National Legal Professional Associates

National Legal Professional Associates
Case Analysis and Research Division
7 Mariners Cove
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Fax (513) 247-9580
Telephone (513) 247-0082


To: All Interested Counsel and Their Clients
Fr: National Legal Professional Associates
Dt: July 11, 1996
Re: Mind Control, Radio-implants, CIA Tracking Chips

Secretly the reality of a totally controlled society has been in place. While we were looking at political control, the technological mechanisms for a Big Brother state are beng installed, secretly in the hope no one will notice.

NLPA's information comes from clients that are claiming and have proven, (by BOP X-Rays) that brain control implants and tracking devices are being used by international police and U.S. Government agencies for data surveillance, known as biomedical telemetry, mind control, optical electronic surveillance and brain-computer interaction.

The properties of this technology enable the monitoring of mental functions, thoughts, deeds and associated cerebral neurophysiological changes as well as the manipulation of behavior, values and personality from limitless geographical distances.

These implantations take place "in unwitting patients" during hospital operations and in patients at psychiatric clinics. In Sweden, elderly persons are implanted when "taken into long term care" and in persons taken into police custody or in prison.

Because of this problem, National Legal Professional Associates has been actively involved in the battle to overturn the case of U.S. v. Lambros, 65 F3d 698 (8th Cir. 1995), in which NLPA assisted counsel on direct appeal and were successful in overturning his statutory life sentence. Lambros was tortured and forced implanted in Brazil while awaiting extradition to the United States.

Since our initial January 18, 1996, Memorandum, NLPA is pleased to inform our clients that U.S. Senator Jesse Helms from North Carolina and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee has contacted the proper authorities of the Bureau of Prisons as to Lambros' torture and forced implantation in Brazil while awaiting extradition to the United States. Also a renown British researcher with a long history in investigating implanted humans has written NLPA as to his files, x-rays, medical testimony by various independent sources and actual implants recovered from the victims.

NLPA is still gathering information for its database on individuals that have been implanted with tracking devices, radio implants or have been subjected to mind control technology. If you are interested in obtaining further information concering this matter, you may review the Web site that has been established for Lambros.
America On Line:

If you have information concerning this type of activity or believe that it may relate to your case, please contact NLPA.

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