MCF Victim: Daniel L. Moore

by Daniel L. Moore

My name is Daniel L. Moore and I am a citizen of the United States and a non-consensual experimentee of electronic surveillance and mind control technology that is being used by the state of Delaware's' Department of Corrections.

In 1997, I was incarcerated in M.P.C.J.F. (Gander Hill Prison), and after having a dispute with Staff Lt. Mike Costello and Warden Sheresse Brewington-Carr I was placed online with a surveillance and mind control system in March of 1997, and am still being subjected to its use despite being seperated from the DOC since January 1999.

I was told by some guards that I had been selected to be their test subject and that there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

Subliminals were used on other inmates and staff to get them to say things of a personal nature in order to provoke me to respond in a violent manner to cause me to be locked down on administration segregation to remove me from the general population.

Guards spread lies and rumors to the inmates and others in an attempt to cause them to not take me seriously about what was actually occuring.

I was made a mental health patient by the DOC to discredit me and the mental health department went along with them despite never having done an evaluation.

On one occasion nurses named Gloria and Andrew attempted to persuade me to allow them to inject me with Prolixin but I refused and as a result I was assaulted by three guards (CO Battle, Ryder and J. Jackson), while 4 other guards watched.

A few of the effects that I experienced were: choking sensations, pain on bones and teeth, bubbles moving on genitals, amplified heartbeat, artifically induced diarrhea, artifically induced tinnitus, unnatural gas expulsions, gritty substance thrown on face in eyes and head, laser use (heat, burns, cutting feelings), false dreams, hair like object brushing face, stings on head and body (emphasis on genitals), wet feelings on body and clothing, biting sensations on body, feeling of being castrated, genitals being squeezed and jerked, drilling sensations on head and teeth, object forced up rectum, forced eyes blinking, muscles twitching uncontrollably, sounds (bells, chains, voices, etc.) smells varying from sweet to nauseous, forced erections, pressure on eyesockets and eardrums, vibrations on head and beams of light.

I became aware that others could hear my thoughts when comments were made about my prayers, Bible study, phone conversations and legal work. I was told that I was praying to the wrong God and would receive no assistance and that the Bible was nothing but a fairy tale. The prison ministers, Reverend Joe Kadtke and Charles Joulwan, even made fun of me and said that I was the Man of God but of my constant prayer and Bible reading to make light of my situation.

The operators projected images of my deceased Mother engaged in deviate acts of sex as well as other family members having sex to mess with my mind. My prayers were answered when I overturned my sentence in July 1998, with a Pro Se Rule 61 Motion (Post Conviction Relief), but the Attorney Generals Office had a contract attorney appointed (Joseph Gabay), to order a psychiatric evaluation to delay my release on bail because of my refusal to be quiet about what was happening to me.

I had my evaluation in November 1998 and the Doctors' determined that I was not insane which enabled me to disqualify my attorney by confronting him at a hearing and obtaining Pro Se status which allowed me to obtain my freedom in January 1999.

Since being released the operators have not ceased any of their monitoring of me and continue to broadcast their voices and other sounds into my head and other areas of wherever I am at.

It appears that through the use of their equipment that I am able to send my thoughts through my television to whoever is on camera of live broadcasts. I have to endure comments of a personal nature from total strangers as well as snickers and laughter due to the use of subliminals when I am in their vicinity.

The operators have stated that they want me incarcerated to restrict my ability to communicate with others about my plight but God is with me because they cannot control my actions through incarceration. I had no idea of what was being used on me until Bonnie Kerness of the American Friends Service Committee told me to contact Harlan Girard of the International Committee On Offensive Microwave Weapons.

In 1998, while I was incarcerated Mayor Jim Sills of Wilmington, Delaware had one of his complaint officers (Lawrence Bracy), to contact Gail Stallings-Minor of the DOC about my allegations and she lied and told him that the DOC did not have equipment capable of doing what I said was being done.

Since my release I have gotten several guards to admit that what I said was being done had actually did occur.

Mayor Sills, was attempting to have me to speak with Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. M.L.King III, after one of his re-election campaigns but neither of them made it to Wilmington from Baltimore and were detained by Kweisi Mfume who I had gotten to come to Delaware in May of 1998, but who refused to assist after meeting with Gov. Tom Carper and declaring that Carper was a good man.

I ask that all who read my story to pray for me because I am engaged in a war in Delaware and I need all of the prayers that I can receive to strengthen me.

I know that there is strength in prayers because I was set free when there was not suppose to be any way other than a miracle to do so.

My addresses are:
Daniel Moore,
9 Terminal Avenue,
New Castle, De. 19720-1424
Thank you for your time and God Bless.

Daniel Moore

received 2-9-2002

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