Martin C. Mack

Assaulted by Remote Technology methods

I'm a former truck driver, now retired. My troubles with what I am about to recount began in the fall of 1987 when I rented a room at 2327 2nd. Ave., in Seattle, Washington. The renter (name available upon request) next to me had visitors who tried to avoid being seen by me. Comments were made about me describing my actions, as if coming from his room. Somehow, they were able to make me hear and also pick up on the process of my hearing -- hear what I heard. As if my head, strange as this sounds, was a sort of antenna, and I picked things up -- not subliminally but audibly.

They knew when I was coming and going and commented on such. While I was at the hotel: Talk was heard about what I was doing. They could account for much of what I did in my room and in that building. They must have some way of watching me, I thought.

Statements to throw me off as to what they were doing were heard, such as: "This stinger will reach 35 feet" and "There is a two-way mirror in the lobby." Let us test him was heard.

This was heard before I moved out and afterward: "He has a microphone on his throat." I do not have a material one there, of course. It was implied that they could pick up on what I voiced. All this seemed like an impossibility. Due to what has transpired over the years, I know these things as fact -- regardless of what others might think.

One night my spine was made very warm. That region is thermal sensitive and part of the central nervous system. The reflex arc which passes thru the spine was triggered and my body gave a jerk.

They could heat sting my back shoulder blades. The bone coverings of those are pain sensitive. They decided to drive me out of there and did before the month was up.

There is a way that a person can be made selectively receptive to a modulated radio frequency carrier and that was resolved while I was there. Before leaving, I inquired as to how long the two previous tenants stayed in that room. "A month or two," the manager said. Was not hurt so very badly after they drove me out.

Concerning the behavior and mind control: There is not much point in stimulating a person unless you can get a visual or audible response from the subject. They do get an audible one from me; a curse, for one thing.

How I think it is done. An unmodulated radio frequency carrier is sent out from one location -- preferably lower in frequency. It passes into the spine and head regions of the subject. The carrier is modulated by the electromagnetic nature of the hearing process -- speech and inner speech of the victim. The fields of the processes piggy back onto the carrier. It is thought that the unwanted fields are filtered out on arrival at the point of reception. If what is received by the offenders displeased them then a hurtful stimulus is sent out on a carrier to cause pain to the subject -- hence behavior and mind control. There is much more to it than that.

All sorts of responses can be brought about in the body and head by modulation of a radio frequency carrier with various frequencies of sound and energy -- hearing and cranial pain, ear pain, and others -- yes, heart pain, torture, and death. They are able to resolve motion or the absence thereof. A very loud snap sound can be caused at the rear of the head. The sound modulation can be spiked and cause hurtful jolts of pain. Eye stinging and eye pains have been caused. The heat pain sting torture is believed to be caused by vibrating the molecules in nerve endings of the thermal receptors. While in the process of thinking about what they are doing or reading, some people use inner speech or subvocalization. The trachea, i.e. wind pipe, is piezoelectric and should act as a transducer. Subvocalization has been recorded directly off the throat by researchers. The indications have long been good that they can take off the electromagnetic field associated with the inner speech. They have commented on that of which I inwardly voiced -- many times. The shoulder muscles can be made stiff and sore -- those of the neck also. The heart muscle can be made sore. I am monitored around the clock. Sleep deprivation is caused each night. The offenders needed a scape goat to field test their equipment on and with me they got a lot of practice.

I went to the Radiological Health Department at Seattle; I later went to the special assault unit of the Seattle police and the FBI. material was taken to the Seattle Times. I wrote to universities and other places and took material to the prosecutors office. I wrote to my two senators and governor. The FCC was written to and they made an effort. The White house did answer my letter after a few months. I wrote to the US Attorney's Office -- no response. I used the radiation hotline several times. I went to the library to look for something which could lend me understanding about technologies which might be able to accomplish this kind of harassment, but was tortured while trying to do this. In fact, the more effort I make to fight or research this the more I am tortured.

They came to know that I was not being helped by the Seattle Police or others -- took advantage of it and used me for a guinea pig.

They have sought to ascertain my destination when ever very long trips were made and have succeeded in doing that so far. I know that signal strength falls off with distance; never the less, they could hurt me badly when I reached my destination after a time.

Several persons are involved in this project. The offenders have gone to no end of trouble in what they are doing; they must be somehow backed or funded. There is an importance in what they can do. It has intelligence applications, for one thing.

The foregoing is a condensation of it all.

Note: This record is not written as well as I would have liked it to be due to the fact that I was tortured very badly while compiling it. Behavior control methods are employed and great suffering endured.

To anyone who can help me with assistance or information about the kinds of things I have described or would like more details about what has been covered here, please contact me:

Martin C. Mack
2008 Westlake Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121

206-340-0410 (please leave a message)

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