by Ruth Goodman

Hi, I'm glad you are interested in fighting, and not being just a victim. THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST THESE PEOPLE IS THE TRUTH AND WISDOM!!!  Any wisdom you can read will help you. I recommend a book called "Your Sacred Self" by Wayne Dyer... the readings alone, when they hear these truths, make them upset. Also the "Conversations with God" series by Neale Donald Walshe is excellent wisdom if you are willing to keep an open mind. The Tao is also good and anything by Yogananda ("Where there is Light" is a good one... "Darkness cannot exist where there is light").

The first bit of advice I must give you is that you must BE CAREFUL of what YOU believe is true. What we "believe" often keeps us from LEARNING the reality. Especially when we use what we believe to see the world in the way we THINK it is, instead of gaining true knowledge. Beliefs and thoughts always change with new information if we are willing to learn and grow. KNOWLEDGE stays true.

"The most perfect barrier to learning is believing you already KNOW something."  This is wisdom. So the best advise I can give you is to beware of what you already believe. It could be exactly what they want you to believe. CHECK your beliefs against other beliefs that differ, and really THINK. Consider changing your mind about certain things like whether or not your emotions can control you, and fear. Do not just observe examples and say to yourself "see? I'm right about what I believe, there's an example" because there are MILLIONS of examples of the OPPOSITE of what you believe going on elsewhere also where you don't see. For example... if you are religious you might believe certain things about "the end of the world" ... which was written and taught by churches to scare and put the fear of God/Satan into people so that these churches could CONTROL people. It is not true, nor is it wisdom to believe such things. These stories even in the Bible (written by men who wanted to control people) are lies. Pure and simple. Release your need to believe what you were TOLD or what you've previously believed about yourself and about God.

I am a very Godly person, and this is what has been my strength to make them crazy and incompetent. They are having trouble now on a daily basis because I live the TRUTH. But religion is something that is famous for HIDING the truth of God from people so that they need to go to the church to get it. Or to a book that was written to make people "believe" things that cannot be proven. This makes people targets for lies.  Other philosophies that involve the spirit of God say NOTHING about any such stories and lies, and BILLIONS of people do NOT believe such stuff. Christian philosophy in particular (especially Catholic) is filled with lies.  The WISDOM of God is contained in ALL religions, and much of the wisdom is NOT contained in those religions.  I am not bashing these religions, simply telling the truth. Not everything we are TAUGHT is true. I was taught in school that the Indians in North America were savages that needed to be killed. I believed for a long time that Indians were the BAD guys. This is an example of how we are trained sometimes to believe lies so that those who TEACH us can control our thoughts. I was also taught through my Christian education in church that God judges us, and picks and chooses those who he thinks are "good enough" for heaven. This is also a lie. We are ALL capable of having the spirit of God (through our own spirits made in his image to create) and that power. The same power that Jesus had is also available to us all. I was not taught this in church. I was taught that Jesus was "special" and that his power is NOT possible for us to all have. Another lie.

THE TRUTH IS GOD IS WITHIN YOU. Always has been, always will be. If we choose to know this, his power is ours. If YOU choose to KNOW this, that power is YOURS. God within us (not outside of us in the sky) provides us with the inner wisdom for love, courage, strength and peace. Never doubt that. And never believe that you don't have access to that power always. In ALL WAYS. It is there inside of you, waiting for you to notice and use that power. If you doubt this, and believe in "stories" that religions tell you, these people have won half the battle of making you afraid. You do not have to let their lies scare you into believing they are fullfilling satan's lies, or that satan has power over the earth. This is rubbish. Total lies. ONLY PEOPLE HAVE POWER IN THE WORLD. ALL EVIL COMES FROM STUPID IGNORANCE AND PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE LIES. NOT FROM SATAN. STUPID PEOPLE ALWAYS MAKE THEMSELVES KNOWN, AND END UP FALLING. EVIL GOVERNMENTS FAIL EVERY TIME! DO NOT DOUBT THIS!!! IT MAY TAKE  YEARS SOMETIMES (in most cases it takes generations for the evil to build) FOR THE PEOPLE TO FIGHT, BUT ALWAYS WE MOVE FORWARD AND EVOLVE TO BE BETTER HUMANS.  IN ALL WAYS.

RELIGIONS operate on your FEAR... GOD is LOVE AND COURAGE. With God all things are possible. Religion teaches us we are limited by rules and our "sins".  These again are lies. Do not doubt your divinity, and your ability to become as wise as any other prophet, wise man, or even have for yourself the wisdom and power that Jesus (himself a mere human) had. Jesus said "all these things and more you can do also" and "have I not said ye are Gods?" the difference between him and us was he had KNOWLEDGE AND FAITH... faith is not belief... faith is KNOWING. If you CHOOSE to know something you can THEN experience that truth. You cannot look to experience something you do not yet know.

So know that with YOU all things are possible. If you say to yourself, "but that's not true because I cannot flap my arms and fly," you are missing the point and doubting the truth. Instead you must SEE the wisdom that you must GROW INTO your knowing before having the power to "levitate" which takes more faith than most people have. That doesn't mean that many MASTERS over the ages haven't been able to levitate. They have. The need to DISPLAY power, however is not wisdom. So we do not often HEAR of these masters of faith. Showing off power is not something masters do for the public.  Even Jesus did not do unless it was to TEACH faith. He most often SPOKE of his wisdom. The miracles that he performed are also done today, but hidden from our knowledge. When a woman picks up a truck by herself with the faith of God to save her child from underneath... or a healer "cures" a disease... we are not told these are miracles of God. But of course, they are. Church and religion and a lot of things in the Bible teach that we are SEPARATE from God and cannot have that power. This was put in there to strenghen RELIGION, not to give people the truth of God.

In God's plan there are struggles we must go through as peoples in order to always GROW AND LEARN. That's what this is about, so never fear that they will destroy all the good people. They will destroy themselves, like all evil has done through the ages. And they will help US grow as the result. And the world will move on WITHOUT THEM. They will not win, they will make a mess, and drown themselves in their own mess.  When the truth comes to light, they will scatter, run, hide and deny (the same as the Gestapo soldiers did when Hitler lost world war 2).

If there wasn't evil in the world, we good people would never learn and grow and become BETTER, STRONGER humans. This is God's plan. With wisdom, you can see this clearly. But remember... believing things is not wisdom. KNOWING is wisdom. That knowing will come directly from God in your heart if you are open to truth. And never fear. Never ever have fear. Fear is like saying you don't believe God is with you. He/She is always within you and that power is yours if you CHOOSE to know it's there. Do not fear even death. If you are threatened with death, say "I am more than my body and killing me will not destroy me" because that is the TRUTH. Your life here is temporary, and fearing death is a lie. We will ALL die. Nobody escapes death. Allowing fear to control you is like being dead anyway, so it's better not to fear anything as long as you are alive.

It would still help to find out what kinds of things you are being "told" before you can counter their lies with enough truth to drive them to the level of insanity I have gotten them to. If you do not know or believe the truth yourself, you are more easily targeted and goaded into believing THEIR lies. You must be wary of your OWN beliefs... this is where they can get you.  They often try to tell me "we control everybody" and I am able to see how stupid this lie is, instead of fearing it's true... they don't control ME. And there are MANY MANY people as wise and courageous as me. I didn't come by my wisdom on my own, I read a LOT of books and practiced truth. The books I read are read by MILLIONS... the truth is out there, and the REAL powerful people are those of us who live in truth, not hide with lies. They cannot POSSIBLY control even 1/4 of the people, because there are not enough of them to KEEP that control. If they try, it will all fall apart on them. That is the truth.

Check your current beliefs, and discard them. For example...what do you believe about the world? What you've been taught in school?  Do you BELIEVE that governments are always evil, and that they are always "in control" of the people? You must realize that if that were true, we would still be slaves... we would still live as serfs, there would be torture in the streets in ALL countries all the time. The government would not have to HIDE their evil actions.

The world evolves ABOVE AND BEYOND the evil governments. THEY believe evil governments always RULE... and they want US to believe it. The TRUTH is, throughout history, evil governments have ALWAYS FALLEN. We've conquered them ALL. They screw themselves right OUT of power. They do this by creating situations that good people will NOT stand for... and the good people of the world have always risen ABOVE the oppression created by evil empires. Bastille Day, D-Day, The Confederacy (they burned their own plantations down with their evil), the fall of the Roman empire, even Moses leading his people out of babylon and the crucifixion of Jesus destroyed the evil governments who had oppressed people. There are MANY other examples through history. Knowing this reality shows us the future of THIS evil government.

Please read your history. This helps a lot to read about evil governments and how they have wound up losing their power. It also drives these people crazy because they think their power is because they have evil government friends. That is actually, in truth, their weakness. THE TRUTH DRIVES THEM CRAZY. They will screw themselves by trying to create situations through evil that people will RISE ABOVE. When we rise above without fear, the solutions to their demise become apparent. Not to mention they help us by themselves being ignorant (ignoring wisdom) and fearful (in truth, they hide because they LIVE IN FEAR not courage), and mostly screw themselves by their own actions and incompetence to keep up their charades. They get desperate, and make stupid mistakes. They waste energy covering for their mistakes, and then forget to watch their backs. This leaves openings for change. We merely must wait. It will happen. They will fall. The world will be a better place afterward, just as it is after every fall of evil empires. People grow and become WISER from the experience of having dealt with evil rulers.

Now, they are hiding their actions from the world, but their asses are hanging out. THE PEOPLE SEE THEM AND THOSE OF US WITH WISDOM KNOW WE WILL WIN IN THE END. We do not fall for their lies that there will be some "apocolypse" Hitler thought HE would control the world and cause the apocolypse . Did he win? Although it seems like he killed many, it was merely a lot. The world population survives even major haulocosts such as Hitler's. The African population has survived its haulocost (over 25 million Africans were killed by English and Dutch evil) and the American Native Indian population has survived its haulocost (millions of them were also killed). People will live on, regardless of how much DAMAGE the evil ones cause. Also in Russia, for generations the people were oppressed, only for the government's evil structure to eventually fail. Remember these truths. But change is slow. So just because the change isn't completed at once, do not forget to see the UPWARD progress away from evil.

We can overcome them. But it will take "time" so patience is necessary. Sometimes it takes 5 years... sometimes 20. But we must remember we allowed them to take generations building their empire while we didn't worry about them. Patience is important, because without patience you give up the truth by allowing worry and frustration... then you end up doubting. Peace is your security. With patience comes peace of mind. The more peaceful your mind, the more they will be driven crazy. The more courage you have, the more they will FEAR YOU.

Send me some info on yourself and I'll try to be more specific in helping you to create fear in your attackers, and immobilize them. The truth is really all you need, but you must LIVE the truth before you can show it to others. This may require that you take inventory of your personal beliefs, challenging them, and also FILL YOURSELF WITH LOVE OF LIFE. It's important that you spend each day aware that YOU ARE ALL YOU NEED (they need each other's support... they cannot stand alone. With TRUTH YOU CAN STAND ALONE... All One)

Your power comes from within, not from outside of you. Remember that and do not allow them to frustrate you. Frustration is the opposite of patience... patience has the power to allow answers to come to you. The more patient and peaceful you are... the more you will see solutions for how to make the truth shine to them. The answers then become more apparent, and solutions available. The possibilties for your personal power are endless... so never feel helpless because you never are unless you create a belief within yourself that you are. Do not doubt your self. Your spirit is more powerful than 1,000 evil people (who totally LACK the power of the spirit). You are MORE POWERFUL than ANYTHING that attacks you... as long as you KNOW this. You are more powerful than any fear, so fear is only an illusion. I read that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. This is so so true. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear is their controlling factor. They can control your emotions and then your mind and then your actions if you allow FEAR to get to you. If you start to feel fear, remind yourself that it is not real. It's a trick of the mind to get you to feel doubt. When you do not doubt, there is no possibility for fear. Your life is worth more than what you fear.

The most obvious truth is that they cannot even control themselves. They have no heart... which means their hearts are not in what they are doing. They believe lies, which means they are not operating on good information... but on fairytales. One of which is that they can control the world. Like I said, they have enough trouble controlling themselves and covering their lies. It's almost funny if it wasn't sad. I think of them as victims of what their parents have done to them... convincing them that being WEAK and IGNORANT makes them superior. And they are the weakest people I have ever come into contact with. They LIVE IN FEAR... but they are ARROGANT. Imagine... being terrified and covering it up with false bravado rather than REAL love and courage to live the truth. They hate themselves, and they hate their lives... but they cover this with more lies and pretend to be happy being evil. Pretending that everything is "beautiful" when they feel that absolute shit inside, fear, suppressed guilt, and remorse... not to mention DOUBT because they know deep down that what they do is UNwise.

They are unable to resolve themselves... so the only thing they can do is look OUTWARD to feel any sense of power. This gets them nowhere except always seeking to make others see them as powerful, or gathering together in groups to reinforce their "we're powerful because there are many of us" feelings. They get their strength not from within, but from trying to intimidate others, and they are never satisfied with how this makes them feel. They each feel weak themselves... they know they are weak... yet they are "afraid" to admit to themselves their weaknesses. Never give in to their lies about how powerful they are. They have no power. They only have "illusions" that hurting people MAKES them powerful. And that because they have friends, they are powerful. They may say "evil is EVERYWHERE!" and this makes them feel okay. But then I say "spiritual people are EVERYWHERE... God is EVERYWHERE" and again they are weakened by the truth. I also say "The TRUTH is EVERYWHERE!" ans this makes them crazy.  Always tell them they are WEAK. "IF YOU'RE SO POWERFUL, WHY DO YOU HIDE? WHERE'S YOUR REAL POWER? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DENY BEING EVIL IF EVIL IS REALLY SO POWERFUL?" questions like that leave them crazy and upset. If they mention the "government" remind them that the "government" is a bunch of REGULAR people... and if they are criminals, their crimes WILL catch up with them. Hiter, Nixon, Idi Amin... many many examples to draw from. Would anybody NOW be willing to admit they get their power from being friends with Hitler? NOPE! The same will be true in the future for these people.

Remember, the truth shall make you free. No amount of lies can remove the truth from existence. And the TRUTH is that they are fumbling the ball... but will stay on their runaway train until they have destroyed their own lives. They are scrambling to keep up with their own actions... to hide. When the shit hits the fan, and the truth comes to the surface, they will scatter like roaches when you turn the lights on.

The truth is, change is the only constant in life. And things, for them, are changing out of their control. Their response is to try harder to TAKE control and cause more damage to make themselves feel powerful. Remember, they believe that hurting people gives them power (how stupid!) and they will hurt more and more people in order to fill their desperation that they are LOSING to the spiritual truth. They cannot control themselves... so they are on a slippery slope. They believe their own lies so they are screwing themselves.

These are important things to remember... they live in FEAR... love is the antidote to fear. You must love yourself enough to WANT WHAT IS RIGHT MORE than you want to be afraid of what's wrong. If you love life, fear is not an option.

"give me liberty or give me death"

Please write some of your story, some of the things they say, and I can have a better idea how to get them "rolling" for you. They are having daily panic attacks in my head, and can only repeat over and over "the denial game is everything the denial game is everything" and also they panic and scream "you're making us THINK!!" and "you're waking people up!!!" They then torture the person who woke up until they are brainwashed again to repeat the lies. They also lie to themselves and say "the denial game is permanent." and "there's NOTHING I can do!" but the truth is, they are lying to themselves believing they are helpless to change, because they are AFRAID to admit they are evil in the first place. They are afraid the guilt would be too horrible to face, so they make EVERY excuse not to face their own stupitidy. Even pretending they CAN'T change. Even pretending what they are doing is not in reality. They say "it's only a DREAM world" or "it's a separate reality" as excuses not to face the truth or change for the better. They feel they would rather kill themselves or destroy themselves than make their lives better. But they are too wimpy to kill themselves, so they keep doing evil, and pretending they are not. But they know they are. Sounds weird, eh? They are stupid people, afraid to THINK. Of course, anything goes when their brains are completely EMPTY.

They act as though "waking up" to the truth is the most terrible thing that could ever happen to them. They are conditioned to be AFRAID to THINK! BRAINWASHED to believe lies so they will act evil because they are afraid not to.

How much of an advantage do you think that gives us? It gives us EVERY ADVANTAGE! THEY ARE AFRAID TO THINK!!!! If they cannot think, how will they solve the problems that WE cause them... WE are INTELLIGENT AND WISE not ignorant. We are PATIENT, not desperate. We can proudly share our truths... they have to hide and deny theirs. This wastes their energy while we conserve our energy for the fight. They waste a lot of energy convincing themselves they can win, they are powerful, they can get control, etc. All the while, they are losing control and ignoring this.

"The harder the battle, the sweeter God's victory"

God is not in the sky, he's not anywhere but everywhere. That includes INSIDE OF YOU. Access the wisdom and love of God that is ALREADY INSIDE your heart, and you will see the truth, and have the strength. You must know that it is there... get quiet, feel the love inside your heart and know the truth. Then don't be afraid to LIVE it. Share your truth with others. Make sure you are not afraid of what they think of you because you share the truth. What others think will not make you more or less powerful. But sharing your truth does. No matter how it is received by others.

The nature of their "mental torture" in your head is important. Are you experiencing voices taunting you? Trying to intimidate you and affect your self-esteem? Telling lies about people you meet? Telling you things that make you worry about your safety? Or are they doing other things to you?

These are mere people. They are really no different than you or I, except THEY have been brainwashed to believe that being "evil" gives them power. What I have done is countered their brainwashing, and made it hard for them to even survive still being evil. They are wasting too much energy trying to STAY brainwashed. Many times they say "I don't WANT to be evil anymore!" but they cannot help themselves as they believe they have no choice. They believe they CANNOT change. They are brainwashed to believe this. It's not in their hearts to destroy the earth or they would have pushed the button years ago. They are just running around making noise and causing damage. Damage that we will repair when they have destroyed themselves. So don't worry about the damage. Don't ever worry.

The truth is a POWERFUL weapon. But in order to use it, you first have to be able to KNOW and LIVE it. Your example alone will show them that they are weak. I can teach you some more wisdom and knowledge that will give you the tools to overpower them if what you have read here interests and helps you. They may not go away, but their affect on you will be little or none. I have found I am able to be happy, and still be me, and at the same time, make THEIR lives miserable.  They constantly call me "troublemaker" and my response is "if you feel trouble inside you, it is because of what YOU are DOING." and this makes them upset. They do not like to look at what they do as the cause of their own trouble. But you reap what you sow. They hate hearing that too so they ignore it.

What goes around, comes around. They are trying to drive you crazy. With the truth, they will be driven crazy instead. It's worked for me.

In the meantime... LOVE YOURSELF!!! Be confident. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HIDE BUT THEY DO! And you are not doing things that will "come back around" to you and destroy YOUR life. That knowledge alone is comfort. BE yourself, love who you are, and don't allow their mental "noises" to take you away from doing the things you LOVE. All they are, when it comes down to it, is silly noisemakers without brains.

The sad thing about these people is they have to believe their own lies. If they are PROVEN wrong, then they have to create new lies to cover why their lies didn't work. Or they simply pretend to forget the truth exists and go back to the same lies. Basically, they are people who have been controlled by a demon in their minds since they were small children. Or have been taken over by fear of pain. Anyone who fears pain is a "wimp" and you are not a wimp. They believe that what is in their minds has total control of them. They have never grown. The concept of controlling their own emotions and their own thoughts is out of the question for them. In fact, they have been conditioned to be afraid to think for themselves. They have no access to intelligence, and ignore it in favor of really stupid lies in their heads. They allow these lies to control them. It makes them weak... the more they hear the truth the weaker they get.

For those of us who live in truth, we know that what is in our minds does not control us, we can control what is in our minds. We can reverse a thought if we don't like it. They feel they have "no choice" what they think or feel. This is another weakness of theirs.

I hear them often scream in a panic "YOU'RE MAKING US THINK!!!! YOU'RE BREAKING US UP!!!" They actually believe that if they control their own thoughts, they will be tortured severely. And they are wimps, afraid of a little pain. And when one of them does begin to think, the others there torture him. They have had to bring MORE people into my head to keep each other under control. It started with only 3 of them, now it's at least 6 or more a day. They are WASTING resources just to keep each other evil! WOO HOO! What a great sign for the future!

They have begun to repeat over and over "the denial game is everything, the denial game is beautiful" and are unable to stop doing this or they might "think" They are using all their power just to keep from thinking, so they have none left over to DO anything at all. We can spread this so that MORE of them have to waste their energy and minds NOT doing evil, but keeping each other stupid. The more energy they waste controlling each other, the less they have to cover their tails. They will be exposed.

These people still believe, however (because they HAVE to believe their lies, they feel they have no "choice") that they can take over the world with mind control. The demon wants them to screw themselves. That's what demons do to people they control... they destroy them from the inside while getting them to cause damage to as many people as possible... but in the end, it only causes those of us who are NOT controlled by demons to RISE ABOVE... it makes US STRONGER. And we CONQUER them. They are weakened by the truth, even though they are not allowed to believe the truth. It scares them silly because they must hang on to their lies even when their lies are proven wrong. Think of a criminal on the witness stand with all the evidence against him, including witnesses... and STILL he says "I didn't do it" They REFUSE to accept the truth or reality. Even when it is smacking them in the face. Thus their sentence is worse for their denial. Their inability to surrender and do something WISE once in awhile, will be their downfall.

Their belief that they CAN control the world with mind control has been backfiring on them. But they ignore that it is going to cause them a huge scandal and they will lose the war they try to fight to keep their power. (remember the civil war... the slaveholders KNEW the world was against slavery, and they KNEW they didn't have the resources to fight the world... but still they wouldn't give up so they went to a war they COULDN'T WIN. They WILL fight losing battles. But they WILL lose. The south lost their plantations due to their stupidity. They lost many many lives fighting to keep slaves, and still lost. This is the stubborn ignorance of evil. They never surrender, they only destroy themselves).

These people seem to be able to control SOME people by torturing them. I was tortured in a jail cell for 3 days, but I didn't fear death. I wouldn't give up myself. I fought the pain by saying "I will NOT let you control me, I need my intelligence, I will NOT be ignorant for anyone!" and things like that. Sure it was painful, but now I do not feel that pain, it's in the past. And it was WORTH IT to be free. I believe it's those who have no sense of "self" or who are easily goaded into fear who they are able to get control of. What we fear controls us... when we do not fear, we CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY FEAR. Also if people doubt the truth of the power of the people, they can be made to believe the government will win. But they are losing and finding that there are MANY of us who are too sure of our inner selves to allow what's in our minds to control us. WE CONTROL OUR MINDS... what's in our minds doesn't control us. That is our strength. The concept to them is foreign because they allow every thought that pops into their heads to completely take over their beings. Including ignoring the fact that they will lose. They keep on fighting a losing battle. To them, surrender due to the obvious fact that they cannot win is still not an option. They'd rather destroy themselves than give in. They have to lie to themselves and PRETEND they can win in order to do this.


Because they are being proven wrong by those of us who know truth, and cannot be scared into believing bullshit (especially religious bullshit about armagedon, and anti-christ and that shit the demon had the bible edited to say) they have to step up the number of lies they tell THEMSELVES in order to keep going. They will not stop, it will be a mess, but those of us who want to rise up to a higher level of consciousness WILL SAVE THE WORLD from this. Their lies of taking control of everyone won't happen. Three reasons... 1) we have it in our HEARTS to love life and WANT to rise above... their hearts aren't even in what they are doing
2) we have TRUTH on our sides... wisdom as well as intelligence and self-control (this includes the knowledge that fear is our enemy, so we can't be scared into being slaves)
 3) they have to HIDE what they do, they are afraid of the reality that they are losing... this makes them act even more desperate, waste more energy on their hiding, and they will make MORE MISTAKES this way.

Thanks for reading this far, I know I repeated myself some but it's good for them to hear these things, and for you to learn them. Please write me back if there's anything specific that I can help you with in the things they are saying to YOU.

Much Love, Truth and Courage to you -Ruthie

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