Do you believe in government mind control?
Ross Blackstone
KOVR 13 News
News at 5:00, News at 6:00, THE 10:00 News (11/17/00)
Imagine everywhere you go, someone is watching you, reading your thoughts, and controlling your mind.
Periodically over the past several decades, we've heard of situations when the U.S. government has experimented on human beings. Some cases have involved nuclear weapons, others, LSD and mind control. Is it possible something similar could happen to us right now without our knowledge? In this special assignment, Ross Blackstone introduces us to northern Californians who say it is and they have proof.

They believe the government is sending radio waves to directly effect the unique electromagnetic waves in their brains.

Imagine everywhere you go, someone is watching you, reading your thoughts, and controlling your mind.

Mary Ann Stratton: "They know what you do inside your house. You are being monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

At the State Capitol last summer, Mary Ann Stratton rallied with dozens of other Californians who say it's happening to them through ultra frequency radio waves.

Rod Orr: "I could be in a room with a thousand people but it will only effect me."

They believe the government is sending radio waves to directly effect the unique electromagnetic waves in their brains. That way it can control their thoughts and bodies.

Mary Ann Stratton: "The pain was unbelievable, enough to make you pass out. If you've ever broken a bone, you know what that type of pain is."

After our interview, Stratton said the government made her throat swell so she would have trouble talking to us.

Rod Orr: "It's electronic harassment, but when you become actively involved with disclosing this information, it becomes torture."

They believe the government is testing mind control tactics to use in war and anyone could be targeted. Some are uneducated people with no ties. Others have information the government wants to monitor.

Rod Orr: "It could be because you were in law enforcement, it could be because you are a whistle blower, it could be because you were in the army or navy."

The waves can be sent through any energy source: radio towers, indoor lights, especially the Internet.

And they say there's nothing you can do to protect yourself. They also claim minds are controlled different ways.

Cheryl Welsh says the government uses radio waves to effect other people around her, so as to study her mental reactions.

Cheryl Welsh: "Wherever I go in my day, people spit, swear, blow smoke in my face, basically 100 insults a day."

Sounds far fetched? Well, don't make up your mind just yet. Some say they have research going back more than forty years that's possible.

Cheryl Welsh: "I've got the documents from NASA, the federal times from the seventies, and the DIA talking about how they use the microwave hearing to drive political targets crazy.

Welsh is also a law student at Lincoln in Davis. Through her organization, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, she's shared documents she's gathered with hundreds of people around the world.

Cheryl Welsh: "It talks about electromagnetic weapons and the Russians want to ban weapons."

Welsh is not the only one. In his latest book Earth Rising, renown author and speaker, Nick Begich, sites more than 30 patents that show mind control is possible by using light, sound, or electronic fields.

Cheryl has shared documents she's gathered with hundreds of people around the world.

Nick Begich: "As long as the pulse rate is correct and hits the window frequency."

He uses an example from 1997, when more than 600 Japanese children went into epileptic seizures while watching a cartoon which flashed a light at a certain rate. Similarly, he says if a radio wave is sent at the right frequency to an acupuncture point on the skin, it will translate into an auditory signal that is sent directly to the brain.

The waves can be sent through any energy source: radio towers, indoor lights, especially the Internet.

Begich's only discrepancy, it would be difficult to target specific people like Orr, Stratton, or Welsh.

Nick Begich: "To target an individual, you really need some line of sight and you need to use something like a microwave carrier."

But, he says people can be controlled in mass.

The question then is, has the government used the technology?

Begich says yes. He believes the U.S. sent anxiety signals to get Iraqis to surrender during the gulf war.

Nick Begich: "And they said it was because we bombarded them so heavily, that was the American's story. Look at Germany and London during World War II, that doesn't drive people out."

And most Americans have heard how the DIA has used LSD to control minds.

Secretary of energy O'Leary has acknowledged half a million people have been experimented on in some form in the U.S. without their permission.

Begich says the technology is not extremely advanced. If the military can figure it out, individuals can too.

Could it happen again?

Nick Begich: "We're in the beginning of the new millennium and believe me, the stuff that happened in the past is happening again."

Begich says the technology is not extremely advanced. If the military can figure it out, individuals can too. Once that happens, advertisers, politicians, terrorists, anyone could have the ability to control your mind.

Ross Blackstone, KOVR 13 News. Nick Begich has been able to convince the European Parliament to call for a ban in the beginning of treaty dialogue for anything that can manipulate human behavior. Still the U.S. denies the technology. And if American scientists talk about their work, they will be held for treason. But Begich says many former soviet scientists, who experimented with the technology during the cold war, are now coming public because of a lack of funding.
Posted to the web on 11/17/00 at 9:30 PM