiar with have reflected components (sounds bounce off walls, floor and ceiling) which we use automatically to judge our environment. This sound has none of these properties and so are perceived of as strange and terribly annoying.

I know this sounds farfetched but I assure you this device exists and is real. Since the end of the cold war, it seems reasonable to expect a significant number of American spies to have little or nothing to do. It follows then that quite a few of them have moved to the civilian sector, along with their secrets (technology).

The BQN3, of which I am very familiar, is a technology that was developed in the late 50's to early 60's and it possesses some features that would still be considered amazing. In the 30+ years of R&D our government has undoubtedly conducted on this technology, it is probable that the espionage people have taken the innocuous sonar unit of World War II to a very high level of technological sophistication. The device I speak of is a non-invasive intelligence and harassment device that can be used for clandestine data acquisition (long distance audio reception), human control (cattle prod manipulation) and pure sadistic revenge on anyone with absolutely no evidence left behind, the perfect espionage tool!

Some interesting Q & A's :

Question:  Would any government develop a non-lethal weapon that has the capability to monitor and manipulate anyone without their knowledge and at a distance?

Answer:  Absolutely yes.

Question:  Is our technology capable of such a device?

Answer:  Yes, fact is that the technology has been available for more than 10 yrs.

Question:  Could the existence of such a device leak to the civilian populace?

Answer:  Probably, but the government would undoubtedly "plug" the leak though! They wouldn't want John "Q" Public to know that they could be monitored and controlled without John "Q" Public's understanding. John "Q" Public would be very scared & angry!

Question:  Could this technology have migrated to some civilian intelligence agencies.

Answer:  Yes, it is common for people to remember technical secrets and pass them along when they move to the civilian sector. Also some governments have no ethical difficulty with selling "to the highest bidder" anything they have.

My God how far will human rights be compromised?!!

Is privacy is a thing of the past?

Is Government control of the masses a reality?.......!!!

Shades of George Orwell's 1984

---- Right thinking will be rewarded, wrong thinking will be punished! ----

I believe that I am being plagued only for what I have said and what I may do, not what I've actually done. In this I've found that my assailants are very careful not to leave any evidence behind. Sounds don't offer any tangible evidence to be presented to the courts. I believe that my torturer's are only worried about the human rights and civil liberties issues so I'm spilling my guts. I know that I'm opening myself up to possible public ridicule but I believe it's necessary. It's my sincere hope, with this disclosure, of preventing this from happening to others and inhibiting further escalation with my problem. It should be noted that, in this problem, I have found some cooperation between my tormentors and the Police so I'm not even talking to them. I have no idea to what level this "cooperation" goes but it definitely exists. I figure that a deaf ear and a snicker is the best I'm going to get from the Police, who's to know the worst!

I want it clearly understood that I am not a saint. I have made some real doosies of mistakes and seriously regret them. While I was at SLAC I made a number of the really big ones. I feel it's important, though, to know that I have never perpetrated anything so terrible as to justify what is being done to me! I'm not sure that anything could justify the "cruel and unusual" nature of this abuse. Obviously I angered the wrong person/people and "boy" are they retaliating against me. It's my belief that I'm the victim of a modern day vigilante effort with the probable motivation being revenge. You see, I don't even know why I am being tormented, I just know that I am. Initially I thought that it might end after a year or so, but I was wrong! So far it's been about seven years of hell and my life is in a shambles. I'm in great need of advice on how to handle the situation and I'm asking it of you. Can you please help?

This may seem melodramatic but this is the truth and is an ongoing problem to me. I need to get the word out and have it passed on, if you could help I would deeply appreciate it.

Thank you

William MacIntosh

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