William Peck

September 3, 1997
From William Peck   wmjoepeck@hotmail.com
Fax number  (216) 257-8036

My name is William Peck. I had served in the United States Air Force as a B-52 nuclear bomber crew chief during my enlistment between 1981 and 1983.

Months after my discharge, as a civilian, all of my wisdom teeth were extracted at a V.A. hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio per arrangements initiated at Blytheville, A.F.B.. A S. A. C. Base in Blythville Ark.. The molars did not need to be removed. The doctor giving the discharge physical informed myself that "it looks like they will need to be removed in the near future and you could save yourself alot of money if you let the military take them out."

Fifteen years later I now have evidence from a dental Panorex x-ray that three miniature ovals were placed on and near my right hamulus bone immediately next to the wisdom tooth extracted (located on the roof of the mouth).

My father had been recruited by the OSS now D.I.A. and C.I.A. during his service with the Army between 1941 and 1945. Five months after his controversial death in a Cleveland, Ohio V.A. hospital he was labeled as a violent alcoholic in false psychiatric records illegally substantiated on my behalf. My father did not drink alcohol.

I am the youngest of nine children. My two eldest brothers, Dan and Greg, together had been heavily involved with the distribution of narcotics. Dan had disappeared seventeen years ago never to be heard from again after being set up by narcotics agents.

Through extensive research on Info-Trak I have knowledge that their drug supply was obtained from C.I.A. protected drug routes in Florida. Greg in the past had volunteered for government experimentation into L.S.D. Greg had continued to sell drugs two years after Dan's disappearance.

I had obtained drugs from Greg and resold them. I had worked for Greg's communications company, two years after I had purchased a home I was blackmailed by Greg to enter into a rehab treatment where the first false psychiatric records were initiated. I was informed it was for my drug consumption from the drugs purchased from Greg.

Although simultaneous involuntary intervention for sexual addiction was occurring. Following the illegal psych. Records and the prior seven years my life has been destroyed by involuntary psychotherapy and behavioral modification and it's standard operable methods of harassment and tamperings to possessions and careers combined with besetting occurrences with government agencies and authorities.

Through research I have discovered the tactics used in my intervention identical to psychic driving and harassment techniques developed by the OSS. Family friends and individuals within communities were duped to participate. Many if not all are unaware of the accumulated abuses directed towards myself.

I had lost my home and have spent years living on the streets even while working diligently. I have also been physically harmed by manipulative psychotherapy.

Fraudulent activities by police, courts and motor vehicle agencies thwarted a truck driving career on two occasions in the past seven years. Work performed in lieu of driving is currently responsible for various skeletal injuries.

The tactics of the therapy were parallel to high tech mind control. I have had many identical experiences as people claiming to be subjected to high tech mind control.

I have drafted a 46 page outline with documents, records and photos and x-rays verifying and giving greater detail to concerns. I am not being over emotional or melodramatic when I state that "I would have rather gone through the most violent rape and murder twenty times over than to have gone through what I have been through and I do not have a visible scratch on myself."

To date I have had no support from family or authorities in addressing my concerns or assistance in reversing the illegal and false psychiatric documents substantiated by tamperings that began while working at my brothers communications company. From the very beginning I had tried to inform and seek assistance from the appropriate authorities, primarily in the Cleveland, Ohio area.

The most reliable means to communicate with myself is a fax number of (216)-257-8036.

I hope and pray that help will soon come by appropriate avenues of a judicial system gifting a country in which the most important principal is freedom and one that I have proudly served. Moreover to cease being a victim of the system on a local, state and federal level.

While false, illegal records are maintained and secured on my behalf in any capacity, there is a clear and present danger of unlawful interference of the most precious gift of all. The basic human right of human spirit to choose so long as it is not in violation of others. Thank you for time reviewing and addressing my concerns.


William E. Peck

P.S. I will personally submit a report validating concerns expressed to Senator Glenn, Dewine and Congressman Latourette's district offices

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