Robert Pollack

Mr. Robert Pollack
PO Box 14503
Younity Unit
Lexington, Kentucky   40512-4503

For the past nine years I have been the unwilling subject in an American Government fostered mind control and transference experiment for purposes unknown. I have been subjected to daily doses of mental and physical pain and anguish, through mental stimuli via electromagnetic implants.

My personal beliefs and convictions and resolve have been eroded, and my personal relationship with God has been held up to daily assaults and verbal degradation.

Through repetitive and abusive programs designed to undermine my self-worth, my masculinity, my emotional stability, I have been forced to listen to pseudo-testimonials of alleged raped victims where I was the alleged perpetrator, and a host of other allegations to include, but not be limited to, incest, sodomy, multiple counts of murder, and mayhem, and child molestation.

These verbal assaults are made possible through an implant in the auditory canal and are transmitted directly to the brain through the auditory nerve center, with the result being a very positive and yet faint voice.

If you couple this verbal assault with a physical stimuli of ones private parts the resulting condition can be one of mild agitation to severe embarrassment and emotional distress for the past three thousand days and nights.

I have not had even ten seconds of privacy. Think about it -- if you were listening to a radio station and instead of music you began to hear a narrative of a communistic nature you might be prompted to change the channel or shut off the radio entirely. You would be exercising your right not to be subjected to such trash. This is a right that I have been denied for the past seventy two thousand hours plus.

My very personal and precious memories have been stolen never to return unchanged and pristine. All of my fondest memories of my children have been tainted and stained by the unwanted and unfounded accusations of child abuse. Coupled with physical stimuli they have all been destroyed. I've been robbed.

Go ahead, try and put a price on your most cherished memories if you can?

The common rights of humanity and civil liberties which we all take for granted have been ripped from my grasp and my soul has been found neglected. Twenty four hours a day for the past one hundred and ten months I not only have been denied these rights, but I have had my sub-conscious mind kidnaped and transferred to what I've been told is a sub-humanoid hundreds of times.

Prior to this and through mind transference I was placed in control of a primate's body and then subjected to psychological tests and trials to test my cognitive ability, anger, fear, patience, and empathy. Through a preset scenario which might involve me being burnt, beaten, chased, drowned, run over, and being used for target practice by alleged San Mateo Sheriff Deputies who emptied their 9 millimeter pistols into me while I was in a body cast I have also had to bear witness to some of the most sick and bizarre forms of sexual perversion and acts of bestiality.

And I have been privy to a number of things which I believe to be military facilities, medical and psychiatric detention facilities of a highly secretive nature. I believe these to be a group of subterranean security sites in the Arizona desert, and to compound my misery and pain I have to undergo this treatment while being kept incommunicado and in one prison or another.

And as for my request for help in restoring my rights -- I have been labeled and stigmatized and ostracized by my peers. With my immediate supervisors I have been totally honest and forthright and trusting and my pain has been compounded by my being diagnosed as a paranoid delusional with Venus dementia.

Not for one minute did these people even consider giving me the benefit of the doubt until it could be proven one way or the other.

So, God willing, I'll persevere and try to keep going on and try to put the perpetrators of this heinous crime against humanity where they belong, in prison. I have found nothing but neglect and indifference towards my plight.

So it might be ironic that you might be next. What makes you immune? This may seem like Star Wars technology to you but it's everyday reality for me.

So I'll go on and deal with these abuses for as long as I can and then I'll stop taking them the only way I know how.

To this I am dedicating myself because this kind of life is fit for no man.

Robert Pollock
Younity Unit
Lexington, Kentucky

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