Mr. Abuse

Chronological Order of Events

The things I’m about to tell you are not pretty, they deal with sexuality and misbehavior, do not read it if you don’t think you can take it. I’ve tried to make amends to all of the victims that I could. But if you want to hear a story about what the government can do read on or is that Rock On.

Things that were wrong with me – besides being an alcoholic I like to expose my self out the window at a neighbor that seemed to watch. It was not always like that but it got bad at times and I believe I’m totally guilty that action and it’s the main reason these people started doing this, I believe. I often wish I was just arrested for it. It seems that smoking pot and caffeine where main contributors to my actions. I’m certainly not proud of these actions and as you read further, things get worse, but there is some question as to the cause of the worse things.

  1. June 1991 – They arrived. (They claim my employers hired them to help me)
  2. July 1991 – Pain in abdomen after drinking
  3. July 1991 – Stopped drinking
  4. September 1991 – Started taking lithium for BI Polar disorder.
  5. September 1991 – Stopped drinking Coke – for some reason
  6. September 1991-1992 - Felt like I could not tackle any problems, I was devoid of enthusiasm, I felt somewhat flat emotionally. (This probably was to help me remain sober)
  7. October 1991 – I started throwing up when I brushed my teeth – This lasted a couple of weeks. I believe this to be part of the treatment. guilt – Purging
  8. October 1991 – Overwhelming urge to stop smoking started – I started shaking and feeling sick when I smoked. Tried to stop smoking but failed.
  9. Jan 1992 – Still clean / Tried to stop smoking, this time I was successful – I stayed a non-smoker for several years.
  10. Sept 92 – Off probation for DWI , started smoking pot again. Strange feeling of being unable to tackle projects faded away.
  11. Oct 92 - Strange dreams started occurring that I was going to jail. It’s hard for me to tell what they were exactly about. Behavior modification continued or started around this time. Certain things like giving my wife money, started to bug me. I became quite adept at paying the bills on time, I believe some of the dreams were about this. I realize that I had a humming noise in my ear. My wife started flipping out over my smoking pot, she became extremely paranoid. She kept saying that we were going to lose the kids.
  12. Jan 93 – March 93 I started to become extremely paranoid that my wife was having an affair. She spends a lot of time at a friend’s house. Later on I was told that she had with these people, more on that later. I believe they made me aware of this. But it all ended up OK at the time. (She has never told me). From some of the things that they have done, they may have manipulated this whole situation. There seems to be more to this than just treating my many additions. I believe my wife was manipulated into not telling me about the affair. It seems that somebody burned into her brain that if she had an affair that I would take the kids and split, unreasonably so. Seeing that I had an alcohol history there was probably no chance of that, Strange.
  13. April 93 – Aug 93 Started looking for a new house to live in. Things were some what quite and I built RC cars and got into Car Audio. Something strange happened one night while I was reading a car audio magazine. I felt like the right frontal lobe needed something to do, so I told it to gather and analyze information. There’s more to this later. The humming in my ear stopped. Several other strange things happened, I started to feel the need to have sex with someone else and that I was getting to old, so I’d better hurry up.
  14. Aug 93 – We finally found a house, for some reason we had trouble, financially we had cleaned up our credit (These people aren’t all bad, but how they do is horribly wrong). The house was rented to us the same day we looked at it (like we were setup to move here). Guess what a police officer rented it to us. He said no drugs. I still smoked pot but hid it from my wife since she seemed to have some type manipulation going on.
  15. Aug 93 – May 94 - Not a whole happened during this time, my wife threatened to leave my because I smoked pot. She had the car packed and everything. I tried looking out the window again, but the neighbors would not participate, at least I don’t think they did (This was WRONG!), they never seemed to hold it against me though, I was lucky.
  16. June 94 – I stopped taking lithium, I passed up an avenue of advancement several years back when I felt lethargic and blamed lithium for that. As it turns out later that it was not the lithium but these people rearranged my mind to make it easier for me to stop drinking. This could have contributed to what happened over the next few months. My wife stopped yelling at me about smoking pot, strange.
  17. Nov 94 – Jun 95 I did something bad, I touched a girl while she was sleeping. This continued on until on until June 95. I’m not sure what went on during this period, but I kept on doing bad things (Horrible Things).
  18. June 95 – I did some Crank, (This is what they were waiting for) I saw different lights shining into our house. I was somewhat paranoid, I kept having dreams that a camera what somewhere in the house watching me, some type of memory implant. Well I stayed awake for 3 days paranoid. Funny that I did some of the same Crank a few days earlier and had no ill affects. While I was paranoid I discovered some wires running from the living room to the bedroom. My wife quickly said lets go for a ride. I noticed that the car had spider like things attached to the speaker grill and what looked like some sort of transmitter between the seats. We went to the library and stopped at the gas station, she said she had to make a phone call ( I suspect she was letting them know I was out of the house, so they could remove the equipment, remember I was paranoid or she was seeing if they were ready for me at the library). We went to the library and I saw somebody I thought was in jail for sexual abuse, along with several detectives and the prosecuting attorney, this was a small town. Later on I learned that this was probably my trial according to these people. I ended up going to the hospital for several days, when I got there I confessed all the bad things that I had done to my wife. A funny thing that my landlord a police officer tried to warn me, he said what was I going to do, live in the building that I had started a car audio business. (More on this later)
  19. When I got out of the hospital, I went to the police and made a full confession to the things that I had done. They did not arrest me! I believe they thought I was not guilty, its possible that these people made me worse (because I didn’t stop smoking pot) and the police knew it. Several things that popped into my head before I moved into the new house suggest that there may have been manipulation there. Something kept popping into my head that said they could not wait any longer, I guess for me to stop smoking pot. The whole episode seems strange, almost a blur. I believe I was completely setup for this. Later these people said I was only half guilty, but have yet to get a straight answer out of them. The police’s reaction, considering they legally were suppose to arrest me also leads me to believe I was not guilty. My landlord never kicked me out of the house after this either, you know he knew of the police report. These people claim that they were trying to help me! I wonder.

    After this happened I highly suspected that I was drugged. Every morning I woke up believing it was a hallucination, but later after looking over the facts I believed that I was drugged. This went on for about 2 weeks and I realized my mind was being manipulated. This is when I realized for sure that somebody was fucking with me, with technology that should not exist. Frankly I could not believe it. How could somebody do this, I started thinking back and realized they had been around for sometime.

  20. June 95 – Oct 95, I was so depressed that I continued to do crank off and on. They did not like and drugged me just about every time I did some Crank. They could not do a very good job though, I guess its hard to counteract the affects of it. It seemed like yellow sticky stuff would get on my skin, some sort of speed that made me paranoid, it could have been just for show though. How they got it on me I’m not sure, but now suspect my wife was doing it. They gave up on trying to make me think they did not exist. They would send messages over the scanner for me. I started taking lithium, but did not believe I needed it and then stopped taking it. By the way I continued to smoke pot during this time. Something funny happened to me during the period when I did the bad things-Just a little bit pot seemed to get me high. (another clue to believe that I had been manipulated). Took some pictures of underneath my house, some drawings showed up on the film that you could not see with the naked eye, strange.
  21. Oct 95 – April 96 Crank use continued and I did another bad thing (I think), Someone erased it from my mind so I can’t tell if its real for sure or not. Why would they erase something bad I did from my mind. Unless they were guilty. This was the last really bad thing I did.
  22. May 97 is when all hell broke loose - Both me and my wife woke up with pinched nerves in our necks. After that new awful things started happening. When I did crank, they would wait until it starting wearing off and then drug me, paranoid. I started taking mass ibuprofen to counteract the affects. This went on for several months. I believe they installed implants in my body in May or better stuff than they had – THIS WAS WAR!!! They kept on trying the sticky stuff also.
  23. April 96 I was at worked and I had a horrible feeling that something was wrong at home. So I rushed home to find my wife in bed with a friend (doing it!). Later these people said they manipulated the situation. You would not believe the trouble they caused (ASS HOLES). My wife tried to kill herself! I guess it is war. I wonder if these were new people that arrived in May? Of course they let me know that I needed to come home, so they could torture me and my wife. Where are they getting the resources to do 24 hour surveillance. I keep thinking they are going to give up. My landlord had to know about this stuff, yet he did not kick us out! People were always following me around especially when they made paranoid. During all this I somehow managed to maintain reasonably. I was not going to give them the satisfaction of driving me crazy.
  24. April 96 – Sept 96 They kept doing it so I kept doing crank. People at work got involved in this drugging thing. I came to work one day to find a hole drilled in the wall and fresh wood clippings on my computer. Nobody said anything, later in the day little white specs of dust started coming out of the holes. I promptly put tape over them. Several other employees walked by and pointed out the hole and the tape ( They knew). These dust particles seem to make a person paranoid, but I think they were for show. At some point they started using air guns to shoot this drug at me. I started wearing protective clothing to protect my self. One day I got the drift that my boss was going to ship me off to a mental hospital (They may have been feeling guilty about hiring these people in the first place, if that’s what happened). Finally I decided to move from Washington to Oregon. I told my parents that I was in trouble and they helped. While we were moving someone shot a drug at me with some type rifle, it made a loud noise and I got a bit bruise on my arm. This drug was different than what they had been doing before, it almost killed me. (Ass Holes). We finally got everything packed and my wife was driving the car and I was driving the U-Haul. She was a couple of car lengths ahead me and when I came around the bend I saw her car in the ditch. Several other cars were already there. I wonder were all these people came from. I suspect my wife was supposed to run off the road there. I was able to drive the car out of the ditch. One of the nicely dress (ASS-HOLES) said he could not believe I got the car out of the ditch. I guess they didn’t want me to leave! The wife acted extremely strange after this.
  25. Sept 96 – Jan 97 Things were mellow for a couple of weeks after I moved Oregon. I was hoping they were gone, no such luck. I stopped doing crank, but still smoked pot. They would make my muscles hurt in specific spots when I smoked pot. I tried shocking the spots with 120 Volts and it seems to get rid of the pain. HAHA-assholes. It'’ not nice to shock yourself with 120 Volts. I saw several people following me around and keeping an eye on me. They did not seem to hide themselves, they did not in Washington either. In both locations people flipped me the bird. One day in November I woke up to numb mouth, my teeth were cleaned and all the cavities I had were gone. My sister, a dental assistant said they looked like new fillings to here. I was sick a lot during this time, it seems I was being prepared for the treatment.
  26. Jan 97 - The treatment - I had stopped smoking pot and got the drift somehow that they wanted me to take lithium. I went to the doctor and got a prescription for lithium. One night my wife started talking in her sleep so I started asking questions, thinking that she knew about this. I asked who they were and she said they were the police and you can’t fuck with the police. She also if I did not do what they said, she and the kid’s would end up back in Washington. I guess I was tired of fighting and what my wife said. I started feeling sick, they wanted to treat me for the bad things I had done. I was up for several weeks straight, no or little sleep, feeling the different things that a victim feels (not that I did not already know). How they could make a person experience all the feelings that I felt is beyond me. Then they moved into a different phase. It seemed they were trying to adjust my sexual settings in my brain. They told me not to have sex, but I did and told them to get there head out of there asses. I would usually talk to them in the bathroom. That probably was a mistake, but what the HELL. Payment for my comment came later. They have made considerable mistakes since the onset of this, I don’t believe that my comment was out of place. There’s more on that later. During this time I believe they were able to read my thoughts. I’m not sure how they do it.
  27. March 97 – The Psychotic Dream – Pay backs are bitch, well- for several weeks I went to jail in my brain, visually and mentally. They sunk something into the top of my head and it hurt like a sun of a bitch for several days. The first day they did it they gave me the impression that I had to go home from work early, I did. I got the impression that they also sunk wires into my brain. Also it seemed that they used some sort of laser device to actually write a program into my brain that interfaced to the outside world. My ear started to buzz again. They would put the wires or whatever they were in at knight and my brain would just wack out and it hurt a horrifying experience. Take every bad emotion that you have and lump it all together, it’s worse than that. Then they started writing pictures into my brain. I could feel something moving around. I believe they were writing them into the visual cortex. How they can do something like this is beyond me. They could do animation also. They would use some psychedelic drugs to increase the brightness, like a hit mild acid. Later the images would fade but remain present. This crap went on for several months. One of the worse things they did was to shrink my penis about 2 inches. I researched this and found there is a medical procedure that can extend the penis, it seems they did the reverse of that procedure, pulled it up inside me. Later they restored it slowly to its normal size. One morning I went to the bathroom and there was a red mark on my penis that Said PISS. Toward the end of this, they made me think that I had AI’s in my brain, (probably true from what I’ve seen (I’m a computer expert, CNE). Then they let me think they were invisible and that they were going to take me and my wife someplace (like another planet). Well my wife finally called the police and they took me to the hospital. I stayed a week. I can’t Wright all the things that they did to me during this time. They made me see bars over my right eye for several months, they said this was were the sexual center was, so they put it in jail. During this they said I needed to take the lithium and xypresa put a nurse in my brain to remind me. They also said I could take some pills that reduce sexual drive but I did not have to. During this time they said I had a brain anomaly, they said it was a feed back loop, where the sexual drive just keeps increasing. I think they are correct, but it only seems to happen when I smoke pot.
  28. April 97– June 97 I continued to take zypresa and when I forgot they punished me. Zypresa made me feel sluggish all the time. They decided they wanted me to stop smoking so they started torturing me every time I smoked a cigarette. They did everything from making me physically ill to sore muscles. Every morning they would wake me up and bug me, more torture. I finally stopped smoking for a couple of weeks and they made me shake so bad that I started again. I think they did that on purpose because they wanted to torture me longer.
  29. June 97 – Jan 98 Things were fairly mellow during this time, they still woke me up in the morning. The y still bugged me about smoking.
  30. Jan 98–Aug 98 Renewed campaign to get me to stop smoking. They have not told me why they want me to stop smoking, but at this point I believe its something to do with the brain anomaly. Later on I find out differently, sort of. There making it hard to do my job.
  31. Aug 98 – They are trying to tell me why they want me to stop smoking, in order to fix the brain anomaly the need to change nerve output settings that are underneath my scrotum near the anus. How they can manipulate these things on a cellular level is beyond me. But they are, I can feel when they are doing it and there’s a definite change in sexual feeling. It seems from what they’ve showed me they can manipulate almost all aspect sexual feeling, sensitivity etc.. At this time they seem to want to explain things to me but they are sort of asinine about their approach. For instance they seem to burn the nerve making my testicles hurt like hell. Then there was no sensation at all down there. (Bummer). They eventually fixed it, when they were making the modification they did not use any pain killer and it felt like sharp needle poking me. It seems that whatever nerve modifications they want to make are sensitive to nicotine. I don’t think this is necessary. Most if not all my bad behavior, has come about because of drug use! I keep telling them that but they don’t listen. When they completed what they wanted to do I actually had more sexual feeling in the penis. I thought this quite strange, but they said that was the way it was. Side affects from this procedure are lack of motivation, feeling confident and will power and who knows what else. I will not let them do it! They already have, but need to keep modifying what they have done as I smoke cigarettes.
  32. Sept 98 – Jan 99 I quit my job and got on unemployment. They started bugging me about going back to my previous employer that they claimed hired them for $100,000, I’ve said that is ridicules. No one can wield this kind of technology and continue for this period of time for that kind of money. If they have the ability to read a persons mind then they could certainly make millions. They claim they want to tell me what is going on and they try to manipulate me into believing a bunch of crap. Its hard to fight there manipulation but I’ve found a way. I always say that I cannot confirm nor deny anything they put in my head. It works fairly well if I see it coming. They have started making my feet tingle for yes and no answer. This seemed sort of cool at first, but nothing they say seems to add up – there hiding something or things. After several weeks of my feet telling yes/no about everything I’ve determined this is just a form of torture. Believe me it is! I sent an email back to my former employers saying that these people did something to hurt them. I got some rather strange reply’s. From an empty email, to tell me all about it. Then 3rd email said we miss you, I have copies of these. They also decided they were going to teach me about denial during this phase. That was a mistake, I kept pointing out that they were in denial, because of how they were doing this. Besides that they decided to teach me the basic principles of behavior. This went along with denial. Then they proceeded to drive me nuts about a couple that were friends of ours. I asked this lady if they were interested in swapping (couples) sometime. They said yes, these people said that if I did not stop smoking that they would not allow it. I believe they manipulated the other couple into not wanting to do it. That’s what they claim. Shit just keeps happening to me. Hell I tried to stop smoking!
  33. Feb 99 – March 99 Finally got a job – a good one, they have said that this modification to me is not really necessary on several occasions, at one point they said I was borderline. I’ve tried to go back to Washington to get some statements, they don’t like it. They kept me awake all night when I arrived bugging me.


I’m now writing my story, its not pretty. I’ve done some bad things. I’m not sure of my guilt during the middle they may have tried to make me worse to bring up my bottom. Especially since they had been trying to get me to stop smoking pot for several years. It seems that several images were implanted in my mind before I moved to the police officers house in Washington. I believe that they did this! When I moved to Oregon several things had been erased from my mind. The name of a victim for instance, I have reason to believe that these are different people. The people here said that the people in Washington did not tell them everything and there’s evidence to support that. I’m not sure if the people in Washington were trying to protect me or themselves from the people in Oregon. I just want this to stop! I believe there are detectable devices installed in me. They still wake me up in the morning usually by making my legs hurt, but sometimes by making me paranoid (A horrible way to start the day) I’ve tried to make amends to all of the victims that I could.

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