Rick & Tina

My Wife & I have been victims of E.L.F. & or microwave harassment, since 1996, only coming to understand how this tpe of harassment was being done, with your help & the M.C.F web site along with having a back ground in electronics myself, which I'm embarrassed to say, being in denial of the what should have been obvious to me right away.

I at first thought or contributed the bumping & bonging noises that seemed to be coming at first from inside my head to blood pressure medication I need to take, but when it got to be sounds like some one slammed or banged the side of our house, and even to the point that I would get up and look out the back door, or side door for some sort of evidence of what or who made that noise. At this time! my wife would not be able to her these types of noise that I would be hearing, (referring to the bonging & bumping or drumming type of noise) she would say its a helicopter hovering over the house or circling, reason being we have had a lot of harassment from low flying helicopters, planes over our home since Nov, 1993.

I have video tapped mainly helicopters flying over our home at all hours of day & night most of the time in the early morning hours, between 12:00am & 7:00am, many times flying so low as to rattle the house, at times shining their search light in our backyard or in through our back window!!! Oh I Know who ever is reading this is wondering were they also Black or military helicopters? the answer is {"YES FOR BOTH"}. Once while our in the backyard I caught one approaching over our house and as soon as the pilot seen the camera he made a sharp turn to his left and flue away.

Getting back to the onset of the E.L.F harassment, it started only a couple of weeks after a young couple moved in to rent the house right next door us in late 1996, we noticed that they moved in a lot of what looked to be electronic equipment. We also noticed that the winter cover over the basement window was never removed for the summer, were any other year the owner would have always removed it. Along with the E.L.F harassment we'd also be overtly harassed, with unnecessary raving of cars in the lane way, slamming of their doors of the vehicles and house, dogs barking, hammering on an old vehicle that didn't run, all of this during the day and night. I called the police complaining about their dogs barking, and if it wasn't for me having video taped proof of the length and amount of times the dogs barked the people next door would not have been told to get rid of their dogs. Shortly after the dog issue the people renting next door moved out in late 1997. After the people next door moved out the E.L.F harassment stopped, but would when the landlord would come to one would think to check the house and property for a day or two we'd be harassed by E.L.F again, on till the next time he'd be hear to checkup on the his house, every month or so. It was very obvious where the E.L.F harassment was coming from.

The following spring of May, 1998; an other couple moved in after buying the house next door at least that what we were told, and within two weeks the E.L.F harassment & again the overt harassment started continuously, this time they increased the E.L.F harassment to the degree that it would vibrate the walls, bed & furniture in our house predominately the side of the house facing the house next door of the people whom just moved in again. Along with the vibe vibrating as mentioned above, my wife and I have been subjected to chest pains at night after being woken by E.L.F noise, at times it felt like our own bodies would vibrating lasting for hours at a time. I have like some other victims that I've read about, recorded the E.L.F noises. there must be use of microwave technology here to obtain these results, right now there is this very low humming vibrating type of sound that is vibrating my computer keyboard periodically.

What to do, I've called the R.C.M.P about the matter, they were good enough to listen to what I was trying to tell them only to tell me that it was not in their mandate to look into the matter. The O.P.P said there was nothing they could do either. Big problem as soon as you call even your local Smiths Falls Police Force about any of this harassment, either the harassers leave before the police arrive or the E.L.F is turned off before your off the phone.Well that's the just of it for the most part, may be adding more to this letter in the future if we find out or hear of any new developments concerning this type of Highly Illegal Harassment.

Please feel free to contact me:
E-mail address is wwsn@recorder.ca
Thank you From Rick &.Tina.

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