Mind Control in Virginia

This page contains references and links related to mind control in Virginia.  There are a great many military and intelligence organizations and bases in Virginia, including CIA headquarters in Langley and their training base, "The Farm," at Camp Peary near Williamsburg.  This page focuses on the Central Virginia region.

  • Sidney Gottlieb died in March 1999 at the UVA Medical Center.  Here is an article from WorldNetDaily [*] on his death.  Counterpunch also had an article on his death, "CIA's Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher, Assassin & Pimp." [*]

  • A Richmond company, Psychotechnologies Corp., holds the American rights to Russian psycho-correction technology, according to this 1993 Defense Electronics article. [*]  The device was considered for use against David Koresh in the Waco standoff.
  • In a series of closed meeting beginning March 17 in suburban Northern Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow Medical Academy, FBI officials were briefed on the Russian's decade-long research on a computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person's mind without that person being aware of the source of the thought.
  •  The Monroe Institute is located in Faber, Va.  They do research in "Hemi-Sync" audio technology, and hold several patents on the devices.  (This typically involves sending different signals to each ear with an encoded beat pattern.)

  • History has shown that the Army has been involved in nonconsensual experimentation, political surveillance, and mind control.  So a major Army Intelligence center in Charlottesville is worth being aware of.  The National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) is currently located in a building near the Charlottesville downtown mall, but will soon be moving to new headquarters to the north of the city.  Here is an article from The Daily Progress on the new headquarters [*]  Here is a career recruiting page [*] of theirs, with a graphic image.  This is a chapter on the NGIC [*] from a draft of the Army's Strategic, Departmental, and Operational IEW Operations manual, online at the Federation of American Scientists site.  One of their primary missions might be described as spying on foreign scientists.  Here is the main NGIC page at the FAS site.

  • Here are two Insight Magazine articles about the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) in Charlottesville.  The first is titled, "Army of Bias?" [*] and the second is a followup article titled, "'Good Ole Boys' Still Run Spy Shop." [*]  The articles describe racism, harassment, and electronic surveillance directed by an "inside" clique of employees against other employees there.
  • Fontaine since has been told to report to Charlottesville, but he says he'd rather retire at age 60 than go there. "Charlottesville is a dead-end, one-way trip to Jurassic Park," he says. "If you go, you will never come back."


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