Letter 1 to BMA

Appeal for Funds

MCF UK Home page

From David Mitchell   dmitchell16@email.msn.com

This is an urgent financial appeal, on behalf of Tracey and Joe. Her situation has considerably worsened. She needs urgent medical help.

I need assistance with funds. I also need a scanner. I need to get Tracey's medical evidence copied and sent to sources abroad for analysis. I need to raise approximately £300, approx $550 US.

The MRI scans have to be copied, using specialist equipment which makes it expensive. Normal equipment will not pick up the images.

The funds can be sent by whatever channels, and whatever currency makes it easier. I will sort out any problems this end.

Many thanks for reading this. My best wishes to you all.

Any donations requiring my postal address or UK bank details can request these by E-mail. I will send the details by return. Many Thanks.

MCF UK Home Page