Nico Ntumba

This account has an update of 4-98 containing xrays of brain implants,
and documents from the mental health dept.and the CIA.
See also Nico Ntumba's web site Xenophobic Persecution in the UK,
the letter from the International Network Against Mind Control to John Major on behalf of Nico,
and the Lobster Article about him.

Ten Years of Persecution by British Security Services

Here in London, everybody knows about what happened to me (see: My life for the last 10 years is daily harassment by neighbours, people in the street during set up situation to humiliate me, BBC TV and radios, right-wing press and independent TV and radios are both helping the security services to persecute me ...

Crime I have committed: the security services advised the former Premier Minister Margaret Thatcher to decide the death penalty for me because they believed (without evidence) that I was a agent provocateur working for China. In fact, I was doing my import-export business in 1988 and I had no idea that I was followed daily, my mail and telephone intercepted. So they set up a evil situation. A young black wrote to a newspaper pretending to be my girl friend with intention to marry me, but the she's worried about my ... activities. From there the snowball ... MI5 moved in as any body else ... character assassination ... isolate me from family and people who could provide me with emotional, mental and physical support. I was and I am still fighting on my own against all people. They are turning people against me ... So Thatcher decided that my punishment would be death penalty. But when they realized that I was an agent provocateur only in their imagination ... big blunder ... Thatcher has to resign as Premier Minister. This is the hidden shame that they don't want the world to know.

My persecution is still going on and on without any sign of ending because there's a omerta here in Britain not to tell the truth about what happened. Please if one of you media (CNN, Washington Post, New York Times ...) publish an article about my situation here in Britain, I'll appreciate very much to get a copy. This is my campaign. They are ignoring me and being also black ....

They installed surveillance devices in my neighbours' flat who helped them also break into my flat when I am not in. They are also using remote surveillance and mind control equipment to make me sleep, put suggestions into my mind, torture me mentally. They are advising the neighbours to harass me. If I go out and I try to socialize with people, and especially a woman, I'll see a group of 3 or 4 men coming and suddenly, they try to take the woman away and after that she become abusive to me ....


During the last 10 years, I have never seen such persecution. It's their vengeance because of their blunder. The security services, especially here in Britain are paranoid of subversion, communism. Etc.

First, they are used to follow me wherever I go; then they come back behind my back to denigrate me using threats if necessary for the individual to turn against me. The aim is to isolate me so that I stay prisoner in my own own without any emotional or moral support. I have no female or male friends. Sometimes they set up a situation using a woman who pretends to fall in love with me and then afterwards she starts abusing, humiliating and shaming me in public. Men are more likely to try to fool me in public. Since 1988, here in London I have no girl friend or a male friend to hang out with or rely on. People to phone to lift up when I am down.

If I move into a new flat, they send normally a young "couple" with a small child to spend the week end (Saturday afternoon up to Sunday morning). Their agents would install all the surveillance devices and bugs. They try to advise all people in my neighbourhood to play the "new game". Suddenly you'll see all people start teasing you. First, it's flattering, and then it's becoming nasty and insulting. I am a black and when you see young black persons insulting you because it's a new game by MI5 .... Disgusting! And Withdrawal from people and ... isolation.

Trying to go out, normally you'll see 3 or 4 people coming to stay near you and start making jokes only to humiliate you. It's cowardice as they know well that there's nothing you can do about it. I have been locked up in mental institutions and they can frame you again.

Mind Control is when I'd like to go to bed. There's many nights that I am unable to sleep. MI5 disrupt my nights. They also use remote control surveillance to harass me. I can wake in the middle of the night and I heard the horn of a car outside. It's like there are security guards outside you home in the night. One of my next door neighbours puts her light on at 3 or 4 am if I am going to my toilet. People are sharing my inner most thoughts, feelings. It's an unacceptable invasion of my privacy. There are times when people seem to react to my thinking.

I am an IT professional and normally I have no problems finding work. If I am offered a job interview, they just come to tell the management that I am a security risk and I shouldn't work. People have to obey MI5 orders including cabinet ministers. I know personally my Member of Parliament who is powerless to help. She knows my sufferings, but there's nothing she can do about it. I have to pay debts, organize the life, but no work ... She was targeted by MI5 in the early 1980s and she won a case against them in the European Court of Human Rights. Otherwise she could have been considered a security risk ... so no government job.

Briefly, I am cut off from all people, no friends or family around. I am not able to get work, to be in a relationship with the opposite sex. They turn all people against me in order to isolate me. After that, because I am alone on my own, no where to go, they start the intolerable pressure, humiliation and abuses. Their intention is for me to kill myself. Suicide. Vengeance. That's it.

For the moment, I am going around seeking support and help from all alternative groups. Lobster published my story in 1992, but all mainstream media just ignored me.

I am keeping on fighting to get something of a normal life, but it's difficult. I would like to call a specialist security firm to check my flat for bugs and other surveillance devices. And also about Mind Control, I don't know what to do.

10 years of this deadly situation ... Every body is involved ... Help me publish my story in America.



Nico Ntumba Update

Xrays of Implants
Mental Health Document
CIA Reply

From INMC - International
Network against Mind Control 

XRAY 1 Picture on the left
Recently we received some X-ray pictures of Mr. N'Tumba and our medical experts in Stockholm have examined those of his skull and can confirm that a transmitter has been implanted in his left nostril. Furthermore, it can be seen that electrodes placed in the occipital lobe are blocking the blood flow behind their delimitation where the oxygen depletion is caused and this is seen as well in his frontal brain just above the implanted transmitter. Among the changes caused by the frequencies affecting his brain the reduced oxygen levels have induced an alteration of neurological functions, impaired cognitive abilities including that of memory. Moreover he has obviously been anaesthetised without his knowledge so that this implantation could be performed.
Picture on the right
This is the referred X-ray picture of Mr. N'Tumba's occipital lobe and electrodes can clearly be seen blocking the blood flow behind their delimitation.

The X-ray examination was performed at Brook Hospital Main, September 16, 1992. [London-Greenwich]



(DECISION FORM S75(2) - Conditionally Discharged Patient


South Thames  REGION


  1. NAME OF PATIENT:  Nico Kasaba N'Tumba
    5A County Grove
    London SE59LG

    Decision of the Mental Health Review Tribunal dated 20th August 1993
  5. DECISION OF THE TRIBUNAL:  [a is selected, b, c, and d are struck out.]
    1. The restriction order or restriction direction to which the patient is subject shall cease to have effect and the patient is therefore ABSOLUTELY DISCHARGED.
    2. The patient be not absolutely discharged and shall remain subject to the existing conditions as shown at (4) above.
    3. The patient be not absolutely discharged but the conditions to which the patient is subject are varied in the following respect(s), namely:
    4. The following additional condition(s) is/are imposed.

    1. The patient has been living independently in the community since November 1993 following his conditional discharge by a Mental Health Review Tribunal on 20th Aug 1993.
    2. He has been symptom free since then and has been co-operative with both social and psychiatric supervision and compliant with medication.
    3. The Tribunal is satisfied that arrangements will be made to continue social and psychiatric supervision on a voluntary basis after his discharge from restrictions, and also that he is to be placed on the supervision register. The Tribunal is therefore satisfied that it is no longer necessary for the patient to remain liable to be recalled to hospital for further treatment.
  7. Signed:  (President) HIS HONOUR JUDGE PALMER  [signature]
    Date:  10th October 1997


20 AUG 1992

FROM: Information and Privacy Coordinator [signature or initials]


Ms. Kasaba Ntumba
94 Benares Road
London  SE181HT

RE:  T92-0314

Dear Ms. Ntumba:

Your request for documents indexed to your name in our records systems has been received.

The Privacy Act requires Federal agencies to ensure that improper disclosure of personally identifiable information on an individual will not be made and provides criminal penalties if such a disclosure should occur. Therefore, CIA Privacy Regulations, Title 32 C.F.R. section 1901.13, set forth the following requirements:

An individual seeking access to or notification of the existence of records about himself shall provide in the letter of request his full name, address, date and place of birth together with a notarized statement swearing to or affirming his identity... In the case of an individual who is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, said individual shall provide... his or her alien registration number.


Open Letter Written to
British Premier John Major
International Network Against Mind Control
on Behalf of Nico Ntumba

Stockholm October 1992

Prime Minister
John Major
British Government
London SW1A 0AA

Dear Sir,

Our international network of researchers has for several years been engaged in investigations into mind control and its widespread utilisation around the world and we have become aware of several victims in Great Britain; reports received from exploited individuals refer to mental hospitals, police authorities and prisons as among the state institutions involved in the implantation’s of transmitters, electrodes and radio-transmitters crystals in the people. The use of mind control is such a grave encroachment on civil liberties that, if allowed to develop further, it will threaten the freedom and integrity of all. Along with environment problems, this is one of the most urgent issues to address if we are to ensure a more secure future.


Just what happened to Mr Ntumba, he described himself in a letter to us: " concerning the brain transmitter in my head, it has been performing without my knowledge or consent…What’s very outrageous is that I am sharing all my vision, thoughts, images, hearings.etc with people around me as the security services are engaging in a large scale propaganda drive to smear my character, background, emotions and motives…I have no privacy at all… I am not a spy, I am not a criminal, and I am not a terrorist. Being an innocent victim of MI5…my persecution started in June 1988".

What is more, there’s no reason to suspect the validity of what he writes; we are overburdened with letters such as this one from USA, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, New Zealand inter alia and our investigations in Sweden reveal a terrifying reality where the mental services, police authorities and hospitals implant radio-transmitting devices in people’s heads and brains. This reality is exposed by a vast amount of X-ray material to be a chilling and gloomy vision of the future, stage-managed for decades by the security forces in collaboration with medical and psychiatrist institutions who together have created a secret power which transcends law and order and which is beyond intrusive public control.

Brain – computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s during which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects. The System has at different times been called Intra Cerebral Mind Control, ESB, Electronic Stimulation of Brain, Biological Radio communications or Bio-medical telemetry and in both the eastern and western worlds is the prevailing system of mind control, creating unlimited possibilities to influence and charge an individual ‘s behaviour patterns and personality. By means of two-way radio communication, called telemetric or remote control, an electromagnetic wave can be sent on a return trip to a receiver/ transmitter located under the skull or in the brain; this signal records the activity of the brain and returns it to a computer for analysing from which aspects of the subjects life can be exposed. Radio transmitters crystals which when injected into the bloodstream fasten themselves to the brain have under development for decades. They work on the same principles as a normal transmitter; use the same technology and contain the same possibilities.

To analyse an EEG in a computer instead of a conventional printer provides an entirely fresh perspective on the conclusions, which can be drawn and gives a whole new perspective on what can be concluded. Cognitive manifestations and activity such as thoughts and visual impressions or emotional, behaviour and psychological reactions can continually be registered, making it possible for the secret police authorities, medical scientists and the state to observe an individual in a deeper and more comprehensive way than the individual could possibly do to him or herself. Through analysis and manipulation by the computer, it is even possible for changes in an individual’s physical mental status to be affected. The potential of intracerabral remote control is limited only by the imagination of the investigator, especially when it is remembered that, since these frequencies travel at the speed of light, the system of control is not constraint by matters of range.

Concerning the case of Mr Ntumba, it is obvious that there is simply no justification for implanting the mind transmitter, whether for police surveillance or psychiatric research. We feel, furthermore, that this is yet another example of human rights violation as defined under CSCE 1080-83 Madrid conference and as embodied in the Final Act of Helsinki. We also wish to note that such activities are also in contravention of several agreements, endorsed by Great Britain, within the United Nations system, including in particular the International Bill of Human Rights and articles 3, 4, 5 and 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The use of mind control techniques has in fact fostered a new relationship between state and citizen, in which many human rights, as prescribed in the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are violated; in particular we turn to Article 3 which states that all people gave the right to life, liberty and integrity. This is clearly violated by such experimentation in mind control, and the very subjection of an individual’s brain to medical research, behaviour modification experiments and mind control is in contravention of Article 4 which decrees that no one shall be held in slavery or servitude. Explicitly violated is Article 5, which states that " No one shall b3e subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Nor shall anyone without their approval be utilised for medical or scientific experiments ". Finally, since such mind control techniques transmit an individual’s privacy to the state, Article 12, which defends the rights of privacy against arbitrary intereference, also ceases to be valid.

X - R A Y P I C T U R E expected soon

 Recently we received some X-ray pictures of Mr Ntumba and our medical experts in Stockholm have examined those of his skull and can confirm that a transmitter has been implanted in his left nostril. Furthermore, it can be seen that the electrodes placed in the occipital lobe are blocking the bloodflow behind their delimitation were oxygen depletion is caused and this is seen as well in his frontal brain just above the implanted transmitter. Among the changes caused by the frequencies affecting his brain the reduced oxygen levels have induced an alteration of neurological functions, impaired cognitive abilities including that of memory. Moreover he has obviously been anaesthetised without his knowledge so that this implantation could be performed.

By the 1970’s, Samuel Chavkin, the American newspaper publisher whose papers had a medical inclination and who was highly aware of social trends, was writing, " telemetric for the surveillance of every citizen is on the drawing board…mind control techniques could become standard equipment for government, penal and police institutions in the near future". Further aspects of this technology have come to light from researchers such as J.M Delgado who writes in his book," Physical Control of the Mind ": " by electric stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radio command, hostility may appear or disappear, social hierarchy can be modified, sexual behaviour may be charged, and memory, emotions and the thinking process may be influenced by mind control…

Transmitters have no batteries, are Actived by radio and can be used for life ". The popular scientist Carl Sagan wrote in " The Dragons of Eden" that he saw the possibility to implant brain electrodes as a strong argument against state control of the health services stating, " people who would allow their government to use electrodes have already lost the battle…when it comes to technology nightmares it is imperative that we see the possibilities so that people can understand them and prevent their abuse by institution, bureaucrats and governments ".

Naturally there are many possible ways to evaluate the issue but it is not difficult to see the direct implications for individual freedoms: those which give a right for a person to live his or her own life, to choose his or her thoughts and opinions, decided his or her own destiny. The question is whether our right to these remain intact or if our neurological functions should be recorded and submitted to the control of the state with its predetermined political intentions and psychiatrist computer programmes which transform us into robots. During mind control, people are forced to become the victims of researchers’ experiments and the life that was always the individual’s is encroached upon by medical science and the state. This technique can recreate people, change their behaviour and values, as well as their characters, opportunities and fates. It is the inner and most important freedom which is threatened, that which during the history of mankind, has been obviously and naturally valued more highly than suffrage and the temporary political system under which we live.


We are at a crossroads where the choices relating to human freedoms are either confined behind electronic barbed-wire fence or growth like an exquisite blossom flourishing out its own biological depths.

We would greatly appreciate a statement regarding your views concerning this issue, and we urgently press you for all possible assistance, which you can give to Mr Ntumba.

Yours faithfully

Lennart Lindqvist
International Secretary

Encl. X-ray picture

INMC……..Box 136 …11479 Stockholm…Sweden…Fax +46-8-668 6066

X - R A Y PICTURE expected soon

This is the referred X-ray picture of Mr N’Tumba’s occipital lobe and electrodes can clearly be seen blocking the bloodflow behind their delimitation.

The X-ray examination was performed at Brook Hospital (Greenwich, London), September 16th, 1992

Lobster Magazine Report

Lobster 24, Winter 1992-93; p14 (6)


There is also the International Network Against Mind Control (INMC), Box 123, 11479 Stockholm, Sweden. They have taken up the case of British resident, Kasaba Ntumba, who is one of a growing group of people who claim to have transmitters / receivers inserted in their heads. In Mr Ntumba's case INMC have circulated what they say are photographs of X-rays of Mr Ntumba's skull which appear to show ... something, anyway. I had no medical knowledge, nor any way of knowing if these photographs are genuine or not. Since Mr Ntumba lives near London and is desperate to get journalists to X-ray his skull and see for themselves, my guess is they are. I will be happy to forward letters to Mr Ntumba. The idea of implanting an electronic device in somebody's head initially seems extraordinary. But a moment's reflection on what we know has been done already -- MK ultra, ECT, lobotomy et al -- shows that this is just one more step down the road. If the scientists can do it, they will do it. And Jose Delgado showed that it probably could be done.

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