Vicki from Michigan

Documentation of My Experiences
with Mind Control Research


Short Summary
An Overview of My Experience
What this Technology Is Capable of
Their Manipulative Techniques

Short Summary

Victim: Vicki from Detroit Michigan

In 1996 I began being harassed by researchers who made me think my home, office and automobile were "bugged" with two way communication devices (I could hear them & they could hear me). I later was told that I was being "spoken" to through transmitters located in my brain and also began to realize that the researchers could alter my moods, input feelings and cause physical effects such as a muscle twitches. So starts my bizarre account of my life and dealing with clandestine researchers who will stop at nothing to test their latest micro telemetry technology.


An Overview of My Experience

In 1992 I began to often found myself surrounded by a larger than normal number of a certain type of vehicle and older people. Through these manipulative techniques of my environment I began to believe that I had been chosen to be part of a special program by the company that I had worked for and that I was to move up the company ladder to a prominent position. The old people were supposedly company retirees shadowing me and supporting me as I took time off of work to spend time with my infant children and obtain my Masters in Engineering. Obviously once I was trained to look at and for the vehicles and the older people my own perception may have became distorted. None of it really mattered at the time anyway. Fact or fiction this part of my harassment is minimal compared with what was to follow.

In May of 1996, I began to feel like I was being watched through a camera and bugged with two way radios in various places. At first I only heard the voices occasionally and they were only talking among themselves. The bugging intensified over the course of the summer and by October of 1996 the researchers with their voice transmissions were either talking at me or with me constantly. At this time I was deprived of sleep and made to shake as if I were having anxiety attacks. I thought this was self inflicted by my own mind due to the stress of dealing with the "voices" and the frightening things that they were saying to me. I was later shown that these effects were and can easily at any time by imposed by the researches and their equipment.

I was forced to quit my job at this time or be fired. My concentration was shot and I had been missing work frequently. In December the researchers techniques changed a little and I was told that I was going through "CEO Training". Unbelievable, yes, but so was the fact that someone was talking to me through two way radios where ever I went. I went along with the scheme, I had no choice. I was made to write a "CEO manual" and forced to lay in bed at night playing "mind games". I was also forced to sit on the couch for hours listening to them lecture my about my past mistakes and certain events of my life. I told no one of these things as I knew I would be deemed mentally ill and my children would be taken from me. I am a mother of two beautiful boys of whom I had held joint custody along with my ex-husband.

Things changed when I went back to work in March of 1997 and the harassment seemed to somewhat settle into a sick way of life for me. I was allowed more sleep, but my moods began to be altered cyclically.

In July of 1997 I was made to quit another job. Also, though, I found the Mind Control Forum web page and realized that I was not alone in my trauma. Unfortunately at this time my ex-husband found out about my claim by reading some papers I had left on my table. Stupidly, I thought I could make him believe. Instead he started talking about wanting sole custody of our children due to my "mental Illness". My losing another job in September resulted in my temporarily and probably permanently losing custody of my two little boys. I currently have a court order not allowing me to see my children for three weeks. I am now a mother without children, homeless and jobless.


What this Technology Is Capable of

The researchers can suppress any physical sensation or emotion that is created or felt by my body and can create any physical sensation or emotion. They input feelings such as ear pain, temple pain, tooth pain, mood swings and compulsive eating. During one experience I could not stop eating for an entire day. The next day my habits were back to normal. Also I have had two doctors tell me that I have swollen glands in my neck and that my throat is red. I feel fine. If they didn't allow it, you would never know if you were sick except for the physical signs. Very scary.

The researchers can cause physical reactions such as making my eyes twitch, my muscles spasm and twitch, making me physically shake or can give me "heart beat" pulses in my head. The latter is hard for me to write, as I believe that you could deduce that they must have control over the beating of the heart.

The researchers control the victim's memory. Once I looked at a baby picture of my sons that I see almost daily. I had no recollection as to who the baby was.


Their Manipulative Techniques

Sleep deprivation is used to reinforce that they are in control and also to get me to do something that I did not want to do. In September of 1997, when I voluntarily went on "mental" medication to prove to my parents that the voices would not go away, I was allowed only 2 hours sleep for 3 nights and awful frightening feelings during the night and during a couple of 1 hour naps that I was allowed. Needless to say, I quit taking the medications. My parents are/were incredibly upset.

Short bursts of pain are given to emphasize that what they mean is what is said just after the pain is given. This is usually tooth pain or ear pain. This technique is used since they are constantly talking at me, usually with meaningless nonsense.

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