Steve Tueting

Letter to US Senators
Re: S.193

Human Research Subject
Protections Act of 1997

October 1997

Psychotronics victim Steve Tueting wrote your editor that he needs input on his draft of a letter to US senators asking them to back Senator John Glenn's Human Research Subject Protections Act of 1997, S.193.

Please review it and send him your thoughts at

Here's a link to the text of the bill with links to more comments.

From Steve Teuting:

I am dying to send this letter off to the Senators. Unfortunately I don't want the wording to appear to strong or caustic and thereby detract from the cause.

This whole subject has an obsessive interest with me because it has cost me so much and I am compelled to make a difference. Unfortunately I have only recently joined the fight as I was trying to run from it without the tools to begin to fight. After ten years I realize I can do nothing else, however, I need to learn as much as I can to make a valid and targeted impact.

October 5, 1997

RE: Human Research Subject Protection Act of 1977.

Dear ________

I am writing to you in adamant support of your proposed legislation, Bill S.193, The Human Research Subject Protection Act of 1977. I understand that this legislation will come to a vote this year and I strongly urge you and your associates to vote for passage of the bill.

I have been remotely irritated through technologies which I do not yet fully understand but research materials and discussions by others whom I am in contact with worldwide have helped me (us) to pinpoint sources. From our discussions the sources of the irritations are either electromagnetic or sonic, generated as yet by unknown parties. These irritations are manifested in the forms of physical and mental discomfort and can include: Extreme joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, mild to extreme anxiety, periodic sleep deprivation, depression, complacency, ambivalence and sexual arousal or impotence, among many others induced symptoms. This has, for me, been accompanied by constant conversation, mostly demeaning with incessant abusive profane language since its inception in October of 1994, however, in recent months has eased, particularly since I have taken remedial measures.

Through contacts made on the Internet I have identified a number of brave souls who have had similar experiences and are fighting the abuse of this technology both in the United States and other countries. Our mutual experiences indicate at least indifference and perhaps malice on the part of the medical community resulting in incorrect diagnosis of paranoia and the ever convenient, schizophrenia. I (we) realize that medical science cannot alter events beyond their control and that under most circumstances probabilities of this scenario are nil. The events that we have been experiencing are common to many people and are definitely induced and man made.

Void of all charges or allegations, to any party of wrong doing, I implore you to work with ultimate efficiency to pass legislation to ban the use of electromagnetic and sonic technologies for experimental or legal sanction unless otherwise demanded for reasons of national security for use on American Citizens. I offer to volunteer whatever services I can provide to assist you in the ultimate success of passage of Bill S.193.

If you need additional information regarding information contained in this letter or any request to aid in the passage of this bill please do contact me at the address above or on my phone, or over the Internet at


Stephen A. Tueting

Mind Control Forum


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