Prison Experimentation and Mind Control

Allen Barker, Feb. 12, 2003

A federal appeals court has recently ruled that a prisoner presumably suffering from one of the mental problems currently labeled paranoid schizophrenia can be forcibly drugged to make him sane enough to execute.  Although it is an important issue, I am not going to discuss the forcible drugging of prisoners in this article -- at least not directly.  I am going to discuss the issues of mind control abuses, and in particular prison experimentation.

I do not know if the prisoner in the recent court case really has a mental illness or not.  If he does, I do not know if it naturally occurred or was triggered by torture he experienced in prison.  A New York Times article excerpted at the end of this article notes that the prisoner complained that "his prison cell was possessed by demons and that a prison doctor had implanted a device in his ear."  Whether or not it is truly the case with this prisoner, it is certainly the case that many other prisoners have been used as a pre-discredited, contained supply of human experimental subjects.

The point is not that this prisoner was necessarily telling the truth about the prison doctor implanting a device in his ear.  The point is that such a possibility is never given even a cursory consideration. It cannot be, by the current system of lies in place in the US. Mind control experimentation is known to have taken place, and the technology is known to exist.  But official American society almost completely denies it or even ridicules the notion.  The federal courts base their decisions on a fairy tale.  The American empire has no clothes whatsoever in this regard, but Americans tend not to listen to or respond to even documented evidence of the true situation.

The reason for this is that mind control experimentation still occurs in the general population.  More than that, mind control methods have become the modern deniable political harassment and persecution method in the US.  The United States is a police state which controls the media and other information sources so effectively that most Americans are kept too ignorant to even realize it.  Americans have very naive, simplistic notions of censorship.

If you can freely post articles, does that mean you have free speech? That depends, are you saying anything the secret "powers that be" want suppressed?  If not, then how would you really know?  Are your articles truly propagating widely?  Is anyone listening, even if they do propagate?  If no one is listening they can simply ignore you.  If people are listening and taking you seriously, they'll first try a propaganda ridicule campaign or other discrediting technique.  If their propaganda ridicule does not work, they may then come after you in your home.  Mind control operations, coupled with denials and the abuse of psychiatry, have long been the perfect discrediting and harassment technique in this regard.  If the victims complain, they are ridiculed and called crazy.  They probably cannot just ignore such torture inside their own homes and keep writing the same things as they were before.

If the US would treat its "free" citizens this way, what would stop them from doing anything at all to its prisoners?  The US runs a massive gulag system, incarcerating a percentage of its population that should make it the shame of the world.  Human rights groups routinely denounce torture practices in American prisons, but the US ignores such reports.  Americans seem to be completely desensitized to brutality and human rights abuses.  As long as their TV does not mention it too often and tells them how good and wonderful the US is, they go happily on with their stinking hypocrisy and arrogance.

What follows are some general links related to prison abuses, with a particular focus on mind control abuses against prisoners.  A New York Times article about the recent court ruling is excerpted at the end. In that article it states that the prisoner in question began having mental problems in 1987.  As the following quote indicates, there are strong reasons to believe that prison experiments were being conducted at that time.

Mind Control, By Harry V. Martin and David Caul [*]
Despite the pledge by LEAA's director, Donald E. Santarelli, LEAA ended up funding 537 research projects dealing with behavior modification. There is strong evidence to indicate psychosurgery was still being used in prisons in the 1980's. Immediately after the funding announcement by LEAA, there were 50 psychosurgical operations at Atmore State Prison in Alabama. The inmates became virtual zombies. The operations, according to Dr. Swan of Fisk University, were done on black prisoners who were considered politically active.
Such experiments on prisoners have a long history.  The following article describes, for example, CIA mind control experiments on prisoners in Philadelphia.  Various other tests were also conducted.
Retin-A's Wrinkled Past [*]
In 1974, Senator Sam Ervin headed an investigation into federal behavior modification experiments, particularly those in prisons.  The report actually discusses remote brain monitoring technology that could be applied to prisoners, and could track, observe, and influence them even after their so-called release.  A footnote even mentions computerized systems of this sort.
Extracts from Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification, 1974
The US routinely ignores not only its own Bill of Rights, but also international treaties on human rights.  As the following article states, "The United Nations Committee on Torture cited a variety of ways in which the United States is violating the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment that was ratified in the US on October 21, 1994."
It's Official, It's Torture...So What! by Corey Weinstein, M.D. [*]
Former prisoner Brian Wronge was instructed by a federal judge to have an alleged implant he received in prison removed for study.  He could find no surgeon willing to help him, and even the group Physicians for Human Rights rebuffed him.  According to the following article, many surgeons cited fears of FBI retaliation.
The following article discusses the general situation where medical professionals refuse to help mind control victims.  Not only that, many have actually been co-opted into the system of denial and repression.  Do no harm, indeed.
Won't medical professionals help mind control victims?
Finally, here is an article by David Fratus that appeared on Usenet in 1988.  In it he describes his own allegations of mind control torture and experimentation in Utah State Prison.  I have not talked to him personally, but his letter is quite eloquent and believable.  He describes quite well the attitude of his torturers, which is that he can complain all he wants since no one will listen to him or believe him.
Remote Control Electronic Brain Punishment? [*]
That is the true situation in the United States.


State Can Make Inmate Sane Enough to Execute

By ADAM LIPTAK February 11, 2003

The federal appeals court in St. Louis ruled yesterday that officials in Arkansas can force a prisoner on death row to take antipsychotic medication to make him sane enough to execute. Without the drugs, the prisoner, Charles Laverne Singleton, could not be put to death under a United States Supreme Court decision that prohibits the execution of the insane.  Yesterday's 6-to-5 decision is the first by a federal appeals court to allow such an execution.


Mr. Singleton's mental health began to deteriorate in 1987. He said he believed his prison cell was possessed by demons and that a prison doctor had implanted a device in his ear.


Based on extensive medical evaluations describing Mr. Singleton as psychotic, his lawyers have argued that he is mentally incompetent and thus cannot be executed. Drugs alleviate his symptoms, however, and Judges Wollman and Heaney differed yesterday on whether they rendered Mr.  Singleton sane or merely masked his psychosis.  The Supreme Court has held that prisoners may be forced to take antipsychotic medications in some situations. Prisoners who are forced to take medications to ensure that they are competent to stand trial are entitled to a hearing to consider the medical appropriateness of the treatment, the risk the defendant poses to himself and others, and the drug's effect on the defendant's appearance, testimony and communications with his lawyer. The Supreme Court has not ruled on whether prisoners may be medicated in order to make them competent to be executed.


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