Monument to Mind Control Victims
by Raven1

From Raven1's Web Site (check there for the latest version)

[Rev: Feb 23/97] Maintained by: ... Thanks to all who visit.

This Internet monument is to make known to the public the past and on-going sacrifices made by victims of electronic, drug, chemical, and psychological weapons and tactics, both during testing and actual "black operations", allegedly for the cause of "national security". A large percentage of the victims listed here were or are enrolled in the testing programs involuntarily.

The reader should understand that the "MK" series of covert weapons and tactics testing did NOT stop in the previous two decades, rather, the means by which the testing agencies are able to keep their activity quiet have improved. There are two web sites on the monument below which give more in-depth information.

Once the names list has stablized, actual physical monuments in a number of communities are planned.