MCF - Victims:  Norman Rabin

Norman Rabin's Press Release

August[-Nov.] 1994, by Norman Rabin


U.S.A. Human Rights Violation - U.S. Intelligence Lawlessly Holds
Innocent Citizen, Norman Rabin, "Satellite-Hostage" For Over 48 Months 

1986 Reagan/shcharansky Treason Deal, and Aug. 2, 1990 El-al/Kuwait War-Synchronization, Still Disgracefully Censored in Violation of Original Intent of U.S. Constitution, and With Disregard for American Free-Electoral Process

(!!! Help Free Cold-war Signals-Assaults Records, and Request Accountability!!)

(It's Time for the Freest of Elections, Based upon Knowledge of Our Government.)


For 48 months, Norman Carl Rabin has been held satellite hostage by U.S. Intelligence. U.S. Intelligence perpetrate monitoring, and assault, via multiple satellites, and a biofrequency-model of the human body. Mr. Rabin has been subjected, day and night, to: [non-minimally-]assaultive thought-monitoring; assaultive full-body monitoring; tracking; voice assault; biofrequency assaults (torments, harassments, designed-tortures); mind-control assault; and debilitation. During his sleep, since late Dec. 1990, Mr. Rabin has been assaulted by artificial dreams, having visual-contents, and voice-contents.

Please Help Stop This Dehumanizing, Cruel and Unusual, and Kidnapping (Life-stealing) Type Crime.

Mr. Rabin has been seriously assaulted by satellites in 1986, 1987, 1989, and 1990, and, as a satellite hostage, in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994.

Mr. Rabin was a software engineer at OCG Technology Inc., of Farmingdale, N.Y., from Sept. 1984 to Dec. 1987.

After Mr. Rabin had innocently read the founding (biomathematics) Ph.D. dissertation of OCG Technology, around New Year's 1986, he was assaulted by U.S. Defense Dept. satellite operations. Then, from Jan. 5/6-Feb. 2, 1986, C.I.A. satellite operations conducted a "mania assault" plot, using signals-assaults, to please the Soviets to free Soviet Jewish dissident prisoner A.B. Shcharansky (a mathematician). After Mr. Rabin was hospitalized, at about 1 A.M. Feb. 2, 1986, for "mania", for his first-ever psychiatric-hospitalization, the Reagan Administration, on Feb. 2, 1986, announced that Mr. Shcharansky would soon be freed from the U.S.S.R.

Mr. Shcharansky was freed n Feb. 11, 1986, 5 years earlier than the 1991 expiration of his 13-year prison and work-camp sentence (declared 7/14/78).

The 1986 U.S./U.S.S.R. Treason-Agreement, which freed Mr. Shcharansky, presumably stipulated: that Mr. Rabin would take lithium[-carbonate] or other medication; and, that Mr. Rabin would not enjoy some of his full liberty, for some stipulated number of years.

Satellite mania assaults, in Jan.-March 1986, Aug. 1987, and March 1989, caused Mr. Rabin: 2,+1,+1 hospitalizations; and 0,+1,+1 job losses. From Feb. 1988 - April 1989, Mr. Rabin was employed as a senior software engineer at Nav-Com/Magnavox, of Deer Park, N.Y. Also, satellite assault during Mr. Rabin's employment, late 9/89,-10/89, as a senior programmer analyst, at Chemical Bank (95 Wall Street, N.Y., N.Y.), caused a job loss.

Satellites assaulted Mr. Rabin during 2 attempted withdrawals from manic-depressive medications, in mid-late Dec. 1989, and Feb.-early March 1990, each time causing Mr. Rabin to resort to psychiatric hospitalization.

Mr. Rabin successfully withdrew from psychiatric medications 4/90-6/90.

However, from May 1990 - Oct. 14, 1990, Mr. Rabin was 'under satellites'. In July ((13-14)?), 1990, U.S. Intelligence informed Iraq that Mr. Rabin was their "SYMBOL of Soviet Jewry" and/or their "SYMBOL of human rights abuse" and that he would soon be flying to Israel. Iraq chose to invade Kuwait on the U.S. given date of Aug. 2, 1990, during Mr. Rabin's (2-weeks-prescheduled) El-Al Airlines Aug. 1-2, 1990 flight, New York to Israel. Satellite(s) did assault Mr. Rabin in Israel. On Aug. 17, 1990, Mr. Rabin returned to New York, where he was again 'under satellites' in the U.S.A.

Up to Oct. 15, 1990, Mr. Rabin did not realize that U.S. Intelligence had targeted his life. However, that morning, biofrequency voice transmissions, clearly understandable as such, were transmitted to Mr. Rabin's unequipmented head. By Oct. 17, 1990, Mr. Rabin understood that he was a victim of U.S. Intelligence since 1986, as the result of his having read the founding Ph.D. dissertation of OCG Technology.

Since Oct. 15, 1990, Mr. Rabin has been a satellite hostage of U.S. Intelligence. As the result of satellite-assault, Mr. Rabin has extreme thyroid suppression, and minor brain-damage. Norman Carl Rabin, a Duke University 1983 graduate, is a citizen of Elmont, Town of Hempstead, Nassau County, New York.

Starting June 4, 1991, Mr. Rabin's complaints to the U.S. Justice Dept. have alleged: a 1986 Reagan/Shcharansky Treason Deal; an Aug. 2, 1990 El-Al/Kuwait War Synchronization; and, satellite assaults since 1986.

!!!!! Fellow Citizens - Please Help Stop this Lawless Federal Crime !!!!!

!!!!! Help Free Norman Rabin From Being Held Satellite Hostage !!!

Please Freely Copy this Press-Release, and show to others (including to citizens in other U.S. states).

Thank you for all you can do!!

Additional Information

Request Positive Gov't:

1. World Human-Rights Presence on a Global Network of Passive-Satellites watching for BioSignals (i.e., Against Subversion of Persons.

2. BioMedical Progress - Neurology!, & Psychology!

3. Clear All Wrongly-Accused (though truth monitoring)!

4. "Signals-Quiet"[-hours], occasionally, for Citizens!

Original intent, concerning the Right of Freedom of the Press:

"The last right we shall mention, regards the freedom of the press. The importance of this consists, besides the advancement of truth, science, morality, and arts in general, in its diffusion of liberal sentiments on the administration of Government, its ready communication of thoughts between subjects, and its consequential promotion of union among them, whereby oppressive officers are shamed or intimidated, into more honourable and just modes of conducting affairs." -- from "Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789", Worthington C. Ford, ed. (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1904), vol. 1, p. 108, letter from the Continental Congress to the inhabitants of Quebec.

Actions of our Government in 1994:

Jan. 6, 1994 - As covered on page A12, New York Times, Jan. 10, 1994, Senator John Glenn, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, called for "a governmentwide review of all testing programs, from .. to military tests at the Defense Department, to determine if any improper experiments on humans persist to this day." Jan. 25, 1994 - The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee held a Public Open Hearing on "Radiation Experimentation, and Other Human Experimentation". Norman Rabin attended, and submitted his 1-page TESTIMONY.

Feb. 17, 1994 - President Clinton issued a Memorandum which called for a "Review[ing] of Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects", citing (Code of Federal Regulations section) 45 C.F.R. 46, and 56 Federal Register 28003 (June 18, 1991). The "Review[ing] ..." was to have ensured that "there is informed consent", and that "the rights and welfare of the subjects are maintaind".

June 30, 1994 - President Clinton signed the Independent Counsel Law, which permits the Attorney General, for the first time, to investigate wrongdoing by members of Congress.


With reference to the Ames case, Mr. Rabin wrote the following to: Senator Moynihan (on March 7, 1994); and, to Senator D'Amato (on April 11, 1994):

"This same Truth-Monitoring technology [which has been used upon Mr. Rabin] can also be applied to the National SEcrecy Communities, of the United States, to secure, with virtual 100% certainty, that members of such communities are not spying against the United States. It is Dishonest Fraud to assert that the United States has been 'overcome' by foreign spying efforts, hidden within its Securable Sensitive Areas, past at least about Oct. 1990. The U.S. Intelligence community bears its own responsibility for Negligence, in light of existing technology, if unrealized Spying has indeed occurred after about (or before) Oct. 1990."


Norman Carl Rabin filed Petition for Writ of Certiorari, from the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, in U.S. Supreme Court. (Docketed May 9, 1994, as Petition No. 93-1988; "Reformatted, With Errata" on May 27, '94.) [Denied 10/3/94 - Injustice?]

Attempted: "Emergency Application for a Preliminary Injunction, and for Process as a Crime Victim" (filed July 19, 1994, as Application 94-041). [Denied 8/24/94]


There are at least a few other "satellite prisoners". Please Help! (Innocent citizens are being targeted - please Help!)


Testimony of Norman Carl Rabin

U.S. Citizen from birth

To be submitted to a Public Open Meeting of the U.S. Senate Governmental Affairs Committee

[Testimony was submitted, in person, on Jan. 25, 1994]

Tuesday, January 25, 1994.

I, Norman Rabin, have written Senator Glenn a 6-page letter dated Jan. 18, 1994, concerning my being subjected to unconsented-to satellite-based U.S. experimentation.

Since Oct. 15, 1990, I have been a satellite-hostage of U.S. Intelligence. Since Nov. 1990, US.S Intelligence, and associates, have illegally held me a satellite-hostage of a biofrequency-model of the human body. I have been subjected to: full body monitoring, thought monitoring, tracking, and voice transmissions; and biofrequency assaults.

Starting during Nov. and Dec. 1990, some U.S. experimentation, using satellite monitoring, apparently was conducted upon me.

On Dec. 20, 1990, at a (regular) Jewish Singles Vollyball event, as I wore a custom made tee-shirt which read: "Warning: I'm Being Tortured by an Illegal U.S. Experiment", a male, attending that night's volleyball event, wearing a U.S. Army type cap, and acting as an apparent U.S. Government Source, informed me:

"[he had] an uncle in H.U.D.";
"[he had] secured papers in multiple places", and "knew how to do it and did it" [i.e., he had secured papers];
"2-year Project";
"Swiss Scientists";
"[Its] like a Stress Test";
"Don't worry about money .. [you'll be paid] [a number of] hundreds of thousands of dollars"

On Dec. 21, 1990, I sent 8-pages to each of 11 Senators (Glenn, Bentsen, Gore, Dole, Bradley, Moynihan, D'Amato, Sanford, Helms, Nunn, and Fowler): "Fact Sheet - on CIA Coverup", and containg my plea: "Stop This Evil Experiment Immediately!!"

By now, my 11 numbered complaints to the U.S. Justice Department have described that I, Norman RAbin, am a Victim of Treason, of a Jewish-Shcharansky-for-Jewish-Rabin Deal. The Reagan Administration secured the Feb. 11, 1986 release of Prominent Soviet Jewish Dissident Anatoly B. Shcharansky, apparently by offering, to the U.S.S.R., to target my life over some number of years. U.S. Intelligence devised the Deal after I innocently read a work-related paper over New Year's Eve 1986.

I was seriously assaulted by satellite(s) during 1986, 1987, 1989, and 1990. On Aug. 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait during my Aug. 1-2, 1990 El-Al flight to Israel, after U.S. Intelligence gave Iraq that date. Since Oct. 1990, I have been seriously assaulted as a satellite hostage.

As I have attempted to publicize, U.S. Intelligence has, using satellites, murdered over 101+ persons 'around' me. Most, but notably not all, of such murders have occurred since Nov.-Dec. 1990.

Even though I met Attorney General Janet Reno in person (on April 25, 1993), and shook hands with President Clinton (on Sept. 26, 1993), and have, Pro Se, filed Complaint CV93-3681 (now Appeal 936370) in U.S. Federal Court, I am Today still subjected to a Cruel and Unusual Crime Ongoing.


[signature, on Testimony, appeared here]

Note: Incomplete; more will be added.

To contact Norman Rabin, send him a message via Don't have an address for him..If anyone knows please ask him to send me contact information.

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