Please send us additions to this bibliography via email. Give author's name (last name first), title of book, name of publisher, city where published, date of publication, ISBN or catalog number. Email to:








Behavior Modification 2




Brain 2

EEG (electroencephalogram) 3

Endocrinology 3

Brain Atlas 3

Brain & Memory 4

E.S.B. (electric stimulation of brain) 4

ESB --> man & therapy 10

Visual prostheses & E.S.B. 16

Auditory prostheses & E.S.B. 17

transnasal approach 17

Bio-telemetry 17

ele. house arrest 21


ELE->SCALP-> CORTEX ( Transcutaneous stim.) 22

head --> magnetic field (MEG) 23

mind-reading machine 23

magnetic ---> bioeffects 23

MSB(magnetic stimulation of brain) 23

Moscow signal 24

Microwave & ELF 24

mw --> auditory 30

Acoustics 31

em --> heart 31

mw --> EEG 32

mw --> BBB 32

mw --> Ca2+ 32

Biorhythms 33

em weapons 33

Internal Security equipment 34

em -->! victims 34

Ultrasonics 34

Subliminal 34

Tinnitus 35



Brown, J.R.C. , Techniques of Persuasion : From Propaganda to Brainwashing. London: Penguin Boos, 1963. (from J.Into Madness)

Hunter, Edward (1956) Brainwashing.

Sargant, William , Battle for the Mind, Privately printed edition. Ashford: The Invicta Press, 1984. (from J.Into Madness)

Sargant, William, The Mind Possessed,, Privately printed edition. Ashford: The Invicta Press, 1984. (from J.Into Madness)

Sargant, William, The Unquiet Mind, Privately printed edition. Ashford: The Invicta Press, 1984. (from J.Into Madness)LT & MIND CONTROL

Barker E (1984) The Making of a Moonie:choice of brainwashing? Oxford, NY (HR 121-A1)

Conydon B & Hubbard LR, Jr., messiah or madman ?, Secaucus, N.J., 1987 (GK445-A12)

L.Ron Hubbard LR (1978) The Science of Survival (see "Pain-Drug-Hypnosis" 1951/W.Bowart, p.74)

Robert Eringer (1985) Secret Agent Man. Rolling Stone ü£ë¬ÄRæ_ 

Intruders (1966?), see 1966 quoted by Senator Edward V. Long

Bowart,Walter (1978) Operation Mind Control and Operation Mind Control, How the Cryptocracy Will Psychocivilize You (1994)

Burdick, Dorothy (1982) Such Things Are Known. Vantage Press, NY

Bylinsky, Gene (1969) Mood Control. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Chavkin, Samuel (1978) Mind Stealers (Houghton Mifflin CO., Boston)

Collins, Larry (1990) Mind Control Playboy, January 1990

Horrock N (1977) A dat show: 14 year project on controlling human behavior. New York Times 1977.7.21.

Hunt, Linda (1991) Secret Agenda. NY, St.Martin's Press. [ordered 940217]

Keeler, Anna (1989) Remote Mind Control Technology. Full Disclosure 15: 1-14.

Lawrence, Lincoln (1967) Were We Controlled? University Books, NY

London, Perry (1969) Behavior Control. New York, Harper & Row.

Moore, James (1975) Modern People, Aug.18, 1975 (re : RHIC-EDOM)

Marks, John (1977) The Search for the Manchurian Candidate

Pines, Maya (1973) The Brain Changers - Scientists & The New Mind Control. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Ranelagh, John (1986) The Agency. ISBN 0-671-44318-6

Ronald M. McRae (1984) Mind Wars (NY, St.Martin's Press)

Russell-Mannings, Betsy (1989) Mind Control in a Free Society.

Russell-Mannings, Betsy (1989) The Microwave Deception.

Scheflin A & Opton E (1978) The Mind Manipulators. London, Paddington Press.

Schrag, Peter (1978) Mind Control. NY: Pantheon Books. [Burdick(1981)]

Vankin, Jonathan (1990) Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes (Dell)

Valenstein, Elliot (1973) Brain Control : A critical examination of brain stimulation and psychosurgery. NY, Wiley)

US News & World Report 1994.1.24 & letters 2.21. [drug/ele -->]

Watson P (1978) War on the Nind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology. NY: Basic Books, Inc. [Burdick(1981)]

Weberman AJ (1980) Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. Covert Action 9, June. [Burdick(1981)]

Zimbardo PG et al (1973) The Mind Is a Formidable Jailer: A Pirandellian Prison. New York Times Magazine 1973.4.8. [Burdick(1981)]

vi2cult AND mIND coNTROLor Modification

Alexander (1975) The search for a general theory of behavior. Behav. Sci. 20: 77-100.

BBS (1984) 7: 4 [B.F.Skinner]

Bijou SW & Ribes-Inesta E (1972) Behavior Modification: Issues and Extensions. NY: Academic Press. pp.157.

[review: Fed.Prob. 1974, 38:70]

Camellion R (1978) Behavior Modification. Paladin Press. pp.129.

Citizen's Inquiry on PCJII (1974) The future of parole. The Prison Journal. Spring-Summer 1974.

Hilts PJ (1974) Behavior Mod. NY: Harper's Magazine Press. pp.242. [review: Feb. Prob. 1975, 39: 66]

Holland JG (1974) Behavior Modification for prisoners, patients and other people as a prescription for planned society. The Prison Journal. Spring-Summer 1974. [review: Feb.Prob. 1976, 40: 68. re. START Program



Collins, Anne (1988) In the Sleep Room. ISBN 0-88619-198-X

Lee MA & Shlain B (1985) Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties. Groves Press. [Japanese version, 1992, pp.423.]

Thomas, Gordon (1989) Journey Into Madness (NY, Bantam)

Weinstein, Harvey (1988) A Father, A Son and the CIA ISBN 1-55028-116



Edmonston, Jr.,W.E. (1986) The Induction of hypnosis, Ny. ü£SB 237-A11

Gindes, B.C. (1973) New Concepts In Hypnosis [W.Bowart(78), p.62]

Spanos NP (1986) Hypnotic behavior : a social-psychological interpretation of amnesia, analgesia, and "trance logic" BBS 9: 449-502 (BBS 11: 712-716 commentary)

Spiegel, N., Shor, J., & Fishman, S. (1945) An hypnotic ablation technique for the study of personality development, Psychosom, Med. 7, 273.[Penfield(1952)pp.192]

Zeig JK ed (1982) Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and psychotherapy. NY. (M15-A6249)


Richard Condon (1958) Manchurian Candidate (McGrow Hill, NY)

Donald Bain (1976) The Control of Candy Jones

Claire Sterling (1983)The Time of the Assasin (NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston)

Paul Henze (1983) The Plot to Kill the Pope (NY: Charles Scribners & Sons)


Bradshaw JL & Nettleton NC (1981) The nature of hemispheric specialization in man. BBS 4: 51-91.

Brodal A (1947) The hippocumpus and the sense of smell. A review. Brain 70: 179-222.

Calder, Nigel () The Mind of Man. [Akwei vs NSA]

Eccles & McIntyre (1951) Plasticity of mammalian monosynaptic reflexes. Nature 167, 466-468.

Ferguson M (1973) The Brain Revolution: The Frontiers of Mind Research. NY: Taplinger Publishing Co.

Heller, John H. (1963) Of Mice, Men and Molecules. [Akwei vs NSA]

Hooper, Judith () The 3-Pound Universe. [Akwei vs NSA]

Johnson, George () In the Palaces of Memory. [Akwei vs NSA]

McGlone J (1980) Sex differences in human brain asymmetry: a critical survey. BBS 3: 215-263.

Panksepp J (1982) Toward a general psychobiological theory of emotions. BBS 5: 407-467. [incl. commentaries of Delgado, Heath]

Ojemann GA (1983) Brain organization for language from the perspective of electrical stimulation mapping. BBS 6: 189-230.

Psaltis D. et al (1990) Holography in artificial neural networks. Nature 343, 325.

Puceetti R & Dykes RW (1978) Sensory cortex and the mind-brain problem. BBS 1: 337-375.

Restak, Richard () The Mind. [Akwei vs NSA]

Teylor TJ & DiScenna P (1984) The topological anatomy of the hippocampus: a clue to its fuction. Brain Res. Bull. 12: 711-719.

Uematsu S et al (1992) Localization of sensorimotor cortex: the influence of Sherrington and Cushing on the modern concept. Neurosurgery 30(6): 904-913.

US News and World Report 1/2/84 [EM brain stim]

Weiner RD (1984) Does electroconvulsive therapy cause brain damage ? BBS 7: 1-53. [incl. comment. by Health]


Berger, H. (1929) åber das elektrenkephalogramm des menschen, Archiv. Psychiatr.Nervenkrank, 87:527-570.

Berger, H. (1935) åber das elektrenkephalogramm des menschen, Archiv. Psychiatr.Nervenkrank, 103:444-454.

Berger, H. (1938) åber das elektrenkephalogramm des menschen, Archiv. Psychiatr.Nervenkrank, 108:407-431.

Elul, R. (1962) Dipoles of spontaneous activity in the cerebral cortex. Exp. Neurol 6, 285-299.

Elul, R. (1964) Specific site of generation of brain waves. Physiologist 7, 125.

Elul, R. (1972) The genesis of the EEG, Int. Rev. Neurobiology 15, 227-272.

Empson J (1986) Human brainwaves: the psychological significance of the electroencephalogram, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshir, Mcmillan

Lippold O (1973) The Origin of the alpha rhythm, Edinburgh, C.Livingstones



Benzinger TH (1969) Heat regulation: homeostasis of control temperature in man. Physiol. Rev. 49: 671-759.

Brown GM & Reeichlin S (1972) Psychologic and neural regulation of growth hormone secretion. Psychosom. Med. 34: 45-61.

Curtis GC (1972) Psychosomatics and chronobiology: possible implications of neuroendocrine rhythms. Psychosom. Med. 34: 235-256.

Daughaday WH (1971) Sulfation factor regulation of skeletal growth: a stable mechanism dependent on intermittent growth hormone secretion. Am. J. Med. 50: 277-280.

Deuguchi Takeo (1979) Circadian rhythms of serotomin N-acetyltransferase activity in organ culture of chicken pineal gland. Science 203, 1245-1247.

Delgado JMR & Hanai T (1966) Intracerebral temperature in freely moving cats.

Am. J. Physiol. 211: 755-769.

Frohman LA & Bernardis LL (1968) Growth hormone and insulin levels in weanling rats with ventromedial hypothalamic lesions. Endocr. 82: 1125-1132.

Frohman LA & Bernardis LL (1968) Hypothalamic stimulation of growth hormone secretion. Science 580-582.

Ganong WF, et al (1963) Penetration of light into the brain of mammals. Endocr. i72, 962-963.

Grant L et al (1971) Period of adjustment of rats used for experimental studies. Nature 232: 135.

Hanbury EM (1959) Thyroid function after trauma in man. Metabolism 8: 904-912.

Hardy JD (1973) Posterior hypothalamus and the regulation of body temperature. Fed. Proc. 32: 1564-1571.

Martin JB (1972) Plasma growth hormone (GH) in response to hypothalamic or extrahypothalamic electrical stimulation. Endocr. 91: 107-115.

Martin JB (1973) Neural regulation of growth hormone secretion. N. Eng. J. Med. 288: 1384-1393.

Martin JB et al (1973) Plasma GH responses to hypothalamic, hippocampal, and amygdaloid electrical stimulation; effects of variation of stimulation parameters and treatment with alpha methyl-p-tyrosine. Endocr. 91: 1354-1361.

Mason JW (1968) Overall hormonal balance as a key to endocrine organization. Psychosom. Med. 30(II): 791-808.

Mikolajxzyk H (1972) Hormone reactions and changes in endocrine glands under influence of mws. Med. Lotn. 39: 39-51.

Milroy WC & Michaelson SM (1972) Thyroid pathophysiology of microwave radiation. Aerospace Med. 43: 1126-1131.ü@

Moore, R.Y., et al (1968) Central control of the pineal gland: visual pathways. Arch Neurol 18 208-218.

Nir, I. (1978) Non-reproductive systems and the pineal gland. J Neural Transm Suppl 13, 225-244.

Preslock, J.P. (1984) The pineal gland: basic implications and clinical correlations, Endocrine Rev. 5, 282.

Rosenthal SH (1973) Alterations in serum thyroxine with cerebral electrotherapy (CET). Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 28: 28-29.

Schally AV et al (1973) Hypothalamic regulatory hormones. Science 179: 341-350.

Smuckler EA & Tata JR (1971) Changes in hepatic neclear DNA-dependent polymerase caused by growth hormone and tri-iodothyronin. Nature 234: 37-39.

Takahashi Y, et al (1968) Growth hormone secretion during sleep. J. Clin. Invest. 47: 2079-2090.

Wurtman, R.J. et al (1963) Melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland : control by light. Science 142, 1071.


Brain Atlas

Abraira, V., & Handler, P. (1978) Computerized stereotaxic brain atlas. Proc.of the DECUS Congress, 5, 539-541.[Delgado,1981]

Berman, A.L. (1968) The Brain Stem of the Cat : A Cytoarchitectonic Atlas with Stereotaxic Coordinates, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison. [Liebenskind,et al(1973)]

DeLucchi, M.R., Dennis, B.J., & Adey, W.R. (1965) A stereotaxic Atlas of the Chimpanzee Brain (Pan Satyrus), Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, Calif., 78 pp.

Jasper, H.H., & Ajmone Marsa, C.A., (1954) Stereotaxic Atlas of the Diencephalon of the Cat, Nat.Res.Council Canada, Ottawa.[Siegel,et al(1972)]

Matsui, T., & Hirano, A. (1978) An atlas of the human brain for computerized tomography. Tokyo, Igaku-Shoin. [Delgado,1981]

Matsuno H et L (1988) Microsurgical anatomy of the posterior fossa cisterus. Neurosurgery 23(1): 58.

Oka et al (1985) Microsurgical anatomy of the sperficial veins of the cerebrum. Neurosurgery 17(5): 711.

Schaltenbrand, G. & Bailey, P. (Eds.) (1959) Introduction to stereotaxis with an atlas of the human brain. Grune and Stratton, New York, 493 p.

Snider, R.S., & Lee, J.C. (1961) A stereotaxic atlas of the monkey brain (Macaca mulatta). Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago.

Timurkaynak et al (1986) Microsurgical anatomy of the lateral ventricles. Neurosurgery 19(5)

Yamamoto et al (1981) Microsurgical anatomy of the 3rd ventricle. Neurosurgery 8(3)


Brain & Memory

Clark CR & Geffen GM (1989) Corpus callosum surgery and recent memory: a revew.Brain 112: 165-175.

Drachman DA & Arbit J (1966) Memory and the hippocampal complex. Is memory a multipel process ? Arch Neurol 15: 52-61.

Drachman D & Ommaya AK (1964) Memory and the hippocampal complex. Arch Neurol 10: 411-425.

Heit G, Smith ME, Halgren E (1990) Neuronal activity in human medial temporal lobe during recognition memory. Brain 113: 1093-1112.

Human memory (1987) Human Neurobiology 6(2) c£ Kesner, R.P. (1973) A neural system analysis of memory storage and retrieval. Psychlogical Bulletin, 80, 177-203.

McDonough, Jr., J.H. & Kesner, R.P. (1971) Ammesia produced by brief electrical stimulation of the amygdala or dorsal hippocampus in cats. J. comp. Physiol. Psychol. 77, 171-178.

McGaugh, J.L., & Dawson, R.G. (1966) Time-dependent processes in memory storage.Science, 153, 1351-1358. [ --> rat ]

Milner, B. (1954) Intellectual fuction of the temporal lobes, Psychol. Bull. 51, 42-62.

Routtenbert, A., & Holzman, N. (1973) Memory disruption by electrical stimulation of substantia nigra, pars compacta. Science, 181, 83-86. [ --> rat]

Spanis, C.W. (1981) A.J. Psychiat 138(9) , 1177. [ECT & memory]

Squire LR (1986) Mechanisms of memory. Science 232: 1612-1619.

Squire LR (1992) Memory and the hippocampus: a sythesis from findings with rats, monkeys and humans. Psychol. Rev. 99: 195-231, 582.

Tulving, E., & Watkins, M.J. (1973) Structure of memory traces. Psychological Review, 82, 261-275.ü£ü@1(1):1894.1- Z52-A39

Wilburn, M.W., & Kesner, R.P. (1972) Differential amnestic effects produced by electrical stimulation of the caudate nucleus and non-specific thalamic system. Experimental Neurology, 34, 45-50. [ --> cat ]

Wyers, E.J., Peeke, V.S., Willison, J.S. & Herz, M.J. (1968) Retroactive impairment of passive avoidance learning by stimulation of the caudate nucleus. Exp. Neurol. 22, 350-366.

Wyers, E.J., & Deadwyler, S.A. (1971) Duration and nature of retrograde amnesia produced by stimulation of caudate nucleus. Physiology and Behavior, 6, 97-103. [--> rat]


Adams, D.B, (1979) Brain mechanisms for offense, defense, and submission. he Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2, 201-241.[Gallistel,1981]

Adams, J.R. & Prout, B.J. (1962) Transistorized R.F.-coupling unit for biological stimulators. J. Physiol., 162, 9P-10P.

Adey, W.R., Kado, R.T., & Didio, J. (1962) Impedance measurements in brain tissue of animals using microvolt signals.Exptl. Neurol. 5, 47-66.

Agnew, W.F., Yuen, T.G.H., Puderz, R.H., & Bullara, L.A.(1975) Electrical stimulation of the brain . IV. Untrastructural studies. Surgical Neurology, 4, 438-448. (from Delgado, Patterson ed., 1981)

Akert, K. & Andersson, B. (1951) Acta Physiol. Scand. 22, 281.[ --> cat => sleep]

Akert, K., Koella, W.P. & Hess, R. (1952) Sleep produced by electrical stimulation of the thalamus. Am. J. Physiol. 168T, 260-267.

Akimoto, H., Nomura, T., Matsui, I., Ishikawa, O., Nakagawa, K. & Mitsushita, T. (1954) On the syndrome induced by electrical stimulation on thalamus. [=> man's sleep] Physiological and Clinical Studies on the Diencephalon. Igaku Shoin, Tokyo.

Akimoto, H., Takeuchi, S., Shozuka, K. & Negishi,K. (1955) On recruiting Response induced by continuous electrical stimulation in thalamus of cat. Psychiatr. Neurol. Jap. 56.

Akimoto, H., Yamaguchi, N., Okabe, K., Nakagawa, T., Abe, K., Torii, H., & Masahashi, K. (1956) On the sleep induced through electrical stimulation on dog thalamus. Folia Psychiat. et Neurol. Japon. 10, 117-146.

Alexander, M., & Perachio, A.A. (1973) The influence of target sex and dominance on evoked attack in rhesus monkeys. Am.J.of Physical Anthropology, 38, 543-547.

Alonso de Florida, F., & Delgado, J.M.R. (1958) Lasting behavioral and EEG changes in cats induced by prolonged stimulation of amygdala. Am.J.of Physiol.193, 223-229.

Anand, B.K., & Brobeck, J.R.(1951) Hypothalamic control of food intake in rats and cats.Yale J.of Biology and Medicine, ,Vol.24, 123-140.

Anand, B.K., & Dua, S. (1956) Electrical stimulation of the limbic system of brain (visceral brain) in the waking animals. Indian J. Med. Res. 44, 107-119.

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Anomymous.(1974) Electrical stimulation of the brain.Lancet, 2. 562-564.

Asanuma H & Sakata H (1967) Functional organization of cortical efferent system examined with focal depth stimulation in cats. J. Neurophysiol. 30: 35-54.

Baldwin, M. (1960) Electrical stimulation of the mesial temporal region. In Electrical Studies on the Unanesthetized Brain, 159-76 (Ramey, E.R., O'Doherty, D.S., Eds., Hoeber, New York, 423pp.)

Bonazzola, S., & Gualtierotti, (1960) Wireless tele-stimulation of the cat's motor cortex with constant stimulation of the cat's motor cortex with constant stimuli. J.Physiol. 150, 1-2.

Buchwald, N.A., & Ervin, R.R. (1956),Behavioral and action potential responses to stimulation of subcortical structures in the unaesthetized cat, Fed.Proc., 15, 27.

Bursten, B. & Delgado, J.M.R. (1958) Positive reinforcement induced by intracerebral stimulation in the monkey. J. comp. physiol. Psycho., 51, 6-10.

Campbell KSA, Ivans G & Gallistel CR (1985) A microcomputer-based method for physiologically interpretable measurement of the rewarding efficacy of brain stimulation. Physiology and Behavior. 35: 395-403.

Campbell, P.K., Jones, K.E., Huber, R.J., Horch, K.W., & Norman, R.A. (1991) A silicon-based, three-dimentional neural interface: manufacturing processes for an intracortical electrode array. IEEE Trans. BME, 38, No.8, 758-768.

Cannon, B. (1933) A method of stimulating autonomic nerves in the unanesthetized cat with observations on the motor and sensory effects. Am.J.Physiol, 105, 366-372.

Chaffee, E.L. & Light, R.U. (1934) Electrical excitation of the nervous system - ntroducitn a new system of remote control.Science 79, 299-300.

Chaffee, E.L., & Light, R.U. (1934) A method for the remote control of electrical stimulation of the nervous system, I. The history of electrical excitation. Yale J. of Biol. & Med., 7, 83-128. 83;441[coil --> coil]

Chaffee, E.L. & Light, R.U. (1935) Supplementary notes on the remote control of electrical stimulation of the nervous system.Yale J. Biol. Med., 7, 441-450.

Chardack, W.M., Gage, A.A., & Greatbatch, W. (1960) Surgery, 48, 643-654.[heart pacemaker w/o charging from outside]

Clarke, Edwin, & Kenneth Dewhurst (1972) An Illustrated history of brain function, Berkeley, University of California Press,, 154p. ü£(SC 364-37) Localisation. 113-148.

Clark, G. & Ward, J.W. (1949) Responses elicited by combined stimulation of pairs of fixed electrodes in the unanesthetized monkey. Am.J.Physiol.,158, 474.

Clark, S.L. & Ward, J.W. (1937) Electrical stimulation of the cortex cerebri of cats: Responses elicitable in chronic experiments through implanted elctrodes. Arch.Neurol.Pshychiat., 38, 927. [small induction coil]

Clark, S.L. (1941) Science, 94, 187.[the first electrode implant by Ewald]

Clark, S.L. & Ward, J.W. (1941) The influence of stimulus strength and duration on the responses from cortical stimulation through i mplanted electrodes. Am.J.Physiol., 131,650.

Clarke RH, (1920) Investigation of the Central Nercous System, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md., pt. I, pp. 1-159, plates I-XXVII. [the stereotaxic instrument,Lilly(1958)]

Cohen BD, Brown, G.W., & Brown, M.L. (1956) Avoidance learning motivated by hypothalamic stimulation. Fed. Proc. 15, 37.

Cooper R (1966) Toxic effects of intracerebral electrodes. Med. biol. Engng 4, 575-581.

Crow, H.J., Cooper, R., & Philips, D.G. (1961) Controlled multifocal frontal leucotomy for psychiatric illness. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 24, 353-360.

Curry,M.J.,"The effects of stimulating the somatic sensory cortex on single neurones in the posterior group (PO) of the cat," Brain Research, 44 (1972) 463-481.

Delgado, J.M.R., & Livingston, R.B. (1948) Some respiratory, vascular and thermal responses to stimulation of orbital surface of frontal lobe. J. of Neurophysiology, 11, 39-55.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1952) Permanent implantation of multilead electrodes in the brain. Yale J. of Biol.Med., 24, 351-358.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1952) Responses evoked in waking cat by electrical stimulation of motor cortex. Amer. J. Physiol., 171, 436-446.

Delgado, J.M.R., Hamlin, H., & Chapman, W.P. (1952) Technique of intracranial electrode implacement for recording and stimulation and its possible therapeutic value in psychotic patients. Confinia Neurologica, 12, 315-319.

Delgado, J.M.R. & Anand, B.K. (1953) Increase of food intake induced by electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus. Am. J. Physiol., 172, 162-168.

Delgado, J.M.R., Roberts, W.W. & Miller, N.E. (1954) Learning motivated by electrical stimulation of the brain. Am. J. Physiol., 179, 587-593.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1955) Cerebral structures involved in transmission and elaboration of noxious stimulation. J. Neurophysiol.18, 261-275.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1955) Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes within the brain. EEG Clin. N. 7, 637-644.

Delgado, J.M.R., Rosvold, H.E., & Looney, E. (1956) Evoking conditioned fear by electrical stimulation of subcortical structures in the monkey brain .J. comp. physiol. Psychol. 49, 373-380.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1957) Brain stimulation in the monkey: technique and results (motion picture). Fed. Proc. 16, 29.

Delgado JMR & Hamlin H (1958) Direct recording of spontaneous and evoked seizures in epileptics. EEG Clin. N. 10: 463-486.ü£ôîæ_ê¶

Delgado, J.M.R. (1959) Prolonged stimulation of brain in awake monkeys, J.Neurophysiol., 22, 458-475.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1959) Transistor timing stimulator. EEG clin. N.

Delgado, J.M.R., & Hamlin, H. (1960) Spontaneous and evoked electrical seizures in animals and humans. In E.R.Ramey & E.S.O'Doherty (Eds.), Electrical Studies on the Unanesthetized Brain, New York, Hoeber, pp.133-158.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1960) Emotional behavior in animals and humans. Psych. Res. Rep. Am. psychiat. Ass., 12, 259-271.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1961) Chronic implantation of intracerebral electrodes in animals. In D.E. Sheer (Ed.), Electrical stimulation of the brain.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1961) Evolution of repeated hippocampal seizures in the cat.EEG clin. N. 13, 722-733.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1962) Pharmacological Analysis of Central Nervous Action. Oxford: Pergamon, pp.265-292.

Delgado JMR & Hamlin H (1962) Depth electrography. Confin. Neurol. 22: 228-235.

Delgodo, J.M.R. (1963) Telemetry and telestimulation of the brain. In: L.Slater (Ed.), Biotelemetry, Pergamon, New York, 231-249.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1963) Cerebral heterostimulation in a monkey colony. Science 141, 161-63.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1963) Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in monkeys. J. Nervous and Mental Diseases 114, 383-90.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1963) Effect of brain stimulation on task-free situations. EEG clin. N. Suppl. 24, 260-280.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1964) Electrodes for extracellular recording and stimulation. In N.L.Nastuk (ed.), Electrophysiological methods, Vol. V, Part A: Physical techniques in biological research. New York: Academic Press.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1964) Free behavior and brain stimulation. Int.Rev. Neurobiology, 6, 349-449. ü£ôîæ_ê¶èwòö

Delgado, J.M.R. (1965) Sequential behavior repeatedly induced by red nucleus stimulation in free monkeys Science, 148 , 1361-1363.

Delgado -->!! bull. New York Times 1965.5.17 p.1 & 20.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1965) Evolution of physical control of the brain, New York, Am.Museum of Natural History ü£ôîæ_

Delgado, J.M.R. (1965) Chronic radiostimulation of the brain in monkey colonies.

Proc. Intern. Union Physiol. Sci. 4, 365-371.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1966) Emotions. Self-Selection Psychology Textbook. W.C.Brown.Cubuque, Iowa, 56pp.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1966) Aggressive behavior evoked by radio stimulation in monkey colonies. Amer. Zool., 6, 669-681.

Delgado, J.M.R., & Mir, D. (1966) Infatigability ofpupillary constriction evoked by hypothalamic stimulation in monkeys. Neurology, 16, 939-950.[Doty&Bartlett,1981]

Delgado JMR (1967) Man's intervention in intracerebral functions. IEEE Int. Conv. Rec. 15(9): 143-150.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1967) Brain Function,5, 171.[Lancet, 1974]

Delgado, J.M.R. (1967) Limbic system and free behavior. In Progr. Brain Res. 27, 48-68.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1967) Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in monkeys. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. , 144, 383-390.

Delgado, J.M.R., Mark, V., Sweet , W., Ervin, F., Weiss, G., Bach-y-Rita, G., & Hagiwara, R. (1968) Intracerebral radio stimulation and recording in completely free patients, J.of Nervous and Mental Disease, 147, 329-340.ü£ôîæ_ê¶

Delgado,J.M.R. (1969) Physical Control of the Mind (Harper and Row)

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Electroconvulsive therapy, who needs it ? (Duane Denney)

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Visual prostheses & E.S.B.

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Auditory prostheses & E.S.B.


Cochlear Implant () IEEE EMB 6(2)

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transnasal approach (implant thru nose)


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ele -> scalp -> cortex (transcutaneous stimulation)


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head -- magnetic field (MEG)


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mind-reading machine


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mw -- auditory


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em --> heart


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mw -- EEG


Adey, W.R. (1974) The influences of impressed electrical fields at EEG frequencies on brain and behavior. In Behavior and Brain Electrical Activity. H.Eltshuler & N.Burch, Eds. Plenum Publishing Co. , NY.

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mw -- Blood brain barriers


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MW -- Ca2+


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em weapons (&non-lethal weapons)


NBC News Magazine by David Brinkleyü@1981.3.13

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Giovanni de Briganti (1994) Lasers, viruses, may rule no-fly zone sky. Defense News Feb.7-13: 1,45.

Holzer R & Munron (1992) Microwave weapons stun Iraqis. Defense News April 13-19: 1,52.

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Younger SM (1993) AGEX II, the high-energy-density regime of weapons physics.Los Alamos Science No.21: 63.

Zigunenko, Stanislav (1992) Tekhnika Molodezhi Magazine Sept.1992 [Stonehill,1994]


Internal Security equipment


Hogg IV (1989) Keeping them out : solutions to perimeter protection. IDR 10/1989:33-37.[mw sensor, etc]

Internal Security Equipment Survey (1980) IDR 8/1980: 1261-1265. [mw sensor, &c]

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Internal Security Equipment Survey (1984) IDR 6/1984: 804. [perimeter protection sys]

Internal Security Equipment Survey (1985) IDR 6/1985: 925-927.[mw sensor,&c]

Israel stun grenade IDR 10/1987: 1386.

Lovece J (1993) FBI used military robots in Waco: standoff but got mixed results.Defence Week May 17: 16.


em -- victims


mediaecco Stockholm

(1993) NZ Herald 1993.1.30, 1.31 [Mr. Larry Hammond]

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Koski M (1981) My life depends on you !

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SovData DiaLine - Soviet Press Digest, February 15, 1992.

(DELOVOI MIR) (see 1985/Voronezh)

Wade N (1972) Fischer-Spassky charges: What did the Russians have in mind?

Science 177: 778.




Friday, February 20, 1998



Ben-Hur, E. & Green, M. (1982) Temperature dependence of ultrasound-induced cell killing: the role of membrane fluidity, BEM 3, 247-251.

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Bevan W (1964) Subliminal stimulation: a pervasive problem for psychology. Psychol. Bull. 61: 81-99.

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U.S. Patent # 3773049 Nov. 20th 1973




Psychiatry and mind control ... psychosis or mind-control



Tinnitus [RN 1994.4.26]

Shulman A (1991) Tinnitus Diagnosis/Treatment. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp.547, $ 99.50 [Neurosurgery 32(4): 688]

unknown diseases [RN 1994.4.26]

dental filling material [RN 1994.4.26]

computer society [RN 1994.4.26]

[key words: man-machine interaction, man-computer interaction, dataregister, data integrity, data law, information society, cyberculture, future research, artificial intelligence]

Burnham D (1983) The Rise of the Computer State. NY:Rnadom House.

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Huxley, Aldous () Brave New World.

Marx G & Reichman N (1984) Routinizing the discovery of secret: computers as informants. Am. Behav. Scientist March

Masuda () The Information society. [see letter of RN 1994.1.26]

Orwell, George () 1984.

Rosnak, Theodore (1986) The Cult of Information [Akwei vs NSA]

Warwick DR (1992) The cash-free society. Futurist Nov/Dec. p.19.

Wiener, Norbert () Cybernetics. 2nd ed. The MIT Press.

Zamytian () We.

National Diet Library Code #

Acta Neurochir Suppl. 30:1980- Z54-H260

Acta Physiologica Scandinavica ü£3:1942- Z53-D17

Acta psychol. (Amst.) ü£1(1):1935- Z52-A27

Acta Physiol. Pol. ü£ 19:1968.1- Z53-N390

Acustica 1:1951- Z53-A438

Adv. Neurol. NIL

Adv. physics. ü£ NIL

Aerosp.Med. ü£31:1960- (Z53-G120)

Aerospace Med. Res. Labs. ü£NIL

Am. J. Epidemiol. ü£ 81:1965- Z53-D75

Am. J. Med. 34:1963- Z53-C384

Am. J. Med. Electron. .ü£2:1963- (Z53-D301)

Am. J. Physical Anthropology ü£1:1943- (Z53-B358)

Am. J. Physiol. ü£1(1):1898- Z53-D19

Am. J. Psychiat. ü£ 107(2):1950- Z53-D588 îç117-136.scan. 137:1980- 1982.12 (147,8 É+û{Æå)

Am. J. Surg. 139: 1980- Z54-A679

Am. Nat.. 1:1967: Z53-B374

Am. Psychologist ü£4(4):1949.4- (Z52-A28)

Am. Scientist ü£ 30(2):1942- Z53-A7

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Anesthesia & Analgesia ü£59(1):1980.1-

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Animal Behav. ü£6:1958- Z53-C197

Ann. N. Y. Acad. of Sciences ü£23:1913- (Z53-A134)

Ann. Neurology Z53-X98

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Ann. Otol. Rhin. Laryngol. ü£89(2):1980- Z54-B54

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Ann. Surgery ü£191(1):1980- Z54-A570

Annual Review of Psychology ü£48:1986- Z63-A174 æOè¬SB21-15,150,158-A615

Appl.Neurophysiology ü£38(1):1975- Z53-D68

Arch. Anat. Pshysiol., Lpz.ü@ü@ü£NIL

Arch. Italiennes de Biologie ü£100:1962- Z53-B426

Arch. General Psychiatry ü£Z53-D587

Arch. Neurology (Chicago) ü£37(1):1980- Z53-D586

Arch. Neurol. Psychiat.(Chic.) ü£61(1):1949.1- 81: 1959 Z53-D585 scan. 75: 1956 - 81: 1959

Arch Opththalmology ü£4:1949- Z53-D615

Arch. Otolaryngol. ü£ 49:1949- Z53-D622

Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 34: 1953- Z53-D558

Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr ü£ 227:1979.7- Z53-W395

Atlantic Z55-A173

Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 46:1975- Z53-G120

Behav. Biol. ü£ 7(1):1972- Z53R80

Behavioral and Brain Sciences ( BBS ) Z53-W364 scan. 1(1):1978-1994.6 (ex.1991)

Behav. Sci. ü£1(1):1956- Z51-A8 scan. 1964-1982.

Berichte Gesamte weber die Physiol.Exp.Pharmakologie ü£1(1):1920- Z53-D22

Bioelectro-chem. Beioenergetics ü£ 1:1974- Z53-T414

Bio-electromagnetics ü£ 2(1):1981- Z54-C507 scan. - 15(5): 1994 (1987NILüA1989out. )

Biolog. Psychiat. ü£ 1:1969- Z53-S61

Biomed. Eng. 4: 1970- Z53-W478

Bio-med. Instru. ü£ NIL

Bio-med. Instru. Technology ü£23:1989- Z54-A106 (Med. Instru.é¦ënæ_)

Biomed. Sci. Instrum. ü£ NIL

Biophys. J. ü£1:1960.9- Z53-B461

Biophys. Soc. Abstracts ü£NIL

Biotelemetry and Patient Monitoring ü£ 1(1):1974- 9(4):1982. Z53-W267. scanned all.

Biul. eksp. Biol. Med. nil

Brain ü£1938- Z53-R18 scan. 103:1980 - 117(4):1994.8

Brain, Behav. Evol. ü£1:1968- Z54-C321

Brain Research ü£1(1):1966.1- (Z53-L382)

Brain Res. Bull. 1: 1976- Z53-V263

Bull. Am. Physical Soc. 1:1956- Z53-A409

Bull. Exp. Med. ü£ 51:1961- Z53-B390

Bull. Math. Biol. ü£ 35:1973- Z53-B447

Bull. Psychonomic Soc. 13:1979- Z53-V384

Can. J. Zool. 32: 1954- Z53-C148

Cand. M.A. J. ü£ 88:1963- Z53-C460

Cell ü£ 1:1974- Z53-V215

Clin. Neurol. Neurosurg 82(1):1980- Z54-A686

Clin. Neuropsychol. 3:1981-5:1983 Z54-C436

Commun. Behav. Biol. ü£ 1:1968-6:1971 Z53-R80 [see Behav. Biol.]

Confin. neruol. (Basel), ü£23(3):1963- Z53-D68

Corrections Today 41:1979- Z51-G214

CRC Rev. Environ. Contr. ü£ 10:1980- 19:1990 Z54-A101

Crime and Deliquency in California 1984- (-1983 books) Z61-A216-B

Crime and Justice 1987- (-1986 books) Z61-C225-B

Crime Prevention and Criminaal Justice Newsletter 7:1982-1986 Z51-P290-KO

Crime Prevention Review 1:1973-6:1979 Z51-K258

Defense Electronics ü£ 12:1980.3- Z54-A492

Defense News 7(1): 1992- Z92-505 scan. 1992.1.6 - 10.4, 1993.1-4, 1994.1.10 - 12.5/11

Defense Week 9:1988- Z51-P271 scan. 1988.1-1991.12, 1993.1-1994.8.29

Dissent 1:1954- Z51-B15

EEG Clin. Neurophysiol ü£ 14(1):1962- (Z53-N226) scan. 48(1):1980.1 - 83(6):1993.12 (75-81É+û{Æå)

Electro-and magnetobiologyü@ü@ü£ü@Z54-E816 1992- 1993:12(1)

Electronic Design 2:1954- Z53-E464

Electronics ü£ü@ü@(NY) 1:1936- Z53-E462 scan. 1991.6 - 1994.7.25

Endocr. 68:1961- Z53-D61

Endocrine Rev. 2:1981- Z54-B831

Epilepsia 3: 1962- Z53-D357

Exerpta Medica 22:1969-57:1990 Z53-P418

Exp. Brain Research ü£1(1):1965- Z53-M198 scan. 1980 - 43: 1981

Exp. Neurology ü£5(1):1962- Z53-D69 scan..1993.10 --> 1992.11:118(2)


Fed. Probation 12:1948-46:1982 (1983- Int'l Organ. Data House) Z51-D48-M scan.'70-77,80-91.3.

Fed. Proc. ü£1:1942- Z53-B428

Folia Primatologica ü£1:1936- Z53-P207

Folia Psychiat. et Neurol. Japon. ü£1:1935-39:1985 Z53-D351 (ê+ì~JJPN)

Frontiers Med. Biol. Eng. (Japan) 1: 1988 - Z54-G799 scan. 1:1988- 6(1): 1994

Futurist 5(1):1971 - Z55-B295 scan.25(3):1991.5/6 - 29(1):1994.6

Health Phys. 1:1958- Z53-B470

Helvetic Physiol. Pharmacol. Accta ü£1:1943- Z53-D27

Human Neurobiology 1: 1982- Z54-D561 scan. 1982 - 1988

IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Mag. ü£ 1:1982.3- Z54-D705 scan. 1:1982 - 13(3):1994.6/7 (ex1990-1991)

IEEE Spectrum ü£ 1:1964- Z53-L389

IEEE Int. Conv. Rec. 8:1961- Z53-P160

IEEE Trans. AES (Aerospace and Electronic Systems) ü£ (Z53-M119)

IEEE Trans. BME (Bio-Medical Engineering) ü£11(1):1964.1- Z53-M457

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US News & World Report Z55-A188

Yale J.of Biology and Medicine ü£ 22:1949- (Z53-B349)


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