Sharon Shea's
Letter to Boutros Gahli,
United Nations Secretary General

The Letter
Call For Others to Write the Secretary General

The Letter

Sharon Shea
47 St. Francis Lane
San Rafael, CA  94901

The Honorable Secretary General
Boutros B. Gahli
United Nations
New York, N.Y.

September 2, 1996

Honorable Secretary General,

I am petitioning the international community to come to the aid of a large group of international victims. I am one of many citizens of a free democratic society that has had their human rights flagrantly violated. Rights that are guaranteed by both their governments' laws and by the International Covenant. I am a victim of radio frequency bio-telemetry, electromagnetic radiation, electrical stimulation of the brain, and telemetry brain thought implantation via satellite.I have researched and collected many pages of substantiating articles, books, and research papers from sources such as University Professors of Biology, Bx-National Security Agents, Retired Military Psychiatrists, Journalists, and fellow victims' biographies, all attesting to the existence and abuse of this technology. I have sent three letters to I.A.C.H.R. and a large certified parcel similar to this one I am sending you in April of 1995. Please request that they forward the package on to you. I have spent thousands of dollars and untold hours of work trying to gain a satisfactory response from anyone in the U.S. Government and your organization's special sub-committee I.A.C.H.R You will see by the evidence I sent them and the additional information I am sending to you that there is no advocacy for any of the victims anywhere. The court system has indeed been exhausted in an attempt to try those responsible, (copies of many court cases all the way up to the Supreme Court of the U.S. were included in my mailing to I.A.C.H.R. and I include in this package several more.) Find also enclosed hundreds of letters I have collected from fellow victims along with inadequate replies if one was received at all.. I have purchased electronic equipment to record the radio frequency, and microwave signals directed at my person. The resulting list of most frequently transmitted signals was sent to the Federal Cornmunications Commission, Satellite branch, Washington D.C. in two fax letters, followed by three more certified letters to the same office requesting information on the source of the signals enclosed. All of these signature confirmed certified letters were ignored, even after requesting the information through the Freedom of Information Act and emphasizing their importance as evidence of a Federal crime. The nature of this technology lends to completely clandestine operation of equipment targeting individuals remotely via satellite or local transmitter tower. The letters and replies from fellow victims have also all been ignored or directed to another branch of the government who in turn ignores or denies any knowledge of the technology. The F.C.C. most certainly has evidence of the major oil companies and large public corporations' involvement with this life-shattering, psychologically damaging "non-lethal weaponry". I have purchased the F.C.C. data base concerning these frequencies through a company who supplies this "public information "to those businesses or hobbyists who desire to have all of this information available on their computer PerCon Corporation New York.) The F.C.C. had written to me that this information was not available at all ( see enclosed reply signed by Harold Ng May 8,1995.) The signals that I am receiving are traceable to transmission sources at several Oil Companies, General Motors, Power companies, and many other business names that have no telephone access, many appear to be deliberately comical fictitious names. These companies also share many of the same identical transmission signals, signals I am receiving and recording in my home, evidently transmitting between their businesses. (see frequency allocation and signal information sheets sent to I.A.C.H.R. highlighted.) I am convinced that some of my country's biggest financial magnates involved with a group called the Illuminati are directly involved in harassing, torturing and often driving victims to suicide or acts of violence with emotional, mental and physical torture induced by hypnosis and brain-washing techniques delivered remotely by this sophisticated equipment. They are scapegoating the U.S. Military and intelligence agencies, blatantly stating that it is indeed government agencies that are responsible for the torture of the victims to many of us victims that hear the signals in auditory capacities. (See copy of Cornell University Professor Allen Frey's work on computerized electromagnetic auditory transmissions to the deaf) I was told by the voices I perceive intercranially that they were the CIA.and the F.B.I. I have also heard other victims claim U.F.O. or extraterrestrial responsibility for their torture. This seems a highly unlikely diversionary tactic of the government. I am not convinced that all the Governmental Agencies are completely uninvolved with this atrocity, but it seems they are trapped by the possession of this equipment for National Security use, while the select financial "big boys" enjoy complete amnesty and unlimited power as they act totally above the law. They are using, and abusing the creative minds of free citizens for their financial advantage while they "play God" with an individual's belief system and destiny. I am enclosing a brief synopsis of the events that involved me in this horrible crime that has been sent to all branches of my government. I implore you to investigate these allegations. There are too many licenced radio signal allocations shared amongst the super powerful, and too many of these businesses have set up transmitters in every town that I have lived in since birth, and too many signals with these identical frequencies logged from my radio frequency analyzer in my home and surrounding areas. The mathematical law of probability, makes the possibility of all of this being coincidental zero. Please take a few minutes to scan the frequency numbers transmitted in towns of my residence, nearby towns and nearby hillsides of: Glendale, CA., Indio, CA, Ojai, CA, Chico, CA, Grand Island,NB., Rohnert Park, CA, Santa Rosa, CA, Aurora, CO, San Rafael, CA, and their counties Riverside county, CA Ventura county, CA, Butte County, CA Sonoma County, CA, Mann County CA Also note information from several public corporations known to be controlled by multi-billionaires. The home towns of my iinmediate maternal family members are also involved with many of the exact same signals and businesses involved. I have all the documentation to prove this also. This could not be another impossible coincidence.

I am a mother of two young children ages seven and eleven, and my ability to raise my children in the most effective manner has been sabotaged by the extreme behavior problems that are a result of emotional responsive centers in the brain being stimulated remotely by E.S.B.

(I.A.C.H.R. received applicable excerpts from Professor Jose Delgado's. book "Physical Control of the Brain.") I have witnesses that will attest to the complete change in personality that I have experienced, and now my children appear to be suffering from the same all encompassing negative changes.

My search for information about this technology was severely hampered by a direct attempt to suppress and sabotage freedom of the press. I have found almost all the information that has led me any fruittul conclusions has been supplied by other victims, disabled by their own experiences. They have managed through years of effort to network amongst themselves, passing helptul information and literature to each other. Without this help I would have given up all hope and committed suicide. I have had very limited success in attaining signatures from librarians and bookstore managers attesting to the fact that only a extremely few books are available or in print on these subjects: mind control, electrical stimulation of the brain, remote hypnotism, brainwashing techniques of International Security Agencies, Prison system "control methods", the CIA's involvement with remote mind-control equipment, Experimentation on citizens by government paid psychiatrists, Big Business' involvement in the formation of the CIA and the passing of the U.S. National Security Act immediately after World War 11, Three U.S. oil companies involvement with Adolph Hitler's national mind-control program, Nicola Tesla's scientific inventions notebook contents, the effects of ritual abuse (in this case remote-hypnotically induced) on the human psyche and spirit, Cult involvement with mind-control experimentation, the physical effects and dangers of ionizing and non-ionizing microwave radiation on the human organism, the source of the "big boys" billions in income other than public corporations, Power company involvement with the big boys' access to microwave and electrical transmissions, Technical Electronic Information on an at least 50 year old technology, and so-called Non-lethal weaponry. Please review the few signed booklists I have enclosed to confirm this as well. The Marin County, CA library list includes a fourteen library branch search. I made up a list of the most informative books that were no longer in print on these subjects for confirmation at bookstores, and found them to be suddenly re-published by small desk-top publishers, or private computer publishers, by the time I was able to attain a signature. I was successful in getting confirmation on the shorter list of books at an earlier date. When I researched and made up the second longer list, of these books I found that these new small publishers were listed on the bookstores' nationally compiled computer list of books-in-print, the original publishers were not (see applicable information sent to I.A.C.H.R. bookstore and library questionnaires I affidavits.) I was unable to obtain signatures on my second list of unavailable books at my county library system, that I was trying to obtain as more evidence of a "cover-up". I had received a signature on a shorter list on Jan. 3, 1995, by Marin County Librarian Mrs. Karin Emerson (Civic Center Branch), yet she was unwilling to do so when I returned in early March 1995, with a new and longer list. Mrs. Barbara Hughes (head librarian Novato Branch) was willing to check on the availability of these books, in the fourteen library computer linked system. She spent quite some time making notations and checking all avenues to availability. When I returned for my list she was unwilling to put her signature on this publicly accessible information as a unbias witness (library list sent to I.A.C.H.R. April 8, 1995 note Mrs. Hughes' notations, in her distinct handwriting.) I received this same unhelptul response from four other county librarians. All can be verified by inquiry. I have enclosed an extensive Bibliography containing 38 pages of condensed booklists all pertaining to mind control technology. Very few of these books can be purchased, or found in public libraries.

I have experienced personally directed harassment effecting almost all the computer systems I am required to use in every day life. I am going to attempt to attain signatures from bank representatives and witnesses to the financial and mental hardships this has caused. I have mountains of evidence of electromagnetic tampering with my personal computer. This makes every letter I write and every document I file an impossibly frustrating and time-consuming experience. I often had to send unsatisfactory or unprofessional looking letters to government officials and others. The preparing of this letter has been no exception.

I have experienced a nightmarish condition known as total global amnesia, last July 2, 1994. I had absolutely no recollection of the preceding three days. They were erased completely from my extremely reliable memory. I had lost ten pounds and my mind was dull. I telephoned the local Police Department immediately and an officer James Strong visited me and advised me to make a police report and obtain medical testing for possible forced drugging. The police report was filed within two days with my suspicions outlined for the police. I am obtaining an affidavit from officer Strong, to confirm this to the best of his recollection. The Police report document has disappeared from the Police computer files. Memory erasure syndrome is caused by extreme physical or mental trauma, or can be induced by an hypnotherapist by forceful brainwashing techniques. Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory and Electronic Stimulation of the Brain make amnesia easily induced upon any person when a trained technician knows how to use a sophisticated bio-telemetry system and hypnosis (see page titled New Delhi, 1991 I.A.C.H.R. package.) Books on hypnosis and brainwashing techniques that deal with this subject are close to impossible to find also. The Book excerpt enclosed called "The Illuminati Formula used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, explains the procedure in extreme detail. It also names many names of Illuminati members that some victims have retrieved.

I have experienced an uncanny amount of resistance and mistreatment from the medical professionals available to me. Legal aids and public servants have been unwilling to help and unwilling to sign an affidavit containing public information. Psychiatric help has proven to worsen my symptoms, by the mis-prescribing of Haldol, Trilifon, Asendin and Wellbutrin all anti-psychotic neuroleptic drugs, or of that effect (see pages copied from Dr. Peter Breggin's book "Toxic Psychiatry" I.A.C.H.R. package.) I discovered in my research a little too late, that these drugs are mysteriously prescribed to claimed victims almost without exception (See Julienne McKinney's information included in this mailing). Neuroleptic drugs are tranquilizing, can stupefy and deepen trance conditions. A disaster for those being abused by Radio Intercerebral Hypnotic Control. My condition improved when a family member suggested an anti-depressant, and my psychiatrist was convinced to let me try this medication after repeated requests (Zoloft). I see a psychiatrist solely for depression medication therapy and my new "perceptual disturbances " associated with this technology's abuse with my insurance plan (Kaiser Permanente.) The other attending physicians (neurology, ENT, and others) have refused to give me turther assistance past one initial test, even after I explained the nature of this invisible technology and the extremely unusual and hard to detect symptomology. I enclosed a letter added to my medical file by the Neurologist who ordered an E.E.G. after my unexplained amnesia attack in my I.A.C.H.R. mailing.This physician retused to answer my repeated requests for an additional x-ray (to search for an extremely small micro-chip transmitter or crystal filing) She was unexplainably convinced that I was psychotic even though I had no symptoms other than perception of sounds and voices intercranially. This is a normal response to modulated electromagnetic energy at the proper frequencies, which I am receiving. (See journal of frequencies logged on my radio frequency analyzer, Dr. Frey's paper, and paper titled Bio- Medical Telemetry Mind-Control. Again in my I.A.C.H.R. mailing over one year ago.) I gave all these physicians ample scientific information to discount such an unthourough diagnosis. I also received strong resistance from my Hypnotherapist who refused to treat me unless I signed a contract relieving her of all responsibility should a lawsuit of any kind ensue (see I.A.C.H.R. copy of contract I was required to sign after seven sessions at a high cost with this Hypnotherapist.) This problem of resistance is shared by all of the victims I have contacted. Again a coincidence of this magnitude is mathematically impossible, and this group mailing should supply evidence thereof I can only conclude that the individuals controlling this equipment are able to influence the thoughts and reactions of those persons the "victims" need for assistance as well. The more knowledge I attained on the perpetrators of this atrocity, the more resistance I experienced from those who could assist me. The response of these individuals was a stark contrast to the way I have been treated by professionals and public servants before the sudden onset of my symptomology in October 1993. My family will attest to this. The motives of the perpetrators are obvious here.

I believe that the violation of my International Human Rights is quite obvious. The International Covenant Article 7 states... "no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation". This mis-treatment violates the fourth, fifth and eighth ammendments for non-consensual experimentations as well.

The Convention Against Torture and other Cruel Inhuman, or Degrading treatment or Punishment was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly on 10 December 1984. It obliges states to make torture a punishable offense and provides for the extradition of torturers and the compensation of victims.

The Declaration of Geneva binds physicians of the World Medical Association to an equivalent of the Hippocratic oath stating in part that they will maintain the utmost respect for human life from its beginnings, even under threat, and will not use their medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.

The Declaration of Tokyo, World Medical Association 1975, states in one of it's six articles that a doctor shall not condone, or participate in the practice of torture or other forms of inhuman or degrading procedures, whatever the offense of which the victim of such procedures is suspected, accused or guilty, and whatever the victim's beliefs or motives, and in all situations including armed conflict and civil strife.

The International Bill of Human Rights, Articles 3, 10 and 12 are also relevant, as these articles make clear that there is no justification for monitoring or researching individuals without express consent.

Also note the Declaration of the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind reads in part (article two): "All states shall take appropriate measures to prevent the use of scientific and technological developments, particularly state organs, to limit or interfere with the enjoyment of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants of Human Rights and other relevant international instruments." This was written by Dr. Microwski chairman of the Planetary Association of Clean Energy about documented bio-telemetry experimentation in Sweden: "Our network of scientists has been preoccupied for many years with the transgression of mental well-being through scientific and technological developments in a number of nations. We consider that above documented cases are also a serious transgression, especially in the light of the relative democracy and high moral standards of your nation, which serve, on the world scene, as examples for other nations to follow. Hence we hope that remedial actions will be considered by your government for the above mentioned cases while appropriate actions can be undertaken to ensure compliance with International Human Rights instruments by all state organs in the future. The individuals who suffer the consequences have their rights, rights enshrined in adequate international legal instruments."

I feel that all the victims of this group mailing have a right to your full attention in this matter since none of us have been able to use the justice system in our country with any success, and the records show that decades of cruel and inhumane treatment have been ongoing, victimizing a large group of law-abiding citizens of a free democratic society. Justice must be served and the hypocrisy and secrecy of the perpetrators uncovered. Certainly we the victims are at a considerable handicap to fight this atrocity on our own in this unthinkable breach of justice. We are discredited by professionals that could assist us, we are severely handicapped by electromagnetic computer sabotage, we are harassed by others who are manipulated by our "controllers", we are psychically destroyed by their knowledge and use of Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory, as well as the horrific emotional and mental pain inflicted by Electrical Stimulation of the Brain.We are unable to win any legal case enforcing our most basic human rights protected by our government's legal statutes and it's Constitutional Rights. We plead for your advocacy in fighting this crime on the international level by our rights protected by the United Nations as outlined on the preceding page.

Thank you for your prompt consideration of this most important matter. Every day is a long, paintul experience to the victims of this technologies abuse. If emergency status can be granted to this life-threatening problem I request that it be done immediately.

Very Sincerely,

Sharon Shea

(original signed)

Call For Others to Write the Secretary General

To:  Ed Light

I received confirmation that the Secretary-General received my certified package but as yet have not received any response by letter. You might invite any and all victims to address the Seretary-General's office with evidence of having been ignored or sabotaged by the U.S. legal system and other government branches (legal case attempts would be most convincing) citing the International Covenant, The International Bill of Human Rights and the other International Legal Instuments listed in my letter (page 5). I have a strong feeling that something is happening there now as a result of the "group mailing". Let's enlist all the help we can get.


Secretary General Boutros Boutros Gahli
United Nations
United Nations Center
New York, New York 10017

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