S193 - Letters Needed

S193 is the Human Research Subject Protections Act of 1997, U.S. Sen. John Glenn's bill.

Victim Pat Mougey writes:

Please send letters on the above subject [S193] to the following Subcommitee:

Subcommittee on Public Health & Safety
c/o Majority Staff Director
422 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510-6300

This subcommittee is part of the Senate Labor and Human Resource Committee to whom Bill S.193, Senator Glenn's bill, was referred.

Serving on that committee are:

  Jeff Bingaman   New Mexico
  Tom Harkin   Iowa
  Edward M. Kennedy     Massachusetts  
  Barbara A. Mikulshi     Maryland
  Jack Reed   Rhode Island

  Dan Coats   Indiana
  Susan Collins   Maine
  Mike DeWine   Ohio
  Michael Enzi   Wyoming  
  Bill Frist   Tennessee  
  James M. Jeffords  


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