Lewis Flynn Montgomery

My name is Lewis Flynn Montgomery. Working as a Security Guard in San Antonio, TX, I thought I was the victim of high tech punks. Little did I know the extent of the atrocity I would face... 

I have been brutalized by EM mind control devices. Starting in January of 1999, in San Antonio, Texas, until the present day, I have been assaulted by electronic devices implanted in my head. Since then I have been used as a human lab rat by some sadistic group. I have been tortured by constant synthetic voices during every waking hour. Radiation has manipulated  my brain to the point of extreme pain and distress. I have experienced loss of sleep due to the devices for as long as a week. Bodily movements such as breathing have been controlled by these devices. These devices have stolen my privacy, memory and individually.
As power increases in the hands of the few, the potential for corruption  increases. The result is this atrocity tortured electronic slavery.  Having access to so much resources, why do dictators do these things? Why are these atrocities occurring? The discrepancy between technology in the hands of those in power and what the public is allowed to have has increased. 

Today, the computer industry can make computer chips the size of a grain of sand. Therefore, the government can make micro machines even smaller. Is this the government at work? It is certainly not our elected officials. Rather it is a group of parasites feeding off the top of the people's work and threatening our democracy.
Anyone may contact me at lfmontgomery@excite.com or lewisfl@excite.com or write me at:

PMB #151
372 Florin Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95831

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